How to install ffmpeg on centos 5

totallyfreak posted 4th of March 2008 in Community Voice. 8 comments.
Is there someone can tell me step by step an easy way to install all the video codec like ffmpeg on a linux server Cent os 5

i have a full root access on my vps... 

i try a lot of tutorial that i found on the web and it never work... i always got error from the server during the installation....

so please someone help me ;)

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Dolphin comes with it's own working ffmpeg version bundled ...
What might the error be ??
thats not answer to my question....
i use another script for one of my other website... and it need all the other video encoder
What was the error you got ??

And what were you actually trying to install ??

Red5 ? what ..

The most easy way to install ffmpeg in CentOS is with yum.
First of all, edit /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo and add those lines at bottm of file:
name=Dag RPM Repository for Centos

Then, run command:
yum install ffmpeg

Or, you can install from svn:

svn checkout svn:// ffmpeg

cd ffmpeg
./configure --help

add some parameters, like --enable-gpl, --enable-libmp3lame, etc..

make see more && make install

(if svn command not found, type yum install subversion)

Hope this help
"baseurl=$releasever/en/$basearch/dag" must be in one line!
I have been looking all over the Boonex site and have asked a question of their "presales" people with no answer...

Where is the source code for the ffmpeg.exe that is shipped with the Dolphin software? I'm running on a X86-64 under Linux 2.6 kernel and the supplied binary is a statically linked 2.4 kernel binary - "ray/modules/global/app/ffmpeg.exe: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.4.1, stripped" is what "file" see more says about it.

I'm also concerned about the install directive of setting this binary to "777" (which means it is world writeable as well as executable - a security no-no)

anybody know where I can get the source for the Boonex version of ffmpeg? It is "GPL" which means the source must be available somewhere.

from earlier post
"The most easy way to install ffmpeg in CentOS is with yum.
First of all, edit /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo and add those lines at bottm of file:
name=Dag RPM Repository for Centos

Then, run command:
yum install ffmpeg"

try this page for better results:

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