Introducing Social Software Wiki

Andrew Boon posted 19th of May 2015 in News. 5 comments.

Today we are launching Social Software Wiki - community-edited repository of documentation, tips, answers, reviews and comparisons of various social software products. It's not just for DolphinPro - it's for any popular social software product. 


Software vendors generally have their own documentation, but we believe that bringing together docs for different products, all in unified format, would greatly help web-masters that have to work with more than just one platform. Moreover, vendors are biased, so their sites would normally not show certain "unrecommended" tips, less-than-favourable reviews or objective feedback. So, we're launching this wiki-based collaborative repository that will include alternative documentation, reviews, tips, faqs and comparisons. 


Anyone can add and edit content, participate in structuring the wiki and generally share what they know about social software products. BoonEx will be maintaining the site, striving for allowing full editorial independence.


We have added a few example products and some info on DolphinPro to get it started. You are now very welcome to contribute to building a comprehensive documentation repository of social software information. It is important to understand that must not be an aggregator of existing documentation available at websites of software vendors. Entries must be written with full respect to copyright laws and with references to sources of any quoted content. Whenever possible unique content must be added. 


In our experience it may be incredibly labor-intensive for software vendors to maintain a regularly updated documentation base. Meanwhile, a lot of helpful information is shared by software users via online forums, PMs, chats, as video tutorials, etc. This information is scattered and quickly becomes outdated. Community wiki like SocialSoftwareWiki can fix that and work as a universal "box with manuals" for social software operators. 


Get involved! Go to and start adding what you know!

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Nathan Paton
A welcomed addition. I've started work on MediaServerInstallation, since it was non-existent at the time:
Andrew Boon
Great! Thank you for participating! By the way, we've also started putting together a comparison between Dolphin and Trident - . Your input would be great, since we'd like to make this comparison more about webmaster experience, not just a BoonEx declaration of intended differences.
Nathan Paton
I'll see if I can add something. I wrote all that up on a free day, and still need to finish the troubleshooting bits (anybody is free to edit it, it's a wiki after all).
Thank you Nathan, I've contributed to the troubleshooting section.
There has never been any proper documentation available on how to leverage most of Dolphin Pro's features. I hope this new wiki changes that.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.