@ HL - sorry I misread what you posted - thought you said 'begging' - lol

Nope - I'm not bragging - I have nothing to brag about. I'm not promoting myself here, It's just that I look at what goes on, and how things are handled and it frustrates the heck outta me. Dolphin has the potential to be a good product, but it is so poorly handled, in every aspect. Every turn, there are even more silly mistakes being made - take sooperstars and webhome for instance - a bad judgement call IMHO - especially see more when you consider the current state of Dolphin. Even if involvement is minimal in these other projects, the last thing that Boonex should be doing is throwing it back in peoples faces, it's almost insulting. $200k is not minimal IMHO - and if $200k IS a minimal amount, then Boonex really have no excuses not to hire some decent devs and get Dolphin finished off properly. I was under the impression that Dolphin was unpaid / minimally paid work for the devs - hence the reason that it was poorly resourced and way behind schedule. Now it seems that profits are being redirected to finance projects outside of the Dolphin stable - a kick in the teeth to anyone who has paid for a license.

I will continue to come here and make noise about this stuff until it either gets addressed, I get frustrated enough to throw in the towel, or Boonex decided to censor me. But, It's only my opinion, and Boonex can either take it or leave it, as will everyone else who reads it - No doubt I will also be judged accordingly.

I only hope that it raises awareness, and if not - at least makes people pause for thought. If it achieves this much, it is worth the time taken to type it.

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.