Excellent idea...no better way to improve than by using it as your default application.

I may sound a bit like a broken record but, after viewing the D7 preview, I would really like to know if D7 will eventually have a true multi-file uploader. Not the multi-file upload that is currently installed in the D7 preview. What I'm talking about is an uploader utility like MySpace has....one that will allow you to select a whole batch of photos in a single browsing section all at the same time, then see more clicking Upload one single time. Not the very tedious method of "Click Browse - navigate to directory - select a single photo - click OK - now click + sign to add photo - repeat whole thing 20 times - then click Upload" No no no, this is a terrible, time consuming, aggravating method that nobody on this earth enjoys!! ;)

Developers, will D7 have a better uploader? If you don't know what I mean, please look at the MySpace upload utility. It is superb...you can even use it to create new photo albums. Dolphin really needs one that is comparable. Without it, the Photo Album funtionality will be crippled, and quite honestly, nobody will upload lots of pics if they have to use the old method.

Thanks for your time, keep up the great work!
I am happy to report that AndreyP let me know that he is working on this. Awesome! Can't wait for the Alpha!
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