Installation redirect issue - Problema di redirectd dopo l'installazione

mario900 posted 20th of March 2008 in Community Voice. 5 comments.
Hi guys, this is my first post! I'm a newbie!Smile

I have been trying to install Dolphin on my local server. After finishing off the installation process I try to get the index.php page but I experience a redirect like this:
http://localhost:8888/dolphin_test/Dolphin-v/index.php (actual page)
http://localhost/dolphin_test/Dolphin-v/index.php (redirected page)

My local Apache server runs on the 8888 port, but oddly Dolphin prevent me to grant the access to this page.
Any help? I do hope I'm not in the wrong place to ask for support.

Cheers all.

Ciao a tutti, questo è il mio primo post!
Ho provato ad installare in locale Dolphin e sono arrivato fino in fondo. Dopo l'installazione provo ad accedere alla pagina di index e improvvisamente mi redirige da:

Dandomi un ovvio 404, file non trovato! Cosa sbaglio?
Il mio server locale gira sulla 8888, ma lui si ostina a forzare la redirect.

Ho cancellato anche la cartella install e non cambia nulla!
Spero di non aver sbagliato posto per chiedere aiuto!

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uhh have you renamed the port in the httpd.(apache) file?
if your machine is just for use (locally) then I'd suggest using the default port 80. If your ISP blocks port 80, view this
The site loading isnt restricted to the port number. I think you are actually having an issue with your vhost in apache or your DocumentRoot might not be set properly? Double check these things first.
Thanks guys, I'm gonna double check it! I'd like to keep the 8888 as I run the entire website on this port and I am trying to add dolphin in a sub folder just to test it and explore it a little bit more. I tried to install on the webserver as well but I got an intenal server error and I couldn't even open the install page! Fixing the issue on my local machine first would be great! I didn't install. I didn't install the ray server. Is it a problem?
I spotted the issue, but I still can't figure out why these lines are important:
$aUrl = parse_url( $site['url'] );
if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) and $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != $aUrl['host'] and $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != $aUrl['host'] . ':80' )
header( "Location:http://{$aUrl['host']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}" );

I just commented it, but I think I should not have done it!
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.