Just looking through the profile page. I think the - write on the wall - text area feild is way to big and a weird shape. It doesnt need to take up so much prime space. See facebook - its just a skinny strip. I vote from an adjustment to the size of that feild please.

Same for the giant music player box...also if you upload two songs they both start playing on the profile page. see - So it makes sense to have an option to make a song 'your profile song' see more and also choose if it auto plays for not.
When uploading music to the wall? (gallery?) - it would be good to have a 'cancel upload' button and also a confirmation 'music upload completed sucessfully.' My song 2mbs did not upload properly and i hit the button twice as it uploaded two blank files twice? hmm not sure whats happening here and it wont play. Also now i cant delete or edit the dodgy songs? see

Please - dolphin 7 must email the member in the real world when a friend sends a greeting, friend request or wall post etc.

It would also be nice if a member does not have a blog or rss feed to not have the box show empty on the profile page, rather just make it only appear when the blog is created or rss feed is added.

Thanks I'm having fun!!
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.