Problem with password fields

spider posted 29th of February 2008 in Community Voice. 3 comments.
I use Dolphin6.003+Ray and I have a problem with Password fields.
My members cant use "profile_edit.php", because when they edit something from their profiles when enter the password and click "save settings" the script shows "empty" error message box. I try everything to fix that, but with zero success. Admin and Moderators can edit that page without any problems, but users cant. Please help me.
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Try this solution.
Enter your database using phpMyAdmin.
Backup (import) table "ProfileDesc".
Run the following SQL-query:

Delete from `ProfilesDesc` where `ID` in (40,41,46);
INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES(40, 'Password', '_Password', '', '40', 'p', 40.5, 1002, 'memb,adm', 'memb,adm', 'return ( strlen($arg0) >= 3 && strlen($arg0) <= 32 ) ? true : false;', '_PWD_INVALID', '', '', '', 1, '3', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '3', '32');
INSERT see more INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES(41, 'Password,Password2', '_Confirm password', '_Confirm your password', '40', 'p', 42, 1002.5, 'memb,adm', 'memb,adm', 'if( isset( $_POST[''Password''] ) && strlen( $_POST[''Password''] ) ) { if( process_pass_data( $_POST[''Password''] ) == $arg0 ) return true; else return false; } elseif( isset( $_POST[''Password1''] ) && strlen( $_POST[''Password1''] ) ){ if( process_pass_data( $_POST[''Password1''] ) == $arg0 ) return true; else return false; } else return true;', '_PWD_INVALID3', '', '', '', 0, '3,25', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '3', '32');
INSERT INTO `ProfilesDesc` VALUES(46, 'Password,Password1', '_Change Password', '', '40', 'p', 41, 0, 'memb,adm', 'memb,adm', '', '', '', '', '', 1, '25', '', '', 'none', 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '', 'none', '', '3', '32');

Check if the problem is solved on users side.
I was maked exactly what you tell me.
Step by Step, Again and again .. and the problem is still here. Please help.
Ops, Thank you very much VictorT.
Your sql-query code fix the problem.
Thanks Again!
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