Images will not load in fresh install? Only thing that appears is the a box with a red "x".

TheeComputerGuy posted 6th of March 2008 in Community Voice. 9 comments.

I have just ran a fresh install of Dolphin and everything installed just great. However, none of my images are showing up. I have verified that the shortcuts are pointing to the correct folders on the server.

When I log into the admin tool, those images show up fine. It seems that the images located in "media/images" will not show up on my page but the images in "admin" show up in the admin tool just fine. This also includes the captcha image when I try to register a user. Please help!

Could this have something to do with the .htaccess file. Probably not, just a thought. The only reason I say ths is because when I installed, I had a problem where the install tool would not run because I had to rename the .htaccess file. I get this same "Error 500" when I try to view the image directly in the browser. Any ideas?

My site is

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Yes it has everything to do with the .htaccess file

you will need to remove it for the media dir as well.

Should I remove all the htaccess files? If so, what kind of risk does this pose to my site? Thanks in advance, Cyber! You are most helpful! =)
I looked at your site, and I dont see what is NOT loading, it looked like everything was fine to me.

please tell me which images are NOT loading
I know, that is because I renamed the .htaccess files to .htaccessbak inside of the media folder. There was about 6 or 7 of them nested inside the subfolders. After that, the captcha wasn't showing up so I renamed the htaccess file in the "simg" folder and its subfolder as well. That cleared that problem.

Now I have another issue. After I registered my member, when I click the link of myself on the homepage, I am getting an error. The link tha is for the profile is located at "". see more This doesn't seem right to me? Shouldn't it be a little deeper in the hierarchy?
yea you need some of the mod rewrite in the .htaccess and I am on my laptop and off the top of my head I dont recall the line to remove from the .htaccess file to stop the images from not loading. (its the first 2 I believe)
Ok, well whenever you get a chance I would really like to know. I read somewhere about the "Options -Index" line and that didn't seem to help. I did not remove the second line in the file though.
I have seen that some servers won't allow to have Options -Indexes on the .htaccess.

In those servers you have to rename the .htaccess. To avoid the directory browsing you can upload blank index.html files to that directories.
well i have the same problem with the pics and if iam correct i rename all the htaccess files to fix this?
If you give your "simg" folder in your root directory a CHMOD permission of 755 or 750, then CAPTCHA should work on all pages (Join, Groups, etc).
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.