What do I think of dolphin a couple of weeks in?

DeeEmm posted 6th of April 2009 in Community Voice. 16 comments.

Well it's now nearing three weeks into my Dolphin experience and I have managed to stick with it. I decided that the functionality offered by Dolphin was not matched by other rivals, and despite the bugs and lack of support it has it was worthy of my time. The software is pretty good, has some nice features, some strange idiosyncrasies, but is usable and works well for the community that I wanted to create. I have had to put some effort into making it work - it was not an out of the box experience, but then I don't really expect these things to require absolutely no input.


I decided to follow up on my previous post to pass on some views and my experiences and hopefully help someone else.



Unfortunately, support is pretty much zero, especially here on the boonex site, which is unfortunate - especially if you have paid for the premium 'ad free' version. There are a clique of regular users who are less than useful. Most will hijack threads to oppose an opinion, even if they have nothing positive to contribute towards solving the issue themselves. This unfortunately lets the whole idea of community support down and is my biggest criticism of the boonex community. There are one or two useful contributors but they are most definately in the minority.


The common standard answer to most questions is 'boonex is complex software and requires an advanced server.'


Phah - it's only PHP + Ajax - it's not rocket science. In fact it's not really anything new - Ajax has been around since '05 and PHP a lot longer. There is nothing cutting edge about this software, get a clue, please... It may be complex to the people offering these opinons, but that is because they don't really know what they're talking about.


My response to those who make this claim is that if they actually knew anything about coding they would keep quiet - the age old addage that 'It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt' applies here.


Unfortunately to the average punter / user - they come across as software goddesses / gods, and the pack mentality of the clique means that anyone that opposes their opinions shall be doomed to flames - even if their opinion was not actually asked for in the first place. This in turn reinforces their (mis)given advice and perpetuates the myth...


'Caveat Emptor' as they say in Rome.



The lack of worthwhile support helps to perpertuate another problem - fraudsters - I have never in my years of programming come across a single platform so plagued in fraudsters as this one. It seems to be particularly plagued by tricksters that promise coding or development, but then take the money and run. There seem to be more threads that mention people being scammed than mention people being helped



However, opinions aside, I generally like the software so have decided to stick with it. The bugs I have found I have fixed, and as it is open source I will simply modify it to suit.


I am very interested to see what version 7 looks like, and to see if the compatibility issues have been addressed.



My recommendations to others... If you want a boonex site make sure you know a little about programming and fault diagnostics or have a programmer you can trust. Also make sure you have sufficient access to your servers settings, you may need to change them to get boonex to work, and it helps to be able to diagnose the problem so that you can fix the issue.


Boonex can work fine on shared hosting provided that your host will allow you to configure certain aspects of the server - this usually amounts to enabling things such as GD_LIB or MOD_REWRITE, it does NOT need a special server.


Remember all servers are basically the same - they pretty much all run on Linux and pretty much all run apache2 + php5, some still use php4 which requires different settings but it will still work.


And finally...

If someone tells you that you need a special server - kick them in the proverbials (if they have them) and tell them that I said they don't know what they're talking about. And if they say it is 'advanced software' or words to that effect, turn around and walk away and be happy in the knowledge that you know more than they do.



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whos talking out their ass?
Dolphin is the name of the script not Boonex.
no-one has said that Dolphin needs a special server, i have many times said it needs to be run on a server thats setup for dolphin to run.

