Cannot Install Dolphin

Miamiace posted 7th of April 2008 in Community Voice. 9 comments.
I been trying to install this software all day and cannot figure ot why DB will not install i get a huge list of errors.

Error while executing: SET NAMES 'utf8';
Unknown system variable 'NAMES'
Error while executing: ALTER DATABASE DEFAULT CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci';
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DATABASE DEFAULT CHARACTER SET 'utf8' COLLATE 'utf8_unicode_ci'
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `AccountCompose` (`ID` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Div` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Caption` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Func` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',`Content` text NOT NULL,`Visible` set('non','memb') NOT NULL default '',`Column` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AccountCompose` VALUES (1, 'My Photos', 'my_photos', '_My Photos', '', 'MyPhotos', '', '', 1, 0);
Table 'beta.AccountCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AccountCompose` VALUES (2, 'Site Stats', 'member_stat', '_Site Stats', '', 'MembersStats', '', '', 1, 1);
Table 'beta.AccountCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AccountCompose` VALUES (3, 'Member Info', 'member_info', '_member info', '', 'MemberInfo', '', '', 2, 0);
Table 'beta.AccountCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AccountCompose` VALUES (4, 'Contacts', 'contacts', '_contacts', '', 'Contacts', '', '', 2, 1);
Table 'beta.AccountCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AccountCompose` VALUES (5, 'Latest News', 'latest_news', '_latest news', '', 'News', '', '', 2, 2);
Table 'beta.AccountCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AccountCompose` VALUES (6, 'RSS Feed', '', '_BoonEx News', '', 'RSS', '', 'non,memb', 0, 0);
Table 'beta.AccountCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AccountCompose` VALUES (7, 'Classifieds', '', '_Classifieds', 'Classifieds', 'Classifieds', '', 'non,memb', 1, 2);
Table 'beta.AccountCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AccountCompose` VALUES (8, 'Events', '', '_Events', 'Events', 'Events', '', 'non,memb', 1, 3);
Table 'beta.AccountCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AccountCompose` VALUES (9, 'Groups', '', '_Groups', 'Groups', 'Groups', '', 'non,memb', 1, 4);
Table 'beta.AccountCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AccountCompose` VALUES (10, 'Forum RSS Feed', '', '_Forum Posts', '', 'RSS', '{SiteUrl}orca/?action=rss_user&user={NickName}#4', 'non,memb', 2, 3);
Table 'beta.AccountCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AccountCompose` VALUES (11, 'My Music Gallery', '', '_My Music Gallery', '', 'ShareMusic', '', 'non,memb', 2, 4);
Table 'beta.AccountCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AccountCompose` VALUES (12, 'My Photo Gallery', '', '_My Photo Gallery', '', 'SharePhotos', '', 'non,memb', 2, 5);
Table 'beta.AccountCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AccountCompose` VALUES (13, 'My Video Gallery', '', '_My Video Gallery', '', 'ShareVideos', '', 'non,memb', 2, 6);
Table 'beta.AccountCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `AdminLinks` (`Title` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',`Url` varchar(150) NOT NULL default '') ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminLinks` VALUES ('Website Homepage', '{site}');
Table 'beta.AdminLinks' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminLinks` VALUES('Search Profiles', 'profiles.php');
Table 'beta.AdminLinks' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminLinks` VALUES ('Dolphin Documentation', '');
Table 'beta.AdminLinks' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminLinks` VALUES ('Dolphin Support', '');
Table 'beta.AdminLinks' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminLinks` VALUES ('Dolphin Development', '');
Table 'beta.AdminLinks' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminLinks` VALUES ('Dolphin Extras', '');
Table 'beta.AdminLinks' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminLinks` VALUES ('BoonEx', '');
Table 'beta.AdminLinks' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminLinks` VALUES ('BoonEx Blog', '');
Table 'beta.AdminLinks' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminLinks` VALUES ('BoonEx Dolphin', '');
Table 'beta.AdminLinks' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminLinks` VALUES ('BoonEx Ray', '');
Table 'beta.AdminLinks' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminLinks` VALUES ('BoonEx Orca', '');
Table 'beta.AdminLinks' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminLinks` VALUES ('BoonEx Barracuda', '');
Table 'beta.AdminLinks' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminLinks` VALUES ('BoonEx Shark', '');
Table 'beta.AdminLinks' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `AdminMenu`(`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Title` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`Url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Check` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Order` float NOT NULL default '0',`Categ` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Icon` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (1, 'Members', 'profiles.php', 'For members profiles management\n', '', 0, 1, 'members.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (75, 'Account Builder', 'accountCompose.php', 'Compose blocks for member account page', '', 7, 7, 'account_builder.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (2, 'Affiliates', '../aff/partners.php', 'This is for setting up your affiliate programs and your affiliate program members', '', 1, 1, 'affilates.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (3, 'Moderators', 'moderators.php', 'For managing your moderators who can help you with site administration', '', 2, 1, 'moderators.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (4, 'Events', 'sdating_admin.php', 'Provides you with the ability to manage Events created by members and by the administrator, too. You have the capacity to edit, delete or view event participants and matches', '', 6, 2, 'events.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (5, 'Groups', 'groups.php', 'Here you are able to manage groups and its categories', '', 8, 2, 'groups.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (6, 'Feedback', '../story.php', 'This is for feedback administration, and you can edit, delete or activate site member feedback', '', 12, 2, 'feedback.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (74, 'Admin Polls', 'polls.php', 'For site poll posting and management', '', 3, 3, 'admin_polls.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (8, 'Links Page', 'links.php', 'Here you can manage links on your links page', '', 4, 3, 'links_page.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (9, 'Admin Articles', 'articles.php', 'This is the place for controlling your site articles: edit, delete or add them', '', 5, 3, 'articles.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (10, 'Site News', 'news.php', 'This is for managing the news area on your web site - add, edit, activate or delete the old items', '', 6, 3, 'site_news.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (11, 'Random Quotes', 'quotes.php', 'You can manage quotes, which appear on the index page, from this section', '', 7, 3, 'random_quotes.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (12, 'Mass Mailer', 'notifies.php', 'Using this function you are able to send a newsletter to your site members', '', 0, 3, 'mass_mailer.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (13, 'Money Calculator', 'finance.php', 'Provides you with site income information to help you in administration', '', 1, 3, 'money_calculator.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (14, 'Database Backup', 'db.php', 'Make a backup of your site database with this utility', '', 2, 3, 'database_backup.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (15, 'Ray Suite', 'javascript:openRayWidget(''global'', ''admin'', ''{adminLogin}'', ''{adminPass}'');', 'Ray Community Widget Suite administration panel is available here', 'return ( ''on'' == getParam( ''enable_ray'' ) );', 0, 4, 'boonex_ray_widgets.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (16, 'Orca Forum', '../orca/', 'Administration Panel for Orca - Interactive Forum Script', '', 1, 4, 'boonex_orca_forum.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (17, 'Polls', 'post_mod_ppolls.php', 'Members can create their own polls, and you can moderate them right here', '', 10, 2, 'polls.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (19, 'Banners', 'banners.php', 'Provides you with the ability to manage banners on your web site', '', 8, 3, 'banners.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (20, 'Photos', 'browsePhoto.php', 'For management of pictures uploaded / shared by site members', '', 0, 2, 'photos.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (22, 'Blogs', 'post_mod_blog.php', 'Site administrators can check the content written in the users'' blog to avoid unwanted or prohibited expressions', '', 4, 2, 'blogs.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (23, 'Profiles', '../aff/profiles.php', '', '', 0, 6, '');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (24, 'Money Calculator', '../aff/finance.php', '', '', 1, 6, 'money_calculator.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (25, 'My Link', '../aff/help.php', '', '', 2, 6, 'links_page.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (26, 'Admin Password', 'global_settings.php?cat=ap', 'Change a password for access to administration panel here', '', 0, 5, 'admin_password.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (27, 'Email Templates', 'global_settings.php?cat=4', 'For setting up email texts which are sent from your website to members automatically', '', 4, 5, 'email_templates.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (28, 'Membership Levels', 'memb_levels.php', 'For setting up different membership levels, different actions for each membership level and action limits', '', 6, 5, 'membership_levels.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (31, 'CSS Styles Editor', 'css_file.php', 'For CSS files management: to make changes in your current template', '', 7, 5, 'css_styles_editor.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (34, 'Payments Settings', 'payment_providers.php', 'For setting up Payment Providers you want to use', '', 8, 5, 'payment_settings.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (35, 'Profile Fields Manager', 'profile_fields.php', 'For member profile fields management', '', 3, 5, 'photo_page_builder.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (36, 'Join Form Builder', 'split_join.php', 'For join form fields management', '', 1, 7, 'profile_fields_manager.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (39, 'Blogs Settings', 'global_settings.php?cat=22', 'For member blogs settings management', '', 9, 5, 'blogs_settings.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (40, 'News Settings', 'global_settings.php?cat=10', 'For setting up News parameters', '', 10, 5, 'news_settings.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (41, 'Polls Settings', 'global_settings.php?cat=20', 'For enabling/disabling polls, setting up number of polls a site member can create', '', 13, 5, 'polls.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (42, 'Groups Settings', 'global_settings.php?cat=24', 'Group feature management: notification emails, the thumbs size, etc.', '', 11, 5, 'groups_settings.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (43, 'Tags Settings', 'global_settings.php?cat=25', 'For tags settings, which will work for search and browse options', '', 12, 5, 'tags_settings.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (66, 'Advanced Settings', 'global_settings.php?cat=1&', 'More enhanced settings for your site features', '', 2, 5, 'adv_settings.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (50, 'Database Pruning', 'global_settings.php?cat=11', 'For Database management: clearing of old, unnecessary information', '', 16, 5, 'database_prunning.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (52, 'Basic Settings', 'basic_settings.php', 'For managing site system settings', '', 1, 5, 'basic_settings.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (55, 'Meta Tags', 'global_settings.php?cat=19', 'Setting up Meta Tags to facilitate search engine indexing for your website', '', 17, 5, 'meta_tags.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (56, 'Events Settings', 'global_settings.php?cat=21', 'You can manage the "event" function for your members here', '', 14, 5, 'events_settings.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (59, 'Moderation Settings', 'global_settings.php?cat=6', 'To enable/disable pre-moderation of members profiles, members photos, etc.', '', 15, 5, 'members.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (60, 'Languages Settings', 'lang_file.php', 'For languages management your website is using and making changes in your website content', '', 5, 5, 'languages_settings.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (62, 'Homepage Builder', 'indexCompose.php', 'Compose blocks for home page here', '', 2, 7, 'homepage_builder.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (63, 'Navigation Menu Builder', 'menu_compose.php', 'For top menu items management', '', 0, 7, 'navigation_menu_builder.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (64, 'Profile Builder', 'profileCompose.php', 'Compose member profile page here', '', 3, 7, 'profile_builder.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (65, 'Classifieds', 'manage_classifieds.php', 'Administrator can manage classifieds categories, subcategories, etc.', '', 11, 2, 'classifieds.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (67, 'Videos', 'browseVideo.php', 'For management of video files which have been uploaded / shared by site members', '', 1, 2, 'videos.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (68, 'Music', 'browseMusic.php', 'For management of music files which have been uploaded / shared by site members', '', 2, 2, 'music.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (69, 'Video Page Builder', 'videoCompose.php', 'Set up a page for shared Video files', '', 4, 7, 'video_page_builder.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (70, 'Music Page Builder', 'musicCompose.php', 'Set up a page for shared Music files', '', 5, 7, 'music_page_builder.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (71, 'Photo Page Builder', 'photoCompose.php', 'Set up a page for shared Photo files', '', 6, 7, 'photo_page_builder.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (72, 'Classifieds Builder', 'classifCompose.php', 'Compose blocks for Classifieds page', '', 8, 7, 'classifieds.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (76, 'Profile Photos', 'post_mod_photos.php?media=photo&status=passive', 'For pictures uploaded by a member for pre-moderation. This can be helpful to protect your site from nude or other unsuitable pics', '', 3, 2, 'photos.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (77, 'Profile Music', 'post_mod_audio.php', 'For management of music files which have been uploaded by members to their profiles.', '', 7, 2, 'music.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (78, 'Profile Videos', '\'../ray/modules/video/app/admin.swf?nick={adminLogin}&password={adminPass}&url=../../../XML.php\',\'RayVideoAdmin\',\'width=700,height=330,toolbar=0,directories=0,menubar=0,status=0,location=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=0\');', 'For management of video files which have been uploaded by members to their profiles.', '', 5, 2, 'videos.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (79, 'Profile Backgrounds', 'post_mod_profiles.php', 'For post-moderation of pictures which have been uploaded by members for their profile background.', '', 9, 2, 'backgrounds.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenu` VALUES (80, 'Modules', 'modules.php', 'Manage and configure integration modules for 3d party scripts', '', 9, 3, 'modules.gif');
Table 'beta.AdminMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `AdminMenuCateg` (`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Title` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`Order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Icon` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`Icon_thumb` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`User` enum('admin','aff','moderator') NOT NULL default 'admin',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenuCateg` VALUES (1, 'Users', 0, 'guy.png', 'guy_t.png', 'admin');
Table 'beta.AdminMenuCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenuCateg` VALUES (2, 'Content', 1, 'attach.png', 'attach_t.png', 'admin');
Table 'beta.AdminMenuCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenuCateg` VALUES (3, 'Tools', 2, 'tools.png', 'tools_t.png', 'admin');
Table 'beta.AdminMenuCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenuCateg` VALUES (4, 'Plugins', 3, 'plugin.png', 'plugin_t.png', 'admin');
Table 'beta.AdminMenuCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenuCateg` VALUES (5, 'Settings', 5, 'setup.png', 'setup_t.png', 'admin');
Table 'beta.AdminMenuCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenuCateg` VALUES (6, 'Affiliate', 6, 'guy.png', 'guy_t.png', 'aff');
Table 'beta.AdminMenuCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `AdminMenuCateg` VALUES (7, 'Builders', 4, 'cubes.png', 'cubes_t.png', 'admin');
Table 'beta.AdminMenuCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `Admins` (`Name` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',`Password` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`Name`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Admins` VALUES ( 'admin', '36cdf8b887a5cffc78dcd5c08991b993');
Table 'beta.Admins' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `aff` (`ID` bigint(8) NOT NULL auto_increment,`Name` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',`email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Password` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`Percent` double NOT NULL default '0',`seed` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`RegDate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`Status` enum('Approval','Active') NOT NULL default 'Approval',`www1` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',`www2` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `aff_banners` (`ID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`XSize` smallint(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`YSize` smallint(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Banner` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`BannerName` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`Text` text NOT NULL,`Added` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',`Status` enum('Approval','Active') NOT NULL default 'Active',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `aff_members` (`idAff` bigint(8) NOT NULL default '0',`idProfile` bigint(8) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`idAff`,`idProfile`),UNIQUE KEY `idProfile` (`idProfile`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `Articles` (`ArticlesID` bigint(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`CategoryID` int(11) default NULL,`Date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',`Title` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',`Text` mediumtext,`ArticleFlag` enum('Text','HTML') NOT NULL default 'Text',PRIMARY KEY (`ArticlesID`),KEY `CategoryID` (`CategoryID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `ArticlesCategory` (`CategoryID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`CategoryName` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`CategoryDescription` varchar(255) default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`CategoryID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `Banners` (`ID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Title` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`Url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Text` mediumtext NOT NULL,`Active` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',`Created` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',`campaign_start` date NOT NULL default '2005-01-01',`campaign_end` date NOT NULL default '2007-01-01',`Position` int(4) NOT NULL default '4',`lhshift` int(5) NOT NULL default '-200',`lvshift` int(5) NOT NULL default '-750',`rhshift` int(5) NOT NULL default '100',`rvshift` int(5) NOT NULL default '-750',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 PACK_KEYS=0;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 PACK_KEYS=0' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `BannersClicks` (`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',`IP` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',UNIQUE KEY `ID_2` (`ID`,`Date`,`IP`),KEY `ID` (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `BannersShows` (`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',`IP` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',KEY `ID` (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `BlockList` (`ID` bigint(8) NOT NULL default '0',`Profile` bigint(8) NOT NULL default '0',UNIQUE KEY `BlockPair` (`ID`,`Profile`),KEY `ID` (`ID`),KEY `Profile` (`Profile`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `BlogCategories` (`CategoryID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`OwnerID` int(11) default NULL,`CategoryName` varchar(150) default NULL,`CategoryType` int(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',`CategoryPhoto` varchar(150) default NULL,`Date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',PRIMARY KEY (`CategoryID`),KEY `OwnerID` (`OwnerID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `BlogPostComments` (`CommentID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`PostID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`SenderID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`CommentText` mediumtext,`ReplyTo` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`IP` varchar(16) default NULL,`Date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',PRIMARY KEY (`CommentID`),KEY `PostID` (`PostID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `BlogPosts` (`PostID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`CategoryID` int(11) default NULL,`PostCaption` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`PostText` text NOT NULL,`PostDate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`PostReadPermission` enum('public','friends') NOT NULL default 'public',`PostCommentPermission` enum('public','friends') NOT NULL default 'public',`PostStatus` enum('approval','disapproval') NOT NULL default 'disapproval',`PostPhoto` varchar(50) default NULL,`Tags` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`PostID`),KEY `CategoryID` (`CategoryID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `Blogs` (`ID` int(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`OwnerID` int(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Description` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Other` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `OwnerID` (`OwnerID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `BoughtContacts` (`IDBuyer` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`IDContact` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`TransactionID` bigint(20) unsigned default NULL,`HideFromBuyer` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',`HideFromContact` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`IDBuyer`,`IDContact`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `Classifieds` (`ID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',`Description` varchar(128) default NULL,`CustomFieldName1` varchar(50) default NULL,`CustomFieldName2` varchar(50) default NULL,`CustomAction1` varchar(10) default NULL,`CustomAction2` varchar(10) default NULL,`Unit` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '$',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Classifieds` VALUES (1, 'Jobs', 'There is Jobs description', 'salary', 'salary', '>', '<', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Classifieds' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Classifieds` VALUES (2, 'Music Exchange', 'music exchange desc', 'price', 'price', '>', '<', '$');
Table 'beta.Classifieds' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Classifieds` VALUES (4, 'Housing & Rentals', 'Housing & Rentals desc', 'rental', NULL, '>', NULL, '$');
Table 'beta.Classifieds' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Classifieds` VALUES (5, 'Services', 'Services desc', 'price', NULL, '=', NULL, '$');
Table 'beta.Classifieds' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Classifieds` VALUES (7, 'Casting Calls', 'Casting Calls desc', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '$');
Table 'beta.Classifieds' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Classifieds` VALUES (8, 'Personals', 'Personals desc', 'payment', NULL, '=', NULL, '$');
Table 'beta.Classifieds' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Classifieds` VALUES (9, 'For Sale', 'For Sale desc', 'price', 'price', '>', '<', '$');
Table 'beta.Classifieds' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Classifieds` VALUES(10, 'Cars For Sale', 'Cars For Sale desc', 'price', 'price', '>', '<', '€');
Table 'beta.Classifieds' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `ClassifiedsAdvertisements` (`ID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`IDProfile` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`IDClassifiedsSubs` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`DateTime` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`Subject` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`Message` text NOT NULL,`Status` enum('new','active','inactive') NOT NULL default 'new',`CustomFieldValue1` varchar(50) default NULL,`CustomFieldValue2` varchar(50) default NULL,`LifeTime` int(3) NOT NULL default '30',`Media` varchar(50) default NULL,`Tags` text NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `IDProfile` (`IDProfile`),KEY `IDClassifiedsSubs` (`IDClassifiedsSubs`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `ClassifiedsAdvertisementsMedia` (`MediaID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`MediaProfileID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`MediaType` enum('photo','other') NOT NULL default 'photo',`MediaFile` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`MediaDate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',PRIMARY KEY (`MediaID`),KEY `med_prof_id` (`MediaProfileID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `ClassifiedsSubs` (`ID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`IDClassified` int(11) unsigned default NULL,`NameSub` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',`Description` varchar(150) default 'No description',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `IDClassified` (`IDClassified`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (4, 2, 'positions and openings', 'positions and openings desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (5, 2, 'instruments for sale', 'instruments for sale desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (6, 2, 'instruments wanted', 'instruments wanted desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (7, 3, 'activities', 'activities desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (8, 3, 'artists', 'artists desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (9, 3, 'childcare', 'childcare desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (10, 4, 'apartments / housing', 'apartments / housing description');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (11, 4, 'real estate for sale', 'real estate for sale description');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (12, 4, 'roommates', 'roommates description');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (38, 1, 'accounting / finance', 'accounting / finance desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (36, 5, 'automotive', 'automotive desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (43, 1, 'education / nonprofit sec', 'education / nonprofit sector desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (47, 1, 'government / legal', 'government/legal desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (84, 1, 'programming / web design', 'programming / web design desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (54, 1, 'other', 'other desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (55, 4, 'temporary vacation rental', 'temporary vacation rentals desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (56, 4, 'office / commercial', 'office / commercial desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (58, 5, 'financial', 'financial');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (60, 5, 'labor / move', 'labor/move desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (61, 5, 'legal', 'legal desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (62, 5, 'educational', 'educational desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (64, 7, 'acting', 'acting desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (65, 7, 'dance', 'dance desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (83, 7, 'musicians', 'musicians desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (67, 7, 'modeling', 'modeling desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (68, 7, 'reality shows', 'reality shows desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (69, 8, 'men seeking women', 'men seeking women desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (70, 8, 'women seeking men', 'women seeking men desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (71, 8, 'women seeking women', 'women seeking women desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (72, 8, 'men seeking men', 'men seeking men desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (73, 8, 'missed connections', 'missed connections desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (74, 9, 'barter', 'barter desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (77, 9, 'clothing', 'clothing desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (78, 9, 'collectibles', 'collectibles desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (79, 9, 'miscellaneous', 'miscellaneous desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (80, 10, 'autos / trucks', 'autos / trucks desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (81, 10, 'motorcycles', 'motorcycles desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClassifiedsSubs` VALUES (82, 10, 'auto parts', 'auto parts desc');
Table 'beta.ClassifiedsSubs' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `ClsAdvComments` (`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`IDAdv` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`IDProfile` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Message` text NOT NULL,`DateTime` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `IDAdv` (`IDAdv`,`IDProfile`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Table with comments at Advertisements';
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Table with comments at Advertisem
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `ClsAdvCompose` (`ID` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Caption` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Visible` set('non','memb') NOT NULL default '',`Func` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',`Content` text NOT NULL,`Column` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClsAdvCompose` VALUES (1, 'Advertisement Photos', '', '_Advertisement Photos', 'non,memb', 'Advertisement Photos', '', 1, 0);
Table 'beta.ClsAdvCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClsAdvCompose` VALUES (2, 'Actions', '', '_Actions', 'non,memb', 'Actions', '', 1, 1);
Table 'beta.ClsAdvCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClsAdvCompose` VALUES (3, 'Comments', '', '_Comments', 'non,memb', 'Comments', '', 1, 2);
Table 'beta.ClsAdvCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClsAdvCompose` VALUES (4, 'Adv Info', '', '_Info', 'non,memb', 'Adv Info', '', 2, 0);
Table 'beta.ClsAdvCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClsAdvCompose` VALUES (5, 'Description', '', '_Description', 'non,memb', 'Description', '', 2, 1);
Table 'beta.ClsAdvCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClsAdvCompose` VALUES (6, 'Users Other Listing', '', '_Users Other Listing', 'non,memb', 'Users Other Listing', '', 2, 2);
Table 'beta.ClsAdvCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ClsAdvCompose` VALUES (7, 'RSS Feed', '', '_BoonEx News', 'non,memb', 'RSS', '', 0, 0);
Table 'beta.ClsAdvCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `ColorBase` (`ColorName` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',`ColorCode` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',UNIQUE KEY `ColorName` (`ColorName`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('AliceBlue', '#F0F8FF');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('AntiqueWhite', '#FAEBD7');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Aqua', '#00FFFF');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Aquamarine', '#7FFFD4');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Azure', '#F0FFFF');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Beige', '#F5F5DC');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Bisque', '#FFE4C4');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Black', '#000000');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('BlanchedAlmond', '#FFEBCD');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Blue', '#0000FF');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('BlueViolet', '#8A2BE2');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Brown', '#A52A2A');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('BurlyWood', '#DEB887');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('CadetBlue', '#5F9EA0');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Chartreuse', '#7FFF00');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Chocolate', '#D2691E');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Coral', '#FF7F50');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('CornflowerBlue', '#6495ED');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Cornsilk', '#FFF8DC');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Crimson', '#DC143C');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Cyan', '#00FFFF');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DarkBlue', '#00008B');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DarkCyan', '#008B8B');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DarkGoldenRod', '#B8860B');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DarkGray', '#A9A9A9');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DarkGreen', '#006400');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DarkKhaki', '#BDB76B');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DarkMagenta', '#8B008B');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DarkOliveGreen', '#556B2F');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Darkorange', '#FF8C00');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DarkOrchid', '#9932CC');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DarkRed', '#8B0000');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DarkSalmon', '#E9967A');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DarkSeaGreen', '#8FBC8F');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DarkSlateBlue', '#483D8B');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DarkSlateGray', '#2F4F4F');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DarkTurquoise', '#00CED1');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DarkViolet', '#9400D3');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DeepPink', '#FF1493');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DeepSkyBlue', '#00BFFF');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DimGray', '#696969');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('DodgerBlue', '#1E90FF');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Feldspar', '#D19275');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('FireBrick', '#B22222');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('FloralWhite', '#FFFAF0');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('ForestGreen', '#228B22');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Fuchsia', '#FF00FF');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Gainsboro', '#DCDCDC');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('GhostWhite', '#F8F8FF');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Gold', '#FFD700');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('GoldenRod', '#DAA520');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Gray', '#808080');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Green', '#008000');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('GreenYellow', '#ADFF2F');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('HoneyDew', '#F0FFF0');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('HotPink', '#FF69B4');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('IndianRed', '#CD5C5C');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Indigo', '#4B0082');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Ivory', '#FFFFF0');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Khaki', '#F0E68C');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Lavender', '#E6E6FA');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LavenderBlush', '#FFF0F5');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LawnGreen', '#7CFC00');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LemonChiffon', '#FFFACD');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LightBlue', '#ADD8E6');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LightCoral', '#F08080');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LightCyan', '#E0FFFF');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LightGoldenRodYellow', '#FAFAD2');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LightGrey', '#D3D3D3');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LightGreen', '#90EE90');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LightPink', '#FFB6C1');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LightSalmon', '#FFA07A');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LightSeaGreen', '#20B2AA');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LightSkyBlue', '#87CEFA');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LightSlateBlue', '#8470FF');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LightSlateGray', '#778899');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LightSteelBlue', '#B0C4DE');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LightYellow', '#FFFFE0');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Lime', '#00FF00');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('LimeGreen', '#32CD32');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Linen', '#FAF0E6');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Magenta', '#FF00FF');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Maroon', '#800000');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('MediumAquaMarine', '#66CDAA');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('MediumBlue', '#0000CD');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('MediumOrchid', '#BA55D3');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('MediumPurple', '#9370D8');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('MediumSeaGreen', '#3CB371');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('MediumSlateBlue', '#7B68EE');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('MediumSpringGreen', '#00FA9A');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('MediumTurquoise', '#48D1CC');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('MediumVioletRed', '#C71585');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('MidnightBlue', '#191970');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('MintCream', '#F5FFFA');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('MistyRose', '#FFE4E1');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Moccasin', '#FFE4B5');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('NavajoWhite', '#FFDEAD');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Navy', '#000080');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('OldLace', '#FDF5E6');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Olive', '#808000');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('OliveDrab', '#6B8E23');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Orange', '#FFA500');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('OrangeRed', '#FF4500');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Orchid', '#DA70D6');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('PaleGoldenRod', '#EEE8AA');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('PaleGreen', '#98FB98');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('PaleTurquoise', '#AFEEEE');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('PaleVioletRed', '#D87093');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('PapayaWhip', '#FFEFD5');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('PeachPuff', '#FFDAB9');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Peru', '#CD853F');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Pink', '#FFC0CB');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Plum', '#DDA0DD');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('PowderBlue', '#B0E0E6');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Purple', '#800080');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Red', '#FF0000');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('RosyBrown', '#BC8F8F');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('RoyalBlue', '#4169E1');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('SaddleBrown', '#8B4513');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Salmon', '#FA8072');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('SandyBrown', '#F4A460');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('SeaGreen', '#2E8B57');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('SeaShell', '#FFF5EE');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Sienna', '#A0522D');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Silver', '#C0C0C0');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('SkyBlue', '#87CEEB');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('SlateBlue', '#6A5ACD');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('SlateGray', '#708090');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Snow', '#FFFAFA');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('SpringGreen', '#00FF7F');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('SteelBlue', '#4682B4');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Tan', '#D2B48C');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Teal', '#008080');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Thistle', '#D8BFD8');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Tomato', '#FF6347');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Turquoise', '#40E0D0');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Violet', '#EE82EE');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('VioletRed', '#D02090');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Wheat', '#F5DEB3');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('White', '#FFFFFF');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('WhiteSmoke', '#F5F5F5');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('Yellow', '#FFFF00');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ColorBase` VALUES ('YellowGreen', '#9ACD32');
Table 'beta.ColorBase' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `ContactDiscounts` (`ProfilesNumber` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`DiscountPercent` float(5,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',PRIMARY KEY (`ProfilesNumber`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ContactDiscounts` VALUES (31, 50.00);
Table 'beta.ContactDiscounts' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ContactDiscounts` VALUES (21, 20.00);
Table 'beta.ContactDiscounts' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ContactDiscounts` VALUES (11, 10.00);
Table 'beta.ContactDiscounts' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `Countries` (`ISO2` varchar(2) NOT NULL default '',`ISO3` varchar(3) NOT NULL default '',`ISONo` smallint(3) NOT NULL default '0',`Country` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',`Region` varchar(100) default NULL,`Currency` varchar(100) default NULL,`CurrencyCode` varchar(3) default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`ISO2`),KEY `CurrencyCode` (`CurrencyCode`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('AD', 'AND', 20, 'Andorra', 'Europe', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('AE', 'ARE', 784, 'United Arab Emirates', 'Middle East', 'UAE Dirham', 'AED');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('AF', 'AFG', 4, 'Afghanistan', 'Asia', 'Afghani', 'AFA');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('AG', 'ATG', 28, 'Antigua and Barbuda', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'XCD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('AI', 'AIA', 660, 'Anguilla', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'XCD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('AL', 'ALB', 8, 'Albania', 'Europe', 'Lek', 'ALL');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('AM', 'ARM', 51, 'Armenia', 'Commonwealth of Independent States', 'Armenian Dram', 'AMD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('AN', 'ANT', 530, 'Netherlands Antilles', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'Netherlands Antillean guilder', 'ANG');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('AO', 'AGO', 24, 'Angola', 'Africa', 'Kwanza', 'AOA');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('AQ', 'ATA', 10, 'Antarctica', 'Antarctic Region', NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('AR', 'ARG', 32, 'Argentina', 'South America', 'Argentine Peso', 'ARS');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('AS', 'ASM', 16, 'American Samoa', 'Oceania', 'US Dollar', 'USD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('AT', 'AUT', 40, 'Austria', 'Europe', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('AU', 'AUS', 36, 'Australia', 'Oceania', 'Australian dollar', 'AUD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('AW', 'ABW', 533, 'Aruba', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'Aruban Guilder', 'AWG');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('AZ', 'AZE', 31, 'Azerbaijan', 'Commonwealth of Independent States', 'Azerbaijani Manat', 'AZM');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BA', 'BIH', 70, 'Bosnia and Herzegovina', 'Bosnia and Herzegovina, Europe', 'Convertible Marka', 'BAM');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BB', 'BRB', 52, 'Barbados', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'Barbados Dollar', 'BBD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BD', 'BGD', 50, 'Bangladesh', 'Asia', 'Taka', 'BDT');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BE', 'BEL', 56, 'Belgium', 'Europe', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BF', 'BFA', 854, 'Burkina Faso', 'Africa', 'CFA Franc BCEAO', 'XOF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BG', 'BGR', 100, 'Bulgaria', 'Europe', 'Lev', 'BGL');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BH', 'BHR', 48, 'Bahrain', 'Middle East', 'Bahraini Dinar', 'BHD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BI', 'BDI', 108, 'Burundi', 'Africa', 'Burundi Franc', 'BIF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BJ', 'BEN', 204, 'Benin', 'Africa', 'CFA Franc BCEAO', 'XOF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BM', 'BMU', 60, 'Bermuda', 'North America', 'Bermudian Dollar', 'BMD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BN', 'BRN', 96, 'Brunei Darussalam', 'Southeast Asia', 'Brunei Dollar', 'BND');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BO', 'BOL', 68, 'Bolivia', 'South America', 'Boliviano', 'BOB');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BR', 'BRA', 76, 'Brazil', 'South America', 'Brazilian Real', 'BRL');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BS', 'BHS', 44, 'The Bahamas', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'Bahamian Dollar', 'BSD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BT', 'BTN', 64, 'Bhutan', 'Asia', 'Ngultrum', 'BTN');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BV', 'BVT', 74, 'Bouvet Island', 'Antarctic Region', 'Norwegian Krone', 'NOK');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BW', 'BWA', 72, 'Botswana', 'Africa', 'Pula', 'BWP');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BY', 'BLR', 112, 'Belarus', 'Commonwealth of Independent States', 'Belarussian Ruble', 'BYR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('BZ', 'BLZ', 84, 'Belize', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'Belize Dollar', 'BZD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CA', 'CAN', 124, 'Canada', 'North America', 'Canadian Dollar', 'CAD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CC', 'CCK', 166, 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands', 'Southeast Asia', 'Australian Dollar', 'AUD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CD', 'COD', 180, 'Congo, Democratic Republic of the', 'Africa', 'Franc Congolais', 'CDF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CF', 'CAF', 140, 'Central African Republic', 'Africa', 'CFA Franc BEAC', 'XAF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CG', 'COG', 178, 'Congo, Republic of the', 'Africa', 'CFA Franc BEAC', 'XAF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CH', 'CHE', 756, 'Switzerland', 'Europe', 'Swiss Franc', 'CHF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CI', 'CIV', 384, 'Cote d''Ivoire', 'Africa', 'CFA Franc BCEAO', 'XOF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CK', 'COK', 184, 'Cook Islands', 'Oceania', 'New Zealand Dollar', 'NZD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CL', 'CHL', 152, 'Chile', 'South America', 'Chilean Peso', 'CLP');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CM', 'CMR', 120, 'Cameroon', 'Africa', 'CFA Franc BEAC', 'XAF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CN', 'CHN', 156, 'China', 'Asia', 'Yuan Renminbi', 'CNY');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CO', 'COL', 170, 'Colombia', 'South America, Central America and the Caribbean', 'Colombian Peso', 'COP');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CR', 'CRI', 188, 'Costa Rica', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'Costa Rican Colon', 'CRC');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CU', 'CUB', 192, 'Cuba', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'Cuban Peso', 'CUP');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CV', 'CPV', 132, 'Cape Verde', 'World', 'Cape Verdean Escudo', 'CVE');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CX', 'CXR', 162, 'Christmas Island', 'Southeast Asia', 'Australian Dollar', 'AUD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CY', 'CYP', 196, 'Cyprus', 'Middle East', 'Cyprus Pound', 'CYP');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('CZ', 'CZE', 203, 'Czech Republic', 'Europe', 'Czech Koruna', 'CZK');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('DE', 'DEU', 276, 'Germany', 'Europe', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('DJ', 'DJI', 262, 'Djibouti', 'Africa', 'Djibouti Franc', 'DJF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('DK', 'DNK', 208, 'Denmark', 'Europe', 'Danish Krone', 'DKK');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('DM', 'DMA', 212, 'Dominica', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'XCD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('DO', 'DOM', 214, 'Dominican Republic', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'Dominican Peso', 'DOP');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('DZ', 'DZA', 12, 'Algeria', 'Africa', 'Algerian Dinar', 'DZD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('EC', 'ECU', 218, 'Ecuador', 'South America', 'US dollar', 'USD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('EE', 'EST', 233, 'Estonia', 'Europe', 'Kroon', 'EEK');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('EG', 'EGY', 818, 'Egypt', 'Africa', 'Egyptian Pound', 'EGP');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('EH', 'ESH', 732, 'Western Sahara', 'Africa', 'Moroccan Dirham', 'MAD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('ER', 'ERI', 232, 'Eritrea', 'Africa', 'Nakfa', 'ERN');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('ES', 'ESP', 724, 'Spain', 'Europe', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('ET', 'ETH', 231, 'Ethiopia', 'Africa', 'Ethiopian Birr', 'ETB');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('FI', 'FIN', 246, 'Finland', 'Europe', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('FJ', 'FJI', 242, 'Fiji', 'Oceania', 'Fijian Dollar', 'FJD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('FK', 'FLK', 238, 'Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)', 'South America', 'Falkland Islands Pound', 'FKP');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('FM', 'FSM', 583, 'Micronesia, Federated States of', 'Oceania', 'US dollar', 'USD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('FO', 'FRO', 234, 'Faroe Islands', 'Europe', 'Danish Krone', 'DKK');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('FR', 'FRA', 250, 'France', 'Europe', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GA', 'GAB', 266, 'Gabon', 'Africa', 'CFA Franc BEAC', 'XAF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GB', 'GBR', 826, 'United Kingdom', 'Europe', 'Pound Sterling', 'GBP');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GD', 'GRD', 308, 'Grenada', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'XCD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GE', 'GEO', 268, 'Georgia', 'Commonwealth of Independent States', 'Lari', 'GEL');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GF', 'GUF', 254, 'French Guiana', 'South America', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GH', 'GHA', 288, 'Ghana', 'Africa', 'Cedi', 'GHC');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GI', 'GIB', 292, 'Gibraltar', 'Europe', 'Gibraltar Pound', 'GIP');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GL', 'GRL', 304, 'Greenland', 'Arctic Region', 'Danish Krone', 'DKK');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GM', 'GMB', 270, 'The Gambia', 'Africa', 'Dalasi', 'GMD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GN', 'GIN', 324, 'Guinea', 'Africa', 'Guinean Franc', 'GNF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GP', 'GLP', 312, 'Guadeloupe', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GQ', 'GNQ', 226, 'Equatorial Guinea', 'Africa', 'CFA Franc BEAC', 'XAF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GR', 'GRC', 300, 'Greece', 'Europe', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GS', 'SGS', 239, 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands', 'Antarctic Region', 'Pound Sterling', 'GBP');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GT', 'GTM', 320, 'Guatemala', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'Quetzal', 'GTQ');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GU', 'GUM', 316, 'Guam', 'Oceania', 'US Dollar', 'USD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GW', 'GNB', 624, 'Guinea-Bissau', 'Africa', 'CFA Franc BCEAO', 'XOF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('GY', 'GUY', 328, 'Guyana', 'South America', 'Guyana Dollar', 'GYD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('HK', 'HKG', 344, 'Hong Kong (SAR)', 'Southeast Asia', 'Hong Kong Dollar', 'HKD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('HM', 'HMD', 334, 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands', 'Antarctic Region', 'Australian Dollar', 'AUD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('HN', 'HND', 340, 'Honduras', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'Lempira', 'HNL');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('HR', 'HRV', 191, 'Croatia', 'Europe', 'Kuna', 'HRK');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('HT', 'HTI', 332, 'Haiti', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'Gourde', 'HTG');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('HU', 'HUN', 348, 'Hungary', 'Europe', 'Forint', 'HUF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('ID', 'IDN', 360, 'Indonesia', 'Southeast Asia', 'Rupiah', 'IDR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('IE', 'IRL', 372, 'Ireland', 'Europe', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('IL', 'ISR', 376, 'Israel', 'Middle East', 'New Israeli Sheqel', 'ILS');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('IN', 'IND', 356, 'India', 'Asia', 'Indian Rupee', 'INR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('IO', 'IOT', 86, 'British Indian Ocean Territory', 'World', 'US Dollar', 'USD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('IQ', 'IRQ', 368, 'Iraq', 'Middle East', 'Iraqi Dinar', 'IQD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('IR', 'IRN', 364, 'Iran', 'Middle East', 'Iranian Rial', 'IRR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('IS', 'ISL', 352, 'Iceland', 'Arctic Region', 'Iceland Krona', 'ISK');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('IT', 'ITA', 380, 'Italy', 'Europe', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('JM', 'JAM', 388, 'Jamaica', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'Jamaican dollar', 'JMD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('JO', 'JOR', 400, 'Jordan', 'Middle East', 'Jordanian Dinar', 'JOD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('JP', 'JPN', 392, 'Japan', 'Asia', 'Yen', 'JPY');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('KE', 'KEN', 404, 'Kenya', 'Africa', 'Kenyan shilling', 'KES');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('KG', 'KGZ', 417, 'Kyrgyzstan', 'Commonwealth of Independent States', 'Som', 'KGS');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('KH', 'KHM', 116, 'Cambodia', 'Southeast Asia', 'Riel', 'KHR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('KI', 'KIR', 296, 'Kiribati', 'Oceania', 'Australian dollar', 'AUD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('KM', 'COM', 174, 'Comoros', 'Africa', 'Comoro Franc', 'KMF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('KN', 'KNA', 659, 'Saint Kitts and Nevis', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'XCD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('KP', 'PRK', 408, 'Korea, North', 'Asia', 'North Korean Won', 'KPW');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('KR', 'KOR', 410, 'Korea, South', 'Asia', 'Won', 'KRW');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('KW', 'KWT', 414, 'Kuwait', 'Middle East', 'Kuwaiti Dinar', 'KWD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('KY', 'CYM', 136, 'Cayman Islands', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'Cayman Islands Dollar', 'KYD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('KZ', 'KAZ', 398, 'Kazakhstan', 'Commonwealth of Independent States', 'Tenge', 'KZT');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('LA', 'LAO', 418, 'Laos', 'Southeast Asia', 'Kip', 'LAK');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('LB', 'LBN', 422, 'Lebanon', 'Middle East', 'Lebanese Pound', 'LBP');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('LC', 'LCA', 662, 'Saint Lucia', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'XCD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('LI', 'LIE', 438, 'Liechtenstein', 'Europe', 'Swiss Franc', 'CHF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('LK', 'LKA', 144, 'Sri Lanka', 'Asia', 'Sri Lanka Rupee', 'LKR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('LR', 'LBR', 430, 'Liberia', 'Africa', 'Liberian Dollar', 'LRD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('LS', 'LSO', 426, 'Lesotho', 'Africa', 'Loti', 'LSL');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('LT', 'LTU', 440, 'Lithuania', 'Europe', 'Lithuanian Litas', 'LTL');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('LU', 'LUX', 442, 'Luxembourg', 'Europe', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('LV', 'LVA', 428, 'Latvia', 'Europe', 'Latvian Lats', 'LVL');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('LY', 'LBY', 434, 'Libya', 'Africa', 'Libyan Dinar', 'LYD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MA', 'MAR', 504, 'Morocco', 'Africa', 'Moroccan Dirham', 'MAD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MC', 'MCO', 492, 'Monaco', 'Europe', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MD', 'MDA', 498, 'Moldova', 'Commonwealth of Independent States', 'Moldovan Leu', 'MDL');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MG', 'MDG', 450, 'Madagascar', 'Africa', 'Malagasy Franc', 'MGF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MH', 'MHL', 584, 'Marshall Islands', 'Oceania', 'US dollar', 'USD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MK', 'MKD', 807, 'Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of', 'Europe', 'Denar', 'MKD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('ML', 'MLI', 466, 'Mali', 'Africa', 'CFA Franc BCEAO', 'XOF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MM', 'MMR', 104, 'Burma', 'Southeast Asia', 'kyat', 'MMK');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MN', 'MNG', 496, 'Mongolia', 'Asia', 'Tugrik', 'MNT');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MO', 'MAC', 446, 'Macao', 'Southeast Asia', 'Pataca', 'MOP');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MP', 'MNP', 580, 'Northern Mariana Islands', 'Oceania', 'US Dollar', 'USD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MQ', 'MTQ', 474, 'Martinique', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MR', 'MRT', 478, 'Mauritania', 'Africa', 'Ouguiya', 'MRO');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MS', 'MSR', 500, 'Montserrat', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'XCD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MT', 'MLT', 470, 'Malta', 'Europe', 'Maltese Lira', 'MTL');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MU', 'MUS', 480, 'Mauritius', 'World', 'Mauritius Rupee', 'MUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MV', 'MDV', 462, 'Maldives', 'Asia', 'Rufiyaa', 'MVR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MW', 'MWI', 454, 'Malawi', 'Africa', 'Kwacha', 'MWK');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MX', 'MEX', 484, 'Mexico', 'North America', 'Mexican Peso', 'MXN');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MY', 'MYS', 458, 'Malaysia', 'Southeast Asia', 'Malaysian Ringgit', 'MYR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('MZ', 'MOZ', 508, 'Mozambique', 'Africa', 'Metical', 'MZM');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('NA', 'NAM', 516, 'Namibia', 'Africa', 'Namibian Dollar', 'NAD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('NC', 'NCL', 540, 'New Caledonia', 'Oceania', 'CFP Franc', 'XPF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('NE', 'NER', 562, 'Niger', 'Africa', 'CFA Franc BCEAO', 'XOF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('NF', 'NFK', 574, 'Norfolk Island', 'Oceania', 'Australian Dollar', 'AUD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('NG', 'NGA', 566, 'Nigeria', 'Africa', 'Naira', 'NGN');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('NI', 'NIC', 558, 'Nicaragua', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'Cordoba Oro', 'NIO');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('NL', 'NLD', 528, 'Netherlands', 'Europe', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('NO', 'NOR', 578, 'Norway', 'Europe', 'Norwegian Krone', 'NOK');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('NP', 'NPL', 524, 'Nepal', 'Asia', 'Nepalese Rupee', 'NPR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('NR', 'NRU', 520, 'Nauru', 'Oceania', 'Australian Dollar', 'AUD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('NU', 'NIU', 570, 'Niue', 'Oceania', 'New Zealand Dollar', 'NZD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('NZ', 'NZL', 554, 'New Zealand', 'Oceania', 'New Zealand Dollar', 'NZD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('OM', 'OMN', 512, 'Oman', 'Middle East', 'Rial Omani', 'OMR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('PA', 'PAN', 591, 'Panama', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'balboa', 'PAB');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('PE', 'PER', 604, 'Peru', 'South America', 'Nuevo Sol', 'PEN');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('PF', 'PYF', 258, 'French Polynesia', 'Oceania', 'CFP Franc', 'XPF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('PG', 'PNG', 598, 'Papua New Guinea', 'Oceania', 'Kina', 'PGK');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('PH', 'PHL', 608, 'Philippines', 'Southeast Asia', 'Philippine Peso', 'PHP');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('PK', 'PAK', 586, 'Pakistan', 'Asia', 'Pakistan Rupee', 'PKR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('PL', 'POL', 616, 'Poland', 'Europe', 'Zloty', 'PLN');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('PM', 'SPM', 666, 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon', 'North America', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('PN', 'PCN', 612, 'Pitcairn Islands', 'Oceania', 'New Zealand Dollar', 'NZD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('PR', 'PRI', 630, 'Puerto Rico', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'US dollar', 'USD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('PS', 'PSE', 275, 'Palestinian Territory, Occupied', NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('PT', 'PRT', 620, 'Portugal', 'Europe', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('PW', 'PLW', 585, 'Palau', 'Oceania', 'US dollar', 'USD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('PY', 'PRY', 600, 'Paraguay', 'South America', 'Guarani', 'PYG');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('QA', 'QAT', 634, 'Qatar', 'Middle East', 'Qatari Rial', 'QAR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('RE', 'REU', 638, 'Reunion', 'World', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('RO', 'ROU', 642, 'Romania', 'Europe', 'Leu', 'ROL');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('RU', 'RUS', 643, 'Russia', 'Asia', 'Russian Ruble', 'RUB');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('RW', 'RWA', 646, 'Rwanda', 'Africa', 'Rwanda Franc', 'RWF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SA', 'SAU', 682, 'Saudi Arabia', 'Middle East', 'Saudi Riyal', 'SAR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SB', 'SLB', 90, 'Solomon Islands', 'Oceania', 'Solomon Islands Dollar', 'SBD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SC', 'SYC', 690, 'Seychelles', 'Africa', 'Seychelles Rupee', 'SCR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SD', 'SDN', 736, 'Sudan', 'Africa', 'Sudanese Dinar', 'SDD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SE', 'SWE', 752, 'Sweden', 'Europe', 'Swedish Krona', 'SEK');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SG', 'SGP', 702, 'Singapore', 'Southeast Asia', 'Singapore Dollar', 'SGD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SH', 'SHN', 654, 'Saint Helena', 'Africa', 'Saint Helenian Pound', 'SHP');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SI', 'SVN', 705, 'Slovenia', 'Europe', 'Tolar', 'SIT');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SJ', 'SJM', 744, 'Svalbard', 'Arctic Region', 'Norwegian Krone', 'NOK');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SK', 'SVK', 703, 'Slovakia', 'Europe', 'Slovak Koruna', 'SKK');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SL', 'SLE', 694, 'Sierra Leone', 'Africa', 'Leone', 'SLL');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SM', 'SMR', 674, 'San Marino', 'Europe', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SN', 'SEN', 686, 'Senegal', 'Africa', 'CFA Franc BCEAO', 'XOF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SO', 'SOM', 706, 'Somalia', 'Africa', 'Somali Shilling', 'SOS');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SR', 'SUR', 740, 'Suriname', 'South America', 'Suriname Guilder', 'SRG');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('ST', 'STP', 678, 'Sao Tome and Principe', 'Africa', 'Dobra', 'STD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SV', 'SLV', 222, 'El Salvador', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'El Salvador Colon', 'SVC');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SY', 'SYR', 760, 'Syria', 'Middle East', 'Syrian Pound', 'SYP');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('SZ', 'SWZ', 748, 'Swaziland', 'Africa', 'Lilangeni', 'SZL');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('TC', 'TCA', 796, 'Turks and Caicos Islands', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'US Dollar', 'USD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('TD', 'TCD', 148, 'Chad', 'Africa', 'CFA Franc BEAC', 'XAF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('TF', 'ATF', 260, 'French Southern and Antarctic Lands', 'Antarctic Region', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('TG', 'TGO', 768, 'Togo', 'Africa', 'CFA Franc BCEAO', 'XOF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('TH', 'THA', 764, 'Thailand', 'Southeast Asia', 'Baht', 'THB');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('TJ', 'TJK', 762, 'Tajikistan', 'Commonwealth of Independent States', 'Somoni', 'TJS');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('TK', 'TKL', 772, 'Tokelau', 'Oceania', 'New Zealand Dollar', 'NZD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('TL', 'TLS', 626, 'East Timor', NULL, 'Timor Escudo', 'TPE');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('TM', 'TKM', 795, 'Turkmenistan', 'Commonwealth of Independent States', 'Manat', 'TMM');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('TN', 'TUN', 788, 'Tunisia', 'Africa', 'Tunisian Dinar', 'TND');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('TO', 'TON', 776, 'Tonga', 'Oceania', 'Pa''anga', 'TOP');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('TR', 'TUR', 792, 'Turkey', 'Middle East', 'Turkish Lira', 'TRL');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('TT', 'TTO', 780, 'Trinidad and Tobago', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'Trinidad and Tobago Dollar', 'TTD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('TV', 'TUV', 798, 'Tuvalu', 'Oceania', 'Australian Dollar', 'AUD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('TW', 'TWN', 158, 'Taiwan', 'Southeast Asia', 'New Taiwan Dollar', 'TWD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('TZ', 'TZA', 834, 'Tanzania', 'Africa', 'Tanzanian Shilling', 'TZS');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('UA', 'UKR', 804, 'Ukraine', 'Commonwealth of Independent States', 'Hryvnia', 'UAH');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('UG', 'UGA', 800, 'Uganda', 'Africa', 'Uganda Shilling', 'UGX');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('UM', 'UMI', 581, 'United States Minor Outlying Islands', NULL, 'US Dollar', 'USD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('US', 'USA', 840, 'United States', 'North America', 'US Dollar', 'USD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('UY', 'URY', 858, 'Uruguay', 'South America', 'Peso Uruguayo', 'UYU');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('UZ', 'UZB', 860, 'Uzbekistan', 'Commonwealth of Independent States', 'Uzbekistan Sum', 'UZS');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('VA', 'VAT', 336, 'Holy See (Vatican City)', 'Europe', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('VC', 'VCT', 670, 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'East Caribbean Dollar', 'XCD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('VE', 'VEN', 862, 'Venezuela', 'South America, Central America and the Caribbean', 'Bolivar', 'VEB');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('VG', 'VGB', 92, 'British Virgin Islands', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'US dollar', 'USD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('VI', 'VIR', 850, 'Virgin Islands', 'Central America and the Caribbean', 'US Dollar', 'USD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('VN', 'VNM', 704, 'Vietnam', 'Southeast Asia', 'Dong', 'VND');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('VU', 'VUT', 548, 'Vanuatu', 'Oceania', 'Vatu', 'VUV');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('WF', 'WLF', 876, 'Wallis and Futuna', 'Oceania', 'CFP Franc', 'XPF');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('WS', 'WSM', 882, 'Samoa', 'Oceania', 'Tala', 'WST');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('YE', 'YEM', 887, 'Yemen', 'Middle East', 'Yemeni Rial', 'YER');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('YT', 'MYT', 175, 'Mayotte', 'Africa', 'Euro', 'EUR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('YU', 'YUG', 891, 'Yugoslavia', 'Europe', 'Yugoslavian Dinar', 'YUM');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('ZA', 'ZAF', 710, 'South Africa', 'Africa', 'Rand', 'ZAR');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('ZM', 'ZWB', 894, 'Zambia', 'Africa', 'Kwacha', 'ZMK');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Countries` VALUES ('ZW', 'ZWE', 716, 'Zimbabwe', 'Africa', 'Zimbabwe Dollar', 'ZWD');
Table 'beta.Countries' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `DailyQuotes` (`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Text` mediumtext NOT NULL,`Author` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `DailyQuotes` VALUES (1, 'Give me a woman who loves beer and I will conquer the world.', 'Kaiser Wilhelm');
Table 'beta.DailyQuotes' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `DailyQuotes` VALUES (2, 'All right, Brain, I don t like you and you don t like me - so let''s just do this and I''ll get back to killing you with beer.', 'Homer Simpson');
Table 'beta.DailyQuotes' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `DailyQuotes` VALUES (3, 'If it was so, it might be; and if it were so,it would be; but as it isn t, it ain t. That''s logic.', 'Lewis Carrol');
Table 'beta.DailyQuotes' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `DailyQuotes` VALUES (4, 'God does not care about our mathematical difficulties. He integrates empirically.', 'Albert Einstein');
Table 'beta.DailyQuotes' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `DailyQuotes` VALUES (5, 'Treat your friend as if he might become an enemy.', 'Publilius Syrus');
Table 'beta.DailyQuotes' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `DailyQuotes` VALUES (13, 'Time to have tea!', 'Me');
Table 'beta.DailyQuotes' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `FriendList` (`ID` bigint(8) NOT NULL default '0',`Profile` bigint(8) NOT NULL default '0',`Check` tinyint(2) NOT NULL default '0',UNIQUE KEY `FriendPair` (`ID`,`Profile`),KEY `ID` (`ID`),KEY `Profile` (`Profile`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `GalleryAlbums` (`ID` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`IDMember` bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Comment` tinytext,`Created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`Modified` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`Access` enum('public','private','friends') NOT NULL default 'public',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `IDMember` (`IDMember`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `GalleryObjects` (`ID` bigint(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`IDAlbum` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Filename` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`ThumbFilename` varchar(255) default NULL,`ObjectType` enum('photo','audio','video') NOT NULL default 'photo',`Comment` tinytext,`Created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`Modified` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`OrderInAlbum` int(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Approved` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `IDAlbum` (`IDAlbum`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `GlParams` (`Name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`VALUE` mediumtext NOT NULL,`kateg` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Type` enum('digit','text','checkbox','select','combobox') NOT NULL default 'digit',`check` text NOT NULL,`err_text` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`order_in_kateg` float default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`Name`),KEY `kateg` (`kateg`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('anon_mode', '', 1, 'Anonymous mode (no contact information)', 'checkbox', '', '', 12);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('autoApproval_ifJoin', 'on', 6, 'Automatic profile activation after joining', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('autoApproval_ifPhoto', 'on', 6, 'Do not change profile status after photo uploading', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('autoApproval_ifProfile', 'on', 6, 'Do not change profile status after editing profile information', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('autoApproval_ifSound', 'on', 6, 'Do not change profile status after sound uploading', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('autoApproval_ifVideo', 'on', 6, 'Do not change profile status after video uploading', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('autoApproval_Photo', 'on', 6, 'Automatic photo activation after uploading', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('breadCrampDivider', '/', 22, 'Bread crumb divider', 'digit', '', '', 7);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('blogCaptionMaxLenght', '150', 22, 'Maximum length of Blog Caption', 'digit', '', '', 5);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('blogCategoryCaptionMaxLenght', '150', 22, 'Maximum length of Blog Category caption', 'digit', '', '', 3);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('blogCategoryDescMaxLenght', '300', 22, 'Maximum length of Blog Category description', 'digit', '', '', 4);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('blogCommentMaxLenght', '250', 22, 'Maximum length of Blog comment', 'digit', '', '', 2);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('blogTextMaxLenght', '2000', 22, 'Maximum length of Blog Text', 'digit', '', '', 6);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('blogAutoApproval', 'on', 22, 'Enable AutoApproval of Blogs', 'checkbox', '', '', 7);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('blog_step', '10', 1, 'How many blogs showing on page', 'digit', '', '', 15);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('chicks_for_free', '', 1, 'Chicks for free', 'select', '', '', 22);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('chicks_for_free_membership', '2', 1, 'Membership level assigned to chicks for free', 'combobox', '', '', 23);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('cmdDay', '10', 0, '', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('compose_index_cols', 'content,menu', 0, '', 'select', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('credit2money', '4', 14, 'Currency/credit rate', 'digit', '', '', 7);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('credit_discount_step', '0', 14, 'Discount step in USD ( 0 - no discounts )', 'digit', '', '', 2);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('credit_step', '20', 14, 'Step in credits', 'digit', 'return $arg0 != 0;', 'Can not be equal to 0 (zero)', 3);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('currency_code', 'USD', 0, 'Currency code (for checkout system)', 'combobox', 'return strlen($arg0) > 0;', 'cannot be empty.', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('currency_sign', '$', 15, 'Currency sign (for display purposes only)', 'digit', 'return strlen($arg0) > 0;', 'cannot be empty.', 9);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('date_format', '%m-%d-%y %H:%i', 15, 'Long Date Format ?', 'digit', '', '', 15);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('db_clean_msg', '180', 11, 'Clean old messages ( days )', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('db_clean_priv_msg', '2', 11, 'Clean old private messages ( days )', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('db_clean_profiles', '180', 11, 'Clean old profiles by last log in ( days )', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('db_clean_views', '180', 11, 'Clean old profile views ( days )', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('db_clean_vkiss', '90', 11, 'Clean old greetings ( days )', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('default_country', 'US', 0, 'Default Country on Index Page', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('default_online_users_num', '50', 3, 'Maximum number of online members shown in the member control panel', 'digit', '', '', 6);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_aff', '', 15, 'Enable affiliate support', 'checkbox', '', '', 1);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_audio_upload', 'on', 23, 'Enable uploading of audio files', 'checkbox', '', '', 3);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_blog', 'on', 1, 'Enable blog', 'checkbox', '', '', 14);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_contact_form', 'on', 15, 'Show contact form on contact us page', 'checkbox', '', '', 2);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_cupid', 'on', 12, 'Enable cupid mails', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_customization', 'on', 1, 'Enable profile customization', 'checkbox', '', '', 10);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_event_creating', 'on', 21, 'Allow members to create events', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_gallery', 'on', 2, 'Enable gallery', 'checkbox', '', '', 1);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_gd', 'on', 15, 'Use GD library for image processing', 'checkbox', '', '', 5);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_guestbook', 'on', 1, 'Enable guestbook', 'checkbox', '', '', 13);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_im', '', 3, 'Enable Instant Messenger', 'checkbox', '', '', 1);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_inbox_notify', '', 17, 'Enable new message notifications', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_match', 'on', 12, 'Enable matchmaking', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_msg_dest_choice', 'on', 17, 'Enable message destination user choice', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_poll', 'on', 20, 'Enable members polls', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_profileComments', 'on', 1, 'Enable Comments for profiles', 'checkbox', '', '', 7);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_promotion_membership', 'on', 7, 'Enable promotional membership', 'checkbox', '', '', 1);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_ray', 'on', 15, 'Enable Ray', 'checkbox', '', '', 2);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_ray_pro', '', 15, 'Enable Ray Pro (must be installed and Ray must be enabled)', 'checkbox', '', '', 7);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_recurring', 'on', 0, 'Enable recurring billings', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_sdating', 'on', 21, 'Enable SpeedDating', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_security_image', 'on', 3, 'Enable security image on join page', 'checkbox', '', '', 2);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_shoutBox', 'on', 15, 'Enable ShoutBox', 'checkbox', '', '', 6);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_template', '', 15, 'Enable Users to Change Templates', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_video_upload', 'on', 23, 'Enable uploading of video files', 'checkbox', '', '', 2);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_watermark', 'on', 16, 'Enable Watermark', 'checkbox', '', '', 1);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_zip_loc', 'on', 15, 'Enable search by ZIP codes', 'checkbox', '', '', 0);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES('en_credits', '', 14, 'Enable credits', 'checkbox', '', '', 1);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('expire_notification_days', '1', 5, 'Number of days before membership expiration to notify members ( -1 = after expiration )', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('expire_notify_once', 'on', 5, 'Notify members about membership expiration only once (every day otherwise)', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('featured_mode', 'horizontal', 0, 'Featured members layout direction', 'combobox', 'return $arg0 == ''vertical'' || $arg0 == ''horizontal'' ? true : false;', 'posible values : horizontal, vertical', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('featured_num', '6', 0, 'Number of featured members displayed on front page', 'digit', 'return $arg0 >= 0;', 'must be equal to or greater than zero.', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('free_mode', 'on', 0, 'Site is running in free mode', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('friendlist', 'on', 15, 'Show Friend List', 'checkbox', '', '', 3);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('gallery_alboms', '20', 2, 'How many albums allowed for one member in one category', 'digit', '', '', 3);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('gallery_audio_size', '16777216', 2, 'Maximum size for audio file in gallery (in byte)', 'digit', '', '', 8);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('gallery_objects', '100', 2, 'How many objects allowed for one member in one album', 'digit', '', '', 4);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('gallery_objects_step', '9', 2, 'How many objects showing on page', 'digit', '', '', 4);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('gallery_photo_height', '250', 2, 'Height of gallery photo in pixels', 'digit', '', '', 6);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('gallery_photo_size', '83886080', 2, 'Maximum size for photo file in gallery (in byte)', 'digit', '', '', 7);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('gallery_photo_width', '250', 2, 'Width of gallery photo in pixels', 'digit', '', '', 5);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('gallery_show_unapproved', 'on', 2, 'Show unapproved objects in gallery', 'checkbox', '', '', 2);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('gallery_video_size', '16777216', 2, 'Maximum size for video file in gallery (in byte)', 'digit', '', '', 9);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('lang_default', 'English', 0, 'Default site language', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('lang_enable', '1', 0, 'Enables language switching', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('match_percent', '70', 12, 'Send a cupid mail if the recently joined profile matches more than this percentage', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_audio_files', '20', 23, 'Max number of audio files in profile', 'digit', '', '', 17);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_audio_size', '2', 23, 'Max size of audio file (in MB)', 'digit', '', '', 18);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_credit_a', '200', 14, 'Maximum credit sum', 'digit', '', '', 6);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_icon_height', '45', 23, 'Max height of profile icon (in pixels)', 'digit', '', '', 8);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_icon_width', '45', 23, 'Max width of profile icon (in pixels)', 'digit', '', '', 7);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_inbox_messages', '5', 3, 'Maximum number of messages stored in inbox', 'digit', '', '', 3);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_inbox_message_size', '1500', 3, 'Maximum message size in symbols', 'digit', '', '', 4);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_media_title', '150', 23, 'Max length of title for media file', 'digit', '', '', 3.1);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_news_header', '50', 10, 'Maximum length of news header', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_news_on_home', '2', 10, 'Maximum number of news items to show on homepage', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_news_preview', '128', 10, 'Maximum length of news preview', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_news_text', '4096', 10, 'Maximum length of news text', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_photo_files', '20', 23, 'Max number of profile photos', 'digit', '', '', 13);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_photo_height', '340', 23, 'Max height of profile photo (in pixels)', 'digit', '', '', 12);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_photo_width', '340', 23, 'Max width of profile photo (in pixels)', 'digit', '', '', 11);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_story_header', '32', 10, 'Maximum length of story header', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_story_preview', '400', 10, 'Maximum length of story preview text', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_story_text', '4096', 10, 'Maximum length of story text', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_thumb_height', '110', 23, 'Max height of profile thumbnail (in pixels)', 'digit', '', '', 10);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_thumb_width', '110', 23, 'Max width of profile thumbnail (in pixels)', 'digit', '', '', 9);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_video_files', '20', 23, 'Max number of video files in profile', 'digit', '', '', 15);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_video_size', '2', 23, 'Max size of video file (in MB)', 'digit', 'return $arg0 > 0;', 'must be greater than zero.', 16);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('membership_only', 'on', 5, 'Membership only (without shopping cart)', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('member_online_time', '5', 3, 'Time period in minutes within which a member is considered to be online', 'digit', '', '', 5);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('MetaDescription', '', 19, 'Insert Meta description on site pages', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('MetaKeyWords', '', 19, 'Insert Meta keywords on site pages (comma-separated list)', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('min_credit_a', '20', 14, 'Minimum credit sum', 'digit', '', '', 5);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('min_media_title', '1', 23, 'Min length of title for media file', 'digit', '', '', 3.2);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('more_photos_on_searchrow', 'on', 1, 'Show "More Photos" link on search result', 'checkbox', '', '', 11);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('msgs_per_start', '20', 8, 'Send emails from queue, it happens every cron execution (5m-1h)', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('msg_credits', '4', 14, 'Cost of the one message (in credits)', 'digit', '', '', 4);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('news_enable', '1', 0, 'show boonex news in admin panel', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('newusernotify', 'on', 1, 'New User Notify', 'checkbox', '', '', 2);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('profile_pic_num', '5', 15, 'Maximum number of profile pictures', 'digit', 'return $arg0 > 0 and $arg0 <= 10;', 'Only 1 to 10 maximum number of profile pictures allowed.', 10);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('profile_poll_num', '4', 20, 'Number of polls that user can create', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('profile_poll_act', 'on', 20, 'Enable profile polls activation', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('promotion_membership_days', '7', 7, 'Number of days for promotional membership', 'digit', '', '', 2);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('sdating_count_days_for_matches', '3', 0, '', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('search_end_age', '75', 1, 'Highest age possible for site members', 'digit', '', '', 21);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('search_start_age', '18', 1, 'Lowest age possible for site members', 'digit', '', '', 20);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('short_date_format', '%m-%d-%y', 15, 'Short Date Format ?', 'digit', '', '', 14);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('template', 'uni', 15, 'Template', 'combobox', 'global $dir; return (strlen($arg0) > 0 && file_exists($dir["root"]."templates/tmpl_".$arg0) ) ? true : false;', 'cannot be empty and template must be valid.', 17);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('top_members_max_num', '6', 0, 'How many results show on index page in top members area', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('top_members_mode', 'rand', 0, 'Show members on index page
(if enabled in the template)', 'combobox', 'return $arg0 == ''online'' || $arg0 == ''rand'' || $arg0 == ''last'' || $arg0 == ''top'' ? true : false;', 'posible values : online, rand, last, top', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('track_profile_view', 'on', 1, 'Track all profile views. Later a member can manage these "views".', 'checkbox', '', '', 1);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('transparent1', '15', 16, 'Transparency for first image', 'digit', '', '', 2);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('transparent2', '15', 16, 'Transparency for second image', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_Activation', '\r\n

