Couple Profile

69amore posted 5th of May 2008 in Community Voice. 7 comments.
Hello the couple profile on 6.1 ver have problem all new item in join form have duplicate for couple and not possible only one item unique for couple, and in Mutual couple fields: is not possible implemented with other date and is not possible remove becouse is missing form We are looking for
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Please give us a sample
Example in menu builder ->fields profile -> couple item is not possible i decided the input i want duplicate for couple becouse is not possible implemented or remove any fields only
Mutual couple fields: Sex
example if not possible remove looking for with CTRL beciuse is not in the list
A very for me good function is form check the fields duplicate or no for couple profile
Hello Andrey Sorry for my english the problem after varius test is the fields not deletable (zip, tags, we are looking for) not have possible to remove from Mutual couple fields with CTRL becouse is missing, but only this fields other and new fields create are ok probabily bug on fields not deletable
I`m too not English man :) just a Russian
Ok, try to explain,
1. what you mean about CTRL? .. you keep pressed CTRL key (at keyboard) during moving elements? :D
2. Yes. some fields are deletable in progile fields, some not. Some can be mutual for couple, some not.
Example is possible remove from mutual for couple with pressed CTRL key keyboard the date of birth, city and other.... becouse not zip tag and we are looking for?
It would be nice to have ZIP a mutual couple field!
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