i think dolphin needs ip lookup

sammie posted 21st of April 2008 in Community Voice. 8 comments.
sorry but the tools for webmasters is a must, and every tool a webmaster has to hand, is a plus to their own site security,  the one tool missing is ip lookup and ban, a ban via ip can prevent 36,000 people seeing your site, but i think it is a must have, even if it is a temp ban for 2 weeks or less, admin defined.
Lack of Mod rights, an admin must be able to set mod permissions,
Lack of Ray chat communication with dolphin, all members should show in "whos online" not having 40 members in chat not showing up as being online, is a joke, and a turn off for new members joining, all they see is no-one online, when 40 people are chatting on the sites chat rooms.
that needs to be fixed a.s.a.p
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I totally agree with this 'cos there has been numbers of occasions that a competitor website admin came to my chat to spam their website address and tell my members to join them. It was shameful 'cos there was nothing I could do to ban the people nor prevent them from coming to the site.
I.P lookup is definitely a must for Dolphin. Please consider adding this to the upcoming upgrade.
Yes, but cPanel could and can achieve the same thing.
I don't think you understand what we're saying. Say for instance, in some other chat rooms, when you ban someone you ban their IP address and the log will be kept somewhere. Try banning someone in Ray chat and they'll laugh in your face. Sure you can ban people's IP from cpanel but how can you tell if that person is the one you're targeting in the chat without guessing?
Cpanel lists ip's not the user of the ip. As it is now i have to look through the server logs not cpanel to get user ip's and thats not really very helpful is it? it takes a lot of time to login to putty and get the right logs and then go to Cpanel and ban the ip via the .htaccess file, all time ineffective and i have to do it myself as my staff, mods and admin have no access to my server, nor are the bright enough to use it if they did.

site owners have much more to do than stay awake because see more their staff do not have the simple tools that staff need to make my life more easier, moderation logs would be a plus too, as having 15 staff and no logs, it makes it really hard to track down what mod is doing things they shouldn't be doing. who others may be being blamed for the action.
There are a couple mods out there that do this. However I am sure they are not 6.1 compliant yet. But I have seen them.

ok ive used several chatrooms on line and installed to my servers and most have had an ip block and host ban but the host ban can be a pain for other users
and to top it off cpanel is a bit behind times unless ya have the rvskins which has a few more mods than cpanel
I appreciate your very thorough, and thoughtful explanation. 10 points!!
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