Dear ,


Your profile was reviewed and activated !


Simply follow the link below to enjoy our services:


Your identification number (ID):


Your e-mail used for registration:


Thank you for using our services!




mail delivery system!!!\r\n
Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply!!!

', 4, 'Profile activation message template. Automatically sent to a member, when profile status is changed to "Active".', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_Activation_subject', 'Profile status was changed to Active', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_AdminEmail', '\r\n

Dear ,


Administration of the is glad to inform you that








NOTE: You received this message because our records show that you are a registered member of ().\r\n If you wish to unregister, log in to your member account and hit "Unregister".




mail delivery system!!!\r\nAuto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply!!!

', 4, 'Email template for message sending from the Admin Panel.', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_AdminEmail_subject', 'Message from Admin', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_Compose', '\r\n

Hello ,


You have received a message from !


To check this message login to your account here: member.php



\r\nBest regards, \r\n

!!!Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply!!!

', 4, 'Email template for notification about new messages in the inbox.', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_Compose_subject', 'Notification about new messages in the inbox', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_Confirmation', '\r\n

Dear ,


Thank you for registering at !




Or you can also simply follow the link below:\r\n


This is necessary to complete your registration.
Without doing that you won''t be submitted to our database.


Your identification number (ID):


Your e-mail used for registration: \r\n


Thank you for using our services!




mail delivery system!!!\r\n
Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply!!!

', 4, 'Profile e-mail confirmation message template. Automatically sent to a registered member, and also can be sent by admin to the "Unconfirmed" members.', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_Confirmation_subject', 'Confirm your profile', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_CupidMail', '\r\n

Hello ,


We are glad to inform you that a profile was added or modified at that matches yours.


Match profile:


Your Member ID:




mail delivery system!!!\r\n
Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply!!!

', 4, 'Cupid mail template', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_CupidMail_subject', '', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_Forgot', '\r\n

Dear ,


Your member ID:


Your password:


You must login here: member.php


Thank you for using our services!




mail delivery system!!!\r\n
Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply!!!

', 4, 'Forgot password email message', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_Forgot_subject', 'Forgot password email message', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_FreeEmail', '\r\n

Dear ,


You have requested ''s contact information.




View member''s profile: profile.php?ID=


Thank you for using our services!




mail delivery system!!!\r\n
Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply!!!

', 4, 'Free contact information letter template sent to members requesting contact information of those members available for free.', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_FreeEmail_subject', 'Free contact information', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_MemExpiration', '\r\n

Hello ,


We are notifying you that your will expire in days (-1 = already expired).\r\n\r\n To renew your membership login to your account at member.php and go to membership.php


Your Member ID:




mail delivery system!!!\r\n
Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply!!!

', 4, 'Membership expiration letter sent to members whose membership level expires.', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_MemExpiration_subject', '', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_Message', '\r\n

Dear ,


We are glad to inform you that the member\r\n has sent you a message!


-------- Message ------------------------------------------------


Thank you for using our services!




mail delivery system!!!\r\n
Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply!!!

', 4, 'Message template sent to members when they receive messages from other members.', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_Message_subject', 'You receive messages from other members', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_PrivPhotosAnswer', '\r\n

Hello ,


We are informing you that granted you a password for their private photos.


Link to profile




mail delivery system!!!\r\n
Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply!!!

', 4, 'Answer for Private Photos Request template', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_PrivPhotosAnswer_subject', '', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_PrivPhotosRequest', '\r\n

Hello ,


We are informing you that asks for a password for your private photos.


Link to ''s profile profile.php?ID=





', 4, 'Request fot Private Photos template', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_PrivPhotosRequest_subject', 'Request for private photo password at ', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_PurchaseContacts', '\r\n

Hello ,


You purchased the following profiles on :




mail delivery system!!!\r\n
Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply!!!

', 4, 'Purchase contacts letter template', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_PurchaseContacts_subject', 'Your purchase at ', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_Rejection', '\r\n

Dear ,


Your profile was reviewed and rejected due to the following reasons:


1) Your profile information was supplied in the wrong language.
\r\n2) Your profile contains illegal information. Make sure that you: do not use black language, do not specify your contact information in the wrong text fields;
\r\n3) You have uploaded unacceptable photos to your profile;
\r\n4) We doubt that you are a real person.




mail delivery system!!!\r\n
Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply!!!

', 4, 'Profile rejection message template. Automatically sent to a member, when profile status is changed to "Reject".', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_Rejection_subject', 'Profile status was changed to Rejected', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_SDatingAdminEmail', '\r\n

Dear ,


Administration of the is glad to inform you that




We are reminding you that your Unique ID is .




NOTE: You received this message because you are a registered member of \r\nand also are a participant of the SpeedDating "" held at "" .
\r\nPlease visit to see the event details.




!!!Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply!!!

', 4, 'Email template for message sending from the SpeedDating''s Admin Panel.', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_SDatingAdminEmail_subject', 'Additional information on SpeedDating.', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_SDatingCongratulation', '\r\n

Dear ,


We are glad to inform you that You successfully purchased a ticket for SpeedDating "" which will take place at "" .
\r\nYour personal Unique ID is . If you want to change it please click here.


Please visit to see event details.


Thank you for using our services!




!!!Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply!!!

', 4, 'SpeedDating message template. Automatically sent to a member after ticket purchase.', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_SDatingCongratulation_subject', 'SpeedDating ticket purchase', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_SDatingMatch', '\r\n

Dear ,


We are glad to inform you that You were matched with the following participant of SpeedDating "" which took place at "" :


Please visit to see the event details.


Thank you for using our services!




!!!Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply!!!

', 4, 'SpeedDating message template. Automatically sent to a member when there is a match.', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_SDatingMatch_subject', 'Congratulations! You were successfully matched during SpeedDating!', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_SpamReport', '\r\n

User () reported that user () spammed.


Reporter: profile.php?ID=\r\n
Spammer: profile.php?ID=

', 4, 'Template for a "Report Spam" feature.', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_SpamReport_subject', 'Spam report from ', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_TellFriend', '\r\n



I surfed the web and found a cool site:
\r\nI thought it might be interesting to you.


', 4, 'Template for "Invite a Friend" feature.', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_TellFriendProfile', '\r\n



I surfed the web and found a cool member''s profile:
\r\nI thought it might be interesting to you.


', 4, 'Template for "Email profile to a friend" feature.', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_TellFriendProfile_subject', 'Email profile to a friend', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_TellFriend_subject', 'Invite a Friend', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_VKiss', '\r\n

Dear ,


We are glad to inform you that member sent you a greeting!


A greeting means that the member is interested in contacting you. Please, be polite and answer with your greeting in return. You can send it by merely following the link:


Thank you for using our services!




mail delivery system!!!\r\n
Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply!!!

', 4, 'Greeting notification letter template sent to members when they receive greetings from other members. The letter also allows you to instantly send a greeting back.', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_VKiss_visitor', '\r\n

Dear ,


We are glad to inform you that Visitor sent you a greeting!


A greeting means that the person visited your profile and liked it. Have a nice day and enjoy!


Thank you for using our services!




mail delivery system!!!\r\n
Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply!!!

', 4, 'Greeting notification letter template sent to members when they receive greetings from other members. The letter also allows you to instantly send a greeting back.', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('t_VKiss_subject', 'Greeting notification', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('votes', 'on', 1, 'Enable profile votes', 'checkbox', '', '', 5);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('votes_pic', 'on', 1, 'Enable photos votes', 'checkbox', '', '', 6);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('Water_Mark', '', 16, 'Water Mark', 'text', '', '', 3);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('zodiac', '', 1, 'Show zodiac signs', 'checkbox', '', '', 9);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('php_date_format', 'F j, Y', 15, 'PHP date format', 'digit', '', '', 16);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('group_img_width', '600', 24, 'Gallery max image width', 'digit', '', '', 1);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('group_img_height', '600', 24, 'Gallery max image height', 'digit', '', '', 2);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('group_img_tmb_width', '100', 24, 'Gallery max image thumb width', 'digit', '', '', 3);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('group_img_tmb_height', '100', 24, 'Gallery max image thumb height', 'digit', '', '', 4);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('group_invitation_text', '{sender} has invited you to join {group}.
\r\nGroups allow users to communicate on the forums on interesting topics, share pictures, etc.
\r\nYou may accept or reject this invitation below:
\r\n{accept}       {reject}', 24, 'Group invitation text', 'text', '', '', 5);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('group_approve_notify', 'The creator of the {group} allows you to join the group.
\r\nNow you''re an active member of this group and you can share your opinion, post images and communicate on message boards.\r\n', 24, 'Group member approve notification', 'text', '', '', 6);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('group_creator_request', 'Hello, {creator}.
\r\nMember {member} would like to join your group {group}.
\r\nYou may approve or reject this join request below:
\r\n{approve}       {reject}', 24, 'Request message to group creator', 'text', '', '', 8);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('group_reject_notify', 'Dear {member},
\r\nSorry but the creator of the group {group} doesn''t allow you to join the group. If you wish try again later.\r\n', 24, 'Group member reject notification', 'text', '', '', 7);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('top_photos_max_num', '6', 0, 'How many photos show on index page in photos area', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('top_photos_mode', 'rand', 0, 'Show members on index page
(if enabled in the template)', 'combobox', 'return $arg0 == ''rand'' || $arg0 == ''last'' || $arg0 == ''top'' ? true : false;', 'posible values: rand, last, top', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('tags_non_parsable', 'hi, hey, hello, all, i, i''m, i''d, am, for, in, to, a, the, on, it''s, is, my, of, are, from, i''m, me, you, and, we, not, will, at, where, there', 25, 'Non-parsable tags (type all tags in lower case, delimit them by comma)', 'text', '', '', 0);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('tags_last_parse_time', '0', 0, 'Temporary value when tags cron-job was runed last time', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('tags_min_rating', '2', 25, 'Minimum rating of tag to show it', 'digit', '', '', 2);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_blogs_on_home', '3', 22, 'Maximum number of Blogs to show on homepage', 'digit', '', '', 2);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('max_blog_preview', '128', 22, 'Maximum length of Blog preview', 'digit', '', '', 3);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('profile_view_cols', 'thin,thick', 0, 'Profile view columns order', 'digit', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('a_max_live_days_classifieds', '30', 3, 'How long can Classifieds live (days)', 'digit', '', '', 10);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('autoApproval_ifNoConfEmail', 'on', 6, 'Automatic profile confirmation without Confirmation Email', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES('enable_paid_system', 'on', 3, 'Enable Ability to work with Buy Now button in Classifieds', 'checkbox', '', '', 9);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES('t_BuyNow', '\r\n
\r\nCongratulations! .\r\n
\r\nItem title:
\r\nSeller`s Name:
\r\nSeller`s email:

\r\nBuyer Name:
\r\nBuyer email:

\r\nPrice details:

\r\nLink to Item

\r\nContact the directly to arrange payment and delivery. To avoid fraud, we recommend dealing locally, avoiding Western Union and wire transfers.

\r\nThank you for using our site,
\r\nP.S. If you ever need support or have comments for us, e-mail us at
\r\n', 4, 'BuyNow notification letter template for Buyer', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES('t_BuyNow_subject', 'You have purchased an item', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES('t_BuyNowS', '\r\n
\r\nCongratulations! .\r\n
\r\nItem title:
\r\nSeller`s Name:
\r\nSeller`s email:

\r\nBuyer Name:
\r\nBuyer email:

\r\nPrice details:

\r\nLink to Item

\r\nContact the directly to arrange payment and delivery. To avoid fraud, we recommend dealing locally, avoiding Western Union and wire transfers.

