Social Networking For a City

saurav121 posted 9th of April 2011 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

Hello all, I want to launch a social network for my city where i live. I already own a dolphin site for a professional network but

not earning anythin out of it but still i hope to make money in future using this community.


Now the city in india  in which i live has a population of 2 million. The biggest fb page of the city has 21000 likes.  68% literacy rate and is a capital of a state.


Do you think it's a good idea to work on this project !!

How many of you are running a city based social network ?

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I have one site like this. Look @
Good luke for your project.
Andrew Boon
Personally, I believe this is the best application for Dolphin and is exactly the way we envision it to be used.
I want to know how many have literally made profit using dolphin.... 'except boonex and market sellers ' :P
Nathan Paton
I'd first make sure there is some actual interest from people in your city before even starting work on the site.
Actually, there is a very clever way of doing this and interlinking local businesses and getting them involved as well.

For starters, go ahead and set up your domain, set up a survey on that domain to gather data on interest on the startup and ask what features your users would want. After all, they are the ones who would use it, you want it to be what they want it to be, not what you want.

Open up , gimp, photoshop or whatever your design choice is and design a flyer. Find a cheap see more print shop to have the flyers printed.
Go to the local shoe store and buy some good sturdy shoes and start hoofin it around town passing out flyers and get with businesses and see if they will pass out your flyers. At the same time you are talking the businesses into passing out the flyers for you, try to find a subtle way to pitch a business deal with them. (Oh and be sure to check in with your local code enforcement and see if you need a permit in order to be out and bout passing out flyers)

I am sure you can think of many other online marketing resources as well.
Although, many people often forget that even with online ventures, good old fashion foot work can reap big rewards as well. Specially since you are targeting your local area.

Good luck on your venture!
I also think this is a good idea. I knew a woman here who did one for a town in the California mountains much smaller than yours and had some good success. A few other people here have sites for bigger cities. Newspapers are already in the grave - community sites will take their place. It is ridiculous to say you should wait till you know their is "actual interest" - there is no way to know that until you build it.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.