In reply to Status Update
HI thanks for all the good work and progress reports.

I have been having another play and noticed some errors/weirdnesses, not sure if you would be interested in hearing about these or you may already know about them.

1. Error when i click MY MAIL in my profile when im logged in.
2. After i nudge someone back the not appears saying greeting successfuly sent, but maybe that should be a pop up rather than not show the whole website.
3. Outbox should probably be called SENT
4. I liked the way see more on d6 in events there was a field for PRICE and seats/tickets available, this works for workshops etc.
5. I so so so would love to see all activity on a memebers profile get email alerts to the users email. Like facebook: new friend request, wall post and group activity posts. I believe this is one of facebooks key to success.
6. With the mobile app could you make it so we can upload an icon for when the memebr saves the page to homepage on an iphone.
7. The search box on the top header, yeilds a strange results page it looks like one has to search again. If there are no results in FEEDBACK, the feed back box should not appear etc. Save search doesn't seem to do anything.
8. If you are friends with someone it should not say BEFRIEND, maybe it should change to WRITE ON WALL

Awesome, off to sleep now, might post some more things i come across tomorrow.
One of the things that find most impressing about facebook is the abillity to write on some ones wall and all other friends are able to view and read what wrote:
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.