\r\nThank you for using our site,
\r\nP.S. If you ever need support or have comments for us, e-mail us at
\r\n', 4, 'BuyNow notification letter template for Seller', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES('t_BuyNowS_subject', 'An item offered by you has been purchased', 4, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_shPhotoActivation', 'on', 23, 'Enable auto-activation for gallery photos', 'checkbox', '', '', 19);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_modrewrite', 'on', 3, 'Enable friendly profile permalinks', 'checkbox', '', '', 11);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('flash_promo_code', '
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n
\r\n', 0, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_flash_promo', 'on', 0, '', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('custom_promo_code', '', 0, '', 'text', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('license_code', '', 1, 'Dolphin License Code', 'digit', '', '', 0);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_get_boonex_id', 'on', 1, 'Enable BoonEx ID import', 'checkbox', '', '', 0.1);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_boonex_footers', '1', 0, 'enable boonex footers', 'checkbox', '', '', NULL);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('enable_classifieds_sort', 'on', 3, 'Enable Sort in Classifieds', 'checkbox', '', '', 12);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES('topmenu_items_perline', '0', 15, 'Number of items per line in top menu. 0 - no breaking.', 'digit', '', '', 20);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParams` VALUES ('autoApproval_Classifieds', 'on', 3, 'Automatic advertisements activation after adding', 'checkbox', '', '', 13);
Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `GlParamsKateg` (`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`name` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`menu_order` float default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (1, 'Profiles', 1);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (2, 'Galleries', 2);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (3, 'Other', 3);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (4, 'Emails', 4);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (5, 'Memberships', 5);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (6, 'Postmoderation', 6);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (7, 'Promotions', 7);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (8, 'Notifies', 8);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (10, 'News', 10);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (11, 'Pruning', 11);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (12, 'Matches', 12);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (14, 'Credits', 13);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (15, 'Variables', 14);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (16, 'Watermarks', 15);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (17, 'Messages', 16);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (19, 'Meta Tags', 18);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (20, 'Polls', 21);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (21, 'Events', 20);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (22, 'Blogs', 9);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (23, 'Media', 22);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (24, 'Groups', 24);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GlParamsKateg` VALUES (25, 'Tags', 25);
Table 'beta.GlParamsKateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `gmusic_rating` (`gal_id` int(12) NOT NULL default '0',`gal_rating_count` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`gal_rating_sum` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',UNIQUE KEY `med_id` (`gal_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `gmusic_voting_track` (`gal_id` int(12) NOT NULL default '0',`gal_ip` varchar(20) default NULL,`gal_date` datetime default NULL,KEY `med_ip` (`gal_ip`,`gal_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `gphoto_rating` (`gal_id` int(12) NOT NULL default '0',`gal_rating_count` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`gal_rating_sum` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',UNIQUE KEY `med_id` (`gal_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `gphoto_voting_track` (`gal_id` int(12) NOT NULL default '0',`gal_ip` varchar(20) default NULL,`gal_date` datetime default NULL,KEY `med_ip` (`gal_ip`,`gal_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `Groups` (`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`categID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',`open_join` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',`hidden_group` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',`members_post_images` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',`members_invite` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',`Country` varchar(2) NOT NULL default '',`City` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',`About` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Desc` text NOT NULL,`thumb` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`creatorID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`created` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',`status` enum('Active','Suspended') NOT NULL default 'Active',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `categID` (`categID`),KEY `creatorID` (`creatorID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `GroupsCateg` (`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (9, 'Arts & Literature');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (8, 'Animals & Pets');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (7, 'Activities');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (10, 'Automotive');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (11, 'Business & Money');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (12, 'Companies & Co-workers');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (13, 'Cultures & Nations');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (14, 'Dolphin Community');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (15, 'Family & Friends');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (16, 'Fan Clubs');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (17, 'Fashion & Style');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (18, 'Fitness & Body Building');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (19, 'Food & Drink');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (20, 'Gay, Lesbian & Bi');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (21, 'Health & Wellness');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (22, 'Hobbies & Entertainment');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (23, 'Internet & Computers');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (24, 'Love & Relationships');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (25, 'Mass Media');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (26, 'Music & Cinema');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (27, 'Other');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (28, 'Places & Travel');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (29, 'Politics');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (30, 'Recreation & Sports');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (31, 'Religion');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (32, 'Science & Innovations');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (33, 'Sex');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `GroupsCateg` VALUES (34, 'Teens & Schools');
Table 'beta.GroupsCateg' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `GroupsGallery` (`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`groupID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`ext` enum('jpg','gif','png') NOT NULL default 'jpg',`width` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`height` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`width_` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`height_` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`by` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`seed` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `groupID` (`groupID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `GroupsMembers` (`memberID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`groupID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`status` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',`Date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',KEY `groupID` (`groupID`,`memberID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `grp_forum` (`forum_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`cat_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`forum_title` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',`forum_desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`forum_posts` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`forum_topics` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`forum_last` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`forum_type` enum('public','private') NOT NULL default 'public',PRIMARY KEY (`forum_id`),KEY `cat_id` (`cat_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `grp_forum_cat` (`cat_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`cat_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`cat_icon` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`cat_order` float NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`cat_id`),KEY `cat_order` (`cat_order`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `grp_forum_cat` VALUES (1, 'Groups', '', 0);
Table 'beta.grp_forum_cat' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `grp_forum_flag` (`user` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',`topic_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`when` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`user`,`topic_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `grp_forum_post` (`post_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`topic_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`forum_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`user` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '0',`post_text` mediumtext NOT NULL,`when` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`votes` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`reports` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`post_id`),KEY `topic_id` (`topic_id`),KEY `forum_id` (`forum_id`),KEY `user` (`user`),KEY `when` (`when`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `grp_forum_report` (`user_name` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',`post_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`user_name`,`post_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `grp_forum_topic` (`topic_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`forum_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`topic_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`when` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`topic_posts` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`first_post_user` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '0',`first_post_when` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`last_post_user` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`last_post_when` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`topic_sticky` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`topic_locked` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`topic_id`),KEY `forum_id` (`forum_id`),KEY `forum_id_2` (`forum_id`,`when`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `grp_forum_user` (`user_name` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',`user_pwd` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`user_email` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',`user_join_date` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`user_name`),UNIQUE KEY `user_email` (`user_email`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `grp_forum_user_activity` (`user` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',`act_current` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`act_last` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`user`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `grp_forum_user_stat` (`user` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',`posts` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`user_last_post` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',KEY `user` (`user`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `grp_forum_vote` (`user_name` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',`post_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`vote_when` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`vote_point` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`user_name`,`post_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `Guestbook` (`ID` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,`Date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`IP` varchar(16) default NULL,`Sender` bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Recipient` bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Text` mediumtext NOT NULL,`New` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '1',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `Pair` (`Sender`,`Recipient`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `gvideo_rating` (`gal_id` int(12) NOT NULL default '0',`gal_rating_count` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`gal_rating_sum` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',UNIQUE KEY `med_id` (`gal_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `gvideo_voting_track` (`gal_id` int(12) NOT NULL default '0',`gal_ip` varchar(20) default NULL,`gal_date` datetime default NULL,KEY `med_ip` (`gal_ip`,`gal_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `HotList` (`ID` bigint(8) NOT NULL default '0',`Profile` bigint(8) NOT NULL default '0',UNIQUE KEY `HotPair` (`ID`,`Profile`),KEY `ID` (`ID`),KEY `Profile` (`Profile`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `IMessages` (`IDFrom` bigint(8) NOT NULL default '0',`IDTo` bigint(8) NOT NULL default '0',`When` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`Msg` char(255) NOT NULL default '',KEY `IDFrom` (`IDFrom`),KEY `IDTo` (`IDTo`),KEY `IDFrom_2` (`IDFrom`,`IDTo`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `IndexCompose` (`ID` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Caption` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Visible` set('non','memb') NOT NULL default '',`Func` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',`Content` text NOT NULL,`Column` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (1, 'Site Stats', 'Shows statistic information concerning your profiles database', '_Site Stats', 'non,memb', 'MemberStat', '', 2, 0);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (3, 'News', 'Show list of site news', '_latest news', 'non,memb', 'News', '', 2, 1);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (4, 'Subscribe', 'Display form to subscribe to newsletters', '_Subscribe', 'non,memb', 'Subscribe', '', 2, 2);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (5, 'Quick Search', 'Quick search form', '_Quick Search', 'non,memb', 'QuickSearchIndex', '', 2, 3);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (6, 'Leaders', 'Top rated profiles', '_Leaders', 'non,memb', 'TopRated', '', 1, 1);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (7, 'Feedback', 'Feedback (Success Story) from your customers', '_Feedback', 'non,memb', 'Feedback', '', 1, 2);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (8, 'Featured', 'List of featured profiles randomly selected from database', '_featured members', 'non,memb', 'Featured', '', 1, 3);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (9, 'Polls', 'Personal profile polls', '_Polls', 'non,memb', 'ProfilePoll', '', 1, 4);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (10, 'Tags', 'Site Tags', '_Tags', 'non,memb', 'Tags', '', 1, 5);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (11, 'Top Members', 'Short list of top profiles selected by given criteria', '_Members', 'non,memb', 'TopMembers', '', 2, 4);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (12, 'Blogs', 'Recently posted blogs', '_Blogs', 'non,memb', 'Blogs', '', 1, 6);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (13, 'Profile Photos', 'Top rated photos', '_Profile Photos', 'non,memb', 'TopPhotos', '', 2, 5);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (14, 'Shoutbox', 'Shoutbox', '_Shoutbox', 'non,memb', 'Shoutbox', '', 2, 8);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (15, 'Login', 'Shows Login Form', '_Member Login', 'non', 'LoginSection', '', 1, 0);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (16, 'RSS Feed', '', '_BoonEx News', 'non,memb', 'RSS', '', 2, 9);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (17, 'Classifieds', 'Classifieds', '_Classifieds', 'non,memb', 'Classifieds', '', 1, 7);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (18, 'Events', 'Events', '_Events', 'non,memb', 'Events', '', 1, 8);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (19, 'Groups', 'Groups', '_Groups', 'non,memb', 'Groups', '', 1, 9);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (20, 'Forum RSS Feed', '', '_Forum Posts', 'non,memb', 'RSS', '{SiteUrl}orca/?action=rss_all#4', 2, 6);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (21, 'Photo Gallery', 'Photos Shared By Members', '_Photo Gallery', 'non,memb', 'SharePhotos', '', 1, 11);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (22, 'Video Gallery', 'Videos Shared By Members', '_Video Gallery', 'non,memb', 'ShareVideos', '', 1, 10);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (23, 'Music Gallery', 'Music Files Shared By Members', '_Music Gallery', 'non,memb', 'ShareMusic', '', 1, 12);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `IndexCompose` VALUES (24, 'Articles', 'Articles', '_Articles', 'non,memb', 'Articles', '', 2, 7);
Table 'beta.IndexCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `Links` (`ID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Title` varchar(250) default NULL,`URL` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',`Description` mediumtext,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Links` VALUES (6, 'Free Online Dating Personals - 4ppl', '', 'Looking for friends, a match or pen pals? 4PPL is exactly for you. Join the First Absolutely Free dating site without any membership payments or annoying ads. Enjoy its simple, pleasurable design and modern features. Use it for free!');
Table 'beta.Links' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Links` VALUES (8, 'Ray Community Widget Suite', '', 'Expand your community site with A/V chat, A/V Instant Messenger, A/V Recorder, MP3 Player, Web Presence and Desktop Application. Bring life to your community site!');
Table 'beta.Links' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Links` VALUES (10, 'Expertzzz Community Software Support', '', 'The goal of our site is to unite people who can deliver support for any community software and who want to receive qualified support. Here you can sell your products and services, as well as buy everything you want to make a Unique Community website. ');
Table 'beta.Links' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Links` VALUES (11, 'LoveLandia: Love Poems', '', 'LoveLandia is the best place to share your love poems, love quotes, stories, songs, tips and much more about Love. Just visit our LoveLandia site and enjoy its modern features: chat, A/V Recorder, Forum, "Transfer to" and more! Disclose your talent! Impress your Lover!');
Table 'beta.Links' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Links` VALUES (12, 'Shark Enterprise Community Platform', '', 'Specially developed software for big community websites. Turn your small community site into a serious moneymaking business!');
Table 'beta.Links' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Links` VALUES (13, 'Orca Interactive Forum Script', '', 'The first Interactive Forum Script based on AJAX technology! Self-Ruling, Integrable and under General Public License.');
Table 'beta.Links' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Links` VALUES (14, 'Barracuda Collaborative Directory Software', '', 'Collaborative Directory Software is a free and handy web directory software bundle, combining the power of PHP+AJAX technologies, modern design and professional support by the BoonEx team. Barracuda will help you create a powerful links directory and make your website traffic grow.');
Table 'beta.Links' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Links` VALUES (15, 'Dolphin Smart Community Builder', '', 'Dolphin is secure, modifiable and reliably tested Community Software which will help you to build a Unique Community website.');
Table 'beta.Links' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Links` VALUES (17, 'DreamSCat: Sharing Ideas & Dreams', '', 'Simply the best place to share and learn genius ideas on science, environment and fun. You can also post here your know-how concerning business, beauty and cooking as well as declare your miracles dreams. Look for creative and useful tips here on self-improvement, health and home.');
Table 'beta.Links' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Links` VALUES (18, 'Make Your Car Famous :: AboutMyCar', '', 'Car stories about real and dream cars with photos, experience and impressions. Latest auto news on new car models, car high tech, motorsports; histories of car builders; vintage automotive proverbs & sayings, auto humor.');
Table 'beta.Links' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Links` VALUES (19, 'Boonex Community Software Experts', '', 'BoonEx delivers quality community web application software with more features you ever dreamed of. We offer community software development calls for rapid changes in Internet-related technologies. You can find everything you need to create your own community!\r\n\r\n');
Table 'beta.Links' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Links` VALUES (22, 'BoonEx Blog', '', ', hosted by Andrey Sivtsov - general Director of BoonEx, is a discussion venue for future releases of BoonEx products and functionality of BoonEx websites. BoonEx Blog is a part of Unite People movement, supported by BoonEx. Anyone is welcome to participate by sharing ideas, testing products and providing suggestions.');
Table 'beta.Links' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `Links` VALUES (21, 'BoonEx Development Zone', '', 'Have a suggestion for the new BoonEx products versions? You are welcome to use where you can make your deposit in the Ray or Shark development process via a "Ticket" system. To be up-to-date you can view the "Timeline" of the development progress and the "Roadmap" of what will be done. Many of those who wish to help build a better product are already there.');
Table 'beta.Links' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `LocalizationCategories` (`ID` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),UNIQUE KEY `Name` (`Name`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (1, 'Page texts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (2, 'Page titles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (3, 'Action messages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (4, 'Membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (5, 'Blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (6, 'Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (7, 'Events');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (8, 'Promotional texts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (9, 'Months');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (10, 'Age ranges');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (11, 'Body type');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (12, 'Countries');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (13, 'Education');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (14, 'Ethnicity');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (15, 'Income');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (16, 'Language');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (17, 'Marital status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (18, 'Person''s height');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (19, 'Profile status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (20, 'Relationship');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (21, 'Religion');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (22, 'Smoking/drinking levels');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (23, 'Zodiac signs');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (24, 'Profile fields relevant');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (25, 'Instant Messenger');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (26, 'Checkout');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (27, 'Polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (100, 'Misc');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (101, 'media');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (102, 'Groups');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (103, 'QSearch');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationCategories` VALUES (105, 'Classifieds');
Table 'beta.LocalizationCategories' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `LocalizationKeys` (`ID` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`IDCategory` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Key` varchar(255) character set utf8 collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),UNIQUE KEY `Key` (`Key`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'collate utf8_bin NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),UNIQUE
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1, 8, '_bottom_text');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2, 8, '_copyright');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (3, 100, '_Notify me about News, tips');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (4, 100, '_compose_message_notify');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (5, 100, '_GuestBook');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (32, 8, '_promo_text_act_1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (33, 8, '_promo_act_0');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (34, 8, '_promo_act_1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (35, 8, '_promo_act_2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (57, 100, '_AOL');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (58, 100, '_IM now (not allowed)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (59, 100, '_im_up');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (60, 100, '_aol');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (61, 100, '_a man');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (62, 100, '_a woman');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (63, 100, '_a man or a woman');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (64, 100, '_a_female');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (65, 100, '_a_male');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (66, 100, '_a_couple');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (67, 100, '_About me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (70, 100, '_About Us');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (71, 100, '_About you');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (72, 100, '_Activate account');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (73, 100, '_active_story');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (74, 100, '_Add comment');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (75, 100, '_Add to cart');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (76, 100, '_Add New Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (77, 100, '_Add story');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (78, 100, '_Add new object');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (79, 100, '_add stories');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (80, 100, '_Add to Hot List');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (81, 100, '_Add to Friend List');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (82, 100, '_Adding member...');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (83, 100, '_Additional contact information');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (84, 100, '_Admin');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (85, 100, '_adv_search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (86, 100, '_Affiliates');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (87, 100, '_Aged from');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (88, 100, '_aged');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (89, 100, '_all');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (90, 100, '_All');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (91, 100, '_Amount');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (92, 100, '_Anonymous');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (94, 9, '_April');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (95, 100, '_Articles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (96, 100, '_ascending');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (97, 100, '_Attention');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (98, 9, '_August');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (100, 100, '_available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (101, 100, '_average rate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (102, 100, '_avff');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (103, 100, '_Back to');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (104, 100, '_Back Invite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (105, 100, '_Bid');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (106, 100, '_Block');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (107, 100, '_Block list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (108, 100, '_block member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (109, 100, '_Blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (110, 24, '_Body type');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (111, 24, '_BodyType');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (112, 24, '_BodyType2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (113, 100, '_Both');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (114, 100, '_both2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (115, 100, '_Brief Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (116, 100, '_Browse Profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (117, 100, '_by age');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (118, 100, '_by contact price');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (119, 100, '_by rate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (120, 100, '_by times contacted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (121, 25, '_imerr membership_required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (122, 25, '_imerr to_n_active');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (123, 25, '_imerr from_n_active');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (124, 25, '_imerr blocked');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (125, 100, '_characters');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (126, 100, '_chars_to_chars');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (127, 100, '_Chat');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (129, 100, '_Chat Now');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (130, 100, '_chat now');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (131, 100, '_Chatting');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (132, 100, '_chat window');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (133, 100, '_Cancel password(s)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (134, 100, '_Cart');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (135, 100, '_CartDiscount title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (136, 100, '_CartDiscount NumOfProf');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (137, 100, '_CartDiscount Discount');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (138, 100, '_CastVote');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (139, 100, '_Check Out');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (140, 100, '_Check all');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (141, 24, '_Children');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (142, 100, '_Choose file for upload');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (143, 24, '_children');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (144, 24, '_City');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (145, 3, '_City reqired');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (146, 100, '_CLICK_AGREE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (147, 100, '_Close');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (148, 100, '_Communicator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (149, 100, '_Communication');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (150, 100, '_Community Stats');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (151, 100, '_Compose New Message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (152, 100, '_Contact Sales');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (153, 100, '_contacts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (156, 100, '_contact');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (157, 100, '_contact list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (158, 100, '_Confirm E-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (159, 100, '_Confirm');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (160, 100, '_Confirm password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (161, 100, '_Confirm your e-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (162, 100, '_Confirm your password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (163, 100, '_Confirmation code');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (164, 100, '_Confirmation e-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (165, 100, '_Congratulations');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (166, 100, '_Contact');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (168, 100, '_Contacts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (169, 100, '_Contacts purchased');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (170, 100, '_Contact information');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (171, 100, '_Contact information sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (172, 100, '_Contact information not sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (173, 100, '_Contact price');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (174, 100, '_Contact details');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (175, 100, '_Continue');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (176, 100, '_Control Panel');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (177, 24, '_Country');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (178, 24, '_couple');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (179, 100, '_credits');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (180, 100, '_clc');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (181, 100, '_Current deposit');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (182, 100, '_Current membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (183, 100, '_Currently Online');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (184, 100, '_Custom menu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (185, 100, '_Date');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (186, 24, '_Date of birth');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (187, 24, '_DateOfBirth');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (188, 24, '_DateOfBirth2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (189, 9, '_December');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (190, 100, '_Delete');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (191, 100, '_Delete account');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (192, 100, '_Delete from Friend List');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (193, 100, '_Deleting member...');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (194, 100, '_Details of the person you are looking for');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (195, 100, '_descending');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (196, 24, '_Description');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1730, 4, '_ACTION_LIMIT_REACHED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (199, 100, '_Do you really want to delete this entry?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (200, 100, '_Download and listen');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (201, 100, '_Download and see');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (202, 100, '_Doesnt matter');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (203, 100, '_Drinking');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (204, 100, '_Drinking?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (205, 24, '_Drinker');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (206, 24, '_Drinker2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (207, 100, '_E-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (208, 100, '_E-mail required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (209, 100, '_E-mail valid required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (210, 100, '_E-mail sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (211, 100, '_E-mail or ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (212, 100, '_Email confirmation');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (213, 100, '_Email confirmation Ex');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (214, 100, '_Email was successfully sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (215, 100, '_Email sent failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (216, 24, '_Education');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (217, 24, '_Education2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (218, 100, '_Edit Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (219, 100, '_edit profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (220, 100, '_Edit');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (221, 100, '_Empty');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (222, 100, '_Empty Cart');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (223, 100, '_Emptying cart...');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (224, 100, '_Enter profile ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (225, 100, '_Enter what you see:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (226, 100, '_Error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (227, 100, '_Error code');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (228, 100, '_Error sending kiss');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (229, 24, '_Ethnicity');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (230, 24, '_Ethnicity2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (231, 100, '_Extended search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (232, 100, '_Explanation');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (233, 100, '_F');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (234, 100, '_FAQ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (235, 9, '_February');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (236, 100, '_Female');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (237, 100, '_Female_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (238, 100, '_Fetch');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (239, 100, '_Find');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (240, 100, '_Find!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (241, 100, '_Finance');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (242, 100, '_First');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (243, 100, '_Free e-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (244, 100, '_free_sign_up');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (245, 100, '_Free sound');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (246, 100, '_Friend email');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (247, 100, '_Friends:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (248, 100, '_Friends');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (249, 100, '_female');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (250, 100, '_featured');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (251, 100, '_featured members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (252, 100, '_featured profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (253, 100, '_for free');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (254, 100, '_for');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (256, 100, '_Forgot');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (257, 100, '_Forgot?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (258, 100, '_Forgot password?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (259, 100, '_former USSR');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (260, 100, '_Forum');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (261, 100, '_From');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (262, 100, '_From Primary');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (263, 100, '_from');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (264, 100, '_from zip/postal code');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (265, 100, '_from ZIP');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (266, 100, '_free');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (267, 100, '_Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (268, 100, '_my_gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (269, 100, '_General description');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (270, 100, '_General self-description');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (271, 100, '_Go');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (272, 100, '_Affiliate Program');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (273, 100, '_Congratulation');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (274, 100, '_Got_members_part_1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (275, 100, '_Got_members_part_2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (276, 100, '_Need_more_members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (277, 100, '_Choose_membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (278, 100, '_Got_new_membership_part_1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (279, 100, '_Got_new_membership_part_2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (280, 100, '_Got_new_membership_part_3');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (281, 100, '_Gold Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (282, 100, '_Gold Membership Subscriptions');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (283, 100, '_grant password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (284, 100, '_granted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (285, 100, '_guestbook');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (286, 24, '_GuestbookMode');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (287, 24, '_GuestbookAccess');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (288, 100, '_my_guestbook');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (289, 100, '_blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (290, 100, '_my_blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (291, 100, '_no_info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (292, 100, '_Enable');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (293, 100, '_Disable');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (294, 100, '_Suspend');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (295, 100, '_Registered only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (296, 100, '_Friends only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (297, 100, '_Add record');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (298, 100, '_Visitor');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (299, 100, '_Have N children');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (300, 100, '_Have no children');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (301, 24, '_Height');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (302, 24, '_Height2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (303, 100, '_Header');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (305, 24, '_Headline');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (306, 100, '_Hide');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (307, 100, '_Home');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (308, 24, '_Home address');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (309, 24, '_Homepage');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (310, 100, '_Hot list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (311, 100, '_hot member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (312, 100, '_Friend list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (313, 100, '_friend member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (314, 100, '_HTML');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (315, 100, '_I AGREE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (316, 100, '_I am');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (317, 100, '_I am a');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (318, 100, '_I seek a');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (319, 100, '_I can receive');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (320, 100, '_I look for a');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (321, 100, '_I prefer not to say');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (322, 100, '_I will tell you later');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (323, 24, '_ICQ UIN');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (324, 24, '_ICQ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (325, 24, '_icq');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (326, 24, '_IM UIN');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (327, 100, '_IM title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (328, 100, '_starts immediately');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (329, 100, '_IM now');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (330, 25, '_im_textInit');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (331, 25, '_im_textNoCurrUser');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (332, 25, '_im_textNoAcessA');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (333, 25, '_im_textNoAcessG');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (334, 25, '_im_textLogin');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (335, 25, '_im_textSend');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (336, 100, '_ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (337, 100, '_Ideal match description');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (338, 24, '_Income');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (339, 24, '_Income2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (340, 100, '_Incorrect Email');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (342, 100, '_Interest');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (343, 100, '_Invalid ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (344, 100, '_Invite a friend');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (345, 9, '_January');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (346, 100, '_Join');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (347, 100, '_Join For Free');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (348, 100, '_Join Free');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (349, 100, '_Join now');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (350, 9, '_June');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (351, 9, '_July');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (352, 100, '_kilometers');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (353, 100, '_kb');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (354, 100, '_Kisses');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (355, 100, '_Language');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (356, 24, '_Language 1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (357, 24, '_Language 2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (358, 24, '_Language 3');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (359, 24, '_Language1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (360, 24, '_Language12');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (361, 100, '_Last');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (362, 100, '_Last login');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (363, 100, '_Last logged in');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (364, 100, '_Last changes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (365, 100, '_Last modified');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (366, 100, '_latest news');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (367, 100, '_Latest Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (368, 100, '_launch IM');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (369, 100, '_Links');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (370, 24, '_living with me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (371, 100, '_living within');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (372, 100, '_listen voice');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (373, 100, '_length');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (374, 100, '_Location');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (375, 100, '_Log In');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (376, 100, '_Login');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (377, 100, '_LOG_IN_1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (378, 100, '_Log Out');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (379, 100, '_Log Out2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (380, 100, '_Logged in');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (381, 100, '_Login required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (382, 100, '_login_title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (384, 100, '_LookingFor');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (385, 100, '_LookingAge');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (386, 100, '_LookingHeight');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (387, 100, '_LookingBodyType');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (388, 100, '_Looking for');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (389, 100, '_looking for');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (390, 100, '_M');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (391, 100, '_Must be valid');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (392, 100, '_MSN');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (393, 100, '_msn');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (394, 100, '_MAIN MENU');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (395, 100, '_Main Menu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1729, 4, '_ACTION_NOT_ACTIVE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (397, 100, '_Make thumb out of primary');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (398, 100, '_Make Failed thumb out of primary');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (399, 100, '_Make Success thumb out of primary');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (400, 100, '_Male');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (401, 100, '_Male_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (402, 100, '_Male or female');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (403, 100, '_Male or female_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (404, 9, '_March');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (405, 100, '_man');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (406, 100, '_Men');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (407, 100, '_men');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (408, 100, '_men and women');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (409, 100, '_man_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (410, 100, '_Manage objects');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (411, 100, '_Manage alboms');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (413, 100, '_male');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (414, 24, '_Marital status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (415, 24, '_MaritalStatus');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (416, 100, '_Mark as New');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (417, 100, '_Mark as old');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (418, 100, '_Mark as Featured');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (419, 100, '_Maximum characters');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (420, 9, '_May');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (421, 100, '_Maybe');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (422, 100, '_MEMBER MENU');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (423, 100, '_Member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (424, 100, '_Member control panel');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (425, 100, '_Member Information');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (426, 100, '_Member Login');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (427, 100, '_Member menu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (428, 100, '_Member Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (429, 100, '_Member Profile NA for view');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (430, 100, '_Member sound');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (431, 100, '_Member video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (432, 100, '_members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (433, 100, '_members Hot');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (434, 100, '_members Friend');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (435, 100, '_members Block');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (436, 100, '_members Kissed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (437, 100, '_members Viewed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (438, 100, '_members Contacted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (439, 100, '_members Contacted for free');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (440, 100, '_members Private_photos_access');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (441, 100, '_member info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (442, 100, '_Membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (443, 100, '_membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (444, 100, '_Membership2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (448, 100, '_COMPOSE_REJECT_MEMBER_NOT_FOUND');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (449, 100, '_Membership NEW');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (450, 100, '_days');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (452, 100, '_Membership Credits');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (453, 100, '_Membership Status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (454, 100, '_Message from');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (455, 100, '_Message not available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (456, 100, '_Message Preview');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (457, 100, '_Message text');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (458, 100, '_Messages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (459, 100, '_Messages in Inbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (460, 100, '_Messages in Outbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (461, 100, '_miles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (462, 100, '_km');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (463, 100, '_Moderator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (464, 100, '_More Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (465, 100, '_More Photos2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (466, 100, '_more');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (467, 100, '_More..');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (468, 100, '_My Email');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (469, 100, '_My Inbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (470, 100, '_My Outbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (471, 100, '_My Membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (472, 100, '_My Messenger');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (473, 100, '_My Panel');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (474, 100, '_My Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (475, 100, '_My Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (476, 100, '_NA_image');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (477, 100, '_Name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (478, 100, '_never');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (479, 100, '_new');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (480, 100, '_New Message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (481, 100, '_New Member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (482, 100, '_New Member Add Here');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (483, 100, '_New profile created');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (484, 100, '_New picture');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (485, 100, '_New sound');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (486, 100, '_New video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (487, 100, '_New this week');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (488, 100, '_newsletter');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (489, 100, '_Next');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (490, 100, '_Next>>');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (491, 100, '_news_archive');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (492, 100, '_NickName''s profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (493, 24, '_NickName');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (494, 24, '_Nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (495, 24, '_ProfileType');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (496, 100, '_Nickname required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (497, 100, '_No');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (498, 100, '_No matters');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (499, 100, '_No member to add');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (500, 100, '_No member to delete');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (501, 100, '_No member specified');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (502, 100, '_No membership available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (503, 100, '_No messages in Inbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (504, 100, '_No messages in Outbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (505, 100, '_No modification');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (506, 100, '_No news available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (507, 100, '_No polls available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (508, 100, '_No pics available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (509, 100, '_No results found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (510, 100, '_No sounds available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (511, 100, '_No success story available.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (512, 100, '_no such name or no message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (513, 100, '_No video available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (514, 100, '_None');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (515, 100, '_none');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (516, 100, '_Not enough credits');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (517, 100, '_not living with me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (518, 100, '_not granted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (519, 100, '_Not read');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (520, 100, '_not read');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (521, 100, '_Not Recognized');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (522, 100, '_Not sure');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (523, 24, '_NotNotifyMe');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (524, 100, '_Notification send failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (525, 100, '_Notify me about news, tips');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (526, 24, '_NotifyMe');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (527, 24, '_Notify by e-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (528, 9, '_November');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (529, 24, '_Occupation');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (530, 9, '_October');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (532, 100, '_only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (533, 100, '_Online');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (534, 100, '_Online Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (535, 100, '_online only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (536, 100, '_Offline');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (537, 3, '_Ok, entry not deleted.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (538, 3, '_Ok, entry was deleted successful.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (539, 3, '_Oops, cannot delete this entry.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (540, 100, '_Open in new window');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (541, 100, '_or send request for password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (542, 100, '_Other details');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (543, 100, '_page navigation');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (544, 100, '_Pages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (545, 24, '_Password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (546, 100, '_pass_adl');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (547, 100, '_Password granted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (548, 100, '_Password required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (549, 100, '_Password retrieval');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (550, 100, '_Pay-per-contact');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (551, 24, '_Personal details');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (552, 24, '_Personal details2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (553, 24, '_Phone');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (554, 3, '_Photo successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (555, 100, '_pics_only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (556, 100, '_Picture');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (557, 100, '_Polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (558, 100, '_post my feedback');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (559, 24, '_PPNotify');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (560, 24, '_PPNotifyNote');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (561, 100, '_Prev');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (562, 100, '_Preview');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (564, 100, '_Price,');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (565, 100, '_Primary Picture');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (566, 100, '_Primary photo successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (567, 100, '_Primary photo remove failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (568, 100, '_Private message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (569, 100, '_Private photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (570, 100, '_Privacy');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (571, 100, '_Private photo password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (572, 100, '_Private passwod');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (573, 100, '_Profile last modified');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (574, 100, '_Profile status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (575, 100, '_Profile NA');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (576, 100, '_Profile Not found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (577, 100, '_Profile Not found Ex');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (578, 100, '_Profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (579, 100, '_Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (580, 100, '_Profile activation failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (581, 100, '_Profile of the week');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (582, 100, '_Profile of the month');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (583, 100, '_Purchased contacts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (584, 100, '_private');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (585, 100, '_public');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (586, 100, '_friends only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (587, 100, '_random profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (588, 100, '_Random Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (589, 100, '_rate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (590, 100, '_rate profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (591, 100, '_rate photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (592, 100, '_Rate Photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (593, 100, '_Read access:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (594, 100, '_Read more');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (595, 100, '_Readed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (596, 100, '_Read news in archive');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (597, 24, '_Real name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (598, 3, '_Real name required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (599, 100, '_Recognized');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (600, 100, '_Registration error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (601, 100, '_Reject invite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (602, 100, '_Reject Invite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (603, 24, '_Relationship');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (604, 3, '_Relationship required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (605, 24, '_Religion');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (606, 24, '_Religion2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (607, 100, '_Reply');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (608, 100, '_Report about spam was sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (609, 100, '_Report about spam failed to sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (610, 100, '_report member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (611, 100, '_Results per page');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (612, 100, '_Results');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (613, 100, '_Retrieve');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (614, 100, '_Retrieve my information');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (615, 100, '_Quick Links');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (616, 100, '_Quick Search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (617, 100, '_Save Changes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (618, 100, '_Services');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (619, 100, '_services');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (620, 100, '_sec');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (621, 100, '_send a kiss');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (622, 100, '_email to frend');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (623, 100, '_score');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (624, 100, '_size');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (625, 100, '_single');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (626, 100, '_Sign Up FREE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (627, 100, '_SIMG_ERR');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (628, 100, '_Search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (629, 100, '_Search result');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (630, 100, '_Search by ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (631, 100, '_Search by Nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (632, 100, '_Search by distance');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (633, 100, '_Search Profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (634, 100, '_Search profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (635, 100, '_Secondary Picture');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (636, 100, '_Secondary photo successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (637, 100, '_Secondary photo remove failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (638, 100, '_See profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (639, 100, '_See PERSON''s Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (640, 100, '_seeking a');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (641, 100, '_Seeking for a');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (642, 100, '_search_Sex');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (643, 100, '_search profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (644, 100, '_search_Country');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (645, 100, '_search_DateOfBirth');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (646, 100, '_search_Height');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (647, 100, '_search_BodyType');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (648, 100, '_search_Religion');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (649, 100, '_search_Ethnicity');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (650, 100, '_search_MaritalStatus');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (651, 100, '_search_Education');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (652, 100, '_search_Income');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (653, 100, '_search_Smoker');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (654, 100, '_search_Drinker');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (655, 100, '_search_LookingFor');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (656, 100, '_search_Language1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (657, 100, '_Selected messages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (658, 100, '_Send');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (659, 100, '_Send a message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (660, 100, '_Send a message to');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (661, 100, '_Send e-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (662, 100, '_Send kiss');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (663, 100, '_Send Kiss');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (664, 100, '_Send Kiss cannt');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (665, 100, '_Send to communicator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (666, 100, '_Send to e-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (667, 100, '_Send virtual kiss');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (668, 100, '_Send virtual kiss2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (669, 100, '_Send virtual kiss3');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (670, 100, '_Send Letter');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (671, 9, '_September');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (672, 100, '_Settings');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (673, 100, '_Set membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (674, 24, '_Sex');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (675, 100, '_Shopping Cart');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (676, 100, '_Shopping cart emptied');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (677, 100, '_Short Profiles Search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (678, 100, '_shout_box_title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (679, 100, '_Show');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (680, 100, '_Show me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (683, 24, '_Smoker');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (684, 24, '_Smoker2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (685, 100, '_sometimes living with me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (686, 100, '_Sorry');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (687, 100, '_sorry, i can not define you ip adress. IT''S TIME TO COME OUT !');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (688, 100, '_Sorry, user is OFFLINE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (689, 100, '_sort');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (690, 100, '_Sort order');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (691, 100, '_Sort results');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (692, 100, '_Sound');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (693, 100, '_Spam report');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (694, 100, '_spam member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (695, 100, '_Special offer');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (696, 100, '_Spoken languages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (697, 100, '_speak');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (698, 100, '_Status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (699, 100, '_Stories');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (700, 100, '_Stories2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (701, 100, '_Submit');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (702, 100, '_Submit request');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (703, 100, '_Subscribe');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (704, 100, '_Subject');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (705, 100, '_Successfully uploaded');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (706, 100, '_success story');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (707, 100, '_Suspend account');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (708, 100, '_survey');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (709, 100, '_Text');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (710, 100, '_Terms_of_use');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (711, 100, '_Tell a friend');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (712, 100, '_Theme');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (713, 3, '_This guestbook disabled by it''s owner');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (714, 3, '_This guestbook allowed for registered members only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (715, 3, '_This guestbook allowed for friends only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (716, 100, '_You can not write any messages, this guestbook is suspended');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (717, 100, '_Thumbnail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (718, 100, '_Thumbnail successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (719, 100, '_Thumbnail remove failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (720, 100, '_Thumb');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (721, 100, '_Timely');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (722, 100, '_time(s)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (723, 100, '_to');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (724, 100, '_To');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (725, 100, '_to_post');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (726, 100, '_To view the photos you have to become a gold member. Go to Gold Membership page to purchase membership.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (727, 100, '_Top Rated');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (728, 100, '_Top Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (729, 100, '_Total');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (730, 100, '_total');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (731, 100, '_Total amount');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (732, 100, '_Total price');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (733, 100, '_Total Registered');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (734, 100, '_total votes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (735, 100, '_Uncheck all');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (736, 100, '_Unblock');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (737, 100, '_Undefined error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (738, 100, '_mem_status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (739, 100, '__Silver');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (740, 100, '__Gold');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (741, 100, '__Platinum');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (742, 100, '__Standard');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (743, 100, '__silver');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (744, 100, '__standard');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (745, 100, '_Unknown action');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (746, 100, '_uknown');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (747, 100, '_Unregister');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (748, 100, '_Upload');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (749, 100, '_Upload Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (750, 100, '_Upload Sound');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (751, 100, '_Upload Video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (752, 100, '_Update story');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (753, 100, '_Use latin set');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (754, 100, '_use credits');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (755, 100, '_use credits msg');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (756, 3, '_User was added to block list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (757, 3, '_User was added to hot list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (758, 3, '_User was added to friend list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (759, 3, '_User was invited to friend list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (760, 3, '_already_in_friend_list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (761, 3, '_User was added to im');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (762, 100, '_Video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (763, 100, '_Video file successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (764, 100, '_Video file remove failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (765, 100, '_view video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (766, 100, '_View profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (767, 100, '_View Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (768, 100, '_view as profile details');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (769, 100, '_view as photo gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (770, 100, '_Visitor menu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (771, 100, '_Vote profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (772, 100, '_VoteBad');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (773, 100, '_VoteGood');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (774, 100, '_Vote Average Mark');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (775, 100, '_Vote accepted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (776, 100, '_votes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (777, 100, '_Write Message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (778, 24, '_Want children');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1728, 4, '_ACTION_NOT_ALLOWED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (780, 100, '_Was contacted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (781, 100, '_Welcome');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (782, 100, '_with');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (783, 100, '_With photos only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (784, 100, '_What do you seek somebody for?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (785, 100, '_within');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (786, 100, '_Whom do you look for?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (787, 100, '_who is from');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (788, 100, '_Women');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (789, 100, '_women');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (790, 100, '_woman');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (791, 100, '_woman_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (792, 100, '_Write access:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (793, 100, '_write message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (794, 100, '_XX match');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (795, 100, '_y/o');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (796, 100, '_your rate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (797, 100, '_Yes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (798, 100, '_Yahoo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (799, 100, '_yahoo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (800, 100, '_You can get my');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (801, 100, '_You are');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (802, 100, '_You already voted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (803, 100, '_Your email');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (804, 100, '_You have to wait for PERIOD minutes before you can write another message!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (805, 100, '_Your name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (806, 100, '_Your Shopping Cart');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (807, 100, '_Your private messages here');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (808, 24, '_Zip/Postal Code');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (809, 100, '_Post date');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (810, 2, '_AECHAT_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (811, 2, '_AECHAT_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (812, 2, '_ABOUT_US_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (813, 2, '_ABOUT_US_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (814, 2, '_ACTIVATION_EMAIL_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (815, 2, '_ACTIVATION_EMAIL_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (816, 2, '_AFFILIATES_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (817, 2, '_AFFILIATES_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (819, 2, '_ADD_TO_CART');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (820, 2, '_ARTICLES_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (821, 2, '_ARTICLES_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (822, 2, '_CART_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (823, 2, '_CART_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (824, 2, '_CC_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (825, 2, '_CC_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (826, 2, '_CHANGE_STATUS_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (827, 2, '_CHANGE_STATUS_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (828, 2, '_CHAT_WITH_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (829, 2, '_COMING_SOON_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (830, 2, '_COMPOSE_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (831, 2, '_COMPOSE_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (832, 2, '_COMPOSE_STORY_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (833, 2, '_COMPOSE_STORY_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (834, 2, '_CONFIRM_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (835, 2, '_COMPOSE_STORY_VIEW_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (836, 2, '_COMPOSE_STORY_VIEW_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (837, 2, '_COMPOSE_NEWS_VIEW_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (838, 2, '_COMPOSE_NEWS_VIEW_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (839, 2, '_CONTACT_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (840, 2, '_CONTACT_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (841, 2, '_EMAIL_CONF_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (842, 2, '_EXPLANATION_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (843, 2, '_FAQ_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (844, 2, '_FAQ_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (845, 2, '_FEATURED_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (846, 2, '_FEATURED_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (847, 2, '_FORGOT_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (848, 2, '_FREEMAIL_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (849, 2, '_HOTORNOT_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (850, 2, '_HOTORNOT_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (851, 2, '_INBOX_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (852, 2, '_INBOX_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (853, 2, '_INBOX_g4');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (854, 2, '_INDEX_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (856, 2, '_GET_EMAIL');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (858, 2, '_GET_SOUND');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (859, 2, '_JOIN_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (860, 2, '_JOIN_AFF_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (861, 2, '_LINKS_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (862, 2, '_LINKS_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (863, 2, '_MEMBER_LOGIN_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (864, 2, '_MEMBER_PANEL_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (865, 2, '_MEMBER_PANEL_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (866, 2, '_MEMBERSHIP_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (867, 2, '_MEMBERSHIP_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (868, 2, '_NEWS_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (869, 2, '_OUTBOX_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (870, 2, '_OUTBOX_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (871, 2, '_OUTBOX_g4');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (872, 2, '_OUR_SERV');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (873, 2, '_PRIVACY_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (874, 2, '_PRIVACY_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (875, 2, '_PHOTOS_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (876, 2, '_PHOTOS_H2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (877, 2, '_PIC_GALLERY_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (878, 2, '_PIC_GALLERY_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (882, 2, '_PROFILE_VIEW_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (883, 2, '_RESULT0_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (884, 2, '_RESULT-1_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (885, 2, '_RESULT1_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (886, 2, '_SEARCH_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (887, 2, '_SEARCH_FOR');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (888, 2, '_SEARCH_RESULT_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (889, 2, '_SEARCH_RESULT_ALLOWED_PROFILES');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (890, 2, '_SOUND_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (891, 2, '_STORY_VIEW_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (892, 2, '_STORY_VIEW_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (893, 2, '_TERMS_OF_USE_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (894, 2, '_TERMS_OF_USE_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (896, 2, '_VIDEO_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (897, 2, '_VKISS_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (899, 1, '_ABOUT_US');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (901, 1, '_ADM_PROFILE_CONFIRM_EM');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (902, 1, '_ADM_PROFILE_SEND_MSG');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (906, 1, '_AFFILIATES');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (907, 3, '_ALREADY_ACTIVATED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (909, 1, '_ATT_UNCONFIRMED_E');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (910, 1, '_ATT_UNCONFIRMED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (911, 1, '_ATT_APPROVAL');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (912, 1, '_ATT_APPROVAL_E');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (913, 1, '_ATT_ACTIVE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (914, 1, '_ATT_ACTIVE_E');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (917, 1, '_ATT_REJECTED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (918, 1, '_ATT_REJECTED_E');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (919, 1, '_ATT_SUSPENDED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (920, 1, '_ATT_SUSPENDED_E');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (921, 1, '_ATT_MESSAGE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (923, 1, '_ATT_VKISS');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (924, 1, '_ATT_FRIEND');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (925, 1, '_CANT_SEND_VKISS7');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (927, 1, '_CANT_VIEW_PROFILE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (928, 3, '_CART_EMPTY');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (929, 3, '_CART_EMPTIED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (930, 3, '_CITY_REQUIRED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (932, 3, '_COMPOSE_REJECT2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (934, 1, '_COMING_SOON');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (936, 1, '_CONTACT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (937, 3, '_CONTACTS_CHOSEN');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (939, 3, '_DELETE_SUCCESS');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (940, 1, '_DELETE_TEXT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (941, 3, '_PWD_INVALID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (942, 3, '_PWD_INVALID2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (943, 3, '_DESC_LEAST');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (946, 3, '_EMAIL_ALREADY_USED_BY');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (947, 3, '_EMAIL_CONF_FAILED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (948, 3, '_EMAIL_CONF_FAILED_EX');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (949, 3, '_EMAIL_CONF_NOT_SENT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (950, 3, '_EMAIL_CONF_SENT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (951, 3, '_EMAIL_CONF_SUCCEEDED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (952, 3, '_EMAIL_INVALID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (953, 3, '_EMAIL_INVALID_AFF');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (954, 3, '_EMAIL_REQUIRED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (956, 1, '_ENTER_CONF_CODE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (957, 3, '_ERROR_OCCURED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (958, 3, '_FAILED_TO_UPLOAD_SOUND');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (959, 3, '_FAILED_TO_UPLOAD_VIDEO');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (960, 3, '_FAILED_TO_DELETE_PIC');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (961, 3, '_FAILED_TO_MAKE_THUMB_FROM_PRIMARY');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (962, 3, '_FAILED_TO_SEND_MESSAGE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (964, 3, '_FAILED_TO_SEND_MESSAGE_BLOCK');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (965, 3, '_FAILED_TO_SEND_MESSAGE_MEMBERSHIP');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (966, 3, '_FAILED_TO_SEND_MESSAGE_NO_CREDITS');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (967, 3, '_FAILED_TO_SEND_MESSAGE_NOT_ACTIVE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (968, 3, '_FAILED_TO_UPDATE_PROFILE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (969, 3, '_FAILED_TO_UPLOAD_PIC');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (970, 1, '_FAQ_INFO');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (971, 1, '_FIELDS*_OPTIONAL');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (972, 1, '_FORGOT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (973, 3, '_FREEMAIL_ALREADY_SENT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (974, 3, '_FREEMAIL_CHOOSE_ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (975, 3, '_FREEMAIL_BLOCK');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (976, 3, '_FREEMAIL_ERROR');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (977, 3, '_FREEMAIL_NOT_ALLOWED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (978, 3, '_FREEMAIL_NOT_KISSED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (980, 3, '_FREEMAIL_SENT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (983, 3, '_INCORRECT_EMAIL');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (987, 3, '_INVALID_ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (988, 3, '_INVALID_PASSWD');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (989, 1, '_JOIN1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (990, 1, '_JOIN1_AFF');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (992, 1, '_JOIN3');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (993, 1, '_JOIN_AFF2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (994, 1, '_JOIN_AFF_ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (995, 1, '_GIVE_MY_INFO_GM');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (996, 1, '_HEADLINE_LEAST');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (997, 3, '_LOGGING_OUT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (998, 3, '_LOGIN_ERROR');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (999, 3, '_LOGIN_OBSOLETE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1000, 1, '_LOGIN_REQUIRED1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1002, 1, '_LOGIN_REQUIRED_AE1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1003, 1, '_LOGIN_REQUIRED_AE2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1005, 1, '_MAX_CHARS_TO_CC_UNLIM_TO_EMAIL');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1006, 1, '_MEMBER_ADDED_TO_CART');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1007, 1, '_MEMBER_ALREADY_CONTACTED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1008, 1, '_MEMBER_ALREADY_IN_CART');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1009, 1, '_MEMBER_NOT_RECOGNIZED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1011, 1, '_MEMBER_RECOGNIZED_MAIL_NOT_SENT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1012, 1, '_MEMBER_RECOGNIZED_MAIL_SENT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1013, 1, '_MEMBERS_ONLINE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1014, 1, '_MEMBERS_YOU_CONTACTED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1015, 1, '_MEMBERS_YOU_CONTACTED_BY');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1016, 1, '_MEMBERS_YOU_CONTACTED_FREE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1017, 1, '_MEMBERS_YOU_CONTACTED_BY_FREE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1018, 1, '_MEMBERS_YOU_KISSED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1019, 1, '_MEMBERS_YOU_KISSED_BY');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1020, 1, '_MEMBERS_YOU_VIEWED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1021, 1, '_MEMBERS_YOU_VIEWED_BY');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1022, 1, '_MEMBERS_YOU_HOTLISTED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1023, 1, '_MEMBERS_YOU_HOTLISTED_BY');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1024, 1, '_MEMBERS_INVITE_YOU_FRIENDLIST');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1025, 1, '_MEMBERS_YOU_INVITED_FRIENDLIST');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1026, 1, '_MEMBERS_YOU_BLOCKLISTED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1027, 1, '_MEMBERS_YOU_BLOCKLISTED_BY');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1028, 1, '_MEMBERS_YOU_PPAL_BY');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1029, 1, '_MEMBERS_YOU_PPAL');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1036, 1, '_MEMBERSHIP_CREDITS');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1037, 1, '_MEMBERSHIP_CREDITS_E');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1038, 1, '_MEMBERSHIP_CREDITS_YES');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1039, 1, '_MEMBERSHIP_CREDITS_NO');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1040, 1, '_MEMBERSHIP_BUY_MORE_DAYS');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1041, 1, '_MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRES_IN_DAYS');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1042, 1, '_MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRES_NEVER');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1043, 1, '_MEMBERSHIP_EXPIRES_TODAY');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1044, 1, '_VIEW_MEMBERSHIP_ACTIONS');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1046, 1, '_MEMBERSHIP_PRIVILEGED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1047, 1, '_TODAY_EXCEEDED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1732, 4, '_ACTION_NOT_ALLOWED_AFTER');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1055, 1, '_MEMBERSHIP_STANDARD');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1056, 1, '_MEMBERSHIP_UPGRADE_FROM_STANDARD');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1057, 1, '_MEMBERSHIP_STANDARD_CHOOSE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1058, 1, '_MEMBERSHIP_T_BUY_MORE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1059, 3, '_MESSAGE_SENT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1060, 3, '_MODIFICATIONS_APPLIED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1061, 1, '_MUST_BE_VALID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1062, 1, '_MUST_HAVE_COOKIES');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1063, 1, '_NEW_KISS_ARRIVED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1064, 1, '_NEW_MESSAGE_ARRIVED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1065, 3, '_NICK_LEAST');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1066, 3, '_NICK_LEAST2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1067, 1, '_NICK_IS_AVFF');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1068, 1, '_NICK_YOU_CAN_BUY');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1069, 1, '_NO_ARTICLES');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1070, 1, '_NO_LINKS');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1071, 1, '_NO_MEMBER_SPECIFIED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1072, 1, '_NO_MEMBER_TO_DELETE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1073, 1, '_NO_NEED_TO_CONFIRM_EMAIL');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1074, 1, '_NO_RESULTS');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1075, 1, '_NO_STORIES');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1076, 1, '_NOT_RECOGNIZED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1078, 3, '_PASSWD_CONF_FAILED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1079, 3, '_PASSWD_LEAST');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1080, 1, '_PHOTOS');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1081, 1, '_PHOTOS_WARNING');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1082, 3, '_PIC_DELETED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1083, 3, '_PIC_UPLOADED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1085, 2, '_POLLS_VIEW_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1086, 2, '_POLLS_VIEW_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1087, 2, '_POLL_VIEW_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1088, 2, '_POLL_VIEW_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1089, 1, '_PRIVATE PHOTO TEXT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1090, 1, '_PROFILE_CAN_ACTIVATE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1091, 1, '_PROFILE_CAN_SUSPEND');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1092, 1, '_PROFILE_CANT_ACTIVATE/SUSPEND');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1093, 1, '_PROFILE_NOT_AVAILABLE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1094, 1, '_PROFILE_WARNING1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1095, 1, '_PROFILE_WARNING2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1096, 1, '_PRIVACY');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1097, 1, '_HOTORNOT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1098, 1, '_HOTORNOT_NA');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1099, 3, '_PROFILE_ERR');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1100, 3, '_RECOGNIZED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1101, 3, '_REGISTRATION_ERROR');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1102, 1, '_REGISTRATION_GOLD_MEMB_TEXT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1103, 1, '_REALNAME_REQUIRED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1104, 3, '_RELATIONSHIP_REQUIRED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1106, 3, '_REQUEST SENT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1107, 3, '_RESULT0');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1108, 3, '_RESULT0_A');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1110, 3, '_RESULT-1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1111, 3, '_RESULT-1_A');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1112, 3, '_RESULT-1_D');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1113, 3, '_RESULT1000');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1115, 3, '_RESULT1_DESC');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1116, 3, '_RESULT1_THANK');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1118, 3, '_RESULT2DESC');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1119, 1, '_quick_links_content');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1120, 1, '_SEARCH_SORTED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1121, 1, '_SEND_MESSAGE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1122, 1, '_SEND_MSG_TO');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1123, 1, '_SERV_DESC');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1125, 1, '_SOUND');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1126, 1, '_SOUND_WARNING');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1127, 3, '_STORY_ADDED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1128, 3, '_STORY_ADDED_FAILED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1129, 3, '_STORY_UPDATED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1130, 3, '_STORY_UPDATED_FAILED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1131, 3, '_STORY_DELETED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1132, 3, '_STORY_DELETED_FAILED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1133, 3, '_STORY_EMPTY_HEADER');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1134, 1, '_SUBSCRIBE_TEXT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1135, 1, '_THANK_YOU');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1136, 1, '_TELLAFRIEND');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1137, 1, '_TELLAFRIEND2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1138, 1, '_TERMINATE_ACCOUNT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1139, 1, '_TERMS_OF_USE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1731, 4, '_ACTION_NOT_ALLOWED_BEFORE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1143, 3, '_UNDEFINED_ERROR');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1144, 1, '_UPLOAD_WHILE_WAITING');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1145, 1, '_VIDEO');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1146, 1, '_VIDEO_WARNING');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1147, 3, '_VKISS_SENT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1148, 1, '_VKISS_FROM');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1149, 1, '_WELCOME_MEMBER');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1150, 1, '_WILL_BE_RESIZED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1151, 1, '_YOU_ACQUIRED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1152, 1, '_YOUR_INFO_ACQUIRED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1153, 1, '_YOUR PROFILE_IS_NOT_ACTIVE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1154, 1, '_YOUR_EMAIL_HERE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1155, 1, '_YOUR_SEARCH');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1157, 3, '_VKISS_OK');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1158, 3, '_VKISS_BAD');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1733, 4, '_ACTION_EVERY_PERIOD');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1160, 3, '_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_A2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1161, 3, '_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_NO_PERM');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1162, 3, '_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_A3');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1163, 3, '_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_A4');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1164, 3, '_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_B');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1165, 3, '_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_X');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1166, 3, '_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_Y');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1167, 3, '_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_C');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1168, 3, '_VKISS_BAD_COUSE_D');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1169, 3, '_ZIP_REQUIRED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1170, 100, '_Character counter');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1171, 100, '_logged in forum as');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1172, 9, '_01');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1173, 9, '_02');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1174, 9, '_03');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1175, 9, '_04');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1176, 9, '_05');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1177, 9, '_06');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1178, 9, '_07');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1179, 9, '_08');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1180, 9, '_09');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1181, 9, '_10');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1182, 9, '_11');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1183, 9, '_12');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1184, 100, '__I prefer not to say');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1185, 7, '_sdating');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1186, 7, '_sdating_h');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1232, 6, '_Name:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1233, 6, '_Comment:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1237, 6, '_Apply changes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1238, 6, '_Last changes:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1242, 6, '_Back');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1244, 6, '_Add new albom:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1245, 6, '_Add new albom');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1246, 6, '_Access level:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1247, 6, '_No one object was found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1248, 6, '_Delete albom');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1249, 6, '_Albom successfully added');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1250, 6, '_Album updated');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1251, 6, '_Objects successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1252, 6, '_Objects successfully deleted from');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1253, 6, '_Object successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1254, 6, '_Object successfully uploaded');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1255, 6, '_Cannot delete some objects');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1256, 6, '_Cannot delete some objects from');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1257, 6, '_Cannot delete object');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1258, 6, '_Alboms successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1260, 6, '_FAILED_TO_ADD_ALBOM');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1261, 6, '_FAILED_TO_UPLOAD_FILE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1262, 6, '_VIDEO_DISABLED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1263, 6, '_AUDIO_DISABLED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1264, 6, '_ERROR_WHILE_PROCESSING');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1267, 6, '_ALBOMS_MAX_REACHED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1268, 6, '_OBJECTS_MAX_REACHED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1269, 6, '_SIZE_TOO_BIG');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1271, 6, '_View alboms');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1272, 6, '_View objects');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1273, 6, '_Alboms:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1274, 6, '_Failed to apply changes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1275, 6, '_Cannot delete some alboms');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1276, 6, '_Cannot delete albom');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1277, 6, '_Object');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1278, 6, '_Objects:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1279, 6, '_Object moved up');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1280, 6, '_Object moved down');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1281, 6, '_Failed to move object');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1282, 6, '_Cannot copy file');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1283, 6, '_Object updated');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1284, 6, '_No objects to approve');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1287, 6, '_Objects approved');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1288, 6, '_move_up_object_alt');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1289, 6, '_move_down_object_alt');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1290, 6, '_edit_object_alt');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1291, 6, '_delete_object_alt');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1292, 5, '_Delete entry');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1293, 5, '_Edit entry');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1294, 5, '_Write comment');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1295, 5, '_No entries found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1296, 5, '_comments');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1297, 5, '_comment');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1298, 11, '__Average');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1299, 11, '__Ample');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1300, 11, '__Athletic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1301, 11, '__Cuddly');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1302, 11, '__Slim');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1303, 11, '__Very Cuddly');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1304, 12, '__Afghanistan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1305, 12, '__Albania');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1306, 12, '__Algeria');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1307, 12, '__American Samoa');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1308, 12, '__Andorra');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1309, 12, '__Angola');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1310, 12, '__Anguilla');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1311, 12, '__Antarctica');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1312, 12, '__Antigua and Barbuda');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1313, 12, '__Argentina');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1314, 12, '__Armenia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1315, 12, '__Aruba');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1316, 12, '__Australia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1317, 12, '__Austria');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1318, 12, '__Azerbaijan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1319, 12, '__Bahamas');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1320, 12, '__Bahrain');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1321, 12, '__Bangladesh');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1322, 12, '__Barbados');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1323, 12, '__Belarus');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1324, 12, '__Belgium');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1325, 12, '__Belize');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1326, 12, '__Benin');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1327, 12, '__Bermuda');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1328, 12, '__Bhutan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1329, 12, '__Bolivia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1330, 12, '__Bosnia/Herzegowina');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1331, 12, '__Botswana');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1332, 12, '__Bouvet Island');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1333, 12, '__Brazil');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1334, 12, '__British Ind. Ocean Terr.