Yes I invited you to comment KMD. This is a discussion that is open to all parties, including yourself.

Now, you've made an accusation against me. Please show me where I have purchased or utilized your premium player on any site. Screen shots are the acceptable form of proof of things like your expertzzz account and so on.

Next up: It sounds to me as if you are admitting to what you place on your sites is stolen from others and hoping the copyrights are not legal. Let me help you with see more this: Anything that is marked copyright is under a copy right. All items in a newspaper are under copyright even though each has not been submitted to legal copyright office. The reason for this is simple, written items are part of speech and freedom of speech must be protected, as technology has evolved (we can go back to the first print presses for this) it has been recognized that it is all to often more important to get the information out to the public than it is to wait on a government office which would be in a state of perpetual chaos should each item have to be submitted. The courts have spoken on this often in the United States (which you are from) and as such you are subject to those rules, laws & guidelines that have been passed down by them and are known as common law.
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