Problems with classifieds

Sola posted 19th of June 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.

Hi everybody my version is 6.0004 and when you go to our classifieds and clink on the picture we have tis errror:


Warning: getimagesize(): URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /var/www/vhost/ on line 776

Warning: getimagesize( failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /var/www/vhost/ on line 776

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/vhost/ in /var/www/vhost/ on line 66


How can I repair this, thaks 


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possible it was fixed a little after, if you want - you can just get latests class of classifieds from latests package,
or .. make manual changes.. just give me several strings above and after 'BxDolClassifieds.php on line 776'
(6 before and 4 after) for example, and I`ll help you :)
Thanks for yu opinion send you this lines

$aChunks = preg_split ("/[,]+/", $sMediaIDs, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$iMedId = $aChunks[0];
$sSql = "SELECT * FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisementsMedia` WHERE `MediaID` = {$iMedId}";
$aSqlRes = db_arr ($sSql);
if ($aSqlRes) {
$sFileName = $site['url']. $this -> sUploadDir .'thumb_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile'];
if ((int)$iID == 0) {
$sFileName = $site['url']. $this -> sUploadDir .'big_thumb_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile'];
$sFileNameFullSize see more = $site['url']. $this -> sUploadDir .'img_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile'];
list( $width, $height, $type, $attr ) = getimagesize( $sFileNameFullSize );
$iNewWidth = $width+20;
$iNewHeight = $height+20;
$sImgTag .= <<<EOF
<a id="AdvBigImgFullSize" href="{$sFileNameFullSize}" target="_blank" onclick=", 'picView', 'width={$iNewWidth},height={$iNewHeight}'); return false;">
<img id="AdvBigImg" class="photo" style="width:{$this -> iBigThumbSize}px;height:{$this -> iBigThumbSize}px;background-image:url({$sFileName});" src="{$sSpacerName}" alt="" />
else {
$sImgTag .= <<<EOF
<a href="{$this -> sCurrBrowsedFile}?ShowAdvertisementID={$iID}">
<img src="{$sSpacerName}" style="width:{$this->iThumbSize}px;height:{$this->iThumbSize}px; background-image: url({$sFileName});" class="photo1" alt="" />
if ($sImgTag == '') {
$sNaname = $site['url'].'templates/tmpl_'.$tmpl.'/'.$this -> sPicNotAvail;
if ((int)$iID ==
make following changes:

$sDirFileNameFullSize = $dir['url']. $this -> sUploadDir .'img_'.$aSqlRes['MediaFile'];
list( $width, $height, $type, $attr ) = getimagesize( $sDirFileNameFullSize );

understand? :)
this was fixed in 6.1.2 too
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