new fields in a seprate block?

Robin posted 23rd of March 2008 in Community Voice. 9 comments.
Hey guys,

I have 2 sites one is a social community site and the sec. one is a dating site(we can always use more dating

In compairson to the social site, a dating site needs a little more detailed fields then the default fields that come with dolphin 6.5 such as  height, weight etc.  I know how to create new fields and blocks but I'm not sure how to go about putting them in a seprate block. Right now any new fields I create are all placed within the nameInfo block. 

How do i create or move the new fields i create in a seprate block/box?.

Is this possible and how do i go about doing this?
if you can send me to a toturial, even better.

Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated
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I've been running into some issues like this also. I can even get the fields created in a new block. But for some reason the q/a doesn't show up viewing another members profile.
yes you can do it...i posted how to in forum
Hey Mrpowless,

I searched the expertzzz forum and i couldnt find your how too.. could you please send me a link to the location when you get a chance..
i should add, that i no longer have access to the contributer sided
thanks mrpowless..
Yeah, can you email me the link also?

Ah, found it!
Hey Jchase003, the posting actually talk about how to create a field.

I Need a way to put the new fields i create in a seprate box/block..
found it but is for 6.0002 version and we are at 6.0005. I'm not a big coder and the changes weren't highlighted in the posting but here you go:

Maybe mrpowless would create a video tutorial of this posting.. lol
Sorry Robin, that posting had NOTHING to do with what we're asking. Keep searching though and if you find what we are looking for, drop a tag. Thanks!
found the information if anyone is interested. information to put profile fields in a seprate block..
Have to say, it looks very complicated and i can see alot of things going wrong.
there has to be an easer way to do this!
Maybe boonex anc incorporate this in there next release..
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