Dolphin 8 dead?

tomakali posted 14th of December 2011 in Community Voice. 8 comments.

Milestone Dolphin 8.0 (Sundance)

No date set



Number of tickets:

Ticket status by                ReporterOwnerTypePriority             


9 / 34


66 / 135


13 / 41


0 / 23

[Seems to be dead or abandoned, most of the tickets assigned are 5+ months old still no progress on that]

Where there's a will, there's a way.

Dolphin 8 is set to be based on the ideas of Trident and codebase of Dolphin 7. After makeover we plan to have a new, fast and elegant community management system with an upgrade path from Dolphin 7.

Dolphin 8 line codename is "Delphinus Delphis" for it must be known as a very fast and widely used Dolphin. Sundance (8.0) is set to become the first in line boasting an overhauled platform and the base for the future versions. The most significant components of this update include:

  • Project "Detox" - complete wipe of any substandard code
  • Dolphin Studio
  • New base modules
  • New design template
  • New Builders
  • New logic for Accounts, Profiles and Pages
  • New media uploaders
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they are working hard ... have a look at
Well i see that. but i was watching the update on tickets, Closed: 88 has not increased to 89 in the last 3 weeks or so.
Nathan Paton
The old date was not an official release date, it was just something to work towards. I would have been surprised if they finished within that time limit.

That's from today. I would hardly call it dead.
I hope Boonex hits Public Alpha release by Jan 1st :)
Now facebook has got timeline :(
wish if theres something like facebook and it cost even 10,000$ i dont care. i want it.
Andrew Boon
Development is progressing at full throttle. Trac tickets are a poor indication, because we're at the stage where most things we add aren't covered in previously submitted tickets. This is a fresh look and we need to keep it somewhat undercover for a little while.

Good news is that it doesn't look like never-ending story anymore. We're not too far now. Also, some updates for 7.x are planned for near-term.
What is this strange fascination you have with whatever the next version is? These are only "names" - they are only relevant based on the features they have. Personally, I would much rather have them fix Dolphin 7 first - there are hundreds - maybe thousands, of things they could do to make it better.
yes, people like me are all inclined towards freakin "change" whether its new or not, we just need change... FB timeline is osm... because its not new... a change :)
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.