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1335, 12, '__British Ind. Ocean');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1336, 12, '__Brunei Darussalam');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1337, 12, '__Bulgaria');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1338, 12, '__Burkina Faso');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1339, 12, '__Burundi');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1340, 12, '__Cambodia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1341, 12, '__Cameroon');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1342, 12, '__Cape Verde');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1343, 12, '__Cayman Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1344, 12, '__Central African Rep.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1345, 12, '__Chad');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1346, 12, '__Canada');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1347, 12, '__Chile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1348, 12, '__China');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1349, 12, '__Christmas Island');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1350, 12, '__Cocoa (Keeling) Is.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1351, 12, '__Colombia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1352, 12, '__Comoros');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1353, 12, '__Congo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1354, 12, '__Cook Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1355, 12, '__Costa Rica');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1356, 12, '__Cote Divoire');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1357, 12, '__Croatia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1358, 12, '__Cuba');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1359, 12, '__Cyprus');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1360, 12, '__Czech Republic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1361, 12, '__Denmark');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1362, 12, '__Djibouti');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1363, 12, '__Dominica');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1364, 12, '__Dominican Republic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1365, 12, '__East Timor');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1366, 12, '__Ecuador');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1367, 12, '__Egypt');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1368, 12, '__El Salvador');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1369, 12, '__Equatorial Guinea');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1370, 12, '__Eritrea');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1371, 12, '__Estonia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1372, 12, '__Ethiopia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1373, 12, '__Falkland Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1374, 12, '__Faroe Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1375, 12, '__Fiji');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1376, 12, '__Finland');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1377, 12, '__France');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1378, 12, '__Gabon');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1379, 12, '__Gambia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1380, 12, '__Georgia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1381, 12, '__Germany');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1382, 12, '__Ghana');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1383, 12, '__Gibraltar');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1384, 12, '__Greece');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1385, 12, '__Greenland');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1386, 12, '__Grenada');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1387, 12, '__Guadeloupe');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1388, 12, '__Guam');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1389, 12, '__Guatemala');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1390, 12, '__Guinea');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1391, 12, '__Guinea-Bissau');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1392, 12, '__Guyana');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1393, 12, '__Haiti');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1394, 12, '__Honduras');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1395, 12, '__Hong Kong');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1396, 12, '__Hungary');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1397, 12, '__Iceland');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1398, 12, '__India');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1399, 12, '__Indonesia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1400, 12, '__Iran');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1401, 12, '__Iraq');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1402, 12, '__Ireland');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1403, 12, '__Israel');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1404, 12, '__Italy');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1405, 12, '__Jamaica');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1406, 12, '__Japan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1407, 12, '__Jordan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1408, 12, '__Kazakhstan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1409, 12, '__Kenya');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1410, 12, '__Kiribati');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1411, 12, '__Korea');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1412, 12, '__Kuwait');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1413, 12, '__Kyrgyzstan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1414, 12, '__Lao');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1415, 12, '__Latvia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1416, 12, '__Lebanon');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1417, 12, '__Lesotho');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1418, 12, '__Liberia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1419, 12, '__Liechtenstein');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1420, 12, '__Lithuania');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1421, 12, '__Luxembourg');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1422, 12, '__Macau');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1423, 12, '__Macedonia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1424, 12, '__Madagascar');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1425, 12, '__Malawi');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1426, 12, '__Malaysia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1427, 12, '__Maldives');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1428, 12, '__Mali');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1429, 12, '__Malta');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1430, 12, '__Marshall Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1431, 12, '__Martinique');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1432, 12, '__Mauritania');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1433, 12, '__Mauritius');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1434, 12, '__Mayotte');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1435, 12, '__Mexico');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1436, 12, '__Micronesia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1437, 12, '__Moldova');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1438, 12, '__Monaco');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1439, 12, '__Mongolia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1440, 12, '__Montserrat');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1441, 12, '__Morocco');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1442, 12, '__Mozambique');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1443, 12, '__Myanmar');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1444, 12, '__Namibia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1445, 12, '__Nauru');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1446, 12, '__Nepal');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1447, 12, '__Netherlands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1448, 12, '__New Caledonia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1449, 12, '__New Zealand');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1450, 12, '__Nicaragua');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1451, 12, '__Niger');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1452, 12, '__Nigeria');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1453, 12, '__Niue');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1454, 12, '__Norfolk Island');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1455, 12, '__Norway');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1456, 12, '_no data given');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1457, 12, '__Oman');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1458, 12, '__Pakistan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1459, 12, '__Palau');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1460, 12, '__Panama');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1461, 12, '__Papua New Guinea');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1462, 12, '__Paraguay');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1463, 12, '__Peru');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1464, 12, '__Philippines');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1465, 12, '__Pitcairn');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1466, 12, '__Poland');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1467, 12, '__Portugal');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1468, 12, '__Puerto Rico');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1469, 12, '__Qatar');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1470, 12, '__Reunion');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1471, 12, '__Romania');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1472, 12, '__Russia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1473, 12, '__Rwanda');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1474, 12, '__Saint Lucia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1475, 12, '__Samoa');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1476, 12, '__San Marino');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1477, 12, '__Saudi Arabia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1478, 12, '__Senegal');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1479, 12, '__Seychelles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1480, 12, '__Sierra Leone');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1481, 12, '__Singapore');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1482, 12, '__Slovakia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1483, 12, '__Solomon Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1484, 12, '__Somalia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1485, 12, '__South Africa');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1486, 12, '__Spain');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1487, 12, '__Sri Lanka');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1488, 12, '__St. Helena');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1489, 12, '__Sudan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1490, 12, '__Suriname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1491, 12, '__Swaziland');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1492, 12, '__Sweden');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1493, 12, '__Switzerland');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1494, 12, '__Syria');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1495, 12, '__Taiwan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1496, 12, '__Tajikistan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1497, 12, '__Tanzania');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1498, 12, '__Thailand');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1499, 12, '__Togo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1500, 12, '__Tokelau');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1501, 12, '__Tonga');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1502, 12, '__Trinidad and Tobago');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1503, 12, '__Tunisia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1504, 12, '__Turkey');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1505, 12, '__Turkmenistan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1506, 12, '__Tuvalu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1507, 12, '__Uganda');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1508, 12, '__Ukraine');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1509, 12, '__United Arab Emirates');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1510, 12, '__United Kingdom');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1511, 12, '__USA');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1512, 12, '__Uruguay');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1513, 12, '__Uzbekistan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1514, 12, '__Vanuatu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1515, 12, '__Vatican');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1516, 12, '__Venezuela');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1517, 12, '__Viet Nam');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1518, 12, '__Virgin Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1519, 12, '__Western Sahara');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1520, 12, '__Yemen');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1521, 12, '__Yugoslavia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1522, 12, '__Zaire');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1523, 12, '__Zambia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1524, 12, '__Zimbabwe');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1810, 12, '__Netherlands Antilles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1811, 12, '__Bosnia and Herzegovina');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1812, 12, '__The Bahamas');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1813, 12, '__Cocos (Keeling) Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1814, 12, '__Congo, Democratic Republic of the');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1815, 12, '__Central African Republic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1816, 12, '__Congo, Republic of the');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1817, 12, '__Cote d''Ivoire');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1818, 12, '__Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1819, 12, '__Micronesia, Federated States of');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1820, 12, '__French Guiana');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1821, 12, '__The Gambia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1822, 12, '__South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1823, 12, '__Hong Kong (SAR)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1824, 12, '__Heard Island and McDonald Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1825, 12, '__British Indian Ocean Territory');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1826, 12, '__Saint Kitts and Nevis');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1827, 12, '__Korea, North');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1828, 12, '__Korea, South');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1829, 12, '__Laos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1830, 12, '__Libya');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1831, 12, '__Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1832, 12, '__Burma');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1833, 12, '__Macao');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1834, 12, '__Northern Mariana Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1835, 12, '__French Polynesia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1836, 12, '__Saint Pierre and Miquelon');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1837, 12, '__Pitcairn Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1838, 12, '__Palestinian Territory, Occupied');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1839, 12, '__Saint Helena');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1840, 12, '__Slovenia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1841, 12, '__Svalbard');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1842, 12, '__Sao Tome and Principe');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1843, 12, '__Turks and Caicos Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1844, 12, '__French Southern and Antarctic Lands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1845, 12, '__United States Minor Outlying Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1846, 12, '__United States');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1847, 12, '__Holy See (Vatican City)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1848, 12, '__Saint Vincent and the Grenadines');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1849, 12, '__British Virgin Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1850, 12, '__Vietnam');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1851, 12, '__Wallis and Futuna');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1525, 13, '__High School graduate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1526, 13, '__Some college');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1527, 13, '__College student');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1528, 13, '__AA (2 years college)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1529, 13, '__BA/BS (4 years college)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1530, 13, '__Some grad school');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1531, 13, '__Grad school student');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1532, 13, '__MA/MS/MBA');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1533, 13, '__PhD/Post doctorate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1534, 13, '__JD');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1535, 14, '__African');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1536, 14, '__African American');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1537, 14, '__Asian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1538, 14, '__Caucasian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1539, 14, '__East Indian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1540, 14, '__Hispanic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1541, 14, '__Indian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1542, 14, '__Latino');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1543, 14, '__Mediterranean');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1544, 14, '__Middle Eastern');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1545, 14, '__Mixed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1546, 18, '__4''7" (140cm) or below');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1547, 18, '__4''8" - 4''11" (141-150cm)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1548, 18, '__5''0" - 5''3" (151-160cm)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1549, 18, '__5''4" - 5''7" (161-170cm)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1550, 18, '__5''8" - 5''11" (171-180cm)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1551, 18, '__6''0" - 6''3" (181-190cm)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1552, 18, '__6''4" (191cm) or above');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1553, 15, '__$10,000/year and less');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1554, 15, '__$10,000-$30,000/year');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1555, 15, '__$30,000-$50,000/year');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1556, 15, '__$50,000-$70,000/year');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1557, 15, '__$70,000/year and more');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1558, 16, '__English');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1559, 16, '__Afrikaans');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1560, 16, '__Arabic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1561, 16, '__Bulgarian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1562, 16, '__Burmese');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1563, 16, '__Cantonese');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1564, 16, '__Croatian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1565, 16, '__Danish');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1566, 16, '_Database Error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1567, 16, '__Dutch');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1568, 16, '__Esperanto');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1569, 16, '__Estonian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1570, 16, '__Finnish');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1571, 16, '__French');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1572, 16, '__German');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1573, 16, '__Greek');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1574, 16, '__Gujrati');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1575, 16, '__Hebrew');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1576, 16, '__Hindi');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1577, 16, '__Hungarian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1578, 16, '__Icelandic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1579, 16, '__Indonesian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1580, 16, '__Italian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1581, 16, '__Japanese');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1582, 16, '__Korean');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1583, 16, '__Latvian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1584, 16, '__Lithuanian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1585, 16, '__Malay');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1586, 16, '__Mandarin');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1587, 16, '__Marathi');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1588, 16, '__Moldovian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1589, 16, '__Nepalese');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1590, 16, '__Norwegian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1591, 16, '__Persian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1592, 16, '__Polish');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1593, 16, '__Portuguese');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1594, 16, '__Punjabi');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1595, 16, '__Romanian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1596, 16, '__Russian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1597, 16, '__Serbian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1598, 16, '__Spanish');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1599, 16, '__Swedish');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1600, 16, '__Tagalog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1601, 16, '__Taiwanese');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1602, 16, '__Tamil');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1603, 16, '__Telugu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1604, 16, '__Thai');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1605, 16, '__Tongan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1606, 16, '__Turkish');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1607, 16, '__Ukrainian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1608, 16, '__Urdu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1609, 16, '__Vietnamese');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1610, 16, '__Visayan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1611, 17, '__Single');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1612, 17, '__Attached');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1613, 17, '__Divorced');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1614, 17, '__Married');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1615, 17, '__Separated');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1616, 17, '__Widow');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1617, 19, '__Unconfirmed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1618, 19, '__Approval');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1619, 19, '__Active');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1620, 19, '__Suspended');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1621, 19, '__Rejected');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1622, 19, '_Unconfirmed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1623, 19, '_Approval');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1624, 19, '_Active');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1625, 19, '_Suspended');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1626, 19, '_Rejected');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1627, 19, '_SelectType');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1628, 20, '__Activity Partner');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1629, 20, '__Casual');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1630, 20, '__Friendship');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1631, 20, '__Marriage');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1632, 20, '__Relationship');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1633, 20, '__Romance');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1634, 20, '__Travel Partner');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1635, 20, '__Pen Pal');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1636, 20, '__PenPal');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1637, 20, '_act');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1638, 20, '_cas');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1639, 20, '_fri');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1640, 20, '_mar');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1641, 20, '_rel');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1642, 20, '_rom');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1643, 20, '_tra');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1644, 20, '_pen');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1645, 21, '__Adventist');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1646, 21, '__Agnostic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1647, 21, '__Atheist');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1648, 21, '__Baptist');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1649, 21, '__Buddhist');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1650, 21, '__Caodaism');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1651, 21, '__Catholic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1652, 21, '__Christian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1653, 21, '__Hindu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1654, 21, '__Iskcon');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1655, 21, '__Jainism');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1656, 21, '__Jewish');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1657, 21, '__Methodist');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1658, 21, '__Mormon');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1659, 21, '__Moslem');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1660, 21, '__Orthodox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1661, 21, '__Pentecostal');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1662, 21, '__Protestant');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1663, 21, '__Quaker');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1664, 21, '__Scientology');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1665, 21, '__Shinto');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1666, 21, '__Sikhism');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1667, 21, '__Spiritual');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1668, 21, '__Taoism');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1669, 21, '__Wiccan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1670, 21, '__Other');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1671, 22, '__No');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1672, 22, '__Rarely');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1673, 22, '__Often');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1674, 22, '__Very often');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1675, 4, '_Allowed actions');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1676, 4, '_Action');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1677, 4, '_Times allowed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1678, 4, '_Period (hours)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1679, 4, '_Allowed Since');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1680, 4, '_Allowed Until');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1681, 4, '_No actions allowed for this membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1682, 4, '_no limit');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1683, 4, '_send kisses');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1684, 4, '_use chat');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1685, 4, '_use instant messenger');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1686, 4, '_view profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1687, 4, '_use forum');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1688, 4, '_make search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1689, 4, '_rate photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1690, 4, '_send messages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1691, 4, '_view photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1692, 4, '_use Ray instant messenger');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1693, 4, '_use Ray video recorder');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1694, 4, '_use Ray chat');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1695, 4, '_use guestbook');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1696, 4, '_view other members'' guestbooks');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1697, 4, '_get other members'' emails');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1698, 100, '_Contact_us');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1699, 100, '_Rating');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1700, 100, '_ATT_MESSAGE_NONE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1701, 100, '_ATT_VKISS_NONE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1702, 100, '_ATT_FRIEND_NONE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1703, 10, '_18-20');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1704, 10, '_21-25');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1705, 10, '_26-30');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1706, 10, '_31-35');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1707, 10, '_36-40');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1708, 10, '_41-45');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1709, 10, '_46-50');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1710, 10, '_51-55');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1711, 10, '_56-60');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1712, 10, '_61-65');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1713, 10, '_66-70');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1714, 10, '_71-75');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1715, 23, '_Aries');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1716, 23, '_Taurus');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1717, 23, '_Gemini');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1718, 23, '_Cancer');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1719, 23, '_Leo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1720, 23, '_Virgo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1721, 23, '_Libra');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1722, 23, '_Scorpio');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1723, 23, '_Sagittarius');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1724, 23, '_Capricorn');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1725, 23, '_Aquarius');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1726, 23, '_Pisces');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1727, 23, '_Zodiac');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1734, 2, '_Choose forum');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1735, 100, '_Module_access_error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1736, 100, '_Choose the forum to log in');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1737, 100, '_Choose the forum from the following');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1738, 100, '_Dolphin Administrator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1739, 2, '_GETMEM_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1740, 2, '_GETMEM_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1741, 100, '_requires_N_members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1742, 100, '_No forums installed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1743, 100, '_No chats installed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1744, 100, '_Click here to change your membership status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1745, 7, '_SpeedDating events');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1746, 7, '_No events available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1747, 7, '_SDating photo alt');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1748, 7, '_No photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1749, 7, '_Select events to show');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1750, 7, '_Show events by country');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1751, 7, '_Show all events');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1752, 7, '_Show info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1753, 7, '_Participants');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1754, 7, '_Choose participants you liked');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1755, 7, '_Status message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1756, 7, '_Appointed date/time');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1757, 7, '_Place');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1758, 7, '_There are no participants for this event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1759, 7, '_You are not participant of specified event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1760, 7, '_Apply choice');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1761, 7, '_Event is unavailable');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1762, 7, '_Event start');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1763, 7, '_Event end');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1764, 7, '_Ticket sale start');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1765, 7, '_Ticket sale end');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1766, 7, '_Responsible person');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1767, 7, '_Tickets left');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1768, 7, '_Ticket price');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1769, 7, '_Sale status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1770, 7, '_Sale finished');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1771, 7, '_Sale not started yet');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1772, 7, '_No tickets left');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1773, 7, '_Event started');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1774, 7, '_Event finished');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1775, 7, '_You are participant of event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1776, 7, '_You can buy the ticket');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1777, 7, '_Buy ticket');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1778, 7, '_Change');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1779, 7, '_Cant change participant UID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1780, 7, '_UID already exists');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1781, 7, '_RESULT_SDATING_MAIL_NOT_SENT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1782, 7, '_Event participants');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1783, 7, '_Event UID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1787, 7, '_Participants you liked');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1788, 7, '_Show calendar');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1789, 7, '_Calendar');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1790, 7, '_Sunday_short');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1791, 7, '_Monday_short');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1792, 7, '_Tuesday_short');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1793, 7, '_Wednesday_short');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1794, 7, '_Thursday_short');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1795, 7, '_Friday_short');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1796, 7, '_Saturday_short');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1797, 7, '_SpeedDating tickets');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1798, 100, '_Invalid module type selected.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1799, 100, '_Module directory was not set. Module must be re-configurated');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1800, 100, '_Select module type');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1801, 100, '_Please login before using Ray chat');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1802, 100, '_Ray is not enabled');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1803, 100, '_No modules of this type installed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1804, 100, '_Module selection');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1805, 100, '_Choose module to log in');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1806, 100, '_Choose module type');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1807, 100, '_Module type selection');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1808, 100, '_No modules found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1809, 100, '_Ray is not enabled. Select another module');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1852, 2, '_CHECKOUT_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1853, 26, '_Membership purchase');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1854, 26, '_SpeedDating ticket purchase');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1855, 26, '_Credits purchase');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1856, 26, '_Profiles purchase');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1857, 26, '_Payment description');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1858, 26, '_Payment amount');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1859, 26, '_Possible subscription period');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1860, 26, '_Payment info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1861, 26, '_Payment methods');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1862, 26, '_Credit balance');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1863, 26, '_Payment amount in credits');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1864, 26, '_recurring payment');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1865, 26, '_recurring not supported');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1866, 26, '_recurring not allowed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1867, 4, '_Lifetime');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1868, 26, '_every N days');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1869, 26, '_Subscriptions');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1870, 26, '_Start date');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1871, 26, '_Period');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1872, 26, '_Charges number');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1873, 26, '_Cancel');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1874, 26, '_Subscription cancellation request was successfully sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1875, 26, '_Fail to sent subscription cancellation request');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1876, 3, '_message_subject');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1877, 100, '_Customize Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1878, 100, '_Background color');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1879, 100, '_Background picture');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1880, 100, '_Font color');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1881, 100, '_Font size');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1882, 100, '_Font family');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1883, 26, '_Credit card number');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1884, 26, '_Expiration date');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1885, 3, '_no_messages_from');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1886, 3, '_no_messages_to');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1887, 3, '_messages_to');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1888, 3, '_messages_from');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1889, 100, '_Reset');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1890, 100, '_Customize');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1891, 3, '_no_top_week');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1892, 3, '_no_top_month');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1893, 2, '_RAY_CHAT_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1894, 2, '_RAY_IM_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1895, 1, '_web_community_site');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1896, 1, '_powered_by_Dolphin');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1897, 1, '_welcome_and_join');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1898, 1, '_promo_list_1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1899, 1, '_promo_list_2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1900, 1, '_promo_list_3');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1901, 1, '_promo_list_4');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1902, 1, '_promo_list_5');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1903, 3, '_index_login_question');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1904, 3, '_not_a_member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1905, 3, '_username');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1906, 3, '_forgot_username_or_password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1907, 3, '_browse');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1908, 3, '_previous_photo_results');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1909, 3, '_this_nick_already_used');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1910, 3, '_to_compose_new_message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1911, 2, '_RAY_RECORDER_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1912, 1, '_match');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1913, 3, '_enter_message_text');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1914, 3, '_profile_comments');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1915, 7, '_Add new event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1916, 7, '_Title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1917, 7, '_Venue photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1918, 7, '_Female ticket count');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1919, 7, '_Male ticket count');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1920, 7, '_Couple ticket count');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1921, 7, '_Please fill up all fields');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1922, 7, '_Wrong date format or wrong date order');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1923, 7, '_Error during photo resizing');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1924, 3, '_Sound file successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1926, 3, '_read_comments');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1927, 3, '_read_new_comments');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1928, 6, '_No albums found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1929, 6, '_Delete object');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1930, 27, '_poll created');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1931, 27, '_max_poll_reached');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1932, 27, '_controls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1933, 27, '_are you sure?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1934, 27, '_no poll');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1935, 27, '_question');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1936, 27, '_answer variants');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1937, 27, '_add answer');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1938, 27, '_generate poll');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1939, 27, '_create poll');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1940, 27, '_random polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1941, 27, '_latest polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1942, 27, '_top polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1943, 27, '_No profile polls available.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1944, 27, '_my_polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1945, 27, '_delete');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1946, 27, '_this poll');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1947, 27, '_loading ...');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1948, 27, '_poll successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1949, 27, '_make it');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1950, 4, '_use gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1951, 4, '_view other members'' galleries');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1952, 3, '_Gallery disabled for the member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1953, 100, '_Original letter');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1954, 100, '_Recipient');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1955, 3, '__All');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1956, 100, '_fast_and_secure_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1957, 3, '_post_a_free_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1958, 3, '_instantly_find_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1959, 100, '_creating_lifestyle_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1961, 3, '_NGallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1962, 3, '_friends');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1963, 3, '_privateAlb');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1964, 6, '_AlbumBaner');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1966, 3, '_ObjectBaner');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1967, 3, '_domain_without_http');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1968, 3, '_forgot_your_password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1969, 3, '_log_in');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1970, 3, '_about');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1971, 3, '_photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1972, 3, '_contact_us');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1973, 3, '_copyright_text');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1974, 3, '_Random');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1975, 3, '_Latest');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1976, 3, '_more_members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1977, 3, '_community');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1978, 3, '_mp3_player');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1980, 3, '_must_disable_popup_blocker_to_editor');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1981, 3, '_must_disable_popup_blocker_to_admin');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1982, 3, '_ACTION_MESSAGE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1984, 101, '_day(s)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1985, 101, '_hour(s)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1986, 101, '_minute(s)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1987, 101, '_deleted_N_rows');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1988, 101, '_failed_delete_rows');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1990, 3, '_age');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1991, 3, '_promo_head_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1992, 3, '_p1_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1993, 3, '_p2_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1994, 3, '_p3_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1995, 3, '_p4_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1996, 3, '_p5_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1997, 3, '_p6_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1998, 3, '_p7_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (1999, 3, '_p8_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2000, 100, '_failed_to_upload_file_too_big');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2001, 5, '_blog_caption');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2002, 3, '_blog_text');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2003, 3, '_category');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2004, 5, '_please_fill_next_fields_first');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2005, 5, '_please_select');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2006, 5, '_associated_image');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2007, 5, '_post_comment_per');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2008, 5, '_post_read_per');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2009, 5, '_apply_changes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2010, 5, '_add_blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2011, 5, '_category_description');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2012, 5, '_category_caption');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2013, 5, '_max_chars');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2014, 5, '_add_category');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2015, 3, '_Members_blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2016, 3, '_edit_category');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2017, 5, '_characters_left');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2018, 3, '_there_is_nothig_to_view');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2019, 5, '_this_blog_only_for_friends');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2020, 5, '_commenting_this_blog_allowed_only_for_friends');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2021, 5, '_you_have_no_permiss_to_edit');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2022, 5, '_blog_comments_deleted_successfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2023, 5, '_blog_comments_delet_failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2024, 5, '_category_blogs_deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2025, 5, '_category_blogs_delete_failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2026, 5, '_category_deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2027, 3, '_category_delete_failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2028, 5, '_category_successfully_added');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2029, 5, '_failed_to_add_category');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2030, 3, '_changes_successfully_applied');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2031, 3, '_failed_to_add_blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2032, 5, '_comment_added_successfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2033, 5, '_failed_to_add_comment');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2034, 3, '_deleted successfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2035, 3, '_failed to delete');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2036, 3, '_blog_deleted_successfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2037, 3, '_blog_delete_failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2038, 5, '_blog disabled for the member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2039, 5, '_edit_blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2040, 3, '_join_our_community');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2041, 3, '_find_your_fr');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2042, 3, '_share_interests');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2043, 3, '_stay_tuned');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2044, 3, '_com');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2045, 100, '_RayPresence');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2046, 100, '_RayPresenceNotAllowed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2047, 5, '_use Blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2048, 3, '_Orca forum');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2051, 3, '_my pages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2052, 3, '_help');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2053, 3, '_Dolphin');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2054, 3, '_smart_community');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2055, 3, '_christmas_text');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2056, 3, '_not_member_yet');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2057, 3, '_click_here');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2058, 3, '_more_profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2059, 3, '_user_cookie_save');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2060, 3, '_title_min_lenght');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2061, 101,'_limit_was_reached');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2062, 101, '_photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2063, 101, '_video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2064, 101, '_audio');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2065, 3, '_add_new');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2066, 101, '_there_is_no_photo_that_you_can_rate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2067, 3, '_ratio');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2068, 3, '_My Pages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2069, 3, '_That_is');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2070, 101, '_download');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2071, 101, '_UPLOAD_MEDIA');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2072, 3, '_delete_');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2073, 101, '_make_primary');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2074, 101, '_get_media');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2075, 101, '_MEDIA_GALLERY_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2076, 4, '_Non-member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2077, 4, '_Standard');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2078, 4, '_Promotion');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2079, 100, '_AGE_INVALID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2081, 102, '_Showing results:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2082, 102, '_groups count');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2083, 102, '_Groups');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2084, 102, '_My Groups');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2085, 102, '_Group not found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2086, 102, '_Group not found_desc');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2087, 102, '_Group is hidden');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2088, 102, '_Sorry, group is hidden');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2089, 102, '_Category');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2090, 102, '_Created');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2091, 102, '_Members count');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2092, 102, '_Group creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2093, 102, '_About group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2094, 102, '_Group type');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2095, 102, '_Public group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2096, 102, '_Private group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2097, 102, '_Group members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2098, 102, '_View all members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2099, 102, '_Edit members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2100, 102, '_Invite others');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2101, 102, '_Upload image');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2102, 102, '_Post topic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2103, 102, '_Edit group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2104, 102, '_Resign group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2105, 102, '_Join group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2106, 102, '_Are you sure want to Resign group?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2107, 102, '_Are you sure want to Join group?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2108, 102, '_Create Group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2109, 102, '_Group creation successful');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2110, 102, '_Group creation unknown error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2111, 102, '_Edit Group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2112, 102, '_You''re not creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2113, 102, '_Groups Home');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2114, 102, '_Groups categories');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2115, 102, '_Keyword');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2116, 102, '_Advanced search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2117, 102, '_Group gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2118, 102, '_You cannot view gallery while not a group member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2119, 102, '_Uploaded by');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2120, 102, '_Set as thumbnail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2121, 102, '_Are you sure want to delete this image?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2122, 102, '_Delete image');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2123, 102, '_You cannot view group members while not a group member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2124, 102, '_group creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2125, 102, '_Are you sure want to delete this member?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2126, 102, '_Delete member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2127, 102, '_Search Groups');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2128, 102, '_Search by');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2129, 102, '_by group name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2130, 102, '_by keyword');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2131, 102, '_Any');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2132, 102, '_Sort by');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2133, 102, '_by popular');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2134, 102, '_by newest');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2135, 102, '_Sorry, no groups found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2136, 102, '_Groups search results');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2137, 102, '_No my groups found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2138, 102, '_Choose');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2139, 102, '_Open join');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2140, 102, '_Hidden group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2141, 102, '_Members can post images');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2142, 102, '_Members can invite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2143, 102, '_Group description');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2144, 102, '_Group name already exists');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2145, 102, '_Name is required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2146, 102, '_Category is required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2147, 102, '_Country is required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2148, 102, '_City is required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2149, 102, '_About is required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2150, 102, '_Country doesn''t exists');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2151, 102, '_Category doesn''t exists');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2152, 102, '_Select file');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2153, 102, '_Group action');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2154, 102, '_Upload to group gallery error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2155, 102, '_You should specify file');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2156, 102, '_Upload to group gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2157, 102, '_Upload succesfull');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2158, 102, '_You should select correct image file');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2159, 102, '_Upload error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2160, 102, '_Gallery upload_desc');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2161, 102, '_You cannot upload images because members of this group not allowed to upload images');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2162, 102, '_You cannot upload images because you''re not group member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2163, 102, '_Group join error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2164, 102, '_You''re already in group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2165, 102, '_Group join');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2166, 102, '_Congrats. Now you''re group member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2167, 102, '_Request sent to the group creator. You will become active group member when he approve you.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2168, 102, '_Group resign error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2169, 102, '_You cannot resign the group because you''re creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2170, 102, '_Group resign');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2171, 102, '_You succesfully resigned from group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2172, 102, '_You cannot resign the group because you''re not group member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2173, 102, '_Group thumnail set');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2174, 102, '_You cannot set group thumnail because you are not group creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2175, 102, '_Group image delete');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2176, 102, '_You cannot delete image because you are not group creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2177, 102, '_Group member delete error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2178, 102, '_You cannot delete yourself from group because you are group creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2179, 102, '_You cannot delete group member because you are not group creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2180, 102, '_Group member approve');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2181, 102, '_Member succesfully approved');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2182, 102, '_Group member approve error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2183, 102, '_Some error occured');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2184, 102, '_You cannot approve group member because you are not group creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2185, 102, '_Group member reject');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2186, 102, '_Member succesfully rejected');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2187, 102, '_Group member reject error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2188, 102, '_You cannot reject group member because you are not group creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2189, 102, '_Group action error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2190, 102, '_Unknown group action');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2191, 102, '_Group name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2192, 102, '_Please select at least one search parameter');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2193, 102, '_Group invite_desc');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2194, 102, '_Sorry, no members are found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2195, 102, '_Back to group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2197, 102, '_Groups help');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2198, 102, '_Groups help_1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2199, 102, '_Groups help_2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2200, 102, '_close window');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2201, 102, '_Groups help_4');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2202, 102, '_Groups help_3');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2203, 102, '_Groups help_5');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2204, 102, '_Groups help_6');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2205, 102, '_Groups help_7');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2206, 102, '_Group invite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2207, 102, '_Your friends');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2208, 102, '_Invite list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2209, 102, '_Add ->');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2210, 102, '_<- Remove');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2211, 102, '_Find more...');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2212, 102, '_Send invites');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2213, 102, '_Invites succesfully sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2214, 102, '_You should specify at least one member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2215, 102, '_Group invite accept');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2216, 102, '_You succesfully accepted group invite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2217, 102, '_Group invite accept error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2218, 102, '_You cannot accept group invite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2219, 102, '_Group invite reject');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2220, 102, '_You succesfully rejected group invite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2221, 103, '_Quick Search Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2222, 103, '_Enter search parameters');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2225, 103, '_Quick search results');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2224, 103, '_Enter member NickName or ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2226, 103, '_Add member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2227, 102, '_Post a new topic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2228, 102, '_Group forum');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2229, 102, '_View all topics');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2230, 3, '_Hello member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2231, 3, '_Top');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2232, 3, '_More photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2233, 3, '_My account');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2234, 3, '_Submitted by');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2235, 100, '_Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2236, 100, '_News');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2237, 3, '_Next page');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2238, 3, '_Previous page');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2239, 3, '_Group is suspended');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2240, 3, '_Sorry, group is suspended');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2241, 3, '_Group status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2242, 3, '_Groups help_8');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2243, 100, '_N profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2244, 3, '_Tags');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2245, 102, '_You must be active member to create groups');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2246, 3, '_more_tags');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2247, 3, '_Please');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2248, 3, '_No blogs available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2249, 3, '_Blogs');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2250, 5, '_By Author');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2251, 5, '_in Category');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2252, 3, '_comments N');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2253, 5, '_More blogs');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2254, 3, '_Videos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2255, 3, '_Forums');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2256, 3, '_N times');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2257, 2, '_My Account');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2258, 2, '_My Mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2259, 2, '_Inbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2260, 2, '_Sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2261, 2, '_Write');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2262, 2, '_I Blocked');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2263, 2, '_Blocked Me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2264, 2, '_Browse My Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2265, 2, '_Upload Photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2266, 2, '_My Videos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2267, 2, '_My Audio');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2268, 2, '_My Events');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2269, 2, '_My Blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2270, 2, '_My Polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2271, 2, '_My Guestbook');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2272, 2, '_My Greets');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2273, 2, '_My Faves');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2274, 2, '_My Friends');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2275, 2, '_My Views');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2276, 2, '_Who''s Online');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2277, 2, '_My Albums');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2278, 2, '_Browse My Videos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2279, 2, '_Browse My Audio');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2280, 2, '_Upload Audio');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2281, 2, '_Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2282, 2, '_Audio');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2283, 2, '_Albums');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2284, 2, '_Browse My Groups');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2285, 2, '_Browse All Groups');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2286, 2, '_View My Blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2287, 2, '_Add Category');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2288, 2, '_New Post');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2289, 2, '_View My Guestbook');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2290, 2, '_Add Post');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2291, 2, '_Browse My Albums');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2292, 2, '_Add Album');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2293, 2, '_I Greeted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2294, 2, '_Greeted Me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2295, 2, '_Faved Me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2296, 2, '_I Invited');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2297, 2, '_Invited Me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2298, 2, '_I Viewed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2299, 2, '_Viewed Me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2300, 2, '_Send Message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2301, 2, '_Add To Faves');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2302, 2, '_Invite To Friends');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2303, 2, '_Send A Greet');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2304, 2, '_Get E-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2305, 2, '_Block Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2306, 2, '_Report Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2307, 2, '_Send To Friend');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2308, 2, '_Actions');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2309, 2, '_Browse My Events');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2310, 2, '_Create New Event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2311, 2, '_Browse Events');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2312, 2, '_Events Calendar');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2313, 3, '_Members Polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2331, 3, '_Site Polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2315, 3, '_Members Polls H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2316, 3, '_Members Polls H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2317, 3, '_Member Poll H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2318, 3, '_Member Poll H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2319, 101, '_Average rating');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2320, 101, '_Your rate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2321, 101, '_Total votes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2322, 3, '_Previous rated');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2323, 101, '_Recent Videos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2324, 3, '_Top Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2325, 3, '_Recent Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2326, 3, '_My Contacts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2327, 3, '_Couples');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2328, 3, '_Poll not available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2329, 3, '_Flag');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2330, 3, '_Click to sort');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2332, 2, '_Simple Search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2333, 2, '_Advanced Search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2334, 3, '_Site Poll');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2335, 2, '_Top Groups');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2336, 3, '_All Blogs');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2337, 3, '_No members found here');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2338, 3, '_You must create category');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2339, 3, '_No profile tags found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2340, 3, '_Bookmark');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2341, 3, '_or');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2342, 3, '_Classifieds');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2343, 5, '_Recently Posted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2344, 3, '_Events');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2345, 3, '_Feedback');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2346, 3, '_Contact us');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2347, 3, '_Sorry, you''re already joined');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2348, 3, '_Profile details');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2349, 3, '_Age');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2350, 3, '_answer');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2351, 3, '_Member photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2352, 3, '_To The Community');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2353, 105, '_classifieds');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2354, 105, '_CLASSIFIEDS_VIEW_H');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2355, 105, '_CLASSIFIEDS_VIEW_H1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2356, 105, '_Search Ad Form');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2357, 105, '_Browse All Ads');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2358, 105, '_My Classifieds');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2359, 105, '_Browse My Ads');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2360, 105, '_PostAd');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2361, 105, '_Browse All Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2362, 105, '_Categories');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2363, 105, '_Keywords');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2364, 105, '_Posted by');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2365, 105, '_Details');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2366, 105, '_AdminArea');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2367, 105, '_My Advertisements');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2368, 105, '_Life Time');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2369, 105, '_Message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2370, 105, '_Pictures');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2371, 105, '_Send these files');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2372, 105, '_Add file field');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2373, 105, '_Filtered');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2374, 105, '_Listing');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2375, 105, '_out');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2376, 105, '_of');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2377, 105, '_SubCategories');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2378, 105, '_Moderating (new messages)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2379, 105, '_Add');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2380, 105, '_Add this');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2381, 105, '_Desctiption');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2382, 105, '_CustomField1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2383, 105, '_CustomField2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2384, 105, '_Apply');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2385, 105, '_Activate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2386, 105, '_Entity');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2387, 105, '_Return Back');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2388, 105, '_Tree Classifieds Browse');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2389, 105, '_equal');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2390, 105, '_bigger');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2391, 105, '_smaller');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2392, 105, '_FAILED_RUN_SQL');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2393, 105, '_WARNING_MAX_LIVE_DAYS');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2394, 105, '_WARNING_MAX_SIZE_FILE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2395, 105, '_SUCC_ADD_ADV');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2396, 105, '_FAIL_ADD_ADV');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2397, 105, '_SUCC_DEL_ADV');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2398, 105, '_FAIL_DEL_ADV');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2399, 105, '_TREE_C_BRW');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2400, 105, '_MODERATING');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2401, 105, '_SUCC_ACT_ADV');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2402, 105, '_FAIL_ACT_ADV');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2403, 105, '_SUCC_UPD_ADV');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2404, 105, '_FAIL_UPD_ADV');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2405, 105, '_Filter');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2406, 105, '_choose');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2407, 105, '_Are you sure');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2408, 105, '_Apply Changes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2409, 105, '_Offer Details');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2410, 3, '_USER_CONF_SUCCEEDED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2411, 3, '_USER_ACTIVATION_SUCCEEDED');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2412, 105, '_wholesale');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2413, 105, '_CLS_BUYMSG_1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2414, 105, '_CLS_BUY_DET1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2415, 105, '_CLS_BUYMSG_2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2416, 105, '_SUCC_ADD_COMM');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2417, 105, '_FAIL_ADD_COMM');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2418, 105, '_LeaveComment');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2419, 105, '_Post Comment');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2420, 105, '_Unit');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2421, 105, '_Users other listing');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2422, 105, '_Subject is required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2423, 105, '_Message must be 50 symbols at least');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2424, 105, '_Manage classifieds');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2425, 1, '_Befriend');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2426, 1, '_SendLetter');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2427, 1, '_Fave');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2428, 1, '_Share');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2429, 1, '_Report');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2430, 1, '_seconds ago');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2431, 1, '_minutes ago');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2432, 1, '_hours ago');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2433, 1, '_days ago');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2434, 1, '_Info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2435, 1, '_ProfileMusic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2436, 1, '_ProfileVideos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2437, 1, '_ProfilePhotos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2438, 1, '_ChatNow');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2439, 1, '_Greet');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2440, 105, '_Advertisement');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2441, 105, '_Buy Now');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2442, 3, '_Account Home');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2443, 3, '_My Settings');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2444, 2, '_Members3');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2445, 2, '_Test');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2446, 2, '_All Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2447, 2, '_All Groups');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2448, 2, '_All Videos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2449, 101, '_No video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2465, 101, '_browseVideo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2466, 101, '_File was added to favorite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2467, 101, '_File already is favorite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2468, 101, '_Enter email(s)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2469, 101, '_view Video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2470, 101, '_See all videos of this user');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2471, 101, '_File title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2472, 101, '_File tags');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2473, 101, '_Upload Files');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2474, 101, '_Page');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2475, 101, '_Music files');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2476, 101, '_browseMusic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2477, 101, '_Playbacks');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2478, 101, '_upload Photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2479, 2, '_Boards');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2480, 2, '_All Classifieds');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2481, 2, '_Add Classified');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2482, 2, '_Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2483, 2, '_All Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2484, 2, '_Upload Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2485, 2, '_All Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2486, 2, '_Top Blogs');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2487, 2, '_All Events');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2488, 2, '_Add Event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2489, 2, '_All Polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2490, 3, '_ProfileMp3');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2491, 2, '_Guestbook');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2492, 3, '_File description');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2493, 3, '_upload Video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2494, 3, '_Upload File');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2495, 101, '_Sorry, nothing found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2496, 101, '_File was uploaded');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2497, 101, '_Added');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2498, 101, '_URL');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2499, 101, '_Embed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2500, 101, '_Views');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2501, 101, '_Video Info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2502, 101, '_Download');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2503, 101, '_File info was sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2504, 101, '_Latest files from this user');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2505, 101, '_View Comments');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2506, 101, '_upload Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2507, 101, '_browsePhoto');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2508, 101, '_Upload failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2509, 101, '_Photo Info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2510, 101, '_view Photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2511, 101, '_Music File Info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2512, 101, '_view Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2513, 2, '_My Favorites');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2514, 2, '_My Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2515, 3, '_RAY_CHAT');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2516, 1, '_Photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2517, 1, '_Resize succesful');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2518, 3, '_Make Primary');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2519, 3, '_See all photos of this user');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2520, 1, '_Untitled');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2521, 3, '_Original_Size');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2522, 1, '_Rate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2523, 2, '_Advertisement Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2524, 2, '_Comments');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2525, 2, '_Users Other Listing');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2526, 2, '_Top Video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2527, 2, '_Top Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2528, 2, '_Profile Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2529, 2, '_Profile Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2530, 2, '_Profile Video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2531, 7, '_You have successfully joined this Event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2532, 7, '_List');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2533, 7, '_Event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2534, 7, '_Post Event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2535, 7, '_By');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2536, 3, '_Please Wait');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2537, 3, '_Vote');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2538, 2, '_My Favorite Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2539, 2, '_My Favorite Videos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2540, 2, '_My Favorite Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2541, 2, '_Music Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2542, 2, '_Photos Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2543, 2, '_Video Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2544, 5, '_Post');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2545, 5, '_Caption');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2546, 5, '_Please, Create a Blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2547, 5, '_Create My Blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2548, 5, '_Create Blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2549, 5, '_Posts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2554, 3, '_PROFILE Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2555, 5, '_Top Posts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2564, 3, '_PROFILE Info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2568, 2, '_BoonEx News');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2569, 3, '_Visit Source');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2570, 5, '_post_successfully_deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2571, 5, '_failed_to_delete_post');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2572, 5, '_failed_to_add_post');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2573, 5, '_post_successfully_added');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2574, 2, '_Leaders');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2575, 3, '_Day');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2576, 3, '_Month');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2577, 3, '_Week');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2578, 3, '_no_top_day');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2579, 2, '_Hacker String');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2581, 5, '_Write a description for your Blog.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2582, 5, '_Error Occured');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2584, 3, '_Forum Posts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2585, 3, '_ID_CREATE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2586, 3, '_Get BoonEx ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2587, 1, '_Import BoonEx ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2588, 3, '_Import');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2589, 1, '_Posted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2590, 1, '_No articles available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2591, 1, '_Read All Articles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2592, 1, '_Shared Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2593, 1, '_Shared Videos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2594, 1, '_Shared Music FIles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2595, 1, '_This Week');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2596, 1, '_This Month');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2597, 1, '_This Year');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2598, 1, '_Topics');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2599, 1, '_No tags found here');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2600, 3, '_Ads');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2601, 1, '_New Today');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2602, 2, '_Photo Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2603, 1, '_No classifieds available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2604, 1, '_No groups available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2605, 2, '_My Music Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2606, 2, '_My Photo Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2607, 2, '_My Video Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2608, 1, '_Count');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2609, 2, '_Site Stats');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2610, 3, '_I agree');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2611, 3, '_Media upload Agreement');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2612, 3, '_License Agreement');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2613, 2, '_event_deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2614, 24, '_Tags_caption');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2615, 24, '_Tags_desc');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2616, 24, '_Tags_err_msg');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2617, 2, '_Member Friends');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2618, 2, '_Select');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2619, 2, '_Join Now Top');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2620, 5, '_Tag');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2621, 103, '_Sorry, no members found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2622, 105, '_no posts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2623, 3, '_PWD_INVALID3');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2624, 3, '_Change Password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2625, 2, '_SUCC_UPD_POST');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2626, 2, '_FAIL_UPD_POST');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2627, 24, '_DateOfBirth_err_msg');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2628, 3, '_No file');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2629, 3, '_Admin Panel');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2630, 3, '_File upload error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2631, 4, '_send greetings');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2632, 105, '_AddMainCategory successfully added');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2633, 105, '_Failed to Insert AddMainCategory');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2634, 105, '_AddSubCategory successfully added');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2635, 105, '_Failed to Insert AddSubCategory');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2636, 105, '_DeleteMainCategory was successfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2637, 105, '_Failed to DeleteMainCategory');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2638, 105, '_DeleteSubCategory was successfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2639, 105, '_Failed to DeleteSubCategory');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2640, 100, '_Add New Article');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2641, 100, '_Category Caption');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2642, 100, '_Articles Deleted Successfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2643, 100, '_Articles are not deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2644, 100, '_Category Deleted Successfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2645, 100, '_Category are not deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2646, 2, '_Hot or Not');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES (2647,100,'_affiliate_system_was_disabled');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES(2648, 101, '_DescriptionMedia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES(2649, 1, '_Mutual Friends');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES(2650, 3, '_Photo Actions');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES(2651, 3, '_Notification');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES(2652, 7, '_You have successfully unsubscribe from Event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES(2653, 7, '_Unsubscribe');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES(2654, 100, '_not_active_story');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES(2655, 1, '_Profile Videos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES(2656, 1, '_My Flags');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES(2657, 1, '_My Topics');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES(2658, 5, '_Uncategorized');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES(2659, 1, '_upload Music (Music Gallery)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES(2660, 1, '_upload Photos (Photo Gallery)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES(2661, 1, '_upload Video (Video Gallery)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES(2662, 1, '_play Music (Music Gallery)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES(2663, 1, '_view Photos (Photo Gallery)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys` VALUES(2664, 1, '_play Video (Video Gallery)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationKeys' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `LocalizationLanguages` (`ID` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Flag` varchar(2) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),UNIQUE KEY `Name` (`Name`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationLanguages` VALUES(1, 'English', 'gb');
Table 'beta.LocalizationLanguages' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `LocalizationStringParams` (`IDKey` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`IDParam` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Description` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`IDKey`,`IDParam`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1, 0, 'Current year');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2, 0, 'Current year');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (121, 0, 'Your site url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (126, 0, 'Minimum chars count');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (126, 1, 'Maximum chars count');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (299, 0, 'Children count');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (315, 0, 'Your site url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (329, 0, 'Person''s nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (465, 0, 'Person''s nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (549, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (639, 0, 'Person''s nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (755, 0, 'Credits per message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (794, 0, 'Match percent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (795, 0, 'Person''s age');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (804, 0, 'Wait period in minutes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (813, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (820, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (827, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (844, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (861, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (862, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (865, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (887, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (889, 0, 'Search profiles limit');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (906, 0, 'Your site url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (910, 0, 'Explanation window width');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (910, 1, 'Explanation window height');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (911, 0, 'Explanation window width');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (911, 1, 'Explanation window height');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (913, 0, 'Explanation window width');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (913, 1, 'Explanation window height');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (917, 0, 'Explanation window width');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (917, 1, 'Explanation window height');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (919, 0, 'Explanation window width');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (919, 1, 'Explanation window height');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (920, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (921, 0, 'Message ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (921, 1, 'Your site url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (923, 0, 'Your site url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (924, 0, 'Your site url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (934, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (937, 0, 'Number of chosen contacts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (946, 0, 'Email address');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (946, 1, 'Person''s link');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (951, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (960, 0, 'Picture deletion error code');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (969, 0, 'Upload picture filename');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (969, 1, 'Picture upload error code');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (972, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (973, 0, 'Person''s ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (978, 0, 'Person''s ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (980, 0, 'Person''s nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (989, 0, 'Page number');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (993, 0, 'Your site affiliate url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (993, 1, 'Your site url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (994, 0, 'Affiliate''s ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1003, 0, 'Your site images url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1003, 1, 'Your site url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1003, 2, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1005, 0, 'Maximum message length');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1007, 0, 'Person''s ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1009, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1011, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1012, 0, 'Your site url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1012, 1, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1013, 0, 'Online members count');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1038, 0, 'Credits amount');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1041, 0, 'Expire days count');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1043, 0, 'Expire time');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1043, 1, 'Server time');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1065, 0, 'Minimum nickname length');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1065, 1, 'Maximum nickname length');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1066, 0, 'Minimum nickname length');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1066, 1, 'Maximum nickname length');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1076, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1079, 0, 'Minimum password length');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1079, 1, 'Maximum password length');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1081, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1094, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1095, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1100, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1116, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1118, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1119, 0, 'Member''s ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1126, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1134, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1136, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1137, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1144, 0, 'Your site url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1145, 0, 'Video files extension');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1146, 0, 'Your site title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1149, 0, 'Member''s nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1150, 0, 'Image resize width');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1150, 1, 'Image resize height');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1151, 0, 'Number of purchased contacts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1152, 0, 'Number of members who purchased your contact info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1261, 0, 'Upload picture filename');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1700, 0, 'Your site url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1701, 0, 'Your site url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1702, 0, 'Your site url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1728, 1, 'Membership action name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1728, 2, 'Membership level name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1729, 7, 'Your site email');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1730, 1, 'Membership action name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1730, 2, 'Membership level name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1730, 3, 'Membership action limit');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1731, 1, 'Membership action name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1731, 2, 'Membership level name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1731, 6, 'Membership level allowed before');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1732, 1, 'Membership action name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1732, 2, 'Membership level name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1732, 5, 'Membership level allowed after');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1733, 4, 'Membership action period');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1741, 0, 'Members count');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1747, 0, 'Event title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1809, 0, 'Select module link');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1868, 0, 'Number of days');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1885, 0, 'Member''s nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1886, 0, 'Member''s nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1887, 0, 'Member''s nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1888, 0, 'Member''s nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1896, 0, 'BoonEx Site URL');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1897, 1, 'Join Page');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1897, 0, 'Site URL');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1910, 0, 'Recipient NickName');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1910, 1, 'Recipient ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1910, 2, 'Site URL');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1953, 0, 'member''s nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1954, 0, 'member''s nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1961, 0, 'member''s nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1966, 0, 'member of allowed objects in album');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1984, 0, 'number of days');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1985, 0, 'number of hours');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1986, 0, 'number of minutes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (1987, 0, 'number of deleted rows');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2000, 0, 'file size');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2015, 0, 'member''s nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2060, 0, 'number of characters');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2065, 0, 'add new what');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2081, 2, 'total');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2081, 1, 'to');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2081, 0, 'from');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2082, 0, 'groups count');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2109, 0, 'group home link');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2230, 0, 'member NickName');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2234, 0, 'member nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2243, 0, 'number');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2250, 0, 'member id');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2250, 1, 'member nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2252, 0, 'image url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2251, 0, 'image url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2251, 1, 'category url');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2256, 0, 'number');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2554, 0, 'member''s nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2564, 0, 'member''s nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2585, 0, 'BoonEx ID URL');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2611, 0, 'media type');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2251, 2, 'category name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStringParams` VALUES (2252, 1, 'number of comments');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStringParams' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `LocalizationStrings` (`IDKey` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`IDLanguage` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`String` mediumtext NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`IDKey`,`IDLanguage`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1, 1, '2002-{0}. Product of BoonEx Group.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2, 1, 'Copyright © {0} Your Company.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (3, 1, 'Notify me about News, tips');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (4, 1, '

