Create a list of possible values that can be used when creating profile fields.[[br]] We will create a simple Predefined Values list.[[br]][[br]] After clicking Predefined Values click on Create New[[br]] Give your new item a name eg. DolphinThoughts[[br]] Click the Green '''+''' icon[[br]] In the Value field type in Love It In the Lkey field type in _lv Click the '''+''' icon to create a new Value[[br]] For Value type in It's Ok[[br]] For Lkey type in _ok[[br]] Click Save[[br]][[br]] '''Using these values in a new profile field'''[[br]] Please refer to the [ Profile Fields] page to learn how to create profile fields.[[br]] While creating your new field, for the Type, choose Selector[[br]] In the Advanced section under Possible Values type in #!DolphinThoughts[[br]] In the Default Value field type in Love It, this will be set as the default choice.[[br]] Now the values you created will be populated automaticly in the drop down menu.