webmedia46Modificationprofiles, friends, private, privacy, redirect$20-501 bids$75 average bid21st of April 2011

Profile functions


I need these 2 functions in my dolphin 7.0 :

1°- A button, or a link, redirecting to "my profile" page for any logged member : This could be a piece of code that I can insert in any page through a php block (I have deano tools installed which allows me to insert php blocks).

2°- Request friendship from "private" profiles : Actually, when a user click a private, or a "only visible for friends" profile, he just has an empty page with "acces denied" warning... I would like this page showing minimum informations about the profile (avatar + fist name + last name + city) and saying something like : "Acces denied, this profile is only visible by friends ! You think you know this person or/and you would like to be friend with him/her ? Click here to request firendship..."

Waiting for your replies !

vempatinivas27th of April 2011bid: $75  timeframe: 3 daysPermalink
i would like to do this task i am always available on gmailid vempatinivas@gmail.com you can communitcate
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maybe i can help you just PM me at cyberplusgold@gmail.com
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