modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)

Page Redirect


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.4

Added: 01.07.13

Updated: 18.01.20

Category: Other

Tags: extensions, redirect, modzzz, url redirect, page, splash page, splash

Demo:  username - dolphinmods,password - jbgjbg

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified see more for other than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

Page Redirect Module - This mod allows members to choose their own homepage. This is the page that they are redirected to upon signing in to the site. The site administrator can also configure a default homepage and a default exit page.


The administrator can create a default set of page links that members can choose from. (eg, Profile Page, Events Homepage, Photos Homepage etc.)

On the Member Account page, there is a block that allows members to choose their homepage from the selection list created by the Administrator

In the Edit Profile section, their is also a block that allows members to set their homepage link. You can choose to add this block to your Join page if you wish.


Administrator can set a page where members are redirected to when they login on their birthday.


Administrator can set a page where members are redirected to when they login on their profile anniversary (eg. if they login exactly one year after they register etc.).


Administrator can set a page where members are redirected to if they login on a special day (eg. if they login on Thanksgiving day or Christmas day etc.).


Administrator can set a page where members are redirected to when they login generally.


Administrator can set a page where members are redirected to when they logout.


For each of the redirect option mentioned above, it is possible to configure them for different groups of members. For example, you can redirect Females living in the United States to one link upon logout and Male Canadians to another link. The following filtering options are available :

a) Country
b) Gender
c) Age


In addition to the above options, the Settings section of the mod allows the Administrator to configure links that members are redirected to upon login or logout. If you are not setting any other criteria then you can just use these options to apply to every member.

As you see, there are many ways to configure the module and you can choose to use those options that are best suited to your need.

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
Support Forum Feed
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Great mod. easy install!
Modzzz, thanx for the extra profile block and updates.
Good module and Good Support
Allows members to redirect to where they want to not where the have to!

My feedback:-
Concept: *****
Core Improvement *****
Easy to use: *****
Installation: *****
Installation time: 5 min (NO code changes required)
Does what it says: *****

Will I continue to use this product? Yes
Would I recommend this product to others? Yes
Would I purchase from this seller again? Yes
Follow up Support: *****
Customer Care: *****
Overall: *****
Would I recommend this vendor to others? see more Yes (100%)
Great work ...

Best Regards
works great, and the after purchase support can't be beat!
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.