Would You Vote To Promote This Member?

mydatery posted 31st of December 2009 in Community Voice. 8 comments.

I was bumping around Unity trying to figure out how to do thing with the new system and I saw the handy, dandy, newly updated Upgrade button for membership levels.  Well, I couldn't resist and it told me to post a message to become a moderator.  Now, being the good, helpful, kind, loving, caring, non-romantic person that I am I just couldn't resist.


After all, I think guys like DD and JTadeo do from time to time need a hand in torturing little spammers and freeze drying the scammers.  And it would be such a cool idea to get a completely different type of input into the Moderators Section of Unity. 


So, if you'd like to see the newly improved, kinder, gentler, caringer, lovinger, friendlier, happier, helpfuller and so on MyDatery as a Moderator then just vote.  And if you would like to not see this then go ahead and vote to. 



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So i'am the first to react on this wow .....
It's that my language is not english native, so I can't express myself so good. but lets try :)

I'm not always agree with the way Mydatery write sometimes on others, but who are we to justice a human. Yes i can lauch on his way of writing and thats also my reason to say why should he not a moderator. So from me He can!!!!

i agree,

i think he can!!:)
MD, you have been around like alot of us "old timers" and have gotten the knowledge needed for Dolphin. Even though people take your responses as sometimes "very direct", you always state the truth. You are kind of like the "Simon" for Unity, harsh but truthful. I wish you the best of luck my friend!


P.S. - I am just dying to see this newly improved, kinder, gentler, caringer, lovinger, friendlier, happier, helpfuller and so on MyDatery...hehe
If you stop writing "War and Peace" length posts.
Only if you abandon this idea: "So, if you'd like to see the newly improved, kinder, gentler, caringer, lovinger, friendlier, happier, helpfuller and so on MyDatery"

But...... we're not going to have any more spamming with the new membership levels, and if you remove a members post, you'll be accused of censorship. Do you really want this? You have my vote, if you really want to torture yourself on a daily basis. I do know that you can spot spam, advertising, and self-promotion a see more mile away.... as can I. Usually, when I have called attention to spamming and self promotion, others were too blind to see it or didn't want to, and I was the one that ended up being chastised. With that said, I do believe you have a good ability to spot advertising and spam, even when the author tries to disguise it as some sort of help or useful info. There are a lot of members here, that are suckered in by those sort of posts, but I know YOU won't be, and with that in mind, you have my full support.
I think Killerhaai said it best when he said "who are we to justice a human"! You get my vote!
Once upon a time MyDatery... But now, I kind of like the kinder, gentler &*^%$ MyDatery!

You have my vote

LOL... Well thanks for the first smile of the new year.... im voting YES! just to see how long MD can hold out with the new improved kinder gentler loving etc.... I had to look at the calender then, i thought, blimey is it April fools already....

MD as a moderator would be worth the Entertainment value if nothing else.... (everybody run to the hills and hide)

Shall we all have a Prozac induced group hug now, or later.....

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