"Phah - it's only PHP + Ajax - it's not rocket science."
you think thats all Dolphin uses? shows how little you know then,
Dolphin uses multibyte strings and as this is not set to on on a default install of a server it needs to be added.
Dolphin also uses domxml and xsl see more both again are not enabled as a default server install.
imagemagic is also needed as GD_LIB is really not good enough
ffmpeg.exe is not installed on servers but is included in Dolphin, but most hosts do not allow .exe to run on servers as this is high risk for spreading a virus.

so for you to say Dolphin will run on any server shows whos talking out their ass.
Finally someone did actually write something which i wanted to write long ago but didnt know how to put it in good way :). Great post mate .
Dolphin WILL run fine on a shared server... but are you planning on have less than 20 members? If your site is on a shared host with 2000 other sites the whole thing is going to lock up if more than 5 members are on at the same time.
Indeed Dolphin will run just fine on a shared server. The site I use for Dolphin testing is on a shared hosting plan that costs me $1 per month. I'd never consider it for any type of live site though.
I used a $6.95 shared hosting with a vps server just for rms.I had 201 users online at the same time for the first week and my site didnt crash but only 6 users use the chatroom .It is always a best practice to start off with a shared hosting then upgrade to vps when necessary then dedicated when the site grows bigger for a vps to handle .
Probably my biggest gripe about Dolphin is the fact that it is open source and free. There's probably not very many people on this site that share that view.

I would rather have something like Dolphin 7 as a paid commercial script and maybe 6.1.4 as a free version. Before I get chastised by everyone on this site, I'll explain my logic. Dolphin as a free-for-anyone-to-download script causes a proliferation of website 'creators' that have no business being anywhere near a webserver. You have see more people trying to install Dolphin on bizarre free webhosing setups, or on their own personal computer, because they are still in middle school and can't afford $9 a month for a real webserver. There are thousands of these types of users that come to this site and ask for help in getting their Dolphin to work on some piece of shit home computer that a lot of us threw in the dumpster years ago. This many amaterurish users will bring ANY support network to its knees if every single support request were addressed on a personal basis.

I would be willing to wager, that if Boonex charged even $50 to download this script, the majority of what I call 'nusiance users' would go away. I really believe, that if Boonex charged a more modest price for Dolphin, in the $200 - $400 range, they would end up making a lot more money..... But... that's only my opinion and it's Boonex's business how they market their scripts. Still a full featured paid version, vs a free feature limited version is an insteresting alternative that will probably never happen.
P.S. I started to correct my typo "webhosing" but decided to leave it alone, and chaulk it up as a freudian slip.
Sammie, I can't be bothered to argue about semantics with you, but it strikes me as amusing that you seem to take offense with my post. Perhaps you fit the stereotype I portray?

It is also amusing that you feel the need to defend against my opinion, if it is as wrong as you say - it would not need defending - remember - some things are better left unsaid (see previous post).

This is just my opinion, to which I am entitled (freedom of speech etc etc...). I have mentioned no names in my post, see more I haven't directed it at anyone, it is simply my impression of the boonex community and products. I have tried to put across that it CAN work on a shared server, and that it doesn't need any form of black magic to get it going - it simply needs someone who knows what they are doing and access to be able to set up / change the server as necessary. (with XSL / DOM / whatever is necessary)

My post is actually trying to be positive about the product, and dispel some myths that seem to perpetuate here.

The irony of your post is that you have just proven beyond all doubt, that what I have posted about thread hijacking and useless comments is very much true - well done and thank you for the live example.

Now, as you have decided to hijack this thread, and attack me in a personal nature (about how little I know and how I talk 'out of my ass') I could spend some time posting some of your misguided advice, picking holes in why it is incorrect, and make you look very silly in front of your peers

But, I don't really have the time, I have a business to run. Plus I would say that you have already done a pretty good job of that yourself.

All I will say, is that just because you rent some server space - it does not make you an expert.

As I said before - 'It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.'

Anyway, back to some constructive criticism...

I think the 20 user threshold quoted is incorrect, and a bit ambiguous. 20 users can be a problem for some shared 'home / family' type hosting packages, these packages are throttled and generally will cause a problem with high server loads, the bandwidth and transfer is usually capped normally will find this out pretty quickly.

There are some shared packages where this is not a problem - it just needs a little more research. That said - most hosts will happily swap you over to a dedicated hosting package if your traffic starts to become a problem - after all it means more revenue for them.