Hello ,

You have received a message from (profile.php?ID=)!

To get this message you have to check your e-mail


Best regards, ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (5, 1, 'GuestBook');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (32, 1, 'Sign up today!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (33, 1, 'Talk with other members in online chat or privately via instant messenger');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (34, 1, 'Instantly create your own personal profile with photos, video and audio');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (35, 1, 'Find singles in your area using our ZIP-code-based locating system');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (57, 1, 'AOL');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (58, 1, 'IM not allowed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (59, 1, 'IM not available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (60, 1, 'AOL');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (61, 1, 'a man');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (62, 1, 'a woman');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (63, 1, 'a man or a woman');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (64, 1, 'F');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (65, 1, 'M');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (66, 1, 'C');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (67, 1, 'About me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (70, 1, 'About us');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (71, 1, 'About you');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (72, 1, 'Activate account');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (73, 1, 'Active Story');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (74, 1, 'Add comment');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (75, 1, 'add to cart');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (76, 1, 'Add New Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (77, 1, 'Add feedback');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (78, 1, 'Add new object');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (79, 1, 'add feedback');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (80, 1, 'Add to Hot List');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (81, 1, 'Accept Invite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (82, 1, 'Adding member...');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (83, 1, 'Additional contact information');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (84, 1, 'Admin');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (85, 1, 'advanced search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (86, 1, 'Affiliates');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (87, 1, 'Aged from');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (88, 1, 'aged');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (89, 1, 'all');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (90, 1, 'All');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (91, 1, 'Amount');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (92, 1, 'Anonymous');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (94, 1, 'April');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (95, 1, 'Articles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (96, 1, 'ascending');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (97, 1, 'Attention');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (98, 1, 'August');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (100, 1, 'available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (101, 1, 'average rate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (102, 1, 'Availability for FREE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (103, 1, 'Back to');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (104, 1, 'Back Invite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (105, 1, 'Bid');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (106, 1, 'Block');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (107, 1, 'Block list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (108, 1, 'block member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (109, 1, 'Blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (110, 1, 'Body type');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (111, 1, 'Body type');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (112, 1, 'Body type of person 2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (113, 1, 'Both');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (114, 1, 'both');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (115, 1, 'Brief Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (116, 1, 'Browse Profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (117, 1, 'by age');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (118, 1, 'by contact price');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (119, 1, 'by rate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (120, 1, 'by times contacted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (121, 1, 'can not send message, click here to start sending private messages.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (122, 1, 'can not send message to inactive member.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (123, 1, 'your profile is not in active mode.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (124, 1, 'you are in the block list of this member.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (125, 1, 'characters');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (126, 1, '{0} to {1} characters');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (127, 1, 'chat');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (129, 1, 'Online Chat');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (130, 1, 'chat now');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (131, 1, 'Chatting');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (132, 1, 'chat window');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (133, 1, 'Cancel password(s)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (134, 1, 'Cart');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (135, 1, 'Continue shopping! You will receive these discounts:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (136, 1, 'Number of profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (137, 1, 'Total price');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (138, 1, 'Cast my vote');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (139, 1, 'Check Out');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (140, 1, 'Check all');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (141, 1, 'Children');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (142, 1, 'Choose file for upload');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (143, 1, 'children');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (144, 1, 'City');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (145, 1, 'City is required.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (146, 1, 'Please read "Terms of Use" before joining');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (147, 1, 'Close');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (148, 1, 'communicator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (149, 1, 'Communication');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (150, 1, 'Community Stats');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (151, 1, 'Compose New Message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (152, 1, 'Contact Sales');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (153, 1, 'contacts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (156, 1, 'contact');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (157, 1, 'contact list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (158, 1, 'Confirm E-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (159, 1, 'Confirm');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (160, 1, 'Confirm password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (161, 1, 'Confirm your e-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (162, 1, 'Confirm your password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (163, 1, 'Confirmation code');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (164, 1, 'Confirmation e-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (165, 1, 'Congratulations');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (166, 1, 'Contact');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (168, 1, 'Contacts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (169, 1, 'Contacts purchased');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (170, 1, 'Contact information');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (171, 1, 'Contact information sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (172, 1, 'Contact information not sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (173, 1, 'Contact price');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (174, 1, 'Contact details');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (175, 1, 'Continue');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (176, 1, 'My Account');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (177, 1, 'Country');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (178, 1, 'Couple');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (179, 1, 'credits');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (180, 1, 'creating lifestyle communities');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (181, 1, 'Current deposit');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (182, 1, 'Current membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (183, 1, 'Currently Online');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (184, 1, 'custom menu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (185, 1, 'Date');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (186, 1, 'Date of birth');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (187, 1, 'Age');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (188, 1, 'Age of person 2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (189, 1, 'December');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (190, 1, 'Delete');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (191, 1, 'Delete account');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (192, 1, 'Delete from Friend List');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (193, 1, 'Deleting member...');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (194, 1, 'Details of the person you are looking for');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (195, 1, 'descending');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (196, 1, 'Description');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (199, 1, 'Do you really want to delete this entry?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (200, 1, 'Download and listen');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (201, 1, 'Download and see');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (202, 1, 'Doesn''t matter');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (203, 1, 'Drinking');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (204, 1, 'Drinking?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (205, 1, 'Drinker');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (206, 1, '2nd person drinker');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (207, 1, 'E-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (208, 1, 'Personal e-mail address required.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (209, 1, 'E-mail address doesn''t look valid.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (210, 1, 'E-mail sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (211, 1, 'Nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (212, 1, 'Email confirmation');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (213, 1, 'E-mail confirmed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (214, 1, 'Email was successfully sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (215, 1, 'Email send failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (216, 1, 'Education');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (217, 1, 'Education of person 2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (218, 1, 'Edit Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (219, 1, 'edit profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (220, 1, 'Edit');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (221, 1, 'Empty');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (222, 1, 'Empty Cart');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (223, 1, 'Emptying cart...');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (224, 1, 'Enter profile ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (225, 1, 'Enter what you see:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (226, 1, 'Error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (227, 1, 'Error code');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (228, 1, 'Error sending greeting');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (229, 1, 'Ethnicity');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (230, 1, 'Ethnicity of person 2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (231, 1, 'Extended search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (232, 1, 'Explanation');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (233, 1, 'F');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (234, 1, 'FAQ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (235, 1, 'February');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (236, 1, 'Female');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (237, 1, 'Female');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (238, 1, 'Search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (239, 1, 'Find');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (240, 1, 'Find!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (241, 1, 'Finance');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (242, 1, 'First');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (243, 1, 'get e-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (244, 1, 'Free Sign Up');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (245, 1, 'Free sound');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (246, 1, 'Friend email');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (247, 1, 'Friends: ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (248, 1, 'Friends');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (249, 1, 'Female');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (250, 1, 'featured');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (251, 1, 'featured members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (252, 1, 'featured profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (253, 1, 'for free');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (254, 1, 'for');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (256, 1, 'Forgot');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (257, 1, 'Forgot password?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (258, 1, 'Forgot password?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (259, 1, 'former USSR');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (260, 1, 'Forum');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (261, 1, 'From');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (262, 1, 'From Primary');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (263, 1, 'from');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (264, 1, 'from zip/postal code');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (265, 1, 'from ZIP');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (266, 1, 'free');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (267, 1, 'Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (268, 1, 'My gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (269, 1, 'General description');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (270, 1, 'General self-description');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (271, 1, 'Go');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (272, 1, 'Affiliate Program');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (273, 1, 'Congratulations!!!
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (274, 1, 'You''ve got ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (275, 1, ' member(s) engaged. ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (276, 1, '(Need more members engaged to get new membership status )');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (277, 1, ' You may choose your membership status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (278, 1, 'Congratulations!!!
You''re ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist

Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (279, 1, ' member now. Your membership will expire in ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (280, 1, ' days.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (281, 1, 'Privileged Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (282, 1, 'Membership Subscriptions');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (283, 1, 'grant password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (284, 1, 'granted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (285, 1, 'GuestBook');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (286, 1, 'Guestbook mode');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (287, 1, 'Guestbook access');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (288, 1, 'My GuestBook');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (289, 1, 'Blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (290, 1, 'My Blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (291, 1, 'No info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (292, 1, 'Enable');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (293, 1, 'Disable');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (294, 1, 'Suspend');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (295, 1, 'Registered only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (296, 1, 'Friends only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (297, 1, 'Add record');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (298, 1, 'Visitor');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (299, 1, 'Have {0} children');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (300, 1, 'Have no children');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (301, 1, 'Height');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (302, 1, 'Height of person 2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (303, 1, 'Header');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (305, 1, 'Headline');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (306, 1, 'Hide');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (307, 1, 'Home');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (308, 1, 'Home address');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (309, 1, 'Homepage');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (310, 1, 'Hot list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (311, 1, 'hot member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (312, 1, 'Friend list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (313, 1, 'friend member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (314, 1, 'HTML');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (315, 1, 'I agree with Terms and Privacy Policy');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (316, 1, 'I am');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (317, 1, 'I am a');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (318, 1, 'I seek a');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (319, 1, 'I can receive');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (320, 1, 'I''m looking for a');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (321, 1, 'I prefer not to say');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (322, 1, 'I will tell you later');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (323, 1, 'ICQ UIN');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (324, 1, 'ICQ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (325, 1, 'ICQ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (326, 1, 'IM UIN');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (327, 1, 'Private Messages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (328, 1, 'starts immediately');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (329, 1, 'IM {0} now!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (330, 1, 'Add users to IM and start chatting');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (331, 1, 'Please select a user first');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (332, 1, 'You should be an active member to use IM');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (333, 1, 'You should be a gold member to use IM');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (334, 1, 'Please login first');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (335, 1, 'Send');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (336, 1, 'E-Mail or ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (337, 1, 'Ideal match description');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (338, 1, 'Income');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (339, 1, 'Income of person 2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (340, 1, 'Incorrect Email');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (342, 1, 'Interest');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (343, 1, 'Invalid ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (344, 1, 'Invite a friend');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (345, 1, 'January');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (346, 1, 'Join');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (347, 1, 'Join For Free');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (348, 1, 'Join Free');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (349, 1, 'Join Now');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (350, 1, 'June');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (351, 1, 'July');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (352, 1, 'kilometers');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (353, 1, 'kb');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (354, 1, 'Greetings');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (355, 1, 'Language');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (356, 1, 'Language 1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (357, 1, 'Language 2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (358, 1, 'Language 3');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (359, 1, 'Language');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (360, 1, 'Language of person 2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (361, 1, 'Last');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (362, 1, 'Last login');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (363, 1, 'Last logged in');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (364, 1, 'Last changes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (365, 1, 'Last modified');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (366, 1, 'latest news');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (367, 1, 'Latest Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (368, 1, 'launch IM');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (369, 1, 'Links');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (370, 1, 'living with me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (371, 1, 'living within');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (372, 1, 'listen to voice');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (373, 1, 'length');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (374, 1, 'Location');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (375, 1, 'Log in');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (376, 1, 'Login');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (377, 1, 'LOG IN');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (378, 1, 'log out');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (379, 1, 'Log Out');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (380, 1, 'Logged in');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (381, 1, 'Login required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (382, 1, 'Already a member?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (384, 1, 'Looking for');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (385, 1, 'Looking for an age range');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (386, 1, 'Looking for a height');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (387, 1, 'Looking for a body type');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (388, 1, 'Looking for');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (389, 1, 'looking for');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (390, 1, 'M');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (391, 1, 'Must be valid');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (392, 1, 'MSN');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (393, 1, 'MSN');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (394, 1, 'MAIN MENU');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (395, 1, 'Main Menu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (397, 1, 'Make thumb out of primary');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (398, 1, 'Failed to make thumb out of primary!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (399, 1, 'Successfully made thumb out of primary!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (400, 1, 'Male');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (401, 1, 'Male');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (402, 1, 'Male or female');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (403, 1, 'Male or female');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (404, 1, 'March');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (405, 1, 'man');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (406, 1, 'Men');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (407, 1, 'men');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (408, 1, 'men and women');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (409, 1, 'man');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (410, 1, 'Manage objects');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (411, 1, 'Manage albums');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (413, 1, 'Male');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (414, 1, 'Marital status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (415, 1, 'Marital status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (416, 1, 'Mark as New');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (417, 1, 'Mark as read');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (418, 1, 'Mark as Featured');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (419, 1, 'Maximum characters');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (420, 1, 'May');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (421, 1, 'Maybe');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (422, 1, 'member menu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (423, 1, 'Member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (424, 1, 'Member control panel');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (425, 1, 'Member Information');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (426, 1, 'Member Login');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (427, 1, 'member menu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (428, 1, 'Member Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (429, 1, 'Member profile not available for view.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (430, 1, 'Member sound');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (431, 1, 'Member video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (432, 1, 'members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (433, 1, 'Hot members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (434, 1, 'Friend members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (435, 1, 'Blocked members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (436, 1, 'Greeted members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (437, 1, 'Viewed members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (438, 1, 'Contacted members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (439, 1, 'Contacted for free members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (440, 1, 'Private photos passwords');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (441, 1, 'member info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (442, 1, 'membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (443, 1, 'Membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (444, 1, 'Membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (448, 1, 'Recipient not found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (449, 1, 'Available Membership Types');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (450, 1, ' days');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (452, 1, 'Credits');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (453, 1, 'Membership Status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (454, 1, 'Message from');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (455, 1, 'Message not available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (456, 1, 'Message Preview');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (457, 1, 'Message text');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (458, 1, 'Messages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (459, 1, 'Messages in Inbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (460, 1, 'Messages in Outbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (461, 1, 'miles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (462, 1, 'km');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (463, 1, 'Moderator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (464, 1, 'more photo(s)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (465, 1, 'View other photos of {0}');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (466, 1, 'more');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (467, 1, '...');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (468, 1, 'My Email');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (469, 1, 'my inbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (470, 1, 'my outbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (471, 1, 'My Membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (472, 1, 'My Messenger');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (473, 1, 'My Panel');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (474, 1, 'My Photo Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (475, 1, 'my profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (476, 1, 'Can not save image');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (477, 1, 'Name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (478, 1, 'never');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (479, 1, 'new');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (480, 1, 'New message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (481, 1, 'New Member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (482, 1, 'Add a new member here');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (483, 1, 'New profile has been successfully created.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (484, 1, 'New picture');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (485, 1, 'New sound');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (486, 1, 'New video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (487, 1, 'New this week');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (488, 1, 'newsletter');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (489, 1, 'Next');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (490, 1, 'Next >>');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (491, 1, 'News Archive');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (492, 1, '''s profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (493, 1, 'Username');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (494, 1, 'Username');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (495, 1, 'Profile type');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (496, 1, 'Username is required.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (497, 1, 'No');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (498, 1, 'Doesn''t matter');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (499, 1, 'No member to add');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (500, 1, 'No member to delete');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (501, 1, 'No member specified');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (502, 1, 'No gold membership options available for the moment. Please, check later.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (503, 1, 'No messages in Inbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (504, 1, 'No messages in Outbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (505, 1, 'No modifications were done.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (506, 1, 'No news available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (507, 1, 'No polls available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (508, 1, 'No pictures available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (509, 1, 'No results found.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (510, 1, 'No sounds available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (511, 1, 'No feedback available.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (512, 1, ' no such name or no message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (513, 1, 'No video available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (514, 1, 'None');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (515, 1, 'none');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (516, 1, 'Not enough credits to do this action');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (517, 1, 'not living with me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (518, 1, 'not granted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (519, 1, 'Not read');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (520, 1, 'not read');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (521, 1, 'Not Recognized');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (522, 1, 'Not sure');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (523, 1, 'Do Not Notify Me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (524, 1, 'Notification email send failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (525, 1, 'Notify me about news, tips');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (526, 1, 'Notify Me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (527, 1, 'Notify by e-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (528, 1, 'November');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (529, 1, 'Occupation');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (530, 1, 'October');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (532, 1, 'only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (533, 1, 'Online');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (534, 1, 'Online Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (535, 1, 'online only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (536, 1, 'Offline');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (537, 1, 'Ok, entry not deleted.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (538, 1, 'Ok, entry was deleted successful.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (539, 1, 'Oops, cannot delete this entry.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (540, 1, 'Open in new window');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (541, 1, 'or send request for password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (542, 1, 'Other details');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (543, 1, 'page navigation');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (544, 1, 'Pages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (545, 1, 'Password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (546, 1, 'Pass');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (547, 1, 'Password granted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (548, 1, 'Password must be from 4 to 8 characters long.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (549, 1, 'Member password retrieval at {0}');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (550, 1, 'Pay-per-contact');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (551, 1, 'Personal details');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (552, 1, 'Details of second person');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (553, 1, 'Phone');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (554, 1, 'Photo successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (555, 1, 'with pics only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (556, 1, 'Picture');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (557, 1, 'Polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (558, 1, 'post my feedback');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (559, 1, 'Notify about requests');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (560, 1, 'Notify me about requests for private photos via email');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (561, 1, 'Prev');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (562, 1, 'Preview');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (564, 1, 'Price, ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (565, 1, 'Primary Picture');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (566, 1, 'Primary photo successfully deleted.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (567, 1, 'Primary photo remove failed.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (568, 1, 'private message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (569, 1, 'Private photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (570, 1, 'Privacy');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (571, 1, 'Private photo password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (572, 1, 'Private password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (573, 1, 'Profile last modified');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (574, 1, 'Profile status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (575, 1, 'Profile not available for view');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (576, 1, 'Profile has not been found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (577, 1, 'Specified profile not found in the database. It must have been removed earlier.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (578, 1, 'Profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (579, 1, 'Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (580, 1, 'Profile activation failed.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (581, 1, 'Profile of the week');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (582, 1, 'Profile of the month');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (583, 1, 'Purchased contacts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (584, 1, 'private');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (585, 1, 'public');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (586, 1, 'friends only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (587, 1, 'random profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (588, 1, 'Random Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (589, 1, 'rate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (590, 1, 'rate profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (591, 1, 'rate photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (592, 1, 'Rate Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (593, 1, 'Read access:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (594, 1, 'Read more');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (595, 1, 'Readed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (596, 1, 'Read news in archive');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (597, 1, 'Real name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (598, 1, 'Real name required.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (599, 1, 'Recognized');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (600, 1, 'Registration error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (601, 1, 'Reject invite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (602, 1, 'Reject Invite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (603, 1, 'Relationship');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (604, 1, 'Relationship: at least one type must be specified.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (605, 1, 'Religion');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (606, 1, 'Religion of person 2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (607, 1, 'Reply');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (608, 1, 'Report about spam was sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (609, 1, 'Report about spam failed to send');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (610, 1, 'report member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (611, 1, 'Results per page');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (612, 1, 'Results');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (613, 1, 'Retrieve');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (614, 1, 'Retrieve my information');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (615, 1, 'Quick Links');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (616, 1, 'Quick Search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (617, 1, 'Save Changes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (618, 1, 'Services');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (619, 1, 'services');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (620, 1, 'sec.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (621, 1, 'send a greeting');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (622, 1, 'email to friend');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (623, 1, 'score');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (624, 1, 'size');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (625, 1, 'single');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (626, 1, 'sign up free');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (627, 1, 'Code from security images is incorrect');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (628, 1, 'Search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (629, 1, 'Search result');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (630, 1, 'Search by ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (631, 1, 'Search by Nickname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (632, 1, 'Search by distance');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (633, 1, 'Search Profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (634, 1, 'Search profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (635, 1, 'Secondary Picture');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (636, 1, 'Secondary photo successfully deleted.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (637, 1, 'Secondary photo remove failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (638, 1, 'See profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (639, 1, 'See {0}''s Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (640, 1, 'seeking a');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (641, 1, 'Seeking a');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (642, 1, 'I am a');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (643, 1, 'search profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (644, 1, 'Country');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (645, 1, 'Age');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (646, 1, 'Height');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (647, 1, 'Body Type');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (648, 1, 'Religion');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (649, 1, 'Ethnicity');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (650, 1, 'Marital Status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (651, 1, 'Education');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (652, 1, 'Income');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (653, 1, 'Smoker');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (654, 1, 'Drinker');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (655, 1, 'Looking for a');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (656, 1, 'Language');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (657, 1, 'Selected messages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (658, 1, 'Send');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (659, 1, 'Send a message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (660, 1, 'Send a message to:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (661, 1, 'Send e-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (662, 1, 'Greeting');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (663, 1, 'greeting');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (664, 1, 'Can not send now');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (665, 1, 'to site e-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (666, 1, 'to personal e-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (667, 1, 'Send greeting');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (668, 1, 'Greeting sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (669, 1, 'Greeting NOT sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (670, 1, 'Send Letter');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (671, 1, 'September');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (672, 1, 'Settings');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (673, 1, 'Set membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (674, 1, 'Sex');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (675, 1, 'Shopping Cart');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (676, 1, 'Shopping cart emptied');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (677, 1, 'Short Profiles Search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (678, 1, 'ShoutBox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (679, 1, 'Show');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (680, 1, 'Show me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (683, 1, 'Smoker');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (684, 1, '2nd person smoker');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (685, 1, 'sometimes living with me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (686, 1, 'Sorry');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (687, 1, 'Sorry, I can''t define your IP address. IT''S TIME TO COME OUT!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (688, 1, 'Sorry, but user is OFFLINE at the moment.\\nPlease try later...');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (689, 1, 'sort');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (690, 1, 'Sort order');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (691, 1, 'Sort results');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (692, 1, 'Sound');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (693, 1, 'Spam report');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (694, 1, 'spam report');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (695, 1, 'Special offer');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (696, 1, 'Spoken languages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (697, 1, 'can speak');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (698, 1, 'Status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (699, 1, 'feedback');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (700, 1, 'Feedback');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (701, 1, 'Submit');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (702, 1, 'Submit request');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (703, 1, 'Subscribe');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (704, 1, 'Subject');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (705, 1, 'Successfully uploaded!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (706, 1, 'feedback');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (707, 1, 'Suspend account');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (708, 1, 'Site poll');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (709, 1, 'Text');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (710, 1, 'Terms');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (711, 1, 'Invite a friend');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (712, 1, 'Theme');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (713, 1, 'This guestbook disabled by it''s owner');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (714, 1, 'This guestbook allowed for registered members only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (715, 1, 'This guestbook allowed for friends only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (716, 1, 'You can not write any messages, this guestbook is suspended');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (717, 1, 'Thumbnail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (718, 1, 'Thumbnail successfully deleted.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (719, 1, '_Thumbnail remove failed.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (720, 1, 'Thumb');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (721, 1, 'Timely');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (722, 1, 'time(s)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (723, 1, 'to');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (724, 1, 'to');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (725, 1, 'To post you must be logged in!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (726, 1, '_To view the photos you have to become a gold member. Go to Gold Membership page to purchase membership.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (727, 1, 'Top Rated');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (728, 1, 'Top Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (729, 1, 'Total');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (730, 1, 'total');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (731, 1, 'Total amount');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (732, 1, 'Total price');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (733, 1, 'Total Registered');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (734, 1, 'total votes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (735, 1, 'Uncheck all');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (736, 1, 'Unblock');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (737, 1, 'Undefined error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (738, 1, 'Membership Status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (739, 1, 'Silver');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (740, 1, 'Gold');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (741, 1, 'Platinum');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (742, 1, 'Standard');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (743, 1, 'silver');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (744, 1, 'standard');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (745, 1, 'Unknown action');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (746, 1, 'unknown');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (747, 1, 'Unregister');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (748, 1, 'My Uploads');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (749, 1, 'Upload Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (750, 1, 'upload sound');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (751, 1, 'Upload Video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (752, 1, 'Update feedback');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (753, 1, 'Use latin set');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (754, 1, 'use credits');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (755, 1, 'use credits ({0} per message)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (756, 1, 'User was added to block list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (757, 1, 'User was added to hot list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (758, 1, 'User was added to friend list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (759, 1, 'User was invited to friend list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (760, 1, 'This user already in your friend list!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (761, 1, 'User was added to the instant messenger');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (762, 1, 'Video Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (763, 1, 'Video file successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (764, 1, 'Video file remove failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (765, 1, 'view video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (766, 1, 'view profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (767, 1, 'view profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (768, 1, 'view as profile details');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (769, 1, 'view as photo gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (770, 1, 'visitor menu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (771, 1, 'Vote profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (772, 1, 'Bad');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (773, 1, 'Good');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (774, 1, 'Vote Average Mark');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (775, 1, 'Vote accepted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (776, 1, 'votes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (777, 1, 'Write Message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (778, 1, 'Want children');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (780, 1, 'Was contacted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (781, 1, 'Welcome');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (782, 1, 'with');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (783, 1, 'with photos only');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (784, 1, 'What do you seek someone for?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (785, 1, 'within');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (786, 1, 'Whom do you look for?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (787, 1, 'who is from');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (788, 1, 'Women');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (789, 1, 'women');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (790, 1, 'woman');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (791, 1, 'woman');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (792, 1, 'Write access:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (793, 1, 'write message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (794, 1, '{0}% match');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (795, 1, '{0} y/o');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (796, 1, 'your rate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (797, 1, 'Yes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (798, 1, 'Yahoo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (799, 1, 'Yahoo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (800, 1, 'You can get my');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (801, 1, 'You are');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (802, 1, 'You already voted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (803, 1, 'Your email');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (804, 1, 'You have to wait for {0} minute(s) before you can write another message!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (805, 1, 'Your name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (806, 1, 'Your Shopping Cart');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (807, 1, 'your private messages here');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (808, 1, 'Zip/Postal Code');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (809, 1, 'Post date');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (810, 1, 'Chat');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (811, 1, 'Chat');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (812, 1, 'About Us');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (813, 1, 'About us');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (814, 1, 'Email Confirmation');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (815, 1, 'Your e-mail confirmation');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (816, 1, 'Affiliates');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (817, 1, 'Affiliates');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (819, 1, 'add to cart');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (820, 1, '{0} Articles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (821, 1, 'Articles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (822, 1, 'Your Shopping Cart');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (823, 1, 'You can check out selected profiles and receive contact information here');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (824, 1, 'Communication Center');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (825, 1, 'Storage for greetings, contacts and messages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (826, 1, 'Change Account Status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (827, 1, 'Suspend/Activate your {0} account');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (828, 1, 'add to IM');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (829, 1, 'Coming soon');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (830, 1, 'Compose a new message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (831, 1, 'Compose and send a message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (832, 1, 'Feedback');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (833, 1, 'Feedback');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (834, 1, 'Receive Confirmation E-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (835, 1, 'View Feedback');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (836, 1, 'View Feedback');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (837, 1, 'News View');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (838, 1, 'News View');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (839, 1, 'Contact us');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (840, 1, 'Feedback section - questions, comments, regards');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (841, 1, 'E-mail Confirmation');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (842, 1, 'Explanation');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (843, 1, 'FAQ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (844, 1, 'FAQ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (845, 1, 'Featured profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (846, 1, 'Featured profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (847, 1, 'Forgot?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (848, 1, 'Get contact information for FREE!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (849, 1, 'Rate photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (850, 1, 'Rate photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (851, 1, 'My Inbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (852, 1, 'Inbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (853, 1, 'Inbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (854, 1, 'Title of the main page (homepage) of your site');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (856, 1, 'get e-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (858, 1, 'get sound');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (859, 1, 'Join');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (860, 1, 'Affiliate sign up');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (861, 1, '{0} Links');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (862, 1, '{0} Links');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (863, 1, 'Member Login');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (864, 1, 'Control Panel');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (865, 1, '{0} Member Panel');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (866, 1, 'Membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (867, 1, 'View status/upgrade your membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (868, 1, 'News');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (869, 1, 'Outbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (870, 1, 'Outbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (871, 1, 'Outbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (872, 1, 'Our services');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (873, 1, 'Privacy Policy');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (874, 1, 'Privacy policy');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (875, 1, 'Manage your photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (876, 1, 'Upload/change your photos here');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (877, 1, 'Photo gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (878, 1, 'Photo gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (882, 1, 'Profile view');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (883, 1, 'Order failure');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (884, 1, 'Possible security attack');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (885, 1, 'Purchase success');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (886, 1, 'Extended Profile Search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (887, 1, 'Search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (888, 1, 'Search Result');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (889, 1, 'You are allowed to see only the first {0} profiles that match your search criteria.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (890, 1, 'Manage your sound');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (891, 1, 'Feedback');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (892, 1, 'Feedback');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (893, 1, 'Terms of use');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (894, 1, 'Terms');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (896, 1, 'Manage your video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (897, 1, 'Send a greeting');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (899, 1, '
\r\n\r\nDolphin Smart Community Builder was developed by BoonEx Community Software Experts.

\r\nDolphin Smart Community Builder is based on aeDating, the most popular dating software on the internet. Since the first Dolphin version was released on May 2006, it has been modernized, supplemented, improved considerably and become an even more popular Community software than the aeDating script was.
\r\nIn conformity with the "Unite People" mission, BoonEx strongly believes that Community software should be offered free of charge, since the Community unites people of different cultures, nationalities and races.

\r\n\r\nBoonEx carries out its mission through Dolphin by improving it constantly and releasing at least 4 versions every six months. Thus Dolphin offers you advanced features which Internet users love very much: groups, photo gallery, blog, and much more. Dolphin is also integrated with Orca Interactive Forum Script and all the Ray Widgets, such as: Instant Messenger, Chat, Web Presence, Whiteboard, Music Player, Video Recorder, Video Player.

\r\n \r\nDolphin, as well as other BoonEx products, is supported by the Expertzzz Community Software Support system. This system has been operating since Dolphin 5.3 and other BoonEx products were released under General Public License. The license entitles other developers to make changes in the code, make their modules and even sell them. There are a lot of developers who have already joined and are making money selling their modifications, templates, zip/post codes, language files and other plug ins and offering their support services.

\r\nIn aspiring to achieve perfection BoonEx has launched a special Web Blog at where General director Andrey Sivtsov discusses themes concerning the future versions of all BoonEx products with everyone interested.\r\nAll interested persons are welcome to bring their contribution to Dolphin development.\r\n\r\n
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (901, 1, 'Email was successfully confirmed.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (902, 1, 'Message was successfully sent.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (906, 1, '
\r\nWe offer commissions for webmasters who refer visitors to our site. Go to sign up page to become an affilliate.\r\n
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (907, 1, 'Your account is already activated. There is no need to do it again.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (909, 1, 'You will need to follow the link supplied in the e-mail to get your account submitted for approval.
Send me confirmation e-mail.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (910, 1, '(Explanation)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (911, 1, '(Explanation)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (912, 1, 'Your profile activation is in progress. Usually it takes up to 24 hours. Thank you for your patience.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (913, 1, '(Explanation,Suspend)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (914, 1, 'You are a full-featured member of our community. You can however suspend your profile to become temporarily unavailable for others.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (917, 1, '(Explanation)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (918, 1, 'Your profile was rejected by the system administrator because it contains illegal information or is missing some information. If you have any questions, please, contact us, and don''t forget to specify your profile ID.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (919, 1, '(Explanation)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (920, 1, 'Your profile is temporarily out of {0} system services. You can activate it here. If you have any questions, please contact administrators.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (921, 1, 'New message waiting for you!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (923, 1, 'New greeting waiting for you!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (924, 1, 'New Friend waiting for you!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (925, 1, 'Profile not available. Choose a profile to send a greeting to:
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (927, 1, 'Sorry, you cannot browse this profile.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (928, 1, 'Your shopping cart is empty');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (929, 1, 'Your shopping cart has been emptied');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (930, 1, 'Your city is required.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (932, 1, 'Can not send message, the status of your profile is "approval"');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (934, 1, 'Sorry, this feature is still unavailable at {0}. It is coming pretty soon, though, so please, try later. We appreciate your patience.

Thank you.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (936, 1, 'Your contact information here');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (937, 1, 'Your cart has {0} contact(s)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (939, 1, 'You account was successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (940, 1, 'Your profile and photos will be deleted. Are you sure you want to delete your account?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(941, 1, 'Password must be from 3 to 32 characters long.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (942, 1, 'Password must be from 5 to 8 characters long or password confirmation failed.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (943, 1, 'Description must be at least 20 characters long.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (946, 1, 'E-mail address {0} is already used by member {1}.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (947, 1, 'E-mail confirmation failed.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (948, 1, 'This could happen because of improper web links displayed by some web mail services. If you see this message, please try to exactly copy the link supplied with the confirmation e-mail and paste it into your browser''s address bar or just enter the confirmation code (which also comes with the e-mail) below:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (949, 1, 'Mail has NOT been sent.
Unfortunately we could not send the confirmation e-mail to you at this time. Please, try later. We appologize for any inconvenience. Please report this bug to the administrator.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (950, 1, 'Mail has been successfully sent.
You will receive it within a minute.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (951, 1, 'Congratulations! Your e-mail confirmation succeeded.

Your account will be activated within 12 hours. Our administrators will personally look through your details to make sure you have set everything correctly. This helps {0} be the most accurate community service in the world. We care about the quality of our profiles and guarantee that every user of our system is real, so if you purchase someone''s contact information, you can be sure that your money isn''t wasted.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (952, 1, 'E-mail address doesn''t seem to be valid or E-mail confirmation failed or E-mail is used by another member.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (953, 1, 'E-mail address doesn''t seem to be valid.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (954, 1, 'Personal e-mail address is required.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (956, 1, 'Enter confirmation code');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (957, 1, 'Sorry, an error occured. Please, try later.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (958, 1, 'Failed to upload sound.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (959, 1, 'Failed to upload video.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (960, 1, 'Failed to delete picture.
(Error code: {0})
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (961, 1, 'Failed to make thumbnail out of primary.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (962, 1, 'Failed to send message to one or more recipients.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (964, 1, 'Failed to send message. You are in the block list of this member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (965, 1, 'Failed to send message. You are a standard member. Click here to upgrade.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (966, 1, 'Failed to send message. You do not have enough credits to send a message. Click here to buy more credits.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (967, 1, 'Failed to send message. Recipient is not an active member.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (968, 1, 'Failed to update profile.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (969, 1, 'Failed to upload file {0}! Make sure it''s a picture of jpg, gif, or png format.
(Error code: {1})

Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (970, 1, '
\r\nWhere can I download the latest Dolphin version?
You can learn more about the latest Dolphin version, its improvements and newly implemented features on the BoonEx products page.
\r\nHow can I test the latest version?
The latest versions of all BoonEx products are available for testing at
\r\nDo you release beta versions?\r\n
\r\nSure! We release several Beta versions and Release Candidates before the final release. All Beta versions of all BoonEx products are available for download at BoonEx Blog.\r\n
\r\nWhere can I get support services?
Dolphin, and other BoonEx products, is supported via Expertzzz Community Software Support system.
\r\nWhere can I find/order modifications, templates and other plug ins for my Community website powered by Dolphin?
All miscellaneous products for Dolphin and other BoonEx products are offered at
\r\nWhat if I have some development skills and can develop modifications or other things for Dolphin?
You are welcome to join Expertzzz, where you can register as an expert and offer your products and support services.
\r\nI have some good ideas for future Dolphin versions
You are welcome to use the BoonEx web Blog or TRAC system to contribute to the Dolphin development process.
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (971, 1, 'Fields with (*) are optional.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (972, 1, 'Forgot your ID and/or password? No problem! Please, supply your e-mail address below and you will be sent your {0} account ID and password.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (973, 1, 'You already requested !!! this member''s contact information for free. You can see it in their profile, or in your communicator.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (974, 1, 'You must choose a member to retrieve e-mail for FREE by specifying their ID:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (975, 1, 'Sorry, contact information could not be sent to you. You are in the block list of this member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (976, 1, 'Sorry, contact information could not be sent to you at this time. Make sure that:

  • You are logged in;
  • Your profile is in active mode.

