How about fixing the album thumbnail display in IE7, and then call it Beta 5. I don't even want to intall this with all the album thumbnails messed up. At least post a patch.

Might I suggest, that before you guys release any more betas, that you do an install somewhere to see if there are any glaring problems like this?

Adding one more px to the height & width of .sys_album in common.css corrects the display. Seems as though IE7 doesn't like trhe widths of the thumbs+ thumb-margins +thumb-borders to add up exactly to the width of .sys_album of 140px One more px is all IE7 wanted.
HA - what are you doing Houston, channeling Roseanne Roseannadanna (obscure cultural reference the young folks won't understand).
We wont print what Jane Curtin's response was...lol
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