No Answer From Boonex Yet..

mickyb posted 22nd of July 2009 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

I posted a blog about 1 week ago and Boonex has not replied..I'm not asking for top secreat information or any complicated script information. I'm simply asking for other members and myself which would like to know. Will D7 support CCbill?...This is not a rocket sience question which needs a deep evaluation for a reply, it's very simple...There are members besides myself waiting to know..Boonex, can you please say "Yes or No"

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also the alertpay payment gateway
Have you tried emailing them?
Guys... in this version there will be no new features come in like Andrew already stated before.

I think for the nex version 7.1 there is more chance.
Andrew Boon
7.0 includes PayPal only. 7.1 plan is not laid out yet, but extra payment providers sounds like a right path.
Thank you much for the reply. This reply will help those that use CCbill on D6.(Thumbs-Up)...Just a quick question, if Boonex is aware that Dolphin is used for dating sites as well as adult dating sites like a lot of members have and CCbill is in D6, why won't it be included on D7? I really don't understand..
see moreHello Andrew,

This doesn't make any sense. CCbill has been part of Dolphin at least since version 5 and many of us use it like myself. Why on earth would you cut out CCbill knowing that Dolphin users use it and that paypal doesn't accept dating sites. This is only screwing us completely and now we have to wait until D7.1 for it or in my personal opinion it should be added to D7 now before the final release so that it doesn't screw us up. It has been there all along and should continue to be there.
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