If you're setting up a site and you expect very high traffic (or are hopeful that your site will take off in a big way), it's probably better to sort it all out initially and just go with the dedicated package to start off with.

But this is true of any site / code - not just dolphin.

And if someone wants to step up and say that dolphin is more bandwidth hogging than x/y/z code then I will simply say that if this is true then it is poorly written - the maximum amount of data being exchanged in the average web page should be approximately the same (streaming media excepted of course).

The use of Ajax can increase overheads, as a portion of the code needs to be loaded client side for it to work, but there is always a balance between loading all of the code to the client and loading only that which is necessary. This can be further minimised by retaining some page loads and also clever (read reuseable) coding.

Regarding paying for Dolphin(sic) This would be fine provided that they sort out their support. The support is my biggest gripe.

I haven't yet paid for the add free version yet, although I would like to get rid of the ads - I just can't see what value I get for nearly $1000. IMHO When I part with my money it stops being a free product and starts being the paid product that you mention - with any product I expect a certain level of support, I do not see that here.

My expectation would be at least a trouble ticket system for paid up users, I'm not saying it has to be 24 hour, live response, just somewhere that you can get a definitive answer to your questions and not have to suffer the kind of misdirection that can happen in the forums.

Houstonlively, I agree with the script kiddie / noob user problem, I suffer this all the time (I am a coder by profession and have written a number of open source apps). However, this is part of the internet today, these same kiddies will be the next generation of coders that take products like dolphin to the next level. Not everyone has the patience (or time) to deal with them, but they should given courtesy at least.

I constantly see people who do nothing but take from the internet, people who have learned most / all of their skills online (I bet there are plenty who frequent the forums here) but never contribute back into the web. This is why I write open source apps - it helps me balance my kudos points - I do it because I can and hopefully it helps someone else in the process.

Remember the internet is the worlds biggest and best resource and knowledge-base, but it is only as good as the information that is put into it.

" Regarding paying for Dolphin(sic) "

Huh??? I have to say ....... I really don't understand your use of "(sic)" in this post.
Sorry, it should have been deleted (or moved) - it's out of context where it is - Originally it was by the first use of the word 'dolphin' in the post, and was in response to my (incorrect?) use of 'boonex' instead of 'dolphin' in my first post.

Sorry for any confusion.

Andrew Boon
Even though there's some "strain" in the conversation I find it very insightful :)

I believe that Dolphin is a complex piece of software (hosting-wise)... ffmpeg being the major contributor to this, but anyway, it can run on a properly configured shared hosting for a small site. It's only natural that you need a ded-box for a site with many members uploading/converting/sharing media, communicating online, streaming video, listening music online, searching, etc. Dolphin 7 also comes with see more a load of ajax queries, which add to the whole thing. We're doing a lot of performance testing and improvements now, but when you think about WHAT people are doing on the Dolphin site, you'd expect increase spending on hosting.

Community and fraudsters... well, I, for one, really love this community and believe it's only the current lack of proper moderation tools and structure flaws that bring problems. We will overcome it. We have a right direction now - once BoonEx is switched to Dolphin 7 we'd have only one product to work on and results will spread to both directions. This community has a lot of potential, it will grow and it will only get better.

Support... somehow I have to say "sorry" for this for 8 years already, and finally, in a few months it's going to end, once and for all.

Thank you DeeEmm. Looking forward to seeing you around for a lot longer.
Unoboonex, apology accepted :)

It was a very humble thing to say, and I tip my hat to you.

I'm on the path of using Dolphin for one of my projects now, so no doubt I will be around for a little while longer yet.

Hey guys (and gals)... I LOVE it (Dolphin)... although it has taken me a while to remove my old Joomla hat (oops - sorry if that's blasphemy to some!!) and start swimming with the Dolphin.

I'm very much of the 'what you pay for is what you get' generation.
I intend paying for Dolphin before our site goes live - I'll also post the link soon - We're a pet based site in AU... hoping to match pets and people (romance?) eventually, but initially a community of like minded owners sharing pix and info...

