In reply to Zarcon
I have been struggling with Dolphin 7 since day one and really getting to the point of believing it was not worth the stress. Never in my life have I had to go through so much trial and error wth a software. I am a computer specialist with over 20 years of experience supporting computer software AND hardware. I know what good technical support is. Because of the general lack of manuals or individuals that are honest and care, Dophin 7 was turning from what I thought was a great idea into a real see more nightmare. I went through switching from 3 different hosts just because nobody bothered to tell me the significance of ffmpeg/RMS to having videos on your site. Finally went with HostForWeb (afterall, if Boonex is using them, so will I) -- only I spent the next 2 aggravating months with HostForWeb not being able to figure out y my videos didn't work, it was escalated to thier 3rd level support TWICE. Couldn't get help from my agent and Zarcon was the ONLY one who provided solutions 2 my problems without asking did I buy one of his products. I am poor and appreciate that. Not everybody has money to waste or be ripped off. I chose Dolphin because it was FREE, but in reality it has been anything but free. I am glad Zarcon was willing to answer my questions and had solutions where everyone else failed.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.