Does your ray chat works with firefox?

infrenion posted 27th of January 2009 in Community Voice. 7 comments.
Hello all, We have installed ray chat (this is with latest versions of dolphin and ray also latest RMS server) We have ray chat working good with IE6 but not with firefox3.0.5 Is there any issues with firefox? A Leader in FFMPEG Hosting
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i use firefox3.0.5 and i have no problems with Ray AV chat
Sammie that's strange -- I can access Av chat in firefox from admin login but not with member login.
I had same problem until I copied php.ini file into the Ray diectory and sub directories, I don't know if this is relevant but its working now.
Hmmm my Ray chat works fine with Firefox 3.0.5, but the Web Presence doesn't. Let me clarify that... it works on my Suse 11 Linux with 3.0.5, but doesn't work under Vista.... seems it is some problem with the latest releases of Flash.

Anyone have any ideas?
what part of the ray chat does not work? does it keep saying "loading" or "connecting" or you do not see it at all? My ray chat works on FF and IE althought at first I had lots of issues with RAY not working on IE but perfect on FF...

It is however working perfectly now on bothe browsers :)
The complete Ray chat window keeps saying loading -- But the same ray chat works fine when logged in with admin >> plugin >> ray widgets >> av/chat >> admin
Hi, I just installed the Ad-free dolphin package. When I go to Admin Panel >> Plugins >> Ray Suite, it shows "Not Installed".

I cross crecked the chmod permissions many times. Still the same message presists. How can I get aroung this pls?
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