
As a repsonse to the points mentioned by mydatery -

We can't provide a service that we are not prepared for. We offer free RMS hosting along with any of our hosting plans. That, we started doing by closely evaluating the ability to provide a free stable RMS service for every single account and rolled it out carefully. We've never stopped offering this service to any customer and have a very high approval rating within the Boonex community by those who use our services.

Following the see more full stable release of Dolphin 7. Arvixe was hit very hard with complaints that we are no longer providing the services we are promising. Every staff member that has been contacted never mentioned that we are not going to support Dolphin 7. In fact, Jason, who is an active member here on Boonex, verified that Dolphin 7 will work 95% fine on Arvixe servers using the old RMS 6. We simply asked our members for time to evaluate the ability to deploy RMS 7 on all of our servers and make a proper decision on when this would have to be done.

RMS 7 hosting was rolled out 5 days after the full release of Dolphin 7 during the holiday season. Our post that you are referring to as unprofessional simply outlined that fact. It is easy for a new Boonex member to take the posts out here about RMS 7 as Arvixe not providing "proper service". But in fact, our delay of pushing out RMS 7 was in the aims are providing the best service expected by our customers.

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Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.