nuccca, i bought ecards from boonex as a complete package. so as far as I or any customer would be concerned it is their package. the installation instructions should say how to get around this problem or worn people. If I knew it was going to do this do you think I or anybody would upgrade without getting full documentation first and setting up a QA server to try it on first.

You are very correct in what you are saying and sound very knowledgeable, I hope BoonEx understand that we need people see more that know the product inside and out and are available during all times to help us. This product is sold world wide and support must be around the clock.
I looked at everybody that has dolphin installed and most were just under construction sites and one a site i would not even go into with just a handful of users.

I am running all kinds of adds for my site including ads on google and yahoo and I can't afford this kind of mishap.

Thank for you input.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.