Promote members: Moderator - Admin?

beerbong posted 2nd of April 2008 in Community Voice. 6 comments.
How do I promote other members or myself to become admins/moderators?
I've tried using the admin panel but when I try to log that account in that I just made it just says something like "profile error, please try again"... It's like the account never has been made or something...

Sorry for my fck'd up english ^^.
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I also search for option to add members to admin group but don't find it. It should be the default function to dolphin. How can be it's only 1 person handling 1 big portal?
I found it... it is not good at all.. but well.. :
is where the moderators can login.. and you make the moderator accounts on the admin panel but the whole thing is crap.. sorry.
wow! the mod panel is booty
wow, there are like ZERO options in this thing for the moderators.

There must be a setting somewhere where then can be set to be more involved.

Yeah, I'm in the same boat. Any mods to improve the functionality?
You've gotta be kidding me. That's it? Wow.
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