Job never finish since 07/17/2012. One of the site was publish but with a lot of issues no idea why and what to do to fix the problem. The other site never publish always deny from apple since day one. I am very sad and not happy about the service at all. I believe there are a lot of professional and honest people at boonex but also very hard to find one.
Since 07/17/2012 you can see I have been very patient and relax. Over $600 This is a lot of F money for me..... This is a waste of time and see more money....
Apple responded to you to add content for them to see. They also asked you to put the appropriate age settings. I changed them to what they wanted and you changed it back. You did not follow Apple instructions. Also, rather than emailing me about it, you post this. If you emailed or communicated the remaining issues if any, they could have been addressed.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.