And again with the agent mails

Mike posted 9th of February 2010 in . 4 comments.

Although things don't seem to happen fast enough, changes are being made that improve the abilities of agents to respond more quickly to customer needs. It is now easier and faster to handle license issues and other agent duties, but we still need your help by passing us needed information to quickly make adjustments if this is called for.

Please be sure to send helpful things like Unity username, any transaction IDs for purchases that may be involved and email addresses that were used for making those transactions.

All of this helps us to get things done for you in a more timely fashion without the email "chase" that often occurs. Dealing directly with your agent, instead of the general mailboxes will also hasten prompt responses. Those mailboxes are understandably answered after an agent's customers, and rightly so. This again points up the need to select and work through your agent for better service.

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I will not say which agent but I have a question. If we point out an error or something that needs to be fixed as it is a 'bug' we shall say. Is it really ok that they offer to fix this for us for a fee instead of just fixing it in the script and letting it go out with the next updates? I mean really?
You guys really need to employ more agents. The present agent issue is a mess. My present agent for everytime I contacted him for help, he always replied after every two days. Can you discribe your problem in details for me.. I replied twice and the third time I told him l've give up.
You guys really need to employ more agents. The present agent issue is a mess. My present agent for everytime I contacted him for help, he always replied after every two days. Can you discribe your problem in details for me.. I replied twice and the third time I told him l've give up.
This is near and dear to my heart.look it is safe to say that there needs to be a fix to this whole system, they had set out to make a great quality software, but now has grown into a cluster%$#@ at most they should scap it ago back to the begining and fix the basics. not ad to it. I am personaly upset for I bought a prime liceance for $999.00 two years ago and the thing is worse now with 7.0 then before, Great marketing skills but horable support and service and the agents,, well they wish to see more charge for script bugs that shouldhve been fixed in the beta stage. I have sat back or two years and bit my tounge. or when I did post something, it would get squashed, LOL as will this..BOONEX do not try to make it bigger, just fix the problems you have I personaly think 7.0 is a step backwards so just go back to 6.*.**** and repair those bugs first at least if you have a purchaced liecence, have dedicated support. for those people. if you did this you could charge half the ammont for primes and make 100 times more money
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