oModule = $oModule; parent::BxDolPrivacy($oModule->_oDb->getPrefix() . 'main', 'id', 'author_id'); } /** * Check whethere viewer is a member of dynamic community. * * @param mixed $mixedCommunityId dynamic community ID. * @param integer $iObjectOwnerId object owner ID. * @param integer $iViewerId viewer ID. * @return boolean result of operation. */ function isDynamicGroupMember($mixedCommunityId, $iObjectOwnerId, $iViewerId, $iObjectId) { $aDataEntry = array ('id' => $iObjectId, 'author_id' => $iObjectOwnerId); if ('f' == $mixedCommunityId) // fans only return $this->oModule->isFan ($aDataEntry, $iViewerId, true); elseif ('a' == $mixedCommunityId) // admins only return $this->oModule->isEntryAdmin ($aDataEntry, $iViewerId); return false; } } PHP Fatal error: Class 'BxCommunityPrivacy' not found in /var/www/public_html/ on line 178