Dolphin Pro 7.2 Beta Released!

Andrew Boon posted 9th of July 2015 in News. 45 comments.

It is impossible to overstate significance of this release. Dolphin Pro 7.2 is the first major feature update in over 2 years! Yes, it is still a "BETA" package, but it doesn't normally take long to progress from feature-final beta to a full stable release. Also, if you're brave and if you don't need to upgrade from 7.1, it is possible to start using it now - Beta 1 will be upgradable to Beta 2... and up to final. 


Today's announcement is most of all directed to DEVELOPERS. Now is the time to test your extensions on 7.2 and update them to be ready for the upcoming full release. We plan to move fast, so you only have about 3-4 weeks. Compatible Extensions will receive a special promotion on BoonEx Market and in newsletters. 

Additionally, today we are asking a few selected developers to get involved in development and bug-fixing of the Dolphin core package. With your help we would be able to progress to a stable release quicker and finally move on to working with a modernised, mobile-friendly, fresh-looking social CMS! All commits will be carefully reviewed by AlexT and AntonL, so code quality should be top-notch. With this we hope to start closer collaboration with the best external Dolphin developers, which would also allow contributions that can potentially create a better base for the most popular extensions.
- There is NO update pack from 7.1.6 to 7.2b1. 
- There WILL be an update pack from 7.2b1 to 7.2b2 and up to 7.2.
- There WILL be an update  pack from 7.1.6 to 7.2.
- Licensing terms remain the same as for 7.1.
- All current commercial Dolphin licenses are eligible for free version update.

What’s New in Dolphin 7.2b 

This list is not full. Dolphin 7.2 includes hundreds of small and big improvements, many of which we didn’t even document. The outline below lists the most notable ones. A fancy looking list with screenshots will be posted with full 7.2 release.

New requirements:
- PHP 5.3 or newer
- fileinfo php extension 
New features:
- Responsive (mobile-friendly) layout
- Retina images support
- Special (full width) column in Pages Builder
- Profile page cover
- Moxiemanager for TinyMCE
- New HTML5-based files uploader
- Recurring/subscription payments
- Join form payments
- HTML5 history API in Forum - no more links with hash (#) in the URL
- Unified loading indicator
- New confirmation popup
- New photo album cover
- New homepage splash
- Mobile reCaptcha
- New streamlined login/join form popup
- Admin actions in the user side
- Social sharing meta info
- TinyMCE 4 integration
- Shoutbox can be added almost anywhere now
- Emoji support in Shoutbox and Simple Messenger
- integration for autoconverting links
- Better images resizing with Intervention Image
- Photos cropping functionality
- Photos "set as avatar" action
- Version number is moved to the separate file for easier upgrades
- PayPalPro integration
- CSS/JS caching improvements - faster site loading 
- Module installation improvements - automatic permissions changing via FTP
- New DNSBL lists - more spammers filtered
- Fallback to the default (usually "en") if no translation found in other languages
- Photos module is used for avatars by default
- History in Chat
- Older than 14 days dates are converted to absolute dates instead of relative
- Comments count for blog snippets
- New Profile Timeline display effects

and 93 bugs fixed so far
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So basically i'm using 7.1.6 i can't upgrade to this beta , is that right ?

If not is that mean we have to wait for Months and months before we get an update (upgrade ) to 7.2 ?
Andrew Boon
Yes, you can not upgrade 7.1.6 to this beta. Due to a big number of changes upgrade pack requires about a week to prepare, so we decided to run betas without upgrade from 7.1.6 to save some time. We do hope to release the stable version in 3-4 weeks though.
Cool i def can wait another month.thanks
Ok. So there is no way for us using 7.1.6 to utilize 7.2 at the moment?
Andrew Boon
Correct. If your site is already active and has data and you don't want to make a fresh install it's best to wait until full 7.2 is available. This is really a time-saving measure, since we're trying to just run a quick beta-testing stage in order to release a stable working version ASAP.
Ok thanks. Would a new install eliminate all CSS revisions, etc?
nice one guys! Thanks so much!
Excited as we move towards a final release. Thank you Andrew and everyone who has put so much hard work into this. I'm anxious to upgrade to this package.
I can only test & report bugs in 7.2 Beta but fixing them will be others work i think. For reporting bugs we don't have 7.2 forum. Plz create one, so all talk related to 7.2 can now go there. I will be waiting cause i found few bugs to report.
Will the shoutbox have the IOS emojis? On all systems, like whatsapp? On my pc i see the android or windows emojis (i suppose) but in the shoutbox i see only black emojis
i can also see just black codes in shoutbox with firefox ...
They are system dependant, the same text with emoji on iOS they will look better.
What would it need to have IOS emojis also on other systems? Like WhatsApp, are they paying a licence fee to apple?
We used universal way - the emoji inserted as special unicode character, this special character is interpreted the different way on different platforms. The text can be copy/pasted and it will work everywhere on modern devices and platforms. However the look of the particular image can be slightly different - for example on one system it is color icon while it is white/black on another system.

