Viedo Casting

pragati posted 5th of August 2008 in Community Voice. 2 comments.

I am using Dolphin-v.6.1.1-Free version
I can'nt able to see my viedo box
You can show error on this link
And with out error caht link is
I can'nt able to see red mark my viedo box
My site Url :-
User name :- pragati
password :- qwerty
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Its because you are not connected to RMS I would also suggest updating to 6.1.4 because sooner or later your site will get hacked it happened to me twice and my hosting compant suspended my account on both occasions. there are serious security issues with 6.1.1 especially on a shared server.
Its because you are not connected to RMS I would also suggest updating to 6.1.4 because sooner or later your site will get hacked it happened to me twice and my hosting company suspended my account on both occasions. there are serious security issues with 6.1.1 especially on a shared server.
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