Tyke, perhaps someone is deceased. Some of us would just like to know who. In the past decade, I have lost no less than 20 family members and friends, and not once, did anyone NOT leave an online record that could easily be found. It simply doesn't happen that way. In the absence of such a record in this case, it is obvious to me and a few others that there is a missing piece to this puzzle. Tyke, people will lie about absolutely anything... especially within the virtual reality we call the see more internet, because they don't have to look anyone in the eye when they're doing it. People can be whoever they want to be, say whatever they want to say, and do whatever they want to do. How are we to know that people are who they say they are, or what they say is true, without real-world verification?

My first post in this thread was to request details so that people that cared, could at least send a card. I worded it as delicately as I could. I can speak from experience, that when I've lost friends and family members, the first thought was to contact as many people as possible with the details as to where and when services were to be held. In the absence of that information, people are left to fill in the blanks themselves, and perhaps those blanks are being filled out incorrectly..... but how are we to know?

People here are skeptical for good reason. Anyone reading this should not correlate skepticism to something disrespectful. They just want the blanks filled in, and that's not asking too much, considering the gravity of the topic. Some people tend to accept whatever is thrown at them, prefer to be politically correct, and not make waves... and that's fine. However..... someone needs to ask the difficult questions, that everyone else is afraid to ask. If no one ever asked the tough questions, we'd all be living in a make-believe world.

My only question is: Who is Mydatery?
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