D6.1.5 Testing: Registration

sombRIA posted 7th of May 2009 in Community Voice. 2 comments.

Testing registration: --> All Good


Registered 'TestProfile' w/confirmation email (ModerationSettings), confirm email fine, then unregistered. Checked DB all clean, checked Dashboard all clean.  --> All Good


((SOME NOB/NEWBIE)) Tried To Register 'Alibaba' w/confirmation email in place. REGISTRATION FAILED, email could NOT be confirmed. Profile was NOT created. RECIEVED DB Error report explaining failure of profile creation. --> All GREAT!!!! LOVE THAT FEATURE!!!!!


((Let me know if you want the report)) <-- BoonEx


Registered a Moderator/Profile 'sombRIA' w/confirmation --> ALL GOOD.



Users,Registration,Moderators all work well. Again like confirm email. Also like the %w/PX in Page Builders.


And the Quote System, finally reminders of when to have TEA!!!!!

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It would have been better if you consolodated all of your 6.1.5 tests nd reporting into a single blog entry.
Often people become confused when to much is entered into one post. However, Point taken. :)
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