Some very general and basic tips from my journey so far :)

wowheaded posted 9th of October 2008 in Community Voice. 0 comments.

As I have posted before, I'm pretty new to using dolphin to compile a full website. Personally, my previous sites are entirely css/xhtml coded (by my fair hand I might say!), so working with a php based site and my own cms has been a real learning experience.


Anyway, I've learned a lot on this little journey so far. I've had a lot of problems and a fair few successes with the system. Thanks to utilizing some previous knowledge of my own, some help from the good folks here and some nice little tools, I now have 2 sites I'm pretty proud of.


Firstly, redesigning the site to fit my needs and colour schemes was pretty difficult. I tend to run between three browsers, IE, FF and Opera for numerous reasons and in doing that, I've sorted out a lot of little problems I've faced.


If you're looking to redesign the site, change images or alter hyperlink colours and are having problems finding out where to do what, I suggest downloading the Firebug widget for FireFox. This allows you to scroll over areas you're having problems finding (for example, where to change the image colours for top bars), and locate the files/images you need to alter. It shows the files and locations (line numbers) that need to be altered to get your site looking the way you want.


Also, I had a lot of issues primarilly in adding html to the blocks for my site, expecially when it comes to adding ads from Google. I tried in IE, but it would not save. I tried in FF, but hitting the HTML button to take you to the back end just ended up throwing up widget code rather than my being able to alter anything. I finally tired altering the code in Opera and it works fine.


Anyway, just a couple of tips there for other newbies who might be having issues in some shape or form. I've discovered a lot more as well, from playing around on my own and from some of the tutorial websites. Also, these blogs are great to get other help.



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