modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)

Admin Tools


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.7

Added: 17.11.14

Updated: 05.07.19

Category: Other

Tags: extensions, tools, administration, profile management, page management, moderation, filtering, modzzz

Demo:  username - dolphinmods,password - jbgjbg

Support Forum:

License: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified for other see more than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

This mod is a savior for Site Administrators as it provides a lot of features that makes it so much easier to manage various aspects of the site.

Below is a summary of the main functionalities included :

Advanced Profile Actions

Administration can now perform the following actions directly from the Profile page of a member :

a) Send Confirm Email
b) Make Administrator

Email Template Editor

This module provides a much better interface to allow the updating of the email templates than the built-in facility in the admin panel. You can edit the subject and content of all email templates. The content can be quickly updated for any language you currently have installed on the site.

Page Editor

There are some pages in Dolphin where the content is stored in language keys and it is cumbersome to update them.
This module allows you to edit the content of all of those pages in a smooth intuitive interface in the Admin panel. The content can be quickly updated for any language you currently have installed on the site. Both TinyMCE and HTML editors are available giving you the flexibility of updating in any way you wish.

The content of the following pages can be managed :
1) About Us
2) Advice
3) FAQ
4) Help
5) Privacy
6) Terms Of Use
7) Chat Rules (for sites utilizing the chat module)

Mail Messages

Interface allows the Administrator to see all Internal Mail Messages that are sent by members. It is possible to filter and see the sending history of a particular member or you can search messages by keyword or phrases.

Any unsuitable content can be deleted if desired. The administrator can also send a response to a member regarding a particular message that was sent.

There is also a message sending form that allows the administrator to contact any member from the Admin Panel.

Status Messages

Interface allows the Administrator to see all Status Messages of all members. It is possible to filter by a particular member or by keyword or phrases. Any unsuitable content can be deleted if desired.


Interface allows the Administrator to see all Profile Comments posted by members. It is possible to filter by a particular member or by keyword or phrases. Any unsuitable content can be deleted if desired.

Site Stats

Allows you to manage the items in the site stats block.

Create New, Edit or Remove site stat items.

Change the order of the site stats by easily dragging and dropping the items to rearrange their order.

Archive site stat items - this is a way to temporarily remove items from the block but keep them for possible reinstatement at a later date.

Site Map Entries

Allows you to manage the site map entries (edit/remove etc.).

Change the order of the site map by easily dragging and dropping the items to rearrange their order.

Archive site map entries - this is a way to temporarily remove entries but keep them for possible reinstatement at a later date.

Default Privacy Values

For Many Modules, there are defaults for various privacy options. Eg. For the Groups module, there is a privacy option for who can view comments and the default is set to "Me Only". The site administrator cannot change this without playing around with the database and this is frustrating for many persons. This module provides an interface that allows site administrators to set the default values for these privacy options. The interface allows you to select a particular module after which it lists the available privacy options. You can then choose the option you wish to update.

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
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Support Forum Feed
Please login to post a comment.
Excellent and works like a charm :) Used on

It's really nice tool.
However, in Email Templates, I can not see any content.
(My site has 2 languages, both of them don't have any content in email templates)

Please help.

This module makes life much easier to admin.
A module that should not lacking your site.
I advise.
Great work
Top Notch! forget the "free stuff" that never gets updated. Get this and count on the updates!!
Ability to Create admins & log in as members. perfect for site testing!!!
Fantastic, this module has many super useful tools to help you admin your website!
Very nice mod, that makes life much easier for the admin.
Easy to install and to use. Modzzz is giving very good support and I am very happy with the 8 modules I have bought so far from him.
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