see more"I choose one last week... serverpronto... offer the best deal on the web... yes... a dedicated server from 39$ per month at 100mbps and 2000 gig transfer... seems to be a cool plan"

a cpanel license costs $30 a month, so you got a $9 server what did you expect? lmao (i know it didnt come with cpanel, thats why you couldnt use it)

Hosting providers are many, Honest ones are Few. 90% of them have hidden extras/costs/limits.

i think i found the best, they sure save me a lot of money
there is the problem... there is no cpanel... and the server goes often down... and now after only 4 days... i cannot connect to the server anymore

check on google about server pronto fraud... you will see by YOURSELF
wow serverpronto is the lamest one i ever known, I am sorry to disappoint but they really stick some shocking bills at the end of term after.
well i make cancel my credit card for fraud... so they cant charge me anymore...
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