It's worth saying again, in case someone at Boonex inadvertently reads this post.

Please consider providing a zip file that includes ONLY the changed files, from one version to the next, as an optional download. I created my own this time, and it was only about 105 files out of over 5,000 that were actually different between RC2 and RC3. Why overwrite 5,000 files, when you only need to update 105 of them? The zip file was only 700K instead of 12MB.

I'm sure I'm not the only one modifying see more css, template, and other files. Knowing what all the changed files are, and only updating those files, makes upgrading a little easier.

I don't have a problem with doing this myself, but others might not have all the right tools to do it, and such an upgrade package might be useful to them.
I vote for that because I already noticed that in every upgrade they forget 'something' :-)
I second that too. I'm a bit afraid to upgrade now.
I have since stopped trying to upgrade each time a new beta and now RC's come out for this very reason. If the new RC's are only full downloads and not the changed files I'll just wait for the final release.
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