Thank you.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (977, 1, 'Sorry, this member''s contact information cannot be received for free. You must purchase it.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (978, 1, 'You were not greeted by {0} member.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (980, 1, 'You have just been sent an e-mail with {0}''s contact information.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (983, 1, 'The e-mail you entered doesn''t seem to be valid. Please, try again.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (987, 1, 'Invalid member ID specified. You should enter a numeric ID like 12345.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (988, 1, 'Sorry, invalid password! Please, try again.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (989, 1, 'Congratulations! You are on your way to joining the fascinating community of singles looking for a serious relationship.

Membership is free and is not time-limited, however, you should keep your profile up-to-date and expose communication activity. Every profile is thoroughly checked before joining the system. Now, simply fill out our forms and complete your registration.

Step 1 - Your personal information. Page - {0}');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (990, 1, 'Go here to become an affiliate of this site for free.

Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (992, 1, 'Great job! Each member is required to supply their personal e-mail only. In order to avoid spamming someone''s mailboxes we need to check your e-mail. We will now send you a confirmation e-mail, which is necessary for your email confirmation. This e-mail includes a link which you may click, or you may enter the secret confirmation code below. This code is also included in the e-mail you receive. This will prove your ownership of the e-mail address you specified.

Step 2 - Confirmation');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (993, 1, 'Congratulations! You are an affiliate of {1} now. You can login here');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (994, 1, 'Use {0} ID number for login, please do not forget your ID number');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (995, 1, 'Give my contact information only to those to whom I sent greetings.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (996, 1, 'Headline must be at least 2 characters long.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (997, 1, 'You have been logged out.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (998, 1, 'Login error. Try again:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (999, 1, 'Your login information seems to be obsolete, please re-login.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1000, 1, 'Sorry, you need to login before you can use this page.
Please enter your email (or ID) and password below:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1002, 1, 'Sorry, you need to login before you can use this page.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1003, 1, 'If you are not registered at {2} you can do it right now for FREE and get all the advantages our system offers for both free and fee.
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1005, 1, 'Maximum {0} characters when writing to communicator, unlimited to email');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1006, 1, 'Member has been added to your shopping cart');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1007, 1, 'You already requested this member''s contact information. You can see it in their profile, or in your communicator.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1008, 1, 'This member is already in your shopping cart');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1009, 1, 'Sorry, you have not been recognized as a {0} member. Please, make sure that you entered the e-mail you used in creating your account.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1011, 1, 'You have been recognized as a {0} member, but it was impossible to send you an e-mail with your account details right now. Please, try later.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1012, 1, 'You have been recognized as a {1} member and your account details have just been sent to you. Once you receive the letter from us, go here and log in.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1013, 1, 'There are {0} member(s) online now');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1014, 1, 'Members you have contacted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1015, 1, 'Members you have been contacted by');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1016, 1, 'Members you have contacted for FREE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1017, 1, 'Members who contacted you for FREE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1018, 1, 'Members you have greeted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1019, 1, 'Members you were greeted by');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1020, 1, 'Members you have viewed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1021, 1, 'Members you were viewed by');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1022, 1, 'Members you have hotlisted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1023, 1, 'Members you were hotlisted by');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1024, 1, 'Members you have invited');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1025, 1, 'Members you were invited by');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1026, 1, 'Members you have blocked');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1027, 1, 'Members you were blocked by');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1028, 1, 'Requests to view your private photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1029, 1, 'Private photos requests');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1036, 1, 'Credits');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1037, 1, 'The Credits System is a convenient money equivalent. You can buy membership, contact information, etc for credits like using real money. Credits can be purchased by standard payment means (check payment, credit card, etc)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1038, 1, 'you have: {0} credits');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1039, 1, 'you have no credits');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1040, 1, 'extend membership period');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1041, 1, 'expires: in {0} day(s)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1042, 1, 'expires: never');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1043, 1, 'expires: today at {0}. (Server time: {1})');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1044, 1, 'View Allowed Actions');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1046, 1, ' Member
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1047, 1, 'Sorry, but you''ve reached your limit for today. Please click here to check for more advanced membership levels');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1055, 1, 'You are a standard member.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1056, 1, 'Click here to upgrade.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1057, 1, 'You are a standard member. Choose one of the following options:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1058, 1, 'Buy more days');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1059, 1, 'Message has been successfully sent.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1060, 1, 'Modifications have been successfully applied.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1061, 1, 'Must be valid. Otherwise, you won''t be able to finish the registration.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1062, 1, 'You must have cookies enabled in your browser');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1063, 1, 'New greeting arrived!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1064, 1, 'New message arrived!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1065, 1, 'Nickname must be unique and from {0} to {1} characters long.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1066, 1, 'Nickname must be from {0} to {1} characters long.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1067, 1, 'Attention: is available for FREE! You can get their contact information right now for free! All you need to do is just log in to your member account and follow the link "Free Email" in ''s profile.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1068, 1, 'You can buy ''s contact information or send them a greeting in return by merely following the link: ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1069, 1, 'No articles available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1070, 1, 'No links available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1071, 1, 'No member specified');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1072, 1, 'No member to delete');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1073, 1, 'There is no need to confirm your account e-mail because it''s already confirmed and you proved your ownership of the e-mail address.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1074, 1, 'No results found.
Start again and try to broaden your search.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1075, 1, 'No feedback available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1076, 1, 'You are NOT recognized as a {0} member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1078, 1, 'Password confirmation failed.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1079, 1, 'Password must be from {0} to {1} characters long.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1080, 1, 'This is your photo management page. This is where you may upload, remove and change your photos. You may use .jpg, .gif and .png files for your pictures. There are no limits of size or proportions, because our system will automatically resample your pictures.

Your thumbnail is used for search results.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1081, 1, 'Each time you upload or change your photos, your account is set to "Approval" mode and will be reviewed by {0} administration team for activation.

You will be informed of the activation success within 24 hours.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1082, 1, 'Picture successfully deleted.

Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1083, 1, 'Picture successfully uploaded.

Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1085, 1, 'Site Polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1086, 1, 'Site Polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1087, 1, 'Site Polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1088, 1, 'Site Polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1089, 1, 'Please input password to get access to a user''s private photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1090, 1, 'You can activate your account to make it available again for search and contacts.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1091, 1, 'You can suspend your account to make it temporarily unavailable for search and contact. Later you can always reactivate it.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1092, 1, 'You can not activate or suspend your account because it is not in Active or Suspended status.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1093, 1, 'Profile is not available.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1094, 1, 'Each time you change any of the following profile fields: Nickname, Real name, City, Occupation, "About me" description, "About you" description, Phone, HomeAddress, Homepage, your account is set to "Approval" mode and will be reviewed by {0} administration team for activation.
You will be informed of activation success within 24 hours.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1095, 1, 'Each time you change your account e-mail, your account is set to "Unconfirmed" mode and a confirmation letter is sent to the new e-mail. After you confirm your e-mail, your profile will be accepted to be reviewed by {0} administration team for activation.

You will be informed of the activation success within 24 hours.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1096, 1, '
\r\nWe are glad to welcome you to Dolphin Smart Community Builder. Please read this privacy statement to ensure that we are committed to keeping secure the privacy of our members'' (customers) details.

\r\nWhat information do we collect?
\r\nSince BoonEx is providing you the software and support to build a website, we may require from you some information that may be considered as personally identifiable.

\r\n\r\nPlease provide us with the following information about yourself:\r\n
  • nickname
  • \r\n
  • real name
  • \r\n
  • password
  • \r\n
  • e-mail address

\r\nOther personal information that we ma possibly need:\r\nTo be able to render the services you''ve ordered, we may need information about your website: site URL, FTP, cPanel or SSH accesses.

\r\nAll site contents copyrights are reserved by BoonEx Ltd. and content copying and duplication are strongly prohibited.

\r\nAcceptance of agreements
\r\nBy reading this you agree to our Privacy Statement. If you do not agree to our terms and conditions you may not use this site.\r\nWe may update our Privacy Statement from time to time so please visit this page regularly.\r\n
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1097, 1, 'Rate photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1098, 1, 'Rate photo not available now');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1099, 1, 'Profile error. Please, try again.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1100, 1, 'You are recognized as a {0} member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1101, 1, 'Sorry, your registration process could not be handled at this time.
Please report this bug to the administrator.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1102, 1, 'Registration and gold membership sign-up promotion text');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1103, 1, 'Your real name is required.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1104, 1, 'You must specify at least one type of desired relationship.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1106, 1, 'Request sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1107, 1, 'The transaction didn''t proceed. Make sure you have entered your credit card information correctly and try again.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1108, 1, 'The transaction didn''t proceed.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1110, 1, 'Transaction verification failed. You seem to have tried to cheat our security system. Your IP is logged and reported. If you are persistent in your attempts you will be banned from our system services access.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1111, 1, 'Transaction verification failed.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1112, 1, 'You seem to have tried to cheat our security system. Your IP is logged and reported. If you are persistent in your attempts you will be banned from our system services access.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1113, 1, 'You do not have enough credits');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1115, 1, 'The e-mail with contact information has been just sent to you.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1116, 1, 'Thank you for your purchase at {0}!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1118, 1, 'You have successfully made your purchase at {0}, however the e-mail with contact information could not be sent to you right now. Don''t worry, if you are our member your purchase has been recorded and you can retrieve all information in your Communicator.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1119, 1, '\r\n - upload my photos...
\r\n - view/change details in my profile...
\r\n - receive/update gold membership...
\r\n - read my messages...
\r\n - conduct a detailed search...
\r\n - unregister me (can not be undone)...
\r\n ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1120, 1, 'Search result');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1121, 1, 'send message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1122, 1, 'Send a message to:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1123, 1, 'Your services description here');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1125, 1, 'This is your audio management page where you may upload, remove and change your audio files. You may use .wav, .mp3 files for your audio.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1126, 1, 'Each time you upload or change your audio, your account is set to "Approval" mode and will be reviewed by {0} administration team for activation.

You will be informed of the activation success within 24 hours.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1127, 1, 'Feedback was added');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1128, 1, 'Feedback was not added');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1129, 1, 'Feedback was updated');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1130, 1, 'Feedback was not updated');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1131, 1, 'Feedback was deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1132, 1, 'Feedback was not deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1133, 1, 'Feedback header is empty');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1134, 1, 'Subscribe now for {0} newsletter to receive news, updates, photos of top rated members, feedback, tips and articles to your e-mail.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1135, 1, 'Thank you for using our services!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1136, 1, 'Invite a friend to {0}');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1137, 1, 'Invite a friend to view the profile at {0}');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1138, 1, 'Your terms of use here');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(1139, 1, '

is a social networking service that allows members to create unique personal profiles online in order to find and communicate with old and new friends. The service is operated by . By using the Website you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use (this "Agreement"), whether or not you register as a member ("Member"). If you wish to become a Member, communicate with other Members and make use of the services (the "Service"), please read this Agreement and indicate your acceptance by following the instructions in the Registration process.




This Agreement sets out the legally binding terms for your use of the Website and your Membership in the Service.
\r\n may modify this Agreement from time to time and such modification shall be effective upon posting by on the Website. You agree to be bound to any changes to this Agreement when you use the Service after any such modification is posted. This Agreement includes ''s policy for acceptable use and content posted on the Website, your rights, obligations and restrictions regarding your use of the Website and the Service and ''s Privacy Policy.




Please choose carefully the information you post on and that you provide to other Members. Any photographs posted by you may not contain nudity, violence, or offensive subject matter. Information provided by other Members (for instance, in their Profile) may contain inaccurate, inappropriate or offensive material, products or services and assumes no responsibility nor liability for this material.




reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to reject, refuse to post or remove any posting (including email) by you, or to restrict, suspend, or terminate your access to all or any part of the Website and/or Services at any time, for any or no reason, with or without prior notice, and without lability.




By participating in any offline event, you agree to release and hold harmless from any and all losses, damages, rights, claims, and actions of any kind including, without limitation, personal injuries, death, and property damage, either directly or indirectly related to or arising from your participation in any such offline event.


Terms of Use


1) Eligibility.


Membership in the Service where void is prohibited. By using the Website and the Service, you represent and warrant that all registration information you submit is truthful and accurate and that you agree to maintain the accuracy of such information. You further represent and warrant that you are 18 years of age or older and that your use of the shall not violate any applicable law or regulation. Your profile may be deleted without warning, if it is found that you are misrepresenting your age. Your Membership is solely for your personal use, and you shall not authorize others to use your account, including your profile or email address. You are solely responsible for all Content published or displayed through your account, including any email messages, and for your interactions with other members.




2) Term/Fees.


This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect while you use the Website, the Service, and/or are a Member. You may terminate your membership at any time. may terminate your membership for any reason, effective upon sending notice to you at the email address you provide in your Membership application or other email address as you may subsequently provide to . By using the Service and by becoming a Member, you acknowledge that reserves the right to charge for the Service and has the right to terminate a Member''s Membership. Member should breach this Agreement or fail to pay for the Service, as required by this Agreement.




3) Non Commercial Use by Members.


The Website is for the personal use of Members only and may not be used in connection with any commercial endeavors except those that are specifically endorsed or approved by the management of . Illegal and/or unauthorized use of the Website, including collecting usernames and/or email addresses of Members by electronic or other means for the purpose of sending unsolicited email or unauthorized framing of or linking to the Website will be investigated. Commercial advertisements, affiliate links, and other forms of solicitation may be removed from member profiles without notice and may result in termination of membership privileges. Appropriate legal action will be taken by for any illegal or unauthorized use of the Website.




4) Proprietary Rights in Content on .


owns and retains all proprietary rights in the Website and the Service. The Website contains copyrighted material, trademarks, and other proprietary information of and its licensors. Except for that information which is in the public domain or for which you have been given written permission, you may not copy, modify, publish, transmit, distribute, perform, display, or sell any such proprietary information.




5) Content Posted on the Site.


a. You understand and agree that may review and delete any content, messages, Messenger messages, photos or profiles (collectively, "Content") that in the sole judgment of violate this Agreement or which may be offensive, illegal or violate the rights, harm, or threaten the safety of any Member.




b. You are solely responsible for the Content that you publish or display (hereinafter, "post") on the Service or any material or information that you transmit to other Members.




c. By posting any Content to the public areas of the Website, you hereby grant to the non-exclusive, fully paid, worldwide license to use, publicly perform and display such Content on the Website. This license will terminate at the time you remove such Content from the Website.




d. The following is a partial list of the kind of Content that is illegal or prohibited on the Website. reserves the right to investigate and take appropriate legal action in its sole discretion against anyone who violates this provision, including without limitation, removing the offending communication from the Service and terminating the membership of such violators. Prohibited Content includes Content that:




i. is patently offensive and promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual;


\r\n ii. harasses or advocates harassment of another person;


\r\n iii. involves the transmission of "junk mail", "chain letters," or unsolicited mass mailing or "spamming";


\r\n iv. promotes information that you know is false or misleading or promotes illegal activities or conduct that is abusive, threatening, \r\n obscene, defamatory or libelous;


\r\n v. promotes an illegal or unauthorized copy of another person''s copyrighted work, such as providing pirated computer programs or links\r\n to them, providing information to circumvent manufacture-installed copy-protect devices, or providing pirated music or links to \r\n pirated music files;


\r\n vi. contains restricted or password only access pages or hidden pages or images (those not linked to or from another accessible page);


\r\n vii. provides material that exploits people under the age of 18 in a sexual or violent manner, or solicits personal information from \r\n anyone under 18;


\r\n viii. provides instructional information about illegal activities such as making or buying illegal weapons, violating someone''s privacy, \r\n or providing or creating computer viruses;


\r\n ix. solicits passwords or personal identifying information for commercial or unlawful purposes from other users;


\r\n or x. involves commercial activities and/or sales without our prior written consent such as contests, sweepstakes, barter, advertising, \r\n or pyramid schemes.




e. You must use the Service in a manner consistent with any and all applicable laws and regulations. f. You may not engage in advertising to, or solicitation of, any Member to buy or sell any products or services through the Service. You may not transmit any chain letters or junk email to other Members. Although cannot monitor the conduct of its Members off the Website, it is also a violation of these rules to use any information obtained from the Service in order to harass, abuse, or harm another person, or in order to contact, advertise to, solicit, or sell to any Member without their prior explicit consent. In order to protect our Members from such advertising or solicitation, reserves the right to restrict the number of emails which a Member may send to other Members in any 24-hour period to a number which deems appropriate in its sole discretion.




g. You may not cover or obscure the banner advertisements on your personal profile page, or any page via HTML/CSS or any other means.




h. Any automated use of the system, such as using scripts to add friends, is prohibited.




i. You may not attempt to impersonate another user or person who is not a member of .




j. You may not use the account, username, or password of another Member at any time nor may you disclose your password to any third party \r\n or permit any third party to access your account.




k. You may not sell or otherwise transfer your profile.




6) Copyright Policy.


You may not post, distribute, or reproduce in any way any copyrighted material, trademarks, or other proprietary information without obtaining the prior written consent of the owner of such proprietary rights. It is the policy of to terminate membership privileges of any member who repeatedly infringes copyright upon prompt notification to by the copyright owner or the copyright owner''s legal agent. Without limiting the foregoing, if you believe that your work has been copied and posted on the Service in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, please provide our Copyright Agent with the following information: an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest; a description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed; a description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the Website; your address, telephone number, and email address; a written statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law; a statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner''s behalf. ''s Copyright Agent for notice of claims of copyright infringement can be reached via email address.




7) Member Disputes.


You are solely responsible for your interactions with other Members. reserves the right, but has no obligation, to monitor disputes between you and other Members.




8) Disclaimers.


is not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate Content posted on the Website or in connection with the Service provided, whether caused by users of the Website, Members or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Service. is not responsible for the conduct, whether online or offline, of any user of the Website or Member of the Service. assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, any user or Member communication. is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any email or players due to technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any Website or combination thereof, including any injury or damage to users and/or Members or to any person''s computer related to or resulting from participation or downloading materials in connection with the Website and/or in connection with the Service. Under no circumstances shall be responsible for any loss or damage, including personal injury or death, resulting from use of the Website or the Service or from any Content posted on the Website or transmitted to Members, or any interactions between users of the Website, whether online or offline. The Website and the Service are provided "AS-IS" and expressly disclaims any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. cannot guarantee and does not promise any specific results from use of the Website and/or the Service.




9) Limitation on Liability.






10) Disputes.


If there is any dispute about or involving the Website and/or the Service, by using the Website, you agree that any dispute shall be governed by the laws of the area in which we are based without regard to conflict of law provisions and you agree to personal jurisdiction by and venue in the area in which we are based.




11) Indemnity.


You agree to indemnify and hold , its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, and other partners and employees, harmless from any loss, liability, claim, or demand, including reasonable attorneys'' fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your use of the Service in violation of this Agreement and/or arising from a breach of this Agreement and/or any breach of your representations and warranties set forth above.




12) Other.


This Agreement is accepted upon your use of the Website and is further affirmed by you becoming a Member of the Service. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and regarding the use of the Website and/or the Service. The failure of to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this Agreement shall not operate as a waiver of such right or provision. The section titles in this Agreement are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect. Please contact us with any questions regarding this Agreement. is a trademark of <owners business name>.





Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1143, 1, 'Sorry, the server could not process your request. An undefined error occured. Please, try later.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1144, 1, 'While you are awaiting for the confirmation letter why not upload your photos right now?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1145, 1, 'This is your video management page where you may upload, remove and change your videos. You may use .{0} files for your video.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1146, 1, 'Each time you upload or change your video, your account is set to "Approval" mode and will be reviewed by {0} administration team for activation.

You will be informed of the activation success within 24 hours.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1147, 1, 'Greeting has been successfully sent.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1148, 1, 'Greetings from');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1149, 1, 'Welcome, {0}!
Please, wait. Logging you in...');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1150, 1, 'Will be resized to {0}x{1} pixels.

Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1151, 1, 'You purchased {0} contact(s).');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1152, 1, 'Your contacts were taken {0} time(s).');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1153, 1, 'Your profile is not active for this operation.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1154, 1, 'Write your e-mail here');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1155, 1, 'Your search text here');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1733, 1, ' every {4} hours');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1157, 1, 'Greeting has been successfully sent.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1158, 1, 'Sorry, a greeting has not been sent.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1160, 1, 'Your profile is not in active mode.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1161, 1, 'You have no permissions to send a greeting.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1162, 1, 'Profile authentification failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1163, 1, 'If you are not logged in, please, login here, or sign up for a free membership.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1164, 1, 'Member not available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1165, 1, 'Sorry, max number of greetings per day reached');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1166, 1, 'Sorry, you are in the block list of this member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1167, 1, 'Email send failed. Please, try later.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1168, 1, 'An error occured. Please, try later.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1169, 1, 'Your zip/postal code is required.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1170, 1, 'Character counter: ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1171, 1, 'Dolphin automatically logged you in as');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1172, 1, 'January');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1173, 1, 'February');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1174, 1, 'March');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1175, 1, 'April');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1176, 1, 'May');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1177, 1, 'June');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1178, 1, 'July');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1179, 1, 'August');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1180, 1, 'September');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1181, 1, 'October');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1182, 1, 'November');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1183, 1, 'December');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1184, 1, 'I prefer not to say');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1185, 1, 'Events');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1186, 1, 'Events');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1232, 1, 'Name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1233, 1, 'Comment');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1237, 1, 'Apply changes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1238, 1, 'Last changes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1242, 1, 'Back');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1244, 1, 'Add new album');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1245, 1, 'Add new album');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1246, 1, 'Access level');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1247, 1, 'No object was found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1248, 1, 'Delete album');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1249, 1, 'Album was successfully added');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1250, 1, 'Album updated');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1251, 1, 'Objects were successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1252, 1, 'Objects were successfully deleted from album ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1253, 1, 'Object was successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1254, 1, 'Object was successfully uploaded');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1255, 1, 'Some objects could not be deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1256, 1, 'Could not delete some objects from album ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1257, 1, 'Cannot delete object');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1258, 1, 'Albums were successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1260, 1, 'Failed to add album');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1261, 1, 'Failed to upload unknown file {0}');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1262, 1, 'Video uploads disabled');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1263, 1, 'Audio uploads disabled');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1264, 1, 'Error while processing uploaded image');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1267, 1, 'The maximum allowed number of albums in this category has been reached');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1268, 1, 'The maximum allowed number of objects in this album has been reached');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1269, 1, 'The file size is too large');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1271, 1, 'View albums');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1272, 1, 'View objects');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1273, 1, 'Albums: ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1274, 1, 'Failed to apply changes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1275, 1, 'Some albums could not be deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1276, 1, 'Could not delete album');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1277, 1, 'Object');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1278, 1, 'Objects: ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1279, 1, 'Object moved up');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1280, 1, 'Object moved down');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1281, 1, 'Failed to move object');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1282, 1, 'Cannot copy file');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1283, 1, 'Object updated');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1284, 1, 'There are no objects to approve');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1287, 1, 'Objects were successfully approved');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1288, 1, 'move up');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1289, 1, 'move down');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1290, 1, 'edit object');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1291, 1, 'delete object');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1292, 1, 'Delete entry');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1293, 1, 'Edit entry');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1294, 1, 'Write comment');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1295, 1, 'No entries found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1296, 1, 'comments');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1297, 1, 'comment');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1298, 1, 'Average');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1299, 1, 'Ample');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1300, 1, 'Athletic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1301, 1, 'Cuddly');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1302, 1, 'Slim');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1303, 1, 'Very Cuddly');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1304, 1, 'Afghanistan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1305, 1, 'Albania');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1306, 1, 'Algeria');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1307, 1, 'American Samoa');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1308, 1, 'Andorra');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1309, 1, 'Angola');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1310, 1, 'Anguilla');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1311, 1, 'Antarctica');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1312, 1, 'Antigua and Barbuda');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1313, 1, 'Argentina');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1314, 1, 'Armenia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1315, 1, 'Aruba');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1316, 1, 'Australia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1317, 1, 'Austria');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1318, 1, 'Azerbaijan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1319, 1, 'Bahamas');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1320, 1, 'Bahrain');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1321, 1, 'Bangladesh');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1322, 1, 'Barbados');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1323, 1, 'Belarus');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1324, 1, 'Belgium');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1325, 1, 'Belize');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1326, 1, 'Benin');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1327, 1, 'Bermuda');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1328, 1, 'Bhutan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1329, 1, 'Bolivia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1330, 1, 'Bosnia/Herzegovina');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1331, 1, 'Botswana');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1332, 1, 'Bouvet Island');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1333, 1, 'Brazil');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1334, 1, 'British Ind. Ocean Terr.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1335, 1, 'British Ind. Ocean');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1336, 1, 'Brunei');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1337, 1, 'Bulgaria');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1338, 1, 'Burkina Faso');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1339, 1, 'Burundi');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1340, 1, 'Cambodia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1341, 1, 'Cameroon');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1342, 1, 'Cape Verde');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1343, 1, 'Cayman Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1344, 1, 'Central African Rep.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1345, 1, 'Chad');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1346, 1, 'Canada');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1347, 1, 'Chile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1348, 1, 'China');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1349, 1, 'Christmas Island');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1350, 1, 'Cocoa (Keeling) Is.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1351, 1, 'Colombia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1352, 1, 'Comoros');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1353, 1, 'Congo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1354, 1, 'Cook Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1355, 1, 'Costa Rica');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1356, 1, 'Cote d''Ivoire');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1357, 1, 'Croatia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1358, 1, 'Cuba');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1359, 1, 'Cyprus');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1360, 1, 'Czech Republic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1361, 1, 'Denmark');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1362, 1, 'Djibouti');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1363, 1, 'Dominica');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1364, 1, 'Dominican Republic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1365, 1, 'East Timor');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1366, 1, 'Ecuador');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1367, 1, 'Egypt');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1368, 1, 'El Salvador');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1369, 1, 'Equatorial Guinea');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1370, 1, 'Eritrea');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1371, 1, 'Estonia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1372, 1, 'Ethiopia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1373, 1, 'Falkland Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1374, 1, 'Faroe Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1375, 1, 'Fiji');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1376, 1, 'Finland');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1377, 1, 'France');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1378, 1, 'Gabon');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1379, 1, 'Gambia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1380, 1, 'Georgia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1381, 1, 'Germany');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1382, 1, 'Ghana');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1383, 1, 'Gibraltar');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1384, 1, 'Greece');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1385, 1, 'Greenland');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1386, 1, 'Grenada');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1387, 1, 'Guadeloupe');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1388, 1, 'Guam');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1389, 1, 'Guatemala');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1390, 1, 'Guinea');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1391, 1, 'Guinea-Bissau');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1392, 1, 'Guyana');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1393, 1, 'Haiti');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1394, 1, 'Honduras');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1395, 1, 'Hong Kong');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1396, 1, 'Hungary');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1397, 1, 'Iceland');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1398, 1, 'India');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1399, 1, 'Indonesia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1400, 1, 'Iran');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1401, 1, 'Iraq');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1402, 1, 'Ireland');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1403, 1, 'Israel');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1404, 1, 'Italy');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1405, 1, 'Jamaica');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1406, 1, 'Japan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1407, 1, 'Jordan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1408, 1, 'Kazakhstan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1409, 1, 'Kenya');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1410, 1, 'Kiribati');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1411, 1, 'Korea');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1412, 1, 'Kuwait');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1413, 1, 'Kyrgyzstan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1414, 1, 'Lao');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1415, 1, 'Latvia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1416, 1, 'Lebanon');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1417, 1, 'Lesotho');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1418, 1, 'Liberia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1419, 1, 'Liechtenstein');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1420, 1, 'Lithuania');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1421, 1, 'Luxembourg');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1422, 1, 'Macau');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1423, 1, 'Macedonia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1424, 1, 'Madagascar');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1425, 1, 'Malawi');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1426, 1, 'Malaysia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1427, 1, 'Maldives');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1428, 1, 'Mali');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1429, 1, 'Malta');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1430, 1, 'Marshall Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1431, 1, 'Martinique');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1432, 1, 'Mauritania');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1433, 1, 'Mauritius');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1434, 1, 'Mayotte');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1435, 1, 'Mexico');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1436, 1, 'Micronesia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1437, 1, 'Moldova');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1438, 1, 'Monaco');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1439, 1, 'Mongolia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1440, 1, 'Montserrat');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1441, 1, 'Morocco');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1442, 1, 'Mozambique');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1443, 1, 'Myanmar');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1444, 1, 'Namibia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1445, 1, 'Nauru');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1446, 1, 'Nepal');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1447, 1, 'Netherlands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1448, 1, 'New Caledonia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1449, 1, 'New Zealand');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1450, 1, 'Nicaragua');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1451, 1, 'Niger');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1452, 1, 'Nigeria');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1453, 1, 'Niue');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1454, 1, 'Norfolk Island');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1455, 1, 'Norway');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1456, 1, 'no data given');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1457, 1, 'Oman');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1458, 1, 'Pakistan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1459, 1, 'Palau');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1460, 1, 'Panama');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1461, 1, 'Papua New Guinea');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1462, 1, 'Paraguay');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1463, 1, 'Peru');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1464, 1, 'Philippines');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1465, 1, 'Pitcairn');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1466, 1, 'Poland');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1467, 1, 'Portugal');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1468, 1, 'Puerto Rico');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1469, 1, 'Qatar');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1470, 1, 'Reunion');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1471, 1, 'Romania');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1472, 1, 'Russia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1473, 1, 'Rwanda');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1474, 1, 'Saint Lucia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1475, 1, 'Samoa');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1476, 1, 'San Marino');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1477, 1, 'Saudi Arabia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1478, 1, 'Senegal');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1479, 1, 'Seychelles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1480, 1, 'Sierra Leone');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1481, 1, 'Singapore');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1482, 1, 'Slovakia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1483, 1, 'Solomon Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1484, 1, 'Somalia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1485, 1, 'South Africa');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1486, 1, 'Spain');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1487, 1, 'Sri Lanka');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1488, 1, 'St. Helena');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1489, 1, 'Sudan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1490, 1, 'Suriname');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1491, 1, 'Swaziland');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1492, 1, 'Sweden');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1493, 1, 'Switzerland');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1494, 1, 'Syria');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1495, 1, 'Taiwan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1496, 1, 'Tajikistan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1497, 1, 'Tanzania');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1498, 1, 'Thailand');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1499, 1, 'Togo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1500, 1, 'Tokelau');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1501, 1, 'Tonga');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1502, 1, 'Trinidad and Tobago');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1503, 1, 'Tunisia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1504, 1, 'Turkey');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1505, 1, 'Turkmenistan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1506, 1, 'Tuvalu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1507, 1, 'Uganda');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1508, 1, 'Ukraine');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1509, 1, 'United Arab Emirates');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1510, 1, 'United Kingdom');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1511, 1, 'USA');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1512, 1, 'Uruguay');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1513, 1, 'Uzbekistan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1514, 1, 'Vanuatu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1515, 1, 'Vatican');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1516, 1, 'Venezuela');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1517, 1, 'Viet Nam');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1518, 1, 'Virgin Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1519, 1, 'Western Sahara');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1520, 1, 'Yemen');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1521, 1, 'Yugoslavia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1522, 1, 'Zaire');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1523, 1, 'Zambia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1524, 1, 'Zimbabwe');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1810, 1, 'Netherlands Antilles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1811, 1, 'Bosnia and Herzegovina');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1812, 1, 'The Bahamas');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1813, 1, 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1814, 1, 'Congo, Democratic Republic of the');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1815, 1, 'Central African Republic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1816, 1, 'Congo, Republic of the');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1817, 1, 'Cote d''Ivoire');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1818, 1, 'Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1819, 1, 'Micronesia, Federated States of');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1820, 1, 'French Guiana');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1821, 1, 'The Gambia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1822, 1, 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1823, 1, 'Hong Kong (SAR)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1824, 1, 'Heard Island and McDonald Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1825, 1, 'British Indian Ocean Territory');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1826, 1, 'Saint Kitts and Nevis');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1827, 1, 'Korea, North');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1828, 1, 'Korea, South');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1829, 1, 'Laos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1830, 1, 'Libya');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1831, 1, 'Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1832, 1, 'Burma');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1833, 1, 'Macao');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1834, 1, 'Northern Mariana Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1835, 1, 'French Polynesia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1836, 1, 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1837, 1, 'Pitcairn Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1838, 1, 'Palestinian Territory, Occupied');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1839, 1, 'Saint Helena');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1840, 1, 'Slovenia');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1841, 1, 'Svalbard');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1842, 1, 'Sao Tome and Principe');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1843, 1, 'Turks and Caicos Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1844, 1, 'French Southern and Antarctic Lands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1845, 1, 'United States Minor Outlying Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1846, 1, 'United States');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1847, 1, 'Holy See (Vatican City)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1848, 1, 'Saint Vincent and the Grenadines');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1849, 1, 'British Virgin Islands');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1850, 1, 'Vietnam');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1851, 1, 'Wallis and Futuna');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1525, 1, 'High School graduate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1526, 1, 'Some college');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1527, 1, 'College student');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1528, 1, 'AA (2 years college)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1529, 1, 'BA/BS (4 years college)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1530, 1, 'Some grad school');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1531, 1, 'Grad school student');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1532, 1, 'MA/MS/MBA');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1533, 1, 'PhD/Post doctorate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1534, 1, 'JD');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1535, 1, 'African');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1536, 1, 'African American');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1537, 1, 'Asian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1538, 1, 'Caucasian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1539, 1, 'East Indian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1540, 1, 'Hispanic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1541, 1, 'Indian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1542, 1, 'Latino');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1543, 1, 'Mediterranean');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1544, 1, 'Middle Eastern');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1545, 1, 'Mixed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1546, 1, '4''7" (140cm) or below');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1547, 1, '4''8" - 4''11" (141-150cm)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1548, 1, '5''0" - 5''3" (151-160cm)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1549, 1, '5''4" - 5''7" (161-170cm)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1550, 1, '5''8" - 5''11" (171-180cm)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1551, 1, '6''0" - 6''3" (181-190cm)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1552, 1, '6''4" (191cm) or above');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1553, 1, '$10,000/year and less');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1554, 1, '$10,000-$30,000/year');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1555, 1, '$30,000-$50,000/year');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1556, 1, '$50,000-$70,000/year');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1557, 1, '$70,000/year and more');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1558, 1, 'English');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1559, 1, 'Afrikaans');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1560, 1, 'Arabic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1561, 1, 'Bulgarian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1562, 1, 'Burmese');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1563, 1, 'Cantonese');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1564, 1, 'Croatian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1565, 1, 'Danish');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1566, 1, 'Database Error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1567, 1, 'Dutch');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1568, 1, 'Esperanto');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1569, 1, 'Estonian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1570, 1, 'Finnish');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1571, 1, 'French');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1572, 1, 'German');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1573, 1, 'Greek');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1574, 1, 'Gujrati');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1575, 1, 'Hebrew');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1576, 1, 'Hindi');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1577, 1, 'Hungarian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1578, 1, 'Icelandic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1579, 1, 'Indonesian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1580, 1, 'Italian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1581, 1, 'Japanese');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1582, 1, 'Korean');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1583, 1, 'Latvian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1584, 1, 'Lithuanian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1585, 1, 'Malay');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1586, 1, 'Mandarin');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1587, 1, 'Marathi');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1588, 1, 'Moldovian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1589, 1, 'Nepalese');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1590, 1, 'Norwegian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1591, 1, 'Persian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1592, 1, 'Polish');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1593, 1, 'Portuguese');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1594, 1, 'Punjabi');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1595, 1, 'Romanian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1596, 1, 'Russian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1597, 1, 'Serbian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1598, 1, 'Spanish');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1599, 1, 'Swedish');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1600, 1, 'Tagalog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1601, 1, 'Taiwanese');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1602, 1, 'Tamil');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1603, 1, 'Telugu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1604, 1, 'Thai');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1605, 1, 'Tongan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1606, 1, 'Turkish');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1607, 1, 'Ukrainian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1608, 1, 'Urdu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1609, 1, 'Vietnamese');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1610, 1, 'Visayan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1611, 1, 'Single');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1612, 1, 'Attached');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1613, 1, 'Divorced');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1614, 1, 'Married');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1615, 1, 'Separated');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1616, 1, 'Widow/er');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1617, 1, 'Unconfirmed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1618, 1, 'Approval');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1619, 1, 'Active');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1620, 1, 'Suspended');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1621, 1, 'Rejected');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1622, 1, 'Unconfirmed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1623, 1, 'Approval');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1624, 1, 'Active');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1625, 1, 'Suspended');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1626, 1, 'Rejected');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1627, 1, 'Choose your profile type');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1628, 1, 'Activity Partner');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1629, 1, 'Casual');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1630, 1, 'Friendship');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1631, 1, 'Marriage');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1632, 1, 'Relationship');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1633, 1, 'Romance');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1634, 1, 'Travel Partner');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1635, 1, 'Pen Pal');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1636, 1, 'Pen Pal');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1637, 1, 'Activity Partner');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1638, 1, 'Casual');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1639, 1, 'Friendship');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1640, 1, 'Marriage');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1641, 1, 'Relationship');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1642, 1, 'Romance');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1643, 1, 'Travel Partner');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1644, 1, 'Pen Pal');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1645, 1, 'Adventist');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1646, 1, 'Agnostic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1647, 1, 'Atheist');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1648, 1, 'Baptist');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1649, 1, 'Buddhist');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1650, 1, 'Caodaism');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1651, 1, 'Catholic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1652, 1, 'Christian');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1653, 1, 'Hindu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1654, 1, 'Iskcon');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1655, 1, 'Jainism');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1656, 1, 'Jewish');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1657, 1, 'Methodist');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1658, 1, 'Mormon');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1659, 1, 'Moslem');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1660, 1, 'Orthodox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1661, 1, 'Pentecostal');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1662, 1, 'Protestant');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1663, 1, 'Quaker');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1664, 1, 'Scientology');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1665, 1, 'Shinto');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1666, 1, 'Sikhism');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1667, 1, 'Spiritual');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1668, 1, 'Taoism');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1669, 1, 'Wiccan');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1670, 1, 'Other');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1671, 1, 'No');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1672, 1, 'Rarely');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1673, 1, 'Often');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1674, 1, 'Very often');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1675, 1, 'Allowed actions');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1676, 1, 'Action');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1677, 1, 'Times allowed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1678, 1, 'Period (hours)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1679, 1, 'Allowed Since');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1680, 1, 'Allowed Until');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1681, 1, 'No actions allowed for this membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1682, 1, 'no limit');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1683, 1, 'send greetings');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1684, 1, 'use chat');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1685, 1, 'use instant messenger');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1686, 1, 'view profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1687, 1, 'use forum');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1688, 1, 'make search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1689, 1, 'rate photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1690, 1, 'send messages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1691, 1, 'view photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1692, 1, 'use Ray instant messenger');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1693, 1, 'use Ray video recorder');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1694, 1, 'use Ray chat');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1695, 1, 'use guestbook');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1696, 1, 'view other members'' guestbooks');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1697, 1, 'get other members'' emails');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1698, 1, 'CONTACT US');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1699, 1, 'Rate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1700, 1, 'No new messages (go to Inbox)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1701, 1, 'No new greetings (go to My Greetings)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1702, 1, 'No new friends (go to My Friends)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1703, 1, '18-20');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1704, 1, '21-25');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1705, 1, '26-30');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1706, 1, '31-35');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1707, 1, '36-40');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1708, 1, '41-45');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1709, 1, '46-50');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1710, 1, '51-55');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1711, 1, '56-60');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1712, 1, '61-65');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1713, 1, '66-70');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1714, 1, '71-75');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1715, 1, 'Aries');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1716, 1, 'Taurus');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1717, 1, 'Gemini');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1718, 1, 'Cancer');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1719, 1, 'Leo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1720, 1, 'Virgo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1721, 1, 'Libra');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1722, 1, 'Scorpio');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1723, 1, 'Sagittarius');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1724, 1, 'Capricorn');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1725, 1, 'Aquarius');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1726, 1, 'Pisces');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1727, 1, 'Zodiac');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1728, 1, '
Your current membership ({2}) doesn''t allow you to {1}.
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1729, 1, '
You are not currently an active member. Please ask the site administrator to make you an active member so you can use this feature.
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1730, 1, 'You have reached your limit for now. Your current membership ({2}) allows you to {1} no more than {3} times');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1731, 1, '
Your current membership ({2}) doesn''t allow you to {1} until {6}.
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1732, 1, '
Your current membership ({2}) doesn''t allow you to {1} since {5}.
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1734, 1, 'Choose forum');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1735, 1, 'Module access error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1736, 1, 'Choose the forum to log in');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1737, 1, 'Choose the forum from the following:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1738, 1, 'Dolphin Administrator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1739, 1, 'Get membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1740, 1, 'Get new membership');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1741, 1, 'requires {0} members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1742, 1, 'No forums installed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1743, 1, 'No chats installed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1744, 1, 'Click here to change your membership status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1745, 1, 'Events');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1746, 1, 'No events available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1747, 1, '{0} photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1748, 1, 'No photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1749, 1, 'Select events to show');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1750, 1, 'Show events by country');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1751, 1, 'Show all events');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1752, 1, 'Show info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1753, 1, 'Participants');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1754, 1, 'Choose participants you liked');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1755, 1, 'Status message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1756, 1, 'Appointed date/time');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1757, 1, 'Place');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1758, 1, 'There are no participants for this event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1759, 1, 'You are not a participant of the specified event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1760, 1, 'Apply choice');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1761, 1, 'Event is unavailable');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1762, 1, 'Event start');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1763, 1, 'Event end');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1764, 1, 'Ticket sale start');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1765, 1, 'Ticket sale end');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1766, 1, 'Responsible person');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1767, 1, 'Tickets left');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1768, 1, 'Ticket price');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1769, 1, 'Sale status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1770, 1, 'Sale finished');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1771, 1, 'Sale not started yet');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1772, 1, 'No tickets left');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1773, 1, 'Event has already started');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1774, 1, 'Event has already finished');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1775, 1, 'You are already a participant of this event. Here is your personal Unique ID for this event:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1776, 1, 'You can buy the ticket');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1777, 1, 'Buy ticket');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1778, 1, 'Change');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1779, 1, 'Can''t change participant UID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1780, 1, 'UID already exists');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1781, 1, 'You successfully purchased the Event ticket, but an e-mail with event information wasn''t sent. Don''t worry, you can view this data on the event information page.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1782, 1, 'Event participants');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1783, 1, 'Event UID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1787, 1, 'Participants you liked');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1788, 1, 'Show calendar');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1789, 1, 'Calendar');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1790, 1, 'Sun');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1791, 1, 'Mon');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1792, 1, 'Tue');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1793, 1, 'Wed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1794, 1, 'Thu');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1795, 1, 'Fri');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1796, 1, 'Sat');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1797, 1, 'Events tickets');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1798, 1, 'Invalid module type selected');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1799, 1, 'Module directory was not set. Module must be re-configured.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1800, 1, 'Select module type');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1801, 1, 'Please login before using Ray chat');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1802, 1, 'Ray is not enabled');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1803, 1, 'No modules of this type installed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1804, 1, 'Module selection');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1805, 1, 'Choose module to log in');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1806, 1, 'Choose module type');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1807, 1, 'Module type selection');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1808, 1, 'No modules found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1809, 1, 'Ray is not enabled. Please select another module');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1852, 1, 'Check out');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1853, 1, 'Membership purchase');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1854, 1, 'Event ticket purchase');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1855, 1, 'Credits purchase');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1856, 1, 'Profiles purchase');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1857, 1, 'Payment description');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1858, 1, 'Payment amount');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1859, 1, 'Possible subscription period');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1860, 1, 'Payment info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1861, 1, 'Payment methods');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1862, 1, 'Credit balance');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1863, 1, 'Payment amount in credits');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1864, 1, 'recurring payment');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1865, 1, 'recurring not supported');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1866, 1, 'recurring not allowed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1867, 1, 'Lifetime');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1868, 1, 'every {0} days');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1869, 1, 'Subscriptions');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1870, 1, 'Start date');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1871, 1, 'Period');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1872, 1, 'Charges number');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1873, 1, 'Cancel');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1874, 1, 'Subscription cancellation request was successfully sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1875, 1, 'Failed to send subscription cancellation request');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1876, 1, 'Message Subject');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1877, 1, 'Customize Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1878, 1, 'Background color');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1879, 1, 'Background picture');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1880, 1, 'Font color');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1881, 1, 'Font size');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1882, 1, 'Font family');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1883, 1, 'Credit card number');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1884, 1, 'Expiration date');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1885, 1, 'You did not receive any messages from {0}');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1886, 1, 'You did not write any message to {0}');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1887, 1, 'Your messages to {0}');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1888, 1, 'Messages from {0} to you');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1889, 1, 'Reset');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1890, 1, 'Customize');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1891, 1, 'No rated profiles this week');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1892, 1, 'No rated profiles this month');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1893, 1, 'Ray chat');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1894, 1, 'Ray instant messenger');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1895, 1, 'web community site');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1896, 1, 'Powered by Dolphin Smart Community Builder   Orca Interactive Forum Script   Ray Community Widget Suite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1897, 1, 'Welcome to our online community. Join now
to enjoy the exciting features offered by our site:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1898, 1, 'Profiles with galleries and audio/video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1899, 1, 'Personal weblogs and friends-lists');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1900, 1, 'Audio/video chat, IM and recorder');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1901, 1, 'SPAM-blocking and anti-SPAM system');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1902, 1, 'ZIP-codes search, matchmaking and so much more');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1903, 1, 'Are you a member? Login to your member account:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1904, 1, 'Not a member?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1905, 1, 'username');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1906, 1, 'Forgot username or password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1907, 1, 'browse');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1908, 1, 'Previous photo results');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1909, 1, 'This Nickname already used !!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1910, 1, 'To compose new message for {0} click here.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1911, 1, 'Ray recorder');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1912, 1, 'Match');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1913, 1, 'Please enter you message text');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1914, 1, 'Profile Comments');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1915, 1, 'Add new event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1916, 1, 'Title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1917, 1, 'Venue photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1918, 1, 'Female ticket count');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1919, 1, 'Male ticket count');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1920, 1, 'Couples ticket count');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1921, 1, 'Please fill out all fields');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1922, 1, 'Wrong date format or wrong date order');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1923, 1, 'Error during photo resizing');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1924, 1, 'Audio file successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1926, 1, 'Read Comments');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1927, 1, 'Read New Comments');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1928, 1, 'No albums found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1929, 1, 'Delete object');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1930, 1, 'Poll created');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1931, 1, 'Maximum number of allowed polls reached');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1932, 1, 'controls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1933, 1, 'Are you sure?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1934, 1, 'no poll');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1935, 1, 'Question');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1936, 1, 'Answer variants');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1937, 1, 'add answer');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1938, 1, 'generate poll');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1939, 1, 'Create poll');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1940, 1, 'random polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1941, 1, 'latest polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1942, 1, 'top polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1943, 1, 'No profile polls available.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1944, 1, 'My polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1945, 1, 'delete');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1946, 1, 'this poll');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1947, 1, 'loading ...');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1948, 1, 'Poll successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1949, 1, 'make it');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1950, 1, 'use gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1951, 1, 'view other member galleries');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1952, 1, 'Gallery disabled for the member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1953, 1, 'Original letter');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1954, 1, 'Recipient');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1955, 1, 'All');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1956, 1, 'Fast and secure online community');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1957, 1, 'Post a free personal ad');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1958, 1, 'Instantly find that special someone');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1959, 1, 'creating lifestyle communities');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1961, 1, '{0}''s Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1962, 1, 'friends friends friends friends friends friends friends friends friends friends friends friends friends friends ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1963, 1, 'private private private private private private private private private private private private private ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1964, 1, 'To use Gallery you need to
\r\n1) Add New Album,
\r\n2) Upload objects into the Album,
\r\n3) Share the album with others.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1966, 1, 'Basic objects Guidelines\r\n-Only send photo files with a JPG, JPEG, BMP, GIF, PNG extension.\r\n-Audio files with a MP3, WAV extension.\r\n- Video AVI files.\r\n{0}');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1967, 1, 'Please type domain without http://\r\nfor example:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1968, 1, 'Forgot Password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1969, 1, 'Log In');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1970, 1, 'About');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1971, 1, 'Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1972, 1, 'Contact Us');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1973, 1, 'Copyright © 2007 Your Company.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1974, 1, 'random');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1975, 1, 'latest');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1976, 1, 'more online members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1977, 1, 'COMMUNITY');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1978, 1, 'MP3 Player');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1980, 1, 'You must disable your popup blocker software to view RAY MP3 Editor');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1981, 1, 'You must disable your popup blocker software to view RAY MP3 Admin');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1982, 1, 'Your membership doesn''t allow you to read messages. ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1984, 1, '{0} day(s)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1985, 1, '{0} hour(s)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1986, 1, '{0} minute(s)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1987, 1, 'Successfully deleted {0} row(s)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1988, 1, 'Failed to delete rows');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1990, 1, 'age');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1991, 1, 'Best personals script ever!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1992, 1, '- post your own free ad with photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1993, 1, '- chat online with other members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1994, 1, '- talk privately via instant messenger');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1995, 1, '- upload voice and video messages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1996, 1, '- use our great matchmaking system');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1997, 1, '- surf the site in multiple languages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1998, 1, '- find singles with ZIP code locator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (1999, 1, '- buy membership or contact stamps');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2000, 1, 'Failed to upload file because it too big.\r\nFile should be no bigger than {0} KB');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2001, 1, 'Blog title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2002, 1, 'blog text');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2003, 1, 'category');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2004, 1, 'please fill in these fields first');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2005, 1, 'please select');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2006, 1, 'associated image');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2007, 1, 'post comment permissions');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2008, 1, 'read permissions');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2009, 1, 'apply changes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2010, 1, 'add blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2011, 1, 'Category description');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2012, 1, 'Category title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2013, 1, 'max chars');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2014, 1, 'add category');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2015, 1, '{0}''s blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2016, 1, 'edit category');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2017, 1, 'characters left');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2018, 1, 'there is nothing to view');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2019, 1, 'this blog only for friends');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2020, 1, 'commenting in this blog allowed only for friends');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2021, 1, 'you don''t have permission to edit');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2022, 1, 'comments of the blog deleted successfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2023, 1, 'failed to delete comments of the blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2024, 1, 'blogs of the category deleted successfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2025, 1, 'failed to delete blogs of the category');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2026, 1, 'category deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2027, 1, 'failed to delete the category');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2028, 1, 'category successfully added');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2029, 1, 'failed to add category');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2030, 1, 'changes successfully applied');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2031, 1, 'failed to add blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2032, 1, 'comment added successfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2033, 1, 'failed to add comment');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2034, 1, 'deleted successfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2035, 1, 'failed to delete');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2036, 1, 'blog deleted successfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2037, 1, 'failed to delete blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2038, 1, 'blog disabled for the member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2039, 1, 'edit blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2040, 1, 'Join Our');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2041, 1, 'Find your friends,');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2042, 1, 'share your interests ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2043, 1, 'and just stay tuned!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2044, 1, 'community!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2045, 1, 'My Presence');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2046, 1, 'Ray Presence not allowed for your membership level.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2047, 1, 'use blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2048, 1, 'Orca forum');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2051, 1, 'My pages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2052, 1, 'Help');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2053, 1, 'Dolphin');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2054, 1, 'Smart Community Builder');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2055, 1, 'Dolphin has put on its Christmas cap and
wishes everyone a Merry Christmas!
Have a great holiday with your loved ones!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2056, 1, 'Not a member yet?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2057, 1, 'CLICK HERE');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2058, 1, 'more profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2059, 1, 'Remember ME');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2060, 1, 'Title should be {0} characters minimum ');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2061, 1, 'You have reached the maximum allowable number files to upload');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2062, 1, 'photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2063, 1, 'video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2064, 1, 'audio');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2065, 1, 'add new {0}');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2066, 1, 'there is no photo that you can rate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2067, 1, 'ratio');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2068, 1, 'My Pages');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2069, 1, 'That is MY COMMUNITY!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2070, 1, 'download');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2071, 1, 'UPLOAD MEDIA');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2072, 1, 'delete {0}');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2073, 1, 'make primary');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2074, 1, 'Get Media');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2075, 1, 'profile media gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2076, 1, 'Non-member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2077, 1, 'Standard');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2078, 1, 'Promotion');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2079, 1, 'Your age doesn''t allow access to this site');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2081, 1, 'Showing results: {0} - {1} of {2}');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2082, 1, '{0} groups');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2083, 1, 'Groups');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2084, 1, 'My Groups');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2085, 1, 'Group is not found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2086, 1, 'Group is not found by ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2087, 1, 'Group is hidden');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2088, 1, '
Sorry, the group is hidden. To make it available you must be invited by the creator or member of the group.
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2089, 1, 'Category');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2090, 1, 'Founded');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2091, 1, 'Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2092, 1, 'Group Creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2093, 1, 'Group title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2094, 1, 'Group type');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2095, 1, 'Public group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2096, 1, 'Private group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2097, 1, 'Group members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2098, 1, 'View all members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2099, 1, 'Edit members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2100, 1, 'Invite others');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2101, 1, 'Upload image');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2102, 1, 'Post topic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2103, 1, 'Edit group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2104, 1, 'Resign group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2105, 1, 'Join group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2106, 1, 'Are you sure you want to resign from the group?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2107, 1, 'Are you sure you want to join the group?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2108, 1, 'Create Group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2109, 1, 'The group has been successfully created! Now you can upload a default group image or go to group home.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2110, 1, 'Error occurred while creating the group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2111, 1, 'Edit Group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2112, 1, 'You''re not the creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2113, 1, 'Groups Home');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2114, 1, 'Groups categories');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2115, 1, 'Keyword');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2116, 1, 'Advanced search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2117, 1, 'Groups gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2118, 1, 'You cannot view gallery since you''re not a group member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2119, 1, 'Uploaded by');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2120, 1, 'Set as thumbnail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2121, 1, 'Are you sure you want to delete this image?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2122, 1, 'Delete image');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2123, 1, 'You cannot view group members since you''re not a group member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2124, 1, 'Group Creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2125, 1, 'Are you sure you want to delete this member?');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2126, 1, 'Delete member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2127, 1, 'Search Groups');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2128, 1, 'Search by');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2129, 1, 'group name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2130, 1, 'keyword');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2131, 1, '- Any -');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2132, 1, 'Sort by');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2133, 1, 'popular');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2134, 1, 'newest');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2135, 1, '
Sorry, no groups are found
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2136, 1, 'Groups search results');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2137, 1, '
There are no groups
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2138, 1, 'Choose');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2139, 1, 'Open join');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2140, 1, 'Hidden group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2141, 1, 'Members can post images');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2142, 1, 'Members can invite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2143, 1, 'Group description');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2144, 1, 'Group name already exists');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2145, 1, 'Name is required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2146, 1, 'Category is required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2147, 1, 'Country is required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2148, 1, 'City is required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2149, 1, 'Group title is required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2150, 1, 'Country doesn''t exist');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2151, 1, 'Category doesn''t exist');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2152, 1, 'Select file');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2153, 1, 'Group action');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2154, 1, 'Error occurred while uploading image to group gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2155, 1, 'You should specify file');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2156, 1, 'Upload image to group gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2157, 1, 'Image has been successfully uploaded!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2158, 1, 'You should select correct image file');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2159, 1, 'Upload error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2160, 1, 'You must choose a file with .jpeg, .gif, .png extensions.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2161, 1, 'You cannot upload images because members of this group are not allowed to upload images');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2162, 1, 'You cannot upload images because you''re not a group member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2163, 1, 'Error occurred while joining the group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2164, 1, 'You''re already in this group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2165, 1, 'Group join');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2166, 1, 'Congratulations. You''re a group member now.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2167, 1, 'Request has been sent to the group creator. You will become an active group member after approval.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2168, 1, 'Error occurred while resigning from the group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2169, 1, 'You cannot resign from the group because you''re the creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2170, 1, 'Group resign');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2171, 1, 'You successfully resigned from the group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2172, 1, 'You cannot resign from the group because you''re not a group member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2173, 1, 'Group thumbnail set');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2174, 1, 'You cannot set the group thumbnail because you are not a group creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2175, 1, 'Group image delete');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2176, 1, 'You cannot delete the image because you are not the group creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2177, 1, 'Error occurred while deleting the group member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2178, 1, 'You cannot delete yourself from the group because you are the group creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2179, 1, 'You cannot delete the group member because you are not the group creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2180, 1, 'Group member approved');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2181, 1, 'Member has been successfully approved');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2182, 1, 'Error occurred while approving a member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2183, 1, 'An error occurred. The user might have resigned from the group prior to obtaining your approval.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2184, 1, 'You cannot approve the group member because you are not the group creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2185, 1, 'Group member rejected');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2186, 1, 'Member has been rejected');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2187, 1, 'Error occurred while rejecting a member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2188, 1, 'You cannot reject the group member because you are not the group creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2189, 1, 'Group action error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2190, 1, 'Unknown group action');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2191, 1, 'Group name');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2192, 1, 'Please select at least one search parameter');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2193, 1, 'Choose members you want to send an invitation to');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2194, 1, '
There are no members in this group
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2195, 1, 'Back to group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2197, 1, 'Groups help');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2198, 1, 'Open Join
\r\nYes - you can choose "yes" if you want users to join your group without your approval.
\r\nNo - you can choose "no" if you want users to join your group only after your approval.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2199, 1, 'Hidden Group
\r\nYes - you can choose "yes" if you want your group unavailable for viewing. You should invite the members before they can see your group.
\r\nNo - you can choose "no" if you want any member can see your group whether he/she is a group member or not.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2200, 1, 'close window');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2201, 1, 'Members can invite
\r\nYes - if you choose "yes" you allow your group''s members to invite other members without your approval.
\r\nNo - if you choose "no" you will be the only person who can invite others to your group.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2202, 1, 'Members can post images
\r\nYes - if you choose "yes" you allow members to post images.
\r\nNo - if you choose "no" only you, the creator, can post images.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2203, 1, 'Public group
\r\nYou can view this group and easily join it');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2204, 1, 'Private group
\r\nYou can view the group but to become a group member you need to be approved by the creator');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2205, 1, 'Private group
\r\nTo view this group you must be invited by the group creator or a member of this group');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2206, 1, 'Group invite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2207, 1, 'Your friends');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2208, 1, 'Invite list');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2209, 1, 'Add ->');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2210, 1, '<- Remove');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2211, 1, 'Find more...');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2212, 1, 'Send invites');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2213, 1, 'Invites succesfully sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2214, 1, 'You should specify at least one member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2215, 1, 'Group invite accepted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2216, 1, 'You succesfully accepted the group invitation. Now you''re an active member of this group.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2217, 1, 'Group invite accept error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2218, 1, 'You cannot accept group invite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2219, 1, 'Group invite reject');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2220, 1, 'You succesfully rejected the group invitation');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2221, 1, 'Quick Search Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2222, 1, 'Enter search parameters');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2225, 1, 'Quick search results');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2224, 1, 'Enter member NickName or ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2226, 1, 'Add member');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2227, 1, 'Post a new topic');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2228, 1, 'Group forum');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2229, 1, 'View all topics');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2230, 1, 'Hello, {0}!');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2231, 1, 'Top');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2232, 1, 'More photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2233, 1, 'My account');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2234, 1, 'Submitted by {0}');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2235, 1, 'Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2236, 1, 'News');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2237, 1, 'Next page');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2238, 1, 'Previous page');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2239, 1, 'Group is suspended');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2240, 1, 'Sorry, group is unavailable because it was suspended by site admin');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2241, 1, 'Status');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2242, 1, 'Suspended group
\r\nThe administrator of the site has suspended your group for some reason.
\r\nThis means that members will not see your group until the administrator activates it.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2243, 1, '{0} profiles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2244, 1, 'Tags');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2245, 1, 'You must be an active member to create groups');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2246, 1, 'More Tags');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2247, 1, 'Please');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2248, 1, 'No blogs available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2249, 1, 'Blogs');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2250, 1, 'Author: {0}');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2251, 1, '{2}');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2252, 1, '{1} comments');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2253, 1, 'More blogs');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2254, 1, 'Videos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2255, 1, 'Forums');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2256, 1, '{0} time(s)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2257, 1, 'My Account');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2258, 1, 'My Mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2259, 1, 'Inbox');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2260, 1, 'Sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2261, 1, 'Write');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2262, 1, 'I Blocked');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2263, 1, 'Blocked Me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2264, 1, 'Browse My Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2265, 1, 'Upload Photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2266, 1, 'My Video Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2267, 1, 'My Audio');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2268, 1, 'My Events');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2269, 1, 'My Blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2270, 1, 'My Polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2271, 1, 'My Guestbook');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2272, 1, 'My Greetings');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2273, 1, 'My Faves');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2274, 1, 'My Friends');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2275, 1, 'My Views');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2276, 1, 'Who''s Online');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2277, 1, 'My Albums');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2278, 1, 'Browse My Videos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2279, 1, 'Browse My Audio');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2280, 1, 'Upload Audio');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2281, 1, 'Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2282, 1, 'Audio');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2283, 1, 'Albums');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2284, 1, 'Browse My Groups');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2285, 1, 'Browse All Groups');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2286, 1, 'View My Blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2287, 1, 'Add Category');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2288, 1, 'New Post');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2289, 1, 'View My Guestbook');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2290, 1, 'Add Post');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2291, 1, 'Browse My Albums');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2292, 1, 'Add Album');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2293, 1, 'I Greeted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2294, 1, 'Greeted Me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2295, 1, 'Faved Me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2296, 1, 'I Invited');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2297, 1, 'Invited Me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2298, 1, 'I Viewed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2299, 1, 'Viewed Me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2300, 1, 'Send Message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2301, 1, 'Add To Faves');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2302, 1, 'Invites To Friends');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2303, 1, 'Send A Greeting');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2304, 1, 'Get E-mail');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2305, 1, 'Block Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2306, 1, 'Report Profile');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2307, 1, 'Send To Friend');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2308, 1, 'Actions');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2309, 1, 'Browse My Events');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2310, 1, 'Create New Event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2311, 1, 'Browse Events');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2312, 1, 'Events Calendar');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2313, 1, 'Members Polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2331, 1, 'Site Polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2315, 1, 'Members Polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2316, 1, 'Members Polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2317, 1, 'Member Poll');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2318, 1, 'Member Poll');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2319, 1, 'Average rating');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2320, 1, 'Your rating');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2321, 1, 'Total votes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2322, 1, 'Previously rated');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2323, 1, 'Recent Videos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2324, 1, 'Top Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2325, 1, 'Recent Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2326, 1, 'My Contacts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2327, 1, 'Couples');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2328, 1, 'Poll not available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2329, 1, 'Flag');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2330, 1, 'Click to sort');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2332, 1, 'Simple Search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2333, 1, 'Advanced Search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2334, 1, 'Site Poll');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2335, 1, 'Top Groups\r\n');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2336, 1, 'All Blogs\r\n');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2337, 1, 'No members found here');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2338, 1, 'You must Create a Category before making a new post to Blogs');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2339, 1, 'No profile tags found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2340, 1, 'Bookmark');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2341, 1, 'or');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2342, 1, 'Classifieds');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2343, 1, 'Recently Posted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2344, 1, 'Events');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2345, 1, 'Feedback');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2346, 1, 'Contact us');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2347, 1, 'Sorry, you''ve already joined');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2348, 1, 'Profile details');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2349, 1, 'Age');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2350, 1, 'answer');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2351, 1, 'Member photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2352, 1, 'To The Community');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2353, 1, 'Classifieds');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2354, 1, 'Classifieds');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2355, 1, 'Classifieds Advertisements field');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2356, 1, 'Advanced Search');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2357, 1, 'Browse All Ads');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2358, 1, 'My Classifieds');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2359, 1, 'Browse My Ads');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2360, 1, 'Post New Advertisement');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2361, 1, 'Browse All Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2362, 1, 'Categories');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2363, 1, 'Keywords');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2364, 1, 'Posted by');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2365, 1, 'Details');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2366, 1, 'Admin Local Area');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2367, 1, 'My Advertisements');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2368, 1, 'Life Time');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2369, 1, 'Message');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2370, 1, 'Pictures');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2371, 1, 'Send these files');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2372, 1, 'Add more pics');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2373, 1, 'Filtered');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2374, 1, 'Listing');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2375, 1, 'Out');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2376, 1, 'of');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2377, 1, 'SubCategories');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2378, 1, 'Moderating (new messages)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2379, 1, 'Add');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2380, 1, 'Add this');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2381, 1, 'Desctiption');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2382, 1, 'CustomField1');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2383, 1, 'CustomField2');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2384, 1, 'Apply');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2385, 1, 'Activate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2386, 1, 'Entity');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2387, 1, 'Back');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2388, 1, 'Tree Classifieds Browse');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2389, 1, 'Equal');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2390, 1, 'Max');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2391, 1, 'Min');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2392, 1, 'Could not successfully run query {0} from DB: {1}');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2393, 1, ' Your ad will be active for {0} days');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2394, 1, 'File: {0} very large to upload.
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2395, 1, 'Advertisement successfully added');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2396, 1, 'Failed to Insert Advertisement');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2397, 1, 'Advertisement successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2398, 1, '_Failed to Delete Advertisement');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2399, 1, 'Tree Classifieds Browse');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2400, 1, 'Moderating (new messages)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2401, 1, 'Advertisement successfully activated');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2402, 1, 'Failed to Activate Advertisement');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2403, 1, 'Advertisement successfully updated');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2404, 1, 'Failed to Update Advertisement');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2405, 1, 'Filter');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2406, 1, 'choose');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2407, 1, 'Are you sure');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2408, 1, 'Apply Changes');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2409, 1, 'Offer Details');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2410, 1, 'Congratulations! Your account has been successfully confirmed.

