What’s Really Going on at Facebook? User Engagement (link updated ->thanks sammie)

jtadeo posted 22nd of February 2008 in Community Voice. 8 comments.
For the past few weeks I've been reading up a bit more about what makes a social net site successful and why others will grow and some stay stagnant. Today I saw this article.

It had some good information that I think can be principally applied to just about any site.

After the initial "wow" of having a social network specific to a niche market goes away, I ask, then what? I compare this pattern to the back-in-the-day html files. In early days of the Web, if you had a home page and a few links you were the cat's meow (or whatever they say these days, I hear many say, "that's dope" but back in my time dope was...oh never mind...I digress)...

Back in the day, progress with spacers, shims and tables gave some visual life and appeal to the centered-with-a-black background Web site.

I think Dolphin pages will become more customized and breaking out of the typical Dolphin layout framework. It would still be a "Dolphin" site, but it won't look like one.

I wanted to know, what kind of mods do people want to see to make their Dolphin site theirs. I know there was a request made on my site several weeks ago about a profile mod and a few other things. And just the other day, I posted a resource page that was driven by the Dolphin page functions without using an iFrame. I will be posting that tutorial after finishing the one I am working on when I get more time.

Facebook has widgets and gidgets and whatthats and its...What will Dolphin have?

Tell me, what engages your users?

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I think less bugs would help.
We have lots of bells and whistles and cat's meows. But too many bugs. It seams things work with DOlphin and ray then they wake up one day and say "The heck with it Im not going to work today."
great 404 link in that post lol
cant read it as not found, so cant comment
Hi sammie,

Thanks for the heads up on that one! Here's the link for those who may have missed it http://mashable.com/2008/02/22/facebook-growth/

I also updated the link in the blog entry.
jtadeo, I have discovered that to generate/create your own dolphin site "look" without a LOT of work is to edit the Style Sheet coding in your index file. i've figured out how the "Profiles" can have a custom look and produced it to expertzzz.com for $5.00 then after that its free game, if you wanna give it out for free so be it... if you wanna resell it, so be it.. i just wanted to see if anything would come out of my time/work to learn how to create custom profiles.. here see more is a link: http://www.expertzzz.com/Downloadz/view/2328
Hey Interex,

I saw your profile mod and it looked great! I've added it to my resources page. If anyone else wants to add their mod to the resource page please let me know. Just send me the link to your expertzzz.com page.

For my own profile tutorial, it's more of a lite version as it would be a guide or starting point for people to pick up from.

I am seeing some good things here...


I woudl be interested in finding the area you mentioned "about what makes a social net site successful and why others will grow and some stay stagnant"

This is such important info. Please post any info you have as it relates to this.


Youve been doing a great job. I think some kind of quizzes, games and trivias - like facebook applications need to be added to engage the users on the site !
Is there any chance boonex will include google opensocial API (http://code.google.com/apis/opensocial/) ?
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.