
tifrap posted 8th of March 2009 in Community Voice. 1 comment.

I looked at something like 12 different solutions for making my own social network site - had i registered with all of them I would have had an inbox the size of ireland. So I didn't register until after i had installed the script - or at least I didnt try to - It took me ages to register.

firstly it was never clear whether registering at unity was what was needed to get a licence code, and as I had already downloaded the script i could not find the 'register and get a licence' that pops up on the download page.

Of course I found it eventually.

but it didn't work

The form insists on a postcode - and it didn't like mine for some reason. this is fairly familiar with US sites that only know of zip codes - but I figured that Boonex was australian, they must be a bit more worldly.

So I found the postcode of a bar in Brisbane and used that - no go.

Next a zip code from a Dallas (texas) print shop - nope

starting to get irritated i thought I'd look through the forums for an answer - you can only search if you are regstered.

I sent a feedback email.

it was a sunday and i new id better not hold my breath - so i decided to try a few variants - figuring that there may actually be a geographic identifier used i returned to my real postcode and deleted half of it.


So all UK unregisterables - dont believe the warning that a full postcode is required - what boonex means is that a half postcode is required (just the town part not the local street/area part.

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Thanks for the info, I'm sure others will use this bit of information.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.