Photo albums are still buggy.

When adding Additional fields for entry, the previous file details are copied, it is not blank to start with.

Adding albums is confusing, and if adding multiple photos, and creating a new albums, the other entries do not update to show the new album - how do you add all images to the album when creating it first?

There is no form box when adding additional albums - have to guess to click somewhere around the entry form.

It would be better not mass edit see more the photos upon first upload, rather, upload all photos, then ask for album only, then create a new one album if needed, then process the images to get the info..

This could be a bit smoother. THink Myspace.

I thought there was supposed to be a ajax batch uploader? Everyone else has one where you can select a bunch of photos at a time - is this left our, or just not turned on yet?
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