admin A/V chat is white... what is happeny?

irox posted 10th of July 2008 in Community Voice. 3 comments.

when I go into admin => modules => A / Vchat => admin, the page is white....

I tried to upload the file again admin.swf but does not change anything ...

someone knows what can be successful?

I have  the latest version of flash player, dolfin 6.12, ray 3.5 free ... admin panel until recently worked correctly, then suddenly stopped

I tried with explorer and firefox ....

I am using rms installed by boonex (installation service) on my server, the A/V chat together with webcam works .... admin is only wrecks, the page that opens is a file flash white (admin.swf white)

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The Boonex RMS is mostly offline. Useless if i can say? I try to go into chat or to use the messenger, is just "Connecting..." or "Loading...". When i try to upload a 2MB video file, is loading and then error. I wonder why i waste money for licences if the modules are not working or not connecting.
my chat works, and loads in fronted... is the backend admin not go, end dont work ....

Made that your problem to upload files is linked instead to file PHP.ini your configuration ...
you might try a load "PHP.ini with the following data:
* File_uploads
* Upload_max_filesize
* Max_input_time
* Memory_limit
* Max_execution_time
* Post_max_size
I also paid licenses, and I had not even answer see more for my problems from boonex support email ....
I solved my problem ....

if you customize your skin dolfin not ever remove the file skin Original defaut.swf, this involves the non-operation of admin=>plugons=>ray=>a/vchat=>admin panel...
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.