Upload Video Problem

sunnyone341 posted 11th of February 2008 in Community Voice. 4 comments.
I have a problem when uploading video - the video uploads, gets to 100% uploaded, then the 100% uploading file message just hangs there.  There is no "oh, thanks for uploading the video, here is how you can view it."  I have Ray free.  Am I missing something?


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You can refer to the T-Shooter at this page http://www.boonex.com/trac/ray/wiki/GenRayTshooter

The topic is "Problem diagnostic in Video (Music) Upload".
Here is my message from the php file:
PHP INI settings

safe mode = 0
disabled functions =
max execution time = 30
post_max_size = 8M
upload max filesize = 2M

ffmpeg output
sh: -version: command not found

I have a Unix server that does not run exe files. Is there a workaround for this? I can easily change the max upload file size and post max vid size.
Whatever was in the update file for 6.005 fixed the problem. I just successfully updated the site, and my video upload problems were solved.

I can't wait for the next release. Great job Boonex!
is this the issue for video uploads and error-undefined

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