Need some more modifications for new Dolphin 7.1

gfriends posted 4th of October 2012 in Community Voice. 6 comments.

Today I am trying the latest SVN of Dolphin 7.1 and I am noticed that it need some more modifications in layout and functions.

I think it's appropriate to ask more improvements before the release of the first beta.

Problems to solve:

- After some weeks the Font Icons issue with IE8 is not solved. (Fixed)

- A moderator cannot approve photos, files, videos and souds even if the membership action "photos/files/videos/souds approve is enabled. This may also happen for other actions.

- Admin search system for photos, files, videos and sounds does not work. If you search a file, in the box below appears the administration page.

- The fields builder does not work properly. For examples, if you click to "view profile" appears the fields of admin, members and visitors in the same page. (Fixed)

- Solve the problem with rate system. It is very hard to click in the stars if you not put the mouse pointer in the right corner.

- Edit "pending approval" links. I noticed that those for users and photos approval are incorrect.



- Edit the TRIAL COPY system. Insert a banner in the top of the administration page instead of an invasive pop-up. With the old system (free activation code) there was not an invasive pop-up.

- Private Album: hide album if it is set as private or use another system to display it. It is horrible to see "Private Album".

- Improve the administration of the modules object-based as required from 2010 and allow to manage privacy of files and folders from the administration.

- Do not allow the administrator to modify map location.

- Allow the administrator to manage user albums and transfer files from one folder to another.

- Add the maintenance mode. Each social software has it.

- Improve the interaction between avatar and pictures modules. Allow to view profile picture if the avatar module is not installed. (Done!)

- Modify the links to change the language and the template. At the moment if you change the language or the template you always go back to the homepage. They should work as in previous versions of Dolphin.

- Move the "files auto approving" option from music and video player to sounds and videos modules.

- Reorganize settings of some modules.

- The RMS setting must be disabled by default.

- Correct the "Display New" list in the growth charts. It display the lang key instead of name. (Fixed)


I hope that many of these requests may be accepted and added in the upcoming version of Dolphin 7.1

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- After some weeks the Font Icons issue with IE8 is not solved.

Please can you clarify on how to reproduce it ?
- Solve the problem with rate system. It is very hard to click in the stars if you not put the mouse pointer in the right corner.

Please can you clarify this also ? We changed design from empty stars to filled in stars recently .. does this solve the problem ?
- After some weeks the Font Icons issue with IE8 is not solved.
If you remember, I told you this problem some weeks ago (you can see it here: ). However, if you use IE8 you cannot see the icon fonts. You can also reload the pages but there are no changes. I solved the problem temporarily by editing the file icon.css as indicated in the notice that I linked you. But sometimes some icons do not appear too (like the icons see more to close the pop-up and some others). And when you install the simple messenger disappear almost all the icons in the user menu.

- Solve the problem with rate system. It is very hard to click in the stars if you not put the mouse pointer in the right corner.
This problem is probably related to the previous one. On IE8, when the mouse pointer passes over stars, they do not become yellow. But if you touch the border of each star, it becomes yellow. Unfortunately, it is difficult to touch the border of each star, and users may think they can not vote. This problem, like the previous one, only affects IE8.

In the next hours I will try to use IE9.js to see if these problems persist. If it works I will inform you.
I did some tests and seems that IE9.js and html5.js not solve the problem. However, I think I found the cause of it. I completely disabled the cache and I started to see the icon fonts without changing the icons.css file. It seems that the compressed css files are not properly read from IE8. However, sometimes some icons does not appear too, and when you install the simple messenger module disappear almost all the icons in the user menu. This is only an issue with IE8.

I also noticed that disabling see more the cache for html files solves the problem 'Correct the "New Display" list in the growth charts. It displays the lang key instead of name.'
- IE8 font icons fix -

- Voting stars - this is pure IE bug, we will try to find some solution
Perfect! I marked all the problems solved.
Now the icons are displayed correctly. The only problem is that sporadically IE8 does not display some icons. Especially if you install the simple messenger module. You must click on each hidden icon to be able to see it. But seems this is a typical issue of IE8.
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