It will be activated within 12 hours. Our administrators will personally look through your details to make sure you have set everything correctly. This helps {0} be the most accurate community service in the world. We care about the quality of our profiles and guarantee that every user of our system is real, so if you purchase someone''s contact information, you can be sure that your money isn''t wasted.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2411, 1, 'Congratulations!

Your account has been successfully confirmed and activated.
You can log into your account now.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2412, 1, 'wholesale');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2413, 1, 'You have chosen the "Buy Now" option to purchase the item above. If you wish to proceed and make an immediate purchase of this item at the price listed below, please click the "Buy Now" button. This will close the auction allowing you and the seller to complete the transaction.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2414, 1, 'Buy Now Amount Details:');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2415, 1, 'Your "Buy it Now" bid has been received. Please contact the seller to complete the transaction.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2416, 1, 'Comment was successfully added');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2417, 1, 'Comment addition failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2418, 1, 'Leave your comment');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2419, 1, 'Post Comment');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2420, 1, 'Unit');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2421, 1, 'Users other listing');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2422, 1, 'Subject is required');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2423, 1, 'Message must be at least 50 symbols');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2424, 1, 'Manage classifieds');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2425, 1, 'Befriend');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2426, 1, 'Send Letter');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2427, 1, 'Fave');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2428, 1, 'Share');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2429, 1, 'Report');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2430, 1, 'seconds ago');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2431, 1, 'minutes ago');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2432, 1, 'hours ago');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2433, 1, 'days ago');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2434, 1, 'Info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2435, 1, 'Profile Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2436, 1, 'Profile Videos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2437, 1, 'Profile Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2438, 1, 'Chat Now');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2439, 1, 'Greeting');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2440, 1, 'Advertisement');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2441, 1, 'Buy Now');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2442, 1, 'Account Home');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2443, 1, 'My Settings');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2444, 1, '_Members3');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2445, 1, 'Test');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2446, 1, 'All Members');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2447, 1, 'All Groups');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2448, 1, 'All Videos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2449, 1, 'No video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2465, 1, 'Browse Video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2466, 1, 'File was added to favorite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2467, 1, 'File already is a favorite');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2468, 1, 'Enter email(s)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2469, 1, 'view Video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2470, 1, 'See all videos of this user');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2471, 1, 'File title');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2472, 1, 'File tags');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2473, 1, 'Upload Files');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2474, 1, 'Page');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2475, 1, 'Music files');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2476, 1, 'Browse music files');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2477, 1, 'Playbacks');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2478, 1, 'Upload Photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2479, 1, 'Boards');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2480, 1, 'All Classifieds');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2481, 1, 'Add Classified');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2482, 1, 'Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2483, 1, 'All Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2484, 1, 'Upload Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2485, 1, 'All Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2486, 1, 'Top Blogs');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2487, 1, 'All Events');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2488, 1, 'Add Event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2489, 1, 'All Polls');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2490, 1, 'Profile Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2491, 1, 'Guestbook');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2492, 1, 'File description');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2493, 1, 'Upload Video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2494, 1, 'Upload File');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2495, 1, 'Sorry, nothing found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2496, 1, 'File was uploaded succesfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2497, 1, 'Added');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2498, 1, 'URL');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2499, 1, 'Embed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2500, 1, 'Views');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2501, 1, 'Video Info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2502, 1, 'Download');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2503, 1, 'File info was sent');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2504, 1, 'Latest files from this user');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2505, 1, 'View Comments');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2506, 1, 'Upload Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2507, 1, 'Browse Photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2508, 1, 'Upload failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2509, 1, 'Photo Info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2510, 1, 'View Photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2511, 1, 'Music File Info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2512, 1, 'View Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2513, 1, 'My Favorite Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2514, 1, 'My Music Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2515, 1, 'Ray Chat');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2516, 1, 'Photo');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2517, 1, 'Resize succesful');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2518, 1, 'Make Primary');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2519, 1, 'See all photos of this user');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2520, 1, 'Untitled');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2521, 1, 'Original Size');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2522, 1, 'Rate');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2523, 1, 'Advertisement Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2524, 1, 'Comments');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2525, 1, 'Users Other Listings');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2526, 1, 'Top Videos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2527, 1, 'Top Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2528, 1, 'Profile Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2529, 1, 'Profile Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2530, 1, 'Profile Video');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2531, 1, 'You have successfully joined this Event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2532, 1, 'List');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2533, 1, 'Event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2534, 1, 'Post Event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2535, 1, 'By');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2536, 1, 'Please Wait');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2537, 1, 'Vote');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2538, 1, 'My Favorite Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2539, 1, 'My Favorite Videos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2540, 1, 'My Favorite Music');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2541, 1, 'Music Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2542, 1, 'Photos Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2543, 1, 'Video Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2544, 1, 'Post');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2545, 1, 'Caption');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2546, 1, 'Please, Create a Blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2547, 1, 'Create My Blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2548, 1, 'Create Blog');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2549, 1, 'Posts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2554, 1, '{0} Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2555, 1, 'Top Posts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2564, 1, '{0} Info');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2568, 1, 'BoonEx News');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2569, 1, 'Visit Source');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2570, 1, 'post successfully deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2571, 1, 'failed to delete post');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2572, 1, 'failed to add post');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2573, 1, 'post successfully added');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2574, 1, 'Leaders');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2575, 1, 'Day');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2576, 1, 'Month');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2577, 1, 'Week');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2578, 1, 'No rated profiles today');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2579, 1, 'This may be a hacker string');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2581, 1, 'Write a description for your Blog.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2582, 1, 'Error Occured');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2584, 1, 'Forum Posts');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2585, 1, 'Create a BoonEx ID for me');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2586, 1, 'Get BoonEx ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2587, 1, 'Import BoonEx ID');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2588, 1, 'Import');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2589, 1, 'Posted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2590, 1, 'No articles available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2591, 1, 'Read All Articles');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2592, 1, 'Shared Photos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2593, 1, 'Shared Videos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2594, 1, 'Shared Music Files');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2595, 1, 'This Week');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2596, 1, 'This Month');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2597, 1, 'This Year');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2598, 1, 'Topics');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2599, 1, 'No tags found here');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2600, 1, 'Ads');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2601, 1, 'New Today');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2602, 1, 'Photo Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2603, 1, 'No classifieds available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2604, 1, 'No groups available');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2605, 1, 'My Music Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2606, 1, 'My Photo Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2607, 1, 'My Video Gallery');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2608, 1, 'Count');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2609, 1, 'Site Stats');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2610, 1, 'I agree');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2611, 1, '{0} Upload Agreement');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2612, 1, 'The terms of the Agreement in a nutshell:\r\n1. You have permission to upload the material, or you have obtained permission from the relevant rights holder(s).\r\n2. {0} may use your material for its content and you have the right to provide this material for free downloads.\r\n3. The list of PROHIBITED actions.\r\n\r\n1. LICENSED MATERIAL\r\nWhen uploading licensed material you confirm that you have the right or permission to upload it. You confirm that your material can be used by you and has not been stolen. You are only responsible for the uploaded material and, in case someone declares that the material has been stolen and will provide us with all the license documents, {0} has the right to remove your files and provide the material owner with your contact information. \r\n\r\n2. GRANTING OF LICENSE\r\n\r\nWhen uploading the material, you provide {0} and its members with the right to use it. You understand that our site is an open site, therefore you agree that the material uploaded by you can be downloaded and used by other site members. {0} isn’t responsible for the usage of your material on third party sites. \r\n\r\n3. STRONGLY PROHIBITED\r\n\r\n- Media files having negative or any other psychological or mental influence.\r\n- Media files containing children''s porno. \r\n- Media containing naked views of you or your children.\r\nIf you do not agree with these stipulations, you may not upload any media files.');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2613, 1, 'Event Deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2614, 1, 'Tags');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2615, 1, 'Tags separated by spaces');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2616, 1, 'You must enter your Tags');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2617, 1, 'Member Friends');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2618, 1, 'Select');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2619, 1, 'Join Now');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2620, 1, 'Tag');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2621, 1, 'Sorry, no members found');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2622, 1, 'Sorry, you didn''t post any ads');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2623, 1, 'Password confirmation failed');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2624, 1, 'Change Password');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2625, 1, 'Blog Post successfully updated');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2626, 1, 'Failed to update Blog Post');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2627, 1, 'Your age doesn''t allow access to this site');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2628, 1, 'Requested File Doesn''t Exist');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2629, 1, 'Admin Panel');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2630, 1, 'File upload error');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2631, 1, 'send greetings');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2632, 1, 'AddMainCategory successfully added');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2633, 1, 'Failed to Insert AddMainCategory');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2634, 1, 'AddSubCategory successfully added');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2635, 1, 'Failed to Insert AddSubCategory');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2636, 1, 'DeleteMainCategory was successfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2637, 1, 'Failed to DeleteMainCategory');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2638, 1, 'DeleteSubCategory was successfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2639, 1, 'Failed to DeleteSubCategory');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2640, 1, 'Add New Article');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2641, 1, 'Category Caption');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2642, 1, 'Articles Deleted Successfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2643, 1, 'Articles are not deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2644, 1, 'Category Deleted Successfully');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2645, 1, 'Category are not deleted');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2646, 1, 'Hot or Not');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES (2647, 1, 'Affiliate system was disabled');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(2648, 1, 'Description');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(2649, 1, 'Mutual Friends');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(2650, 1, 'Photo Actions');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(2651, 1, 'Notification');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(2652, 1, 'You have successfully unsubscribe from Event');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(2653, 1, 'Unsubscribe');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(2654, 1, 'Inactive Story');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(2655, 1, 'Profile Videos');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(2656, 1, 'My Flags');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(2657, 1, 'My Topics');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(2658, 1, 'Uncategorized');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(2659, 1, 'upload Music (Music Gallery)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(2660, 1, 'upload Photos (Photo Gallery)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(2661, 1, 'upload Video (Video Gallery)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(2662, 1, 'play Music (Music Gallery)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(2663, 1, 'view Photos (Photo Gallery)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `LocalizationStrings` VALUES(2664, 1, 'play Video (Video Gallery)');
Table 'beta.LocalizationStrings' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `media` (`med_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`med_prof_id` int(11) unsigned default NULL,`med_type` enum('audio','video','photo') NOT NULL default 'photo',`med_file` varchar(50) default NULL,`med_title` varchar(150) default NULL,`med_status` enum('active','passive') NOT NULL default 'passive',`med_date` datetime default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`med_id`),KEY `med_prof_id` (`med_prof_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `media_rating` (`med_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`med_rating_count` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`med_rating_sum` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',UNIQUE KEY `med_id` (`med_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `media_voting_track` (`med_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`med_ip` varchar(20) default NULL,`med_date` datetime default NULL,KEY `med_ip` (`med_ip`,`med_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `MemActions` (`ID` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`AdditionalParamName` varchar(80) default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (1, 'send greetings', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (2, 'use chat', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (3, 'use instant messenger', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (4, 'view profiles', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (5, 'use forum', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (6, 'make search', 'Max. number of profiles shown in search result (0 = unlimited)');
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (7, 'vote', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (8, 'send messages', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (9, 'view photos', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (10, 'use Ray instant messenger', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (11, 'use Ray video recorder', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (12, 'use Ray chat', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (13, 'use guestbook', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (14, 'view other members'' guestbooks', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (15, 'get other members'' emails', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (16, 'use gallery', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (17, 'view other members'' galleries', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (18, 'use Ray mp3 player', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (19, 'use Blog', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (20, 'view other members'' Blog', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (21, 'use Ray video player', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (22, 'use Ray presence', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (23, 'can add_delete classifieds', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (24, 'rate photos', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (25, 'use Orca public forums', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (26, 'use Orca private forums', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (27, 'upload Music (Music Gallery)', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (28, 'upload Photos (Photo Gallery)', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (29, 'upload Video (Video Gallery)', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (30, 'play Music (Music Gallery)', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (31, 'view Photos (Photo Gallery)', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemActions` VALUES (32, 'play Video (Video Gallery)', NULL);
Table 'beta.MemActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `MemActionsTrack` (`IDAction` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`IDMember` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`ActionsLeft` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`ValidSince` datetime default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`IDAction`,`IDMember`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `MemberMenu` (`ID` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Name` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`Caption` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`Link` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`MenuOrder` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`MenuType` enum('link','group') NOT NULL default 'link',`MenuGroup` int(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Visible` set('non','memb') NOT NULL default '',`Target` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',`Onclick` mediumtext NOT NULL,`Check` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Editable` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (1, 'My_Account', '_My Account', 'member.php', 1, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (2, 'My_Profile', '_My Profile', 'profile_edit.php?ID={ID}|profile.php?ID={ID}|profile_customize.php?ID={ID}', 2, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (3, 'My_Mail', '_My Mail', 'mail.php?mode=inbox|mail.php|compose.php|messages_inbox.php|messages_outbox.php|contacts.php?show=block', 3, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (4, 'My_Photos', '_My Photos', 'upload_media.php?show=photos', 4, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (5, 'My_Videos', '_My Videos', 'upload_media.php?show=video', 5, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (6, 'My_Audio', '_My Audio', 'upload_media.php?show=audio', 6, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (7, 'My_Groups', '_My Groups', 'groups.php|group_create.php', 7, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (8, 'My_Events', '_My Events', 'events.php?action=show&show_events=my|events.php?action=new', 8, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (9, 'My_Blog', '_My Blog', 'blog.php?owner={ID}', 9, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (10, 'My_Polls', '_My Polls', 'profile_poll.php', 10, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (11, 'My_Albums', '_My Albums', 'gallery.php?owner={ID}', 11, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (12, 'My_Guestbook', '_My Guestbook', 'guestbook.php?owner={ID}', 12, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (13, 'My_Greets', '_My Greets', 'contacts.php?show=greet&list=i|contacts.php?show=greet&list=me', 13, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (14, 'My_Faves', '_My Faves', 'contacts.php?show=hot&list=i|contacts.php?show=hot&list=me', 14, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (15, 'My_Friends', '_My Friends', 'contacts.php?show=friends|contacts.php?show=friends_inv&list=i|contacts.php?show=friends_inv&list=me', 15, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (16, 'My_Views', '_My Views', 'contacts.php?show=view&list=i|contacts.php?show=view&list=me', 16, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (18, 'Presence', '_RayPresence', 'javascript:void(0);', 18, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', ' ''presence_pop.php'' , ''Presence'', ''width=240,height=600,toolbar=0,directories=0,menubar=0,status=0,location=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1'');', 'return ( ''on'' == getParam( ''enable_ray'' ) );', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemberMenu` VALUES (19, 'My_Classifieds', '_My Classifieds', 'classifiedsmy.php?MyAds=1|classifieds.php?Browse=2|classifiedsmy.php?PostAd=1', 19, 'link', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', '1');
Table 'beta.MemberMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `members_as_aff` (`ID` bigint(10) NOT NULL auto_increment,`num_of_mem` int(5) NOT NULL default '0',`num_of_days` int(5) NOT NULL default '0',`MID` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',UNIQUE KEY `ID` (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `MemCredits` (`ID` bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Amount` float(6,2) unsigned NOT NULL default '0.00',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `MemLevelActions` (`IDLevel` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`IDAction` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`AllowedCount` smallint(5) unsigned default NULL,`AllowedPeriodLen` smallint(5) unsigned default NULL,`AllowedPeriodStart` datetime default NULL,`AllowedPeriodEnd` datetime default NULL,`AdditionalParamValue` varchar(255) default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`IDLevel`,`IDAction`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (1, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '10');
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (1, 7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (1, 14, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (2, 1, 4, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (2, 4, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (2, 6, 5, 24, NULL, NULL, '0');
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (2, 7, 15, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (2, 8, 2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 2, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 3, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 4, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 5, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 6, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 7, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 8, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 9, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 11, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 12, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 13, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 14, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 15, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 16, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 17, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (2, 9, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (2, 23, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES(2, 24, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (1, 25, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (2, 25, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 25, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevelActions` VALUES (3, 26, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
Table 'beta.MemLevelActions' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `MemLevelPrices` (`IDLevel` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Days` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',`Price` float unsigned NOT NULL default '1',PRIMARY KEY (`IDLevel`,`Days`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `MemLevels` (`ID` smallint(6) NOT NULL auto_increment,`Name` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',`Active` enum('yes','no') NOT NULL default 'no',`Purchasable` enum('yes','no') NOT NULL default 'yes',`Removable` enum('yes','no') NOT NULL default 'yes',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),UNIQUE KEY `Name` (`Name`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevels` VALUES (1, 'Non-member', 'yes', 'no', 'no');
Table 'beta.MemLevels' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevels` VALUES (2, 'Standard', 'yes', 'no', 'no');
Table 'beta.MemLevels' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `MemLevels` VALUES (3, 'Promotion', 'yes', 'no', 'no');
Table 'beta.MemLevels' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `Messages` (`ID` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,`Date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`Sender` bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Recipient` bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Text` mediumtext NOT NULL,`Subject` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`New` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '1',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `Pair` (`Sender`,`Recipient`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `moderators` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`name` varchar(10) NOT NULL default '',`email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Password` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`status` enum('suspended','active','approval') NOT NULL default 'suspended',`reg_date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',PRIMARY KEY (`id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Holds moderator accounts';
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COMMENT='Holds moderator accounts'' at lin
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `Modules` (`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`Conf` mediumtext NOT NULL,`FuncAdd` mediumtext NOT NULL,`FuncDel` mediumtext NOT NULL,`FuncUpdate` mediumtext NOT NULL,`FuncBlock` mediumtext NOT NULL,`FuncUnblock` mediumtext NOT NULL,`Help` mediumtext NOT NULL,`LogIn` mediumtext NOT NULL,`Type` enum('chat','forum') NOT NULL default 'chat',`ReadableName` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),UNIQUE KEY `Name` (`Name`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `News` (`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`Header` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`Snippet` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Text` text NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `NotifyEmails` (`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',`Email` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',`EmailFlag` enum('NotifyMe','NotNotifyMe') NOT NULL default 'NotifyMe',`EmailText` enum('HTML','Text','Not sure') NOT NULL default 'HTML',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `NotifyMsgs` (`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Subj` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',`Text` mediumtext NOT NULL,`HTML` mediumtext NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `NotifyQueue` (`Email` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Msg` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Creation` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`From` enum('Profiles','NotifyEmails','ProfilesMsgText') NOT NULL default 'Profiles',`MsgText` mediumtext NOT NULL,`MsgSubj` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',KEY `Msg` (`Msg`),KEY `Email` (`Email`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `PaymentParameters` (`ID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`IDProvider` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Caption` varchar(255) default NULL,`Type` enum('check','enum','text') NOT NULL default 'text',`Extra` text,`Value` text NOT NULL,`Changable` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),UNIQUE KEY `ParamName` (`IDProvider`,`Name`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (1, 1, 'business', 'Business', 'text', NULL, '', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (2, 1, 'process_type', 'Process type', 'enum', '''Direct'',''PDT'',''IPN''', 'IPN', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (3, 1, 'connection_type', 'Connection type', 'enum', '''SSL'',''HTTP''', 'SSL', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (4, 1, 'auth_token', 'Identity token', 'text', NULL, '', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (5, 1, 'no_note', 'Don''t prompt customer to include a note', 'check', NULL, 'on', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (6, 1, 'test_business', 'SandBox Business', 'text', NULL, '', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (7, 2, 'sid', 'Account number', 'text', NULL, '', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (8, 2, 'pay_method', 'Pay method', 'enum', '''CC'',''CK''', 'CC', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (9, 2, 'secret_word', 'Secret word', 'text', NULL, '', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (10, 3, 'x_login', 'Login', 'text', NULL, '', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (11, 3, 'x_tran_key', 'Transaction key', 'text', NULL, '', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (12, 3, 'implementation', 'Implementation', 'enum', '''SIM'',''AIM''', 'AIM', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (13, 3, 'x_delim_char', 'Delimiter char', 'text', NULL, ';', 0);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (14, 3, 'x_encap_char', 'Encapsulate char', 'text', NULL, '|', 0);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (15, 3, 'curl_binary', 'cURL binary', 'text', NULL, '', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (16, 3, 'md5_hash_value', 'MD5 Hash', 'text', NULL, '', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (17, 4, 'client_accnum', 'Account number', 'text', NULL, '', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (18, 4, 'client_subacc', 'Subaccount number', 'text', NULL, '', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (19, 4, 'form_name', 'Form name', 'text', NULL, '', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (20, 4, 'allowed_types', 'Allowed types', 'text', NULL, '', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentParameters` VALUES (21, 4, 'subscription_type_id', 'Subscription type id', 'text', NULL, '', 1);
Table 'beta.PaymentParameters' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `PaymentProviders` (`ID` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Name` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',`Caption` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`Active` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Mode` enum('live','test-approve','test-decline') NOT NULL default 'live',`Debug` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`CheckoutFilename` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`CheckoutURL` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`SupportsRecurring` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`LogoFilename` varchar(100) default NULL,`Help` text,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentProviders` VALUES (1, 'paypal', 'PayPal', 1, 'live', 0, '', '', 1, 'paypal.gif', '

Parameters description:


Business - your live PayPal account ID. This ID will be used if module \r\nis in live mode.


Process type - Direct, PDT or IPN. See configuration description below \r\nfor details.


Connection type - SSL or HTTP. This parameter defines validation \r\nback-connection method to the PayPal gateway. SSL is more safe and secure, but \r\nit could be unsupported by your server. If SSL is not supported by your server, \r\nuse HTTP connection type instead.


Identity token - your account''s identification token which is used for \r\ntransaction validation in PDT process type. You can obtain it on your PayPal \r\naccount by enabling Payment Data Transfer (My Account -> Profile \r\n-> Website Payment Preferences -> Payment Data Transfer)


Don''t prompt customer to include a note - indicates should PayPal \r\ngateway prompt customer to write payment note or not. This note could be found \r\nin transaction info hint in finance calculator of admin panel later.


SandBox Business - your test PayPal SandBox account ID. This ID will \r\nbe used if module is in test-approve or test-decline mode.


Configuration description:


Your PayPal account configuration settings depend on Process type \r\nparameter value:


Direct. In this payment process type script sends payment info to the \r\nPayPal gateway, then PayPal redirects you to script''s payment page, which checks \r\nif payment was successful and makes appropriate data changing. After payment \r\ncheck script shows you payment result. For this payment type you don''t need to \r\nmake any PayPal account configuration. One thing you should know is if you \r\ndecide to enable Auto-Return option you should specify your PayPal module \r\nlocation as return URL (by default it''s paypal.php in your script''s checkout \r\ndirectory). Note: this process type couldn''t be used for recurring \r\nbillings.


PDT. This process type is almost the same as Direct, except one \r\ndetail. PayPal doesn''t send all transactions details to your script. It just \r\nsends transaction token, which is used along with identity token to obtain \r\ntransaction details in notify-synch request. For this process type you should \r\nenable Auto-Return option in your PayPal account (My Account -> \r\nProfile -> Website Payment Preferences -> Auto Return for Website \r\nPayments), set Return URL to your PayPal module URL (by default it''s \r\npaypal.php in your script''s checkout directory), enable Payment Data Transfer (My \r\nAccount -> Profile -> Website Payment Preferences -> \r\nPayment Data Transfer) and copy your Identity Token to appropriate field \r\n(see parameters description above).


IPN. Instant Payment Notification process type differs from Direct and \r\nPDT process type. After payment script redirects you to member area without any \r\nresult message. PayPal sends notification to payment module about any payment \r\nevent on the gateway. Disadvantage of this method is that there is no any result \r\nmessage after payment. You can only check payment result in fact, but this is \r\nonly way you can enable recurring billings for PayPal. Note: you should disable \r\nInstant Payment Notification in your PayPal account (My Account -> \r\nProfile -> Instant Payment Notification Preferences), as payment \r\nmodule sends notification request to PayPal gateway by itself. If you decide to \r\nenable Auto-Return option you should specify your PayPal module location as \r\nreturn URL (by default it''s paypal.php in your script''s checkout directory).

Table 'beta.PaymentProviders' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentProviders` VALUES (2, '2checkoutv2', ' v2', 1, 'live', 0, '', '', 0, '2checkout.gif', '

Parameters description:


Account number - your 2checkout vendor account number.


