I got this when I exract the 6.1.6 patch on my server:

Archive: /home/yourweb/public_html/Dolphin-Patch-v.6.1.6.zip
error: cannot delete old admin/admin_login.html
error: cannot delete old admin/lang_file.php
error: cannot delete old admin/sdating_admin.php
checkdir error: cannot create aff/images
unable to process aff/images/.
checkdir error: cannot create aff/images
unable to process aff/images/admin_login_admin_logo.png.
inflating: groups/orca/classes/ThingPage.php see more
error: cannot delete old groups/orca/layout/uni/xsl/canvas.xsl
error: cannot delete old inc/admin.inc.php
error: cannot delete old inc/admin_design.inc.php
error: cannot delete old inc/classes/BxDolEvents.php
error: cannot delete old inc/design.inc.php
checkdir error: cannot create moderators/images
unable to process moderators/images/.
checkdir error: cannot create moderators/images
unable to process moderators/images/admin_login_admin_logo.png.
inflating: orca/classes/Admin.php
inflating: orca/classes/BxLang.php
inflating: orca/classes/Forum.php
inflating: orca/classes/ThingPage.php
error: cannot delete old orca/layout/uni/xsl/canvas.xsl
error: cannot delete old ray/modules/board/app/user.swf
error: cannot delete old ray/modules/global/app/admin.swf
error: cannot delete old ray/modules/global/inc/content.inc.php
error: cannot delete old ray/modules/im/app/user.swf
error: cannot delete old ray/modules/im/inc/constants.inc.php
error: cannot delete old ray/modules/movie/app/editor.swf
error: cannot delete old ray/modules/movie/app/player.swf
error: cannot delete old ray/modules/mp3/app/editor.swf
error: cannot delete old ray/modules/mp3/app/player.swf
error: cannot delete old ray/modules/music/app/editor.swf
error: cannot delete old ray/modules/music/app/player.swf
error: cannot delete old ray/modules/presence/app/user.swf
error: cannot delete old ray/modules/presence/xml/config.xml
error: cannot delete old ray/modules/video/app/admin.swf
error: cannot delete old ray/modules/video/app/player.swf
error: cannot delete old ray/modules/video/app/recorder.swf
error: cannot delete old ray/modules/video/inc/constants.inc.php
creating: sql/
inflating: sql/upgrade.sql
inflating: templates/base/scripts/BxBaseConfig.php
inflating: templates/tmpl_uni/scripts/functions.php
inflating: guestbook.php
inflating: readme.txt
inflating: upgrade.php

and even if I Compress like only the admin folder I still got this error for the admin files.
I will try now to upload one by one of those files :-)
The best thing is to overwrite the old files...But backup them first
Seems original Dolphin was installed under root access (or another superuser). And now you can't overwrite them because unzip 6.1.6 patch under user with less rights. You need to change level of files using command

chown -R user:user_group *

in the root directory of your Dolphin site
Hi Lenoid,
thanks, this was the problem.


this is exactly what a it does when you Extract files from a zip atcheive.

Enjoy :-)
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.