5 big problem pls help!

atermaner posted 1st of February 2008 in Community Voice. 3 comments.
1) I go to mass mailer (i have 130 members) but here is message: Queue status: There are no emails in queue
i dont know why?

2) I notice that the Cusomize Profile doesn't work for Font colour and Fontstyle! why???

3) Uploading of videos is producing "undefined" in ray. Small vids 15/20 seconds no problems load no errors. Larger vids 14mb+ are producing the undefined errors. Doesn't matter what format mpg, wmv. upload/post are set correctly 400mb Admin/settings 400mb Ray base 400mb...

4) Zodiac picture are not showing but in administration is this set up

5) How to block adsense in chat?

thanks a lot for help...
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If you want to remove ads from chat you need to buy the adfree version of dolphin :)
3rd problem is about your hosting if you have huge host you can upload to many videos i think script make it for itself :/

1. If there is no any mass mailings going at the moment, so the default value of "Queue Status" is empty.

2. Confirmed. We will fix that.

3. Check your hosting specifics according to this T-Shooter. Here is the link: http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/GenDolTShooter. Turn to the topic "Upload file error".

4. Dolphins' Default Template "uni" does not support Zodiac sign representation.

5. interex is right. You should buy the AdFree licenses to see more use Dolphin and Ray without ads.
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