= Uploading to your Server = There are Three main ways to upload your Dolphin files to your server, we will only cover two here as the 3rd (ssh) is already covered in the geek speak installation guide [http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/DetailedInstall '''here'''] === Uploading via FTP === ==== Open Filezilla ==== On the top you'll see "Address" enter your '''domain.com''' (note no http or www)[[BR]] Next you'll see "User" enter your Cpanel '''username'''[[BR]] Next you'll see "password" enter your '''password'''[[BR]] Next you'll see "port" enter port '''21''' (standard with FTP, if connecting fails, check with your host if its the correct port) click Quick connect.[[BR]] Double click the folder next to public_html Here you have 2 choices depending on what Cpanel theme your hosts gave you. If you have Cpanel '''"x"''' theme, call your host and ask them to change it to Cpanel '''"x3"''' theme, it makes life so much easier for you from this point onwards.[[BR]] If your host won't change your theme to x3, find a better host, they are restricting you from so many cpanel features and forcing you to waste time. ==== Cpanel "x" theme ==== If you only have x theme you need to open the Dolphin unzipped folder so you see all of Dolphin's folders and files, then drag and drop every folder and file into the filezilla pane that is open on public_html ==== Cpanel "x3" theme ==== If you have Cpanel "x3" theme, drag and drop the Dolphin.zip file into the filezilla pane that is open on public_html. ==== Login to Cpanel ==== Click Mysql Databases, Create New Database, use no more than 7 letters (no symbols) for the database name then click Create Database. Add New User, again no more than 7 characters for the name, choose a strong password. if you find it hard to remember a strong password try using this formula "S@m@nth." = Samantha replace the last letter with a period "." capitalize the First letter, replace A's with @'s and E's with 3's, and O's with 0's. S@m@nth. with or without quotes scores 85% strong its my name but never use your own name. try "P3t3." with Quotes scores 95% strong = "peter" you do not need a mile long password to be strong, you need a formula to remember it by. "J0h." with quotes, John is a 4 letter name and scores 95% with my formula. Ann = "@n." a 3 letter common name and scores 75% strong. "M@." Max 3 letters 85% strong