Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of DolphinTutorialMyFirstModule

Jan 29, 2010, 4:44:05 AM (14 years ago)



  • DolphinTutorialMyFirstModule

    v1 v2  
    110110Our custom template file. 
     113The location of each file is important, because there are some functions to plug-in to each file automatically. If the file is not located properly, it will not be possible to plug it in easily. 
     115The foregoing just gives you the basic view of the module's structure, and now you know where to find files to modify templates, or where all module's SQL queries are located. 
     117Now you need to install the module via the admin panel. Go to Dolphin admin panel -> Tools -> Modules. Scroll down to the '''Not Installed Modules''' block. It will show the '''Bloggie version 1.0.0 by Me''' module here if you uploaded all the files properly. Select it and click install. The module will be installed and you will see the '''Installation of: Bloggie Done''' message in the top block of this page. To test the module open the following page: 
     123or if Apache mod rewrite is not enabled, or you don't have the .htaccess file in the Dolphin root folder for some strange reason, you can try to open the following url: 
     129The only thing this module does is to display the following message: "For a community to be whole and healthy, it must be based on people's love and concern for each other". Not so much, but it is an example of a working result, shows that you don't have any bugs and your site cannot be hacked through this page. 
     131Now we will make some easy modifications to this page. 
     132But, before proceeding to any modifications, let's disable all template caches in the Dolphin admin panel -> Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Template. It will make life easier by saving some time for you - you don't need to clear the cache manually after each change. 
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