Another way is old school smiles displayed as images - this way it will look the same everywhere, every see more smiles requires separate image and can't be safely copy/pasted.
Thank you for the awesome update, I was waiting for it :)
This beta is so full of bugs, I don't even know where to start. I think you guys jumped the gun on this one. There are many recent changes, that you guys can't possibly have tested to see if they worked.
Please report bugs in the forum, so we can fix them.
just wondering, is this like the last time years ago when i started a network and the same problems (different platforms) existed? Ummm...I see the 'should be stable in three weeks' someone mentioned, there are admin bugs so bad one has to it a bug or slow server caching etc? I have the best hosting there is for dolphin, when i have to edit in admin...many times it is best to wait 20-30 seconds BEFORE clicking anything..
It can't be so slow, actually we introduced some features to make Dolphin 7.2 faster than 7.1.
I would suggest to check your server load and the Internet connectivity.
Magnifico! Can't wait for that 3-4 weeks :D go go go team!
thrilled at the announcement and hopefully any and all issues can be worked through quickly

I didn't see anything about upgrades to the mobile apps. I know that had been discussed previously. Any word on what's going on with them?
a) 7.1.6 Users cant even upgrade, (for now)
b) HL says it is buggy, so we are lucky we could not even upgrade
c) Mobile apps are not mentioned, why?
d) You are asking other devolpers for help, to fix the buggs? Really?

Now i am a little scared and confused. How many developers does the boonex Team has on its own?
Just Andrew and AlexT ???

I must admit, i expected way more. Your announcements sounded too good.
I think it is collaboration between BoonEx and 3rd-paty developers - for more info please refer to this post:
Is there noteable progress in the process of bugfixing? 77% for the last 3 days?

Many thanks to all the helping hands and developer. Unfortunately i am only a stupid user, who cant help. Except giving nasty remarks and asking questions. Mea culpa. So once again, big thank you.
Add Videos
Video Record weakness movements not good


clean movements!
Comments Video Record is very good and super!!

Forgive the noob question, but I'm new to Dolphin. Once we do the update, do we lose any changes made on the back end; ex: CSS edits, language changes, module placement, page layouts, etc.?
Nathan Paton
Edits to core files can be lost if the patch includes those files. For templates, always edit outside of the base template to avoid this. Changes to settings, page builders, etc. - anything through the admin panel is normally preserved.

As always, you should make a backup before applying any updates. As for 7.2, an update for 7.1 will be released later, either in another beta or with the stable release.
Thanks, this definitely helps. Any idea on progress? Are they still on track to release in another 3 weeks?
Nathan Paton
I'm not with BoonEx, so I can't say.
do the current modules work with 7.2?
Some modules should work as it is, but some of the modules will require to be updated to support Dolphin 7.2

I would suggest to ask module author regarding each particular module.

Also there is some list:
Hi Alex, are you all still on track to release in 3 weeks?
I have the beta 7.2 installed now, will it be update-able to the final release or will I have to re-install?
It can be updated to the final release, no need for re-install.
Perfect! Been waiting for this to come along. It is a bit sketchy on the admin side, slow loading controls but generally ok.
Hi nice update but the first problem is when I open your online demo link on my iPhone 6 plus it upload the home page half then my browsers crash (tested on safari and chrome) , the problem is just for dolphin 7.2 b1 home page, the other pages is ok
- Embed Youtube, Vimeo, ...
- url sharing sites image to page

such as Facebook, here better


Admin Settings
- Favicon Upload
i hope the migration from 7.1.6 to 7.2 will be easy (for fresh install)
I'm really liking the beta. Definitely a few bugs as others have mentioned, but I'm happy that you're providing a responsive platform. We're at about the 3 week mark, do you think you're still on pace to have 7.2 launched in the next week or so?
Test on Optimization for mobile devices

mobile tested, very good!!
in the list of new features I miss something. Could one in the "join form" the "Choose your language" Install with? .How Could directly New members choose their language .

"Choose Man / Woman"

"Choose Singel / couple"

"Choose your language"
I'm only eight to nine months behind the curve but am getting excited as I catch up on all the old posts here.

'All current commercial Dolphin licenses are eligible for free version update'.

That's a thumbs up in itself.

Still a few modules not up to speed in the marketplace, but I'm slowly convincing myself to swim with the 7.2.0 Dolphins and see what breaks.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.