Pay method - CC for Credit Card or CK for check (Online checks must \r\nbe enabled within your account first!). This will select the payment method during the checkout \r\nprocess.


Secret word - it is used to check the MD5 hash passback. You can set \r\nit up on your account (Helpful Links -> Look and Feel -> Your Secret \r\nWord)


Configuration description:


Login to your account, under the "Helpful Links" section click on "Settings" \r\nnear the "Look and Feel" section, input 2Checkout module \r\nlocation (by default it''s 2checkoutv2.php in your script''s checkout \r\ndirectory) into the Approved URL box and URL of member area ( \r\nfor example) into the Pending URL box, click "Save changes"

Table 'beta.PaymentProviders' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentProviders` VALUES (3, 'authorizenet', 'Authorize.Net', 1, 'live', 0, '', '', 0, 'authorizenet.gif', '

Parameters description:


Login - your Authorize.Net login.


Transaction key - transaction key which should be obtained from \r\nMerchant Interface (Settings -> Security section -> Obtain Transaction \r\nKey).


Implementation - determs payment mechanism. If SIM value selected, \r\nscript will redirect customer to payment gateway and then handle response from the Authorize.Net \r\nserver. If AIM value selected, then script will prompt customer to enter credit card details and \r\nsend them to Authorize.Net gateway without any redirections.


cURL binary - full path to the curl binary including filename itself \r\n(i.e. /usr/bin/curl). This value used if cURL extension is not installed on your server.


MD5 Hash - it is used to check the MD5 hash passback. You can set \r\nit up on your account (Settings -> Security section -> MD5 Hash)

Table 'beta.PaymentProviders' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `PaymentProviders` VALUES (4, 'ccbill', 'CCBill', 1, 'live', 0, '', '', 0, 'ccbill.gif', '

No instructions available yet

Table 'beta.PaymentProviders' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `PaymentSubscriptions` (`TransactionID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`StartDate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`Period` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`ChargesNumber` int(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`TransactionID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `polls_a` (`IDanswer` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`ID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Answer` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Votes` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`IDanswer`),KEY `ID` (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `polls_q` (`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Question` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Active` varchar(2) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 PACK_KEYS=0;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 PACK_KEYS=0' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `pre_forum` (`forum_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`cat_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`forum_title` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`forum_desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`forum_posts` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`forum_topics` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`forum_last` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`forum_type` enum('public','private') NOT NULL default 'public',PRIMARY KEY (`forum_id`),KEY `cat_id` (`cat_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `pre_forum_cat` (`cat_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`cat_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`cat_icon` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`cat_order` float NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`cat_id`),KEY `cat_order` (`cat_order`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `pre_forum_flag` (`user` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',`topic_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`when` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`user`,`topic_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `pre_forum_post` (`post_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`topic_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`forum_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`user` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '0',`post_text` mediumtext NOT NULL,`when` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`votes` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`reports` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`post_id`),KEY `topic_id` (`topic_id`),KEY `forum_id` (`forum_id`),KEY `user` (`user`),KEY `when` (`when`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `pre_forum_report` (`user_name` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',`post_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`user_name`,`post_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `pre_forum_topic` (`topic_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`forum_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`topic_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`when` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`topic_posts` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`first_post_user` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '0',`first_post_when` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`last_post_user` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`last_post_when` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`topic_sticky` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`topic_locked` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`topic_id`),KEY `forum_id` (`forum_id`),KEY `forum_id_2` (`forum_id`,`when`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `pre_forum_user` (`user_name` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',`user_pwd` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`user_email` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',`user_join_date` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`user_name`),UNIQUE KEY `user_email` (`user_email`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `pre_forum_user_activity` (`user` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',`act_current` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`act_last` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`user`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `pre_forum_user_stat` (`user` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',`posts` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`user_last_post` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',KEY `user` (`user`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `pre_forum_vote` (`user_name` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',`post_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`vote_when` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`vote_point` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`user_name`,`post_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `PrivPhotosRequests` (`IDauto` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`IDFrom` bigint(8) NOT NULL default '0',`IDTo` bigint(20) NOT NULL default '0',`Grant` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Hide` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',`Arrived` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',PRIMARY KEY (`IDauto`),KEY `IDFrom` (`IDFrom`),KEY `IDTo` (`IDTo`),KEY `IDFrom_2` (`IDFrom`,`IDTo`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `ProfileCompose` (`ID` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Caption` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Visible` set('non','memb') NOT NULL default '',`Func` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',`Content` text NOT NULL,`Column` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES (1, 'Profile Photos', 'Member photos block', '_PROFILE Photos', 'non,memb', 'Photo', '', 1, 0);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES (2, 'Looking For', 'Details of the person the member is looking for', '_LookingFor', 'non,memb', 'LookingForDetails', '', 0, 0);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES (3, 'Member Polls', 'Member polls block', '_Polls', 'non,memb', 'ProfilePolls', '', 1, 5);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES (4, 'Actions Menu', 'Actions that other members can do', '_Actions', 'non,memb', 'ActionsMenu', '', 1, 1);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES (5, 'Rate Profile', 'Profile rating form', '_rate profile', 'non,memb', 'RateProfile', '', 2, 1);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES (6, 'ProfileDetails', 'Profile Details', '_PROFILE Info', 'non,memb', 'ProfileDetails', '', 2, 0);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES (7, 'Descriptions', 'Member description and ideal match description', '_Description', 'non,memb', 'Descriptions', '', 2, 2);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES (8, 'Friends', 'Member friends list', '_Friends', 'non,memb', 'Friends', '', 2, 4);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES(9, 'Comments', 'Comments on member profile', '_profile_comments', 'non,memb', 'Comments', '', 2, 8);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES (10, 'Member Blog', 'Member blog block', '_Blog', 'non,memb', 'ProfileBlog', '', 2, 3);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES(11, 'Profile Music', 'Profile Mp3 Player', '_ProfileMp3', 'non,memb', 'Mp3', '', 2, 6);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES(12, 'Member Forum Posts', 'Last posts of a member in the forum', '_Forum Posts', 'non,memb', 'RSS', '{SiteUrl}orca/?action=rss_user&user={NickName}#4', 2, 7);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES (15, 'RSS Feed', '', '_BoonEx News', 'non,memb', 'RSS', '', 0, 0);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES (16, 'Member Classifieds', 'Classifieds', '_Classifieds', 'non,memb', 'Classifieds', '', 1, 2);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES (17, 'Member Events', 'Events', '_Events', 'non,memb', 'Events', '', 1, 3);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES (18, 'Member Groups', 'Groups', '_Groups', 'non,memb', 'Groups', '', 1, 4);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES (19, 'Member Music Gallery', 'Music Shared By The Member', '_Music Gallery', 'non,memb', 'ShareMusic', '', 1, 6);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES (20, 'Member Photo Gallery', 'Photos Shared By The Member', '_Photo Gallery', 'non,memb', 'SharePhotos', '', 1, 7);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES (21, 'Member Video Gallery', 'Videos Shared By The Member', '_Video Gallery', 'non,memb', 'ShareVideos', '', 1, 8);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfileCompose` VALUES(22, 'Mutual Friends', 'Mutual friends of viewing and viewed members', '_Mutual Friends', 'memb', 'MutualFriends', '', 2, 5);
Table 'beta.ProfileCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `ProfileMemLevels` (`IDMember` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`IDLevel` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`DateStarts` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`DateExpires` datetime default NULL,`TransactionID` bigint(20) unsigned default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`IDMember`,`IDLevel`,`DateStarts`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `Profiles` (`ID` bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`NickName` varchar(48) NOT NULL default '',`Password` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`Country` varchar(2) NOT NULL default 'US',`City` varchar(30) default NULL,`Headline` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`DescriptionMe` mediumtext NOT NULL,`Sex` enum('female','male') NOT NULL default 'female',`DateOfBirth` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',`Email` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`EmailFlag` enum('HTML','Text','Not sure') NOT NULL default 'HTML',`EmailNotify` enum('NotifyMe','NotNotifyMe') NOT NULL default 'NotifyMe',`Status` enum('Unconfirmed','Approval','Active','Rejected','Suspended') NOT NULL default 'Unconfirmed',`LastLoggedIn` datetime default NULL,`LastModified` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`LastReg` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`LookingFor` enum('female','male','all') NOT NULL default 'all',`PrimPhoto` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Picture` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',`LastNavTime` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`LastNavPage` int(4) NOT NULL default '0',`Featured` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',`aff_num` int(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`zip` varchar(23) NOT NULL default '',`PaymentSubscription` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',`Tags` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),UNIQUE KEY `NickName` (`NickName`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `ProfilesComments` (`ID` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,`Date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`IP` varchar(16) default NULL,`Sender` bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Recipient` bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Text` mediumtext NOT NULL,`New` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '1',`ReplyTO` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `Pair` (`Sender`,`Recipient`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `ProfilesDesc` (`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`name` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',`namedisp` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`namenote` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`extra` mediumtext NOT NULL,`type` enum('d','f','c','p','e','en','a','s','0','r','rb','set','eny','date') NOT NULL default 'd',`order` float NOT NULL default '0',`join_page` float NOT NULL default '0',`visible` set('user','memb','adm') NOT NULL default 'user',`editable` set('memb','adm') NOT NULL default 'memb,adm',`check` text NOT NULL,`because` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`group_mark` enum('','b','c','e') NOT NULL default '',`group_text_b` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`group_text_a` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`to_db` int(11) NOT NULL default '1',`show_on_page` set('0','3','7','25') NOT NULL default '0',`get_value` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`get_value_db` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`search_type` enum('none','radio','list','check','daterange','check_set','text') NOT NULL default 'none',`search_cols` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`search_hide` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',`search_extra` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`search_order` float NOT NULL default '0',`search_default` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`search_where` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`match_field` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',`match_type` enum('none','enum','enum_ref','set','daterange') NOT NULL default 'none',`match_extra` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`min_length` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',`max_length` varchar(5) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),UNIQUE KEY `name` (`name`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES (1, 'Sex', '_Sex', '', '''male'',''female''', 'rb', 1, 1005, 'user,memb,adm', 'memb,adm', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '0,3,7,25', '', '', 'radio', 3, 0, '', 2, 'female', '(LookingFor = ''%s'' OR LookingFor = ''all'')', '', 'none', '', '', '');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES (3, 'NickName', '_NickName', '_NICK_LEAST', '40', 'c', 0.3, 1001, 'user,memb,adm', 'adm', 'return (strlen($arg0) >= 2 && strlen($arg0) <= 20 && preg_match("/^[A-Za-z]+[0-9A-Za-z_]*$/", $arg0) && conf_nick($arg0, $_COOKIE["memberID"])) ? true : false;', '_NICK_LEAST', '', '', '', 1, '3,25', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '2', '20');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES (5, '0', '_Personal details', '', '', '0', 0.2, 0, 'user,memb,adm', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '0', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '', '');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES (6, 'Country', '_Country', '', 'global $prof; return $prof[countries];', 'r', 3, 1006, 'user,memb,adm', 'memb,adm', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '3,7,25', '', '', 'list', 0, 0, '', 10, '-1', '', '', 'none', '', '', '');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES (7, 'City', '_City', '_Use latin set', '40', 'c', 4, 1007, 'user,memb,adm', 'memb,adm', 'return strlen($arg0) > 0 ? true : false;', '_CITY_REQUIRED', '', '', '', 1, '3,7,25', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '', '');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES (11, 'DateOfBirth', '_Date of birth', '', '''75'',''18''', 'date', 5.5, 1002.6, 'user,memb,adm', 'memb,adm', '$dob=explode(''-'',$arg0);$age=date(''Y'')-$dob[0];if($dob[1]>date(''m'')) $age--;else if((int)$dob[1]==date(''m'')) if ((int)$dob[2]>date(''d'')) $age--;if(($age>=getParam(''search_start_age''))&&($age<=getParam(''search_end_age''))) return true;else return false;', '_DateOfBirth_err_msg', '', '', '', 1, '0,7', '', '', 'daterange', 2, 0, '''18'',''75''', 6, '40', '', '', 'none', '', '', '');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES (54, 'Tags', '_Tags_caption', '_Tags_desc', '30', 'c', 13, 1009, 'user,memb,adm', 'memb,adm', 'return (strlen($arg0) >= 3 && strlen($arg0) <= 500 ) ? true : false;', '_Tags_err_msg', '', '', '', 1, '3,25', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '', '');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES(27, 'DescriptionMe', '_Description', '_General self-description', '36x10', 'a', 28, 1011, 'user,memb,adm', 'memb,adm', 'return strlen($arg0) > 20 ? true : false;', '_DESC_LEAST', '', '', '', 1, '0', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '', '');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES (28, '1', '_Contact information', '', '', '0', 29, 0, 'memb,adm', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '0', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '', '');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES (29, 'Email', '_E-mail', '_MUST_BE_VALID', '40', 'c', 31, 1001, 'memb,adm', 'memb,adm', 'return (eregi("^[a-z0-9_\\-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9\\-]+)*@([_a-z0-9\\-]+\\.)+([a-z]{2}|aero|arpa|biz|com|coop|edu|gov|info|int|jobs|mil|museum|name|nato|net|org|pro|travel)$", $arg0) && conf_email($arg0,$_COOKIE[memberID])) ? true : false;', '_EMAIL_INVALID', '', '', '', 1, '3,25', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '5', '128');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES (30, 'EmailFlag', '_I can receive', '', '''HTML'',''Text'',''Not sure''', 'rb', 31.3, 0, 'memb,adm', 'memb,adm', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '0', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '', '');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES (39, '3', 'Password', '', '', '0', 40, 0, 'memb,adm', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '0', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '', '');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES(40, 'Password', '_Password', '', '40', 'p', 40.5, 1002, 'memb,adm', 'memb,adm', 'return ( strlen($arg0) >= 3 && strlen($arg0) <= 32 ) ? true : false;', '_PWD_INVALID', '', '', '', 1, '3', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '3', '32');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES(41, 'Password,Password2', '_Confirm password', '_Confirm your password', '40', 'p', 42, 1002.5, 'memb,adm', 'memb,adm', 'if( isset( $_POST[''Password''] ) && strlen( $_POST[''Password''] ) ) { if( process_pass_data( $_POST[''Password''] ) == $arg0 ) return true; else return false; } elseif( isset( $_POST[''Password1''] ) && strlen( $_POST[''Password1''] ) ){ if( process_pass_data( $_POST[''Password1''] ) == $arg0 ) return true; else return false; } else return true;', '_PWD_INVALID3', '', '', '', 0, '3,25', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '3', '32');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES(42, '4', '_Details of the person you are looking for', '', '', '0', 26.1, 0, 'memb,adm', '', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '25', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '', '');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES(43, 'LookingFor', '_I look for a', '_Whom do you look for?', '''female'',''male'',''all''', 'e', 26.2, 0, 'memb,adm', 'memb,adm', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '25', '', '', 'radio', 4, 0, '', 2.1, 'male', 'IF(''%s''=''all'',1,Sex=''%s'')', 'Sex', 'enum', '20', '', '');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES(46, 'Password,Password1', '_Change Password', '', '40', 'p', 41, 0, 'memb,adm', 'memb,adm', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '25', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '3', '32');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES(48, 'Status', '_Profile status', '', '''Unconfirmed'', ''Approval'', ''Active'', ''Rejected'', ''Suspended''', 'e', 50, 0, 'adm', 'adm', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '0', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '', '');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES (51, 'EmailNotify', '_Notify me about news, tips', '', '''NotifyMe'',''NotNotifyMe''', 'rb', 39, 0, 'memb,adm', 'memb,adm', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '0', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '', '');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES (52, 'zip', '_Zip/Postal Code', '', '23', 'c', 5, 0, 'user,memb,adm', 'memb,adm', 'return strlen($arg0) > 0 ? true : false;', '_ZIP_REQUIRED', '', '', '', 1, '3,25', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '', '');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES(53, 'Headline', '_Headline', '', '40', 'c', 27.6, 1010, 'user,memb,adm', 'memb,adm', 'return strlen($arg0) >= 2 AND strlen($arg0) <= 64 ? true : false;', '_HEADLINE_LEAST', '', '', '', 1, '3,25', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '', '');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES(55, '20', '_Description', '', '', '0', 27.5, 0, 'user,memb,adm', 'memb,adm', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '0', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 11, '', '', '', 'none', '', '', '');
Table 'beta.ProfilesDesc' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `ProfilesPolls` (`id_poll` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`id_profile` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`poll_question` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`poll_answers` text NOT NULL,`poll_results` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',`poll_total_votes` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`poll_status` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',`poll_approval` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`id_poll`),KEY `id_profile` (`id_profile`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `ProfilesRelations` (`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`sourceID` int(11) default '0',`targetID` int(11) default NULL,`action` enum('hot','block','view','friend') default 'view',`status` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '0',`date` datetime default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',PRIMARY KEY (`id`),KEY `sourceID` (`sourceID`),KEY `targetID` (`targetID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `ProfilesSettings` (`IDMember` int(10) NOT NULL default '0',`BackgroundFilename` varchar(40) default NULL,`BackgroundColor` varchar(60) default NULL,`FontColor` varchar(60) default NULL,`FontSize` varchar(60) default NULL,`FontFamily` varchar(60) default NULL,`Status` varchar(20) default NULL,UNIQUE KEY `profile_id` (`IDMember`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `ProfilesTrack` (`Member` bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Profile` bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Arrived` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',`Hide` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',UNIQUE KEY `Member_2` (`Member`,`Profile`),KEY `Member` (`Member`),KEY `Profile` (`Profile`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `profile_rating` (`pr_id` bigint(8) NOT NULL default '0',`pr_rating_count` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`pr_rating_sum` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',UNIQUE KEY `med_id` (`pr_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `profile_voting_track` (`pr_id` bigint(8) NOT NULL default '0',`pr_ip` varchar(20) default NULL,`pr_date` datetime default NULL,KEY `pr_ip` (`pr_ip`,`pr_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayBoardBoards` (`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`UserID` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',`Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Track` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `UserID` (`UserID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayChatCurrentUsers` (`ID` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0',`Nick` varchar(36) NOT NULL default '',`RoomID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Sex` enum('Male','Female') NOT NULL default 'Male',`Age` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Desc` mediumtext NOT NULL,`Photo` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Profile` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`When` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Status` enum('new','room','old','idle','kick','type') NOT NULL default 'new',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `RoomID` (`RoomID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayChatMessages` (`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`UserID` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0',`Msg` text NOT NULL,`Style` text NOT NULL,`When` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `UserID` (`UserID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayChatProfiles` (`ID` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0',`Banned` enum('true','false') NOT NULL default 'false',`Type` enum('view','text','full','moder') NOT NULL default 'full',`Smileset` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayChatRooms` (`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`Name` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`OwnerID` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0',`When` int(11) default NULL,`Status` enum('normal','delete') NOT NULL default 'normal',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),UNIQUE KEY `Name` (`Name`),KEY `OwnerID` (`OwnerID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `RayChatRooms` VALUES(1, 'Lobby', '0', 0, 'normal');
Table 'beta.RayChatRooms' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `RayChatRooms` VALUES(2, 'Friends', '0', 1, 'normal');
Table 'beta.RayChatRooms' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayGlobalTrackUsers` (`ID` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0',`When` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Status` enum('online','offline') NOT NULL default 'online',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayImContacts` (`ID` int(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,`SenderID` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0',`RecipientID` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0',`When` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `SenderID` (`SenderID`),KEY `RecipientID` (`RecipientID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayImMessages` (`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`ContactID` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Msg` text NOT NULL,`Style` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`When` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `ContactID` (`ContactID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayImPendings` (`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`SenderID` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0',`RecipientID` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0',`Msg` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`When` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `SenderID` (`SenderID`),KEY `RecipientID` (`RecipientID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayImProfiles` (`ID` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0',`Smileset` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayMovieFiles` (`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`CategoryId` int(11) NOT NULL default '-1',`Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Tags` text NOT NULL,`Description` text NOT NULL,`Time` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Date` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',`Reports` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Owner` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',`Views` int(12) default '0',`Approved` enum('true','false') NOT NULL default 'true',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `CatalogId` (`CategoryId`,`Owner`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayMoviePlayLists` (`FileId` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Owner` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0',`Order` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0',KEY `FileId` (`FileId`,`Owner`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayMp3Categories` (`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`Parent` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Title` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `Parent` (`Parent`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayMp3Files` (`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`CategoryId` int(11) NOT NULL default '-1',`Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Tags` text NOT NULL,`Description` text NOT NULL,`Time` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Date` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',`Reports` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Owner` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',`Approved` enum('true','false') NOT NULL default 'true',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `CatalogId` (`CategoryId`,`Owner`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayMp3PlayLists` (`FileId` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Owner` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0',`Order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',KEY `FileId` (`FileId`,`Owner`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayMusicCategories` (`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`Parent` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Title` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `Parent` (`Parent`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayMusicFiles` (`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`CategoryId` int(11) NOT NULL default '-1',`Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Tags` text NOT NULL,`Description` text NOT NULL,`Time` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Date` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',`Reports` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Owner` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',`Listens` int(12) default '0',`Approved` enum('true','false') NOT NULL default 'true',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `CatalogId` (`CategoryId`,`Owner`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayMusicPlayLists` (`FileId` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Owner` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0',`Order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',KEY `FileId` (`FileId`,`Owner`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayShoutboxMessages` (`ID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,`UserID` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '0',`Msg` text NOT NULL,`When` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `RayVideoStats` (`Approved` int(20) NOT NULL default '0',`Pending` int(20) NOT NULL default '0') ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `RayVideoStats` VALUES(0, 0);
Table 'beta.RayVideoStats' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `SDatingEvents` (`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Title` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',`Description` text NOT NULL,`Status` enum('Active','Inactive','Canceled') NOT NULL default 'Active',`StatusMessage` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Country` varchar(2) NOT NULL default 'US',`City` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`Place` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',`PhotoFilename` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`EventStart` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`EventEnd` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`TicketSaleStart` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`TicketSaleEnd` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`ResponsibleID` bigint(8) NOT NULL default '0',`ResponsibleName` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`ResponsibleEmail` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`ResponsiblePhone` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',`EventSexFilter` set('female','male','couple') NOT NULL default 'female,male',`EventAgeLowerFilter` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '18',`EventAgeUpperFilter` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '75',`EventMembershipFilter` varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',`TicketCountFemale` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`TicketCountMale` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`TicketCountCouple` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`TicketPriceFemale` float(5,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',`TicketPriceMale` float(5,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',`TicketPriceCouple` float(5,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',`ChoosePeriod` smallint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`AllowViewParticipants` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Tags` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `ResponsibleID` (`ResponsibleID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `SDatingMatches` (`IDChooser` bigint(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`IDChosen` bigint(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`IDChooser`,`IDChosen`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `SDatingParticipants` (`ID` bigint(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`IDEvent` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`IDMember` bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`ParticipantUID` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '0',`TransactionID` bigint(20) unsigned default NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),UNIQUE KEY `ParticipantKey` (`IDEvent`,`IDMember`),UNIQUE KEY `UIDKey` (`IDEvent`,`ParticipantUID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `shareMusicComments` (`commID` int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment,`medID` int(12) NOT NULL default '0',`commDate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`profileIP` varchar(16) default NULL,`profileID` bigint(12) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`commText` mediumtext NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`commID`),KEY `medID` (`medID`),KEY `profileID` (`profileID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `shareMusicCompose` (`ID` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Caption` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Visible` set('non','memb') NOT NULL default '',`Func` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',`Content` text NOT NULL,`Column` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `shareMusicCompose` VALUES (1, 'View File', '', '_Music', 'non,memb', 'ViewFile', '', 1, 0);
Table 'beta.shareMusicCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `shareMusicCompose` VALUES (2, 'Rate', '', '_Rate', 'non,memb', 'Rate', '', 2, 1);
Table 'beta.shareMusicCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `shareMusicCompose` VALUES (3, 'Actions', '', '_Actions', 'non,memb', 'ActionList', '', 1, 1);
Table 'beta.shareMusicCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `shareMusicCompose` VALUES (4, 'Comments', '', '_View Comments', 'non,memb', 'ViewComments', '', 1, 2);
Table 'beta.shareMusicCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `shareMusicCompose` VALUES (5, 'File Info', '', '_Music File Info', 'non,memb', 'FileInfo', '', 2, 0);
Table 'beta.shareMusicCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `shareMusicCompose` VALUES (6, 'Last files of member', '', '_Latest files from this user', 'non,memb', 'LastFiles', '', 2, 2);
Table 'beta.shareMusicCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `shareMusicCompose` VALUES (7, 'RSS Feed', '', '_BoonEx News', 'non,memb', 'RSS', '', 0, 0);
Table 'beta.shareMusicCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `shareMusicFavorites` (`medID` int(12) NOT NULL default '0',`userID` bigint(12) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`favDate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',PRIMARY KEY (`medID`,`userID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `sharePhotoComments` (`commID` int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment,`medID` int(12) NOT NULL default '0',`commDate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`profileIP` varchar(16) default NULL,`profileID` bigint(12) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`commText` mediumtext NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`commID`),KEY `medID` (`medID`),KEY `profileID` (`profileID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `sharePhotoCompose` (`ID` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Caption` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Visible` set('non','memb') NOT NULL default '',`Func` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',`Content` text NOT NULL,`Column` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `sharePhotoCompose` VALUES (1, 'View File', '', '_Photo', 'non,memb', 'ViewFile', '', 1, 0);
Table 'beta.sharePhotoCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `sharePhotoCompose` VALUES (2, 'Rate', '', '_Rate', 'non,memb', 'Rate', '', 2, 1);
Table 'beta.sharePhotoCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `sharePhotoCompose` VALUES (3, 'Actions', '', '_Actions', 'non,memb', 'ActionList', '', 1, 1);
Table 'beta.sharePhotoCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `sharePhotoCompose` VALUES (4, 'Comments', '', '_View Comments', 'non,memb', 'ViewComments', '', 1, 2);
Table 'beta.sharePhotoCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `sharePhotoCompose` VALUES (5, 'File Info', '', '_Photo Info', 'non,memb', 'FileInfo', '', 2, 0);
Table 'beta.sharePhotoCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `sharePhotoCompose` VALUES (6, 'Last files of member', '', '_Latest files from this user', 'non,memb', 'LastFiles', '', 2, 2);
Table 'beta.sharePhotoCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `sharePhotoCompose` VALUES (7, 'RSS Feed', '', '_BoonEx News', 'non,memb', 'RSS', '', 0, 0);
Table 'beta.sharePhotoCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `sharePhotoFavorites` (`medID` int(12) NOT NULL default '0',`userID` bigint(12) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`favDate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',PRIMARY KEY (`medID`,`userID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `sharePhotoFiles` (`medID` int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment,`medProfId` int(12) unsigned default NULL,`medExt` varchar(4) default '',`medTitle` varchar(150) default NULL,`medDesc` text NOT NULL,`medTags` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`medStatus` enum('active','passive') NOT NULL default 'passive',`medDate` datetime default NULL,`medViews` int(12) default '0',`Approved` enum('true','false') NOT NULL default 'true',PRIMARY KEY (`medID`),KEY `medProfId` (`medProfId`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `shareVideoComments` (`commID` int(12) NOT NULL auto_increment,`medID` int(12) NOT NULL default '0',`commDate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`profileIP` varchar(16) default NULL,`profileID` bigint(12) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`commText` mediumtext NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`commID`),KEY `medID` (`medID`),KEY `profileID` (`profileID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `shareVideoCompose` (`ID` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Desc` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Caption` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Visible` set('non','memb') NOT NULL default '',`Func` varchar(40) NOT NULL default '',`Content` text NOT NULL,`Column` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Order` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `shareVideoCompose` VALUES (1, 'View File', '', '_Video', 'non,memb', 'ViewFile', '', 1, 0);
Table 'beta.shareVideoCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `shareVideoCompose` VALUES (2, 'Rate', '', '_Rate', 'non,memb', 'Rate', '', 2, 1);
Table 'beta.shareVideoCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `shareVideoCompose` VALUES (3, 'Actions', '', '_Actions', 'non,memb', 'ActionList', '', 1, 1);
Table 'beta.shareVideoCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `shareVideoCompose` VALUES (4, 'Comments', '', '_View Comments', 'non,memb', 'ViewComments', '', 1, 2);
Table 'beta.shareVideoCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `shareVideoCompose` VALUES (5, 'File Info', '', '_Video Info', 'non,memb', 'FileInfo', '', 2, 0);
Table 'beta.shareVideoCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `shareVideoCompose` VALUES (6, 'Last files of member', '', '_Latest files from this user', 'non,memb', 'LastFiles', '', 2, 2);
Table 'beta.shareVideoCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `shareVideoCompose` VALUES (7, 'RSS Feed', '', '_BoonEx News', 'non,memb', 'RSS', '', 0, 0);
Table 'beta.shareVideoCompose' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `shareVideoFavorites` (`medID` int(12) NOT NULL default '0',`userID` bigint(12) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`favDate` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',PRIMARY KEY (`medID`,`userID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `shoutbox` (`id` bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`text` varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',`date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`class` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`date`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `smiles` (`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`code` varchar(8) NOT NULL default '',`smile_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`emoticon` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),UNIQUE KEY `smile` (`code`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (1, ':D', 'icon_biggrin.gif', 'Very Happy');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (2, ':-D', 'icon_biggrin.gif', 'Very Happy');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (3, ':grin:', 'icon_biggrin.gif', 'Very Happy');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (4, ':)', 'icon_smile.gif', 'Smile');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (5, ':-)', 'icon_smile.gif', 'Smile');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (6, ':smile:', 'icon_smile.gif', 'Smile');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (7, ':(', 'icon_sad.gif', 'Sad');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (8, ':-(', 'icon_sad.gif', 'Sad');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (9, ':sad:', 'icon_sad.gif', 'Sad');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (10, ':o', 'icon_surprised.gif', 'Surprised');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (11, ':-o', 'icon_surprised.gif', 'Surprised');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (12, ':eek:', 'icon_surprised.gif', 'Surprised');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (13, ':shock:', 'icon_eek.gif', 'Shocked');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (14, ':?', 'icon_confused.gif', 'Confused');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (15, ':-?', 'icon_confused.gif', 'Confused');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (16, ':???:', 'icon_confused.gif', 'Confused');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (17, '8)', 'icon_cool.gif', 'Cool');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (18, '8-)', 'icon_cool.gif', 'Cool');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (19, ':cool:', 'icon_cool.gif', 'Cool');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (20, ':lol:', 'icon_lol.gif', 'Laughing');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (21, ':x', 'icon_mad.gif', 'Mad');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (22, ':-x', 'icon_mad.gif', 'Mad');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (23, ':mad:', 'icon_mad.gif', 'Mad');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (24, ':P', 'icon_razz.gif', 'Razz');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (25, ':-P', 'icon_razz.gif', 'Razz');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (26, ':razz:', 'icon_razz.gif', 'Razz');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (27, ':oops:', 'icon_redface.gif', 'Embarassed');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (28, ':cry:', 'icon_cry.gif', 'Crying or Very sad');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (29, ':evil:', 'icon_evil.gif', 'Evil or Very Mad');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (30, ':twisted', 'icon_twisted.gif', 'Twisted Evil');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (31, ':roll:', 'icon_rolleyes.gif', 'Rolling Eyes');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (32, ':wink:', 'icon_wink.gif', 'Wink');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (33, ';)', 'icon_wink.gif', 'Wink');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (34, ';-)', 'icon_wink.gif', 'Wink');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (35, ':!:', 'icon_exclaim.gif', 'Exclamation');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (36, ':?:', 'icon_question.gif', 'Question');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (37, ':idea:', 'icon_idea.gif', 'Idea');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (38, ':arrow:', 'icon_arrow.gif', 'Arrow');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (39, ':|', 'icon_neutral.gif', 'Neutral');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (40, ':-|', 'icon_neutral.gif', 'Neutral');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (41, ':neutral', 'icon_neutral.gif', 'Neutral');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `smiles` VALUES (42, ':mrgreen', 'icon_mrgreen.gif', 'Mr. Green');
Table 'beta.smiles' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `Stories` (`ID` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',`Sender` bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Header` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`Text` longtext NOT NULL,`active` varchar(4) NOT NULL default '',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `Sender` (`Sender`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `Tags` (`Tag` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`ID` bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Type` enum('profile','blog','event','photo','video','music','ad') NOT NULL default 'profile',PRIMARY KEY (`Tag`,`ID`,`Type`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `TopMenu` (`ID` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`Parent` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Name` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`Caption` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',`Link` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Order` int(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Visible` set('non','memb') NOT NULL default '',`Target` varchar(20) NOT NULL default '',`Onclick` mediumtext NOT NULL,`Check` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',`Editable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',`Deletable` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',`Active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',`Type` enum('system','top','custom') NOT NULL default 'top',`Strict` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (1, 0, 'My Account', '_My Account', 'member.php', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', 0, 0, 1, 'system', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (2, 1, 'Account Home', '_Account Home', 'member.php', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', 0, 0, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (3, 0, 'My Mail', '_My Mail', 'mail.php', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', 0, 0, 1, 'system', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (4, 0, 'My Profile', '_My Profile', '{memberNick}|change_status.php', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', 0, 0, 1, 'system', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (5, 0, 'Home', '_Home', 'index.php', 0, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'top', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (6, 0, 'Members', '_Members', 'browse.php|search_result.php', 1, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'top', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (7, 6, 'All members', '_All Members', 'browse.php', 0, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (8, 6, 'Search Members', '_Search', 'search.php', 2, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (28, 0, 'Videos', '_Videos', 'browseVideo.php|viewVideo.php', 4, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'top', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (10, 1, 'My Presense', '_RayPresence', 'javascript:void(0);', 1, 'memb', '', ' ''presence_pop.php'' , ''Presence'', ''width=240,height=600,toolbar=0,directories=0,menubar=0,status=0,location=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1'');', 'return ( ''on'' == getParam( ''enable_ray'' ) );', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (11, 4, 'View My Profile', '_View Profile', '{memberLink}|{memberNick}|profile.php?ID={memberID}', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (12, 3, 'Mail Write', '_Write', 'compose.php', 0, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (13, 3, 'I Blocked', '_I Blocked', 'contacts.php?show=block&list=i', 1, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (14, 3, 'Mail Sent', '_Sent', 'mail.php?mode=outbox', 2, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (15, 1, 'My Membership', '_My Membership', 'membership.php', 2, 'memb', '', '', 'return ( getParam(''free_mode'') != ''on'' );', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (16, 1, 'My Settings', '_My Settings', 'profile_edit.php?ID={memberID}', 3, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (17, 3, 'Mail Inbox', '_Inbox', 'mail.php?mode=inbox', 3, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (18, 3, 'Blocked Me', '_Blocked Me', 'contacts.php?show=block&list=me', 4, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (20, 4, 'Edit My Profile', '_Edit Profile', 'profile_edit.php?ID={memberID}', 1, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (21, 4, 'Member Photos', '_Profile Photos', 'upload_media.php?show=photo', 2, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (22, 0, 'Groups', '_Groups', 'groups_home.php', 6, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'top', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (23, 22, 'All Groups', '_All Groups', 'groups_home.php', 0, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (24, 22, 'Groups Search', '_Search', 'groups_browse.php', 1, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (25, 6, 'Online Members', '_Online', 'search_result.php?online_only=1', 1, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (26, 22, 'My Groups', '_My Groups', 'groups.php', 2, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (27, 22, 'Create Group', '_Create Group', 'group_create.php', 3, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (29, 28, 'All Videos', '_All Videos', 'browseVideo.php|viewVideo.php', 0, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 1);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (30, 28, 'Upload Video', '_Upload Video', 'uploadShareVideo.php', 1, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (31, 0, 'Classifieds', '_Classifieds', 'classifieds.php?Browse=1|classifieds.php|classifiedsmy.php', 7, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'top', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (32, 0, 'Chat', '_Chat', 'chat.php', 13, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'top', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (35, 31, 'Search Classifieds', '_Search', 'classifieds.php?SearchForm=1', 1, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (33, 0, 'Boards', '_Boards', 'board.php', 12, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'top', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (50, 44, 'Add Blog Post', '_Add Post', 'blogs.php?action=new_post', 5, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (34, 31, 'All Classifieds', '_All Classifieds', 'classifieds.php?Browse=1', 0, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (36, 31, 'My Classifieds', '_My Classifieds', 'classifiedsmy.php?MyAds=1', 2, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (37, 31, 'Add Classified', '_Add Classified', 'classifiedsmy.php?PostAd=1', 3, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (38, 0, 'Music', '_Music', 'browseMusic.php|viewMusic.php', 5, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'top', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (46, 44, 'Top Blogs', '_Top Blogs', 'blogs.php?action=top_blogs', 1, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (39, 38, 'All Music', '_All Music', 'browseMusic.php|viewMusic.php', 0, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 1);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (40, 38, 'Upload Music', '_Upload Music', 'uploadShareMusic.php', 1, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (41, 0, 'Photos', '_Photos', 'browsePhoto.php|viewPhoto.php', 3, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'top', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (53, 51, 'Events Calendar', '_Calendar', 'events.php?action=calendar', 1, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (42, 41, 'All Photos', '_All Photos', 'browsePhoto.php|viewPhoto.php', 0, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 1);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (43, 41, 'Upload Photos', '_Upload Photos', 'uploadSharePhoto.php', 1, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (44, 0, 'Blogs', '_Blogs', 'blogs.php', 2, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'top', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (45, 44, 'All Blogs', '_All Blogs', 'blogs.php', 0, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 1);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (47, 44, 'My Blog', '_My Blog', 'blogs.php?action=show_member_blog&ownerID={memberID}', 3, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (48, 0, 'Forums', '_Forums', 'orca/', 10, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'top', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (49, 44, 'Add Blog Category', '_Add Category', 'blogs.php?action=add_category&ownerID={memberID}', 4, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (51, 0, 'Events', '_Events', 'events.php?show_events=all&action=show|events.php', 8, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'top', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (58, 56, 'My Polls', '_My Polls', 'profile_poll.php', 1, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (52, 51, 'All Events', '_All Events', 'events.php?show_events=all&action=show', 0, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (54, 51, 'My Events', '_My Events', 'events.php?action=show&show_events=my', 3, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (55, 51, 'Add Event', '_Add Event', 'events.php?action=new', 4, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (56, 0, 'Polls', '_Polls', 'polls.php', 9, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'top', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (57, 56, 'All Polls', '_All Polls', 'polls.php', 0, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (59, 0, 'Articles', '_Articles', 'articles.php', 11, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'top', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES(9, 0, 'Profile View', '{profileNick}', '{profileNick}|profile_edit.php?ID={profileID}|photos_gallery.php?ID={profileID}', 0, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 0, 0, 1, 'system', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (60, 9, 'View Profile', '_View Profile', '{profileLink}|{profileNick}|profile.php?ID={profileID}', 0, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (61, 9, 'Profile Video Gallery', '_Video Gallery', 'browseVideo.php?userID={profileID}', 2, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (62, 9, 'Profile Music Gallery', '_Music Gallery', 'browseMusic.php?userID={profileID}', 3, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (63, 4, 'Member Music', '_Profile Music', 'javascript:void(0);', 3, 'memb', '', 'openRayWidget(''mp3'', ''editor'', ''{memberID}'', ''{memberPass}'');', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (64, 4, 'Member Video', '_Profile Video', 'javascript:void(0);', 4, 'memb', '', 'openRayWidget(''video'', ''recorder'', ''{memberID}'', ''{memberPass}'');', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (65, 9, 'Profile Photos Gallery', '_Photos Gallery', 'browsePhoto.php?userID={profileID}', 1, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (66, 9, 'Profile Blog', '_Blog', 'blogs.php?action=show_member_blog&ownerID={profileID}|blogs.php?action=show_member_post&ownerID={profileID}', 4, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (67, 9, 'Member Guestbook', '_Guestbook', 'guestbook.php?owner={profileID}', 5, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (68, 28, 'My Videos', '_My Videos', 'browseVideo.php?userID={memberID}', 2, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (69, 41, 'My Photos', '_My Photos', 'browsePhoto.php?userID={memberID}', 2, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (70, 38, 'My Music', '_My Music', 'browseMusic.php?userID={memberID}', 2, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (71, 41, 'My Favorite Photos', '_My Favorite Photos', 'browsePhoto.php?action=fav', 3, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (72, 28, 'My Favorite Videos', '_My Favorite Videos', 'browseVideo.php?action=fav', 3, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (73, 38, 'My Favorite Music', '_My Favorite Music', 'browseMusic.php?action=fav', 3, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (74, 4, 'Customize My Profile', '_Customize Profile', 'profile_customize.php', 5, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (75, 28, 'Top Videos', '_Top Video', 'browseVideo.php?rate=top', 4, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (76, 41, 'Top Photos', '_Top Photos', 'browsePhoto.php?rate=top', 4, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (77, 38, 'Top Music', '_Top Music', 'browseMusic.php?rate=top', 4, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (78, 51, 'Search Events', '_Search', 'events.php?action=search', 2, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (79, 44, 'Top Posts', '_Top Posts', 'blogs.php?action=top_posts', 2, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (80, 4, 'My Friends', '_My Friends', 'viewFriends.php?iUser={memberID}', 6, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (81, 6, 'My Friends', '_My Friends', 'viewFriends.php?iUser={memberID}', 3, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (82, 9, 'Member Friends', '_Member Friends', 'viewFriends.php?iUser={profileID}', 6, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (83, 1, 'My Contacts', '_My Contacts', 'contacts.php', 4, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (84, 4, 'My Guestbook', '_My Guestbook', 'guestbook.php?owner={memberID}', 7, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (85, 6, 'Hot or Not', '_Hot or Not', 'rate.php', 4, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES(86, 1, 'Unregister', '_Unregister', 'unregister.php', 5, 'memb', '', '', '', 1, 1, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (87, 48, 'My Flags', '_My Flags', 'orca/#action=goto&my_flags=1', 1, 'memb', '', '', '', 0, 0, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES(88, 48, 'My Topics', '_My Topics', 'orca/#action=goto&my_threads=1', 2, 'memb', '', '', '', 0, 0, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: INSERT INTO `TopMenu` VALUES (89, 48, 'Search', '_Search', 'orca/#action=goto&search=1', 0, 'non,memb', '', '', '', 0, 0, 1, 'custom', 0);
Table 'beta.TopMenu' doesn't exist
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `Transactions` (`ID` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,`IDMember` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`IDProvider` smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`gtwTransactionID` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',`Date` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',`Amount` float unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Currency` varchar(3) NOT NULL default 'USD',`Status` enum('pending','approved','declined') NOT NULL default 'pending',`Data` text NOT NULL,`Description` tinytext,`Note` tinytext,PRIMARY KEY (`ID`),KEY `IDMember` (`IDMember`),KEY `IDProvider` (`IDProvider`),KEY `gtwTransactionID` (`gtwTransactionID`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `VKisses` (`ID` bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Member` bigint(8) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Number` smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',`Arrived` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',`New` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '1',PRIMARY KEY (`ID`,`Member`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `Votes` (`Member` bigint(8) NOT NULL default '0',`Mark` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`IP` varchar(18) NOT NULL default '',`Date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',UNIQUE KEY `Member` (`Member`,`IP`,`Date`),KEY `Member_2` (`Member`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `VotesPhotos` (`Member` bigint(8) NOT NULL default '0',`Mark` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`Pic` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',`IP` varchar(18) NOT NULL default '',`Date` date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00',UNIQUE KEY `Member` (`Member`,`Pic`,`IP`,`Date`),KEY `Member_2` (`Member`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing: CREATE TABLE `ZIPCodes` (`ZIPCode` varchar(8) default NULL,`ZIPCodeType` char(1) default NULL,`City` varchar(28) default NULL,`CityType` char(1) default NULL,`County` varchar(25) default NULL,`CountyFIPS` varchar(5) default NULL,`State` varchar(30) default NULL,`StateCode` varchar(2) default NULL,`StateFIPS` varchar(2) default NULL,`MSA` varchar(4) default NULL,`AreaCode` varchar(3) default NULL,`TimeZone` varchar(10) default NULL,`GMTOffset` int(11) default NULL,`DST` char(1) default NULL,`Latitude` double default NULL,`Longitude` double default NULL,KEY `Latitude` (`Latitude`),KEY `Longitude` (`Longitude`),KEY `ZIPCode` (`ZIPCode`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8' at line 1
Error while executing:
Table 'beta.Admins' doesn't exist
Error: Table 'beta.GlParams' doesn't exist

any ideas why?
Please login to post a comment.
Well first off, next time dont post the whole error.

It seems you need to upgrade your version of MySql.
ok, to what version? its not a collation error like ive read on this site just now it could be?
version i have is version 4.0.24-standard what version does it need to be to run this?
MySQL version 4.1.2 and higher

Technical Requirements look here:
Thanks upgraed it and works fine now. Been testing it out looks very nice
i have also got this error but after i have commented out lines 1732, 1733 and 1738. otherwise i get the error
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_substr() in /usr/home/www/dolphin/install/index.php on line 1732" respectively.
i have already got a higher v of mysql v5.027 and it shows the error from above.

any help?
sorry for all the confusion.

one of my technical experts solved it by installing mbstring.

then dolphin installs no problem.
I installed mysql MySQL 5.0.81 and I can not install the beta 7 always generates the message attack, pach install all the error is indicated and
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.