Dolphin see more is a lot more sophisticated than a lot of people think and to be able to get to use it 'gratis' is a real buzz!.. Well done Dolphin team...

As for Sammie's comments - -babe, I saw some of your stuff on other posts... 'ya know... other people may not be quite as smart as you... but they possibly don't know it, so no need to tell 'em ok' ...'

Ya'll have a nice day ya hear :-)
While i do agree with most of what you say deeEmm, i realy dont agree with the impression you get over the forum, Yes there are the regular uses of the forum who try their best to help while most uses simply come on, ask a question then go away again until the next problem arises,not really hanging about to see if they could help somebody less experienced than them. Non of us are experts in all fields, and this hyjacking of the threads you mention is simply not true, mind you it does depend what see more you expect from a community support forum run by ordinary members just trying to help.There are a few members who stick out with a bit more knowledge than the rest of us who do their best to help when they can. If you expect a question to be placed and an immediate answer that corrects all your problems to be given on a forum run mainly by dolphin users,(most on a steep learning curve like myself but trying to help all the same) then its not going to happen, unless you drop on lucky, and some do at times.Ive run forums for years both admin and global mod so i do know what real hyjacking is and mostly what goes on in the forum is not hyjacking but people letting the poster know they have the same problem, or simply saying " i hope there is a fix for this" and comments like that, and other members not really knowing the CORRECT answer, but just trying to help by pointing the poster in a certain direction (thats how a community forum works)
Half the problem i feel is that people are in such a rush, they expect dolphin to work out of the box and dolphin IMHO is far too complex to just work bug free with all the different variables involved, like server performance, what hosts have locked off, or certain things need tweeking to get it running smoothly etc etc.Some members can get a bit impatient i feel in their frustrations, which is understandable, then we have the issue of different time zones, where a poster asking a question can be 6 hours in front while the most experienced help is in bed, but expect an answer on the spot. As far as the fraudulent claims, well i dont know which forum you mean, but it certainly isnt the one i use on here. http://www.boonex.com/unity/forums/

we do need more experienced help that for sure, so perhaps we will see you on the community help forum then.
While i do agree with most of what you say deeEmm, i realy dont agree with the impression you get over the forum, Yes there are the regular uses of the forum who try their best to help while most uses simply come on, ask a question then go away again until the next problem arises,not really hanging about to see if they could help somebody less experienced than them. Non of us are experts in all fields, and this hyjacking of the threads you mention is simply not true, mind you it does depend what see more you expect from a community support forum run by ordinary members just trying to help.There are a few members who stick out with a bit more knowledge than the rest of us who do their best to help when they can. If you expect a question to be placed and an immediate answer that corrects all your problems to be given on a forum run mainly by dolphin users,(most on a steep learning curve like myself but trying to help all the same) then its not going to happen, unless you drop on lucky, and some do at times.Ive run forums for years both admin and global mod so i do know what real hyjacking is and mostly what goes on in the forum is not hyjacking but people letting the poster know they have the same problem, or simply saying " i hope there is a fix for this" and comments like that, and other members not really knowing the CORRECT answer, but just trying to help by pointing the poster in a certain direction (thats how a community forum works)
Half the problem i feel is that people are in such a rush, they expect dolphin to work out of the box and dolphin IMHO is far too complex to just work bug free with all the different variables involved, like server performance, what hosts have locked off, or certain things need tweeking to get it running smoothly etc etc.Some members can get a bit impatient i feel in their frustrations, which is understandable, then we have the issue of different time zones, where a poster asking a question can be 6 hours in front while the most experienced help is in bed, but expect an answer on the spot. As far as the fraudulent claims, well i dont know which forum you mean, but it certainly isnt the one i use on here. http://www.boonex.com/unity/forums/

we do need more experienced help thats for sure, so perhaps we will see you